BSBINEWS April 1998 Editedby R. GwynnEllis No. 78 4l MarlboroughRoad, Roath Cardiff CF2 5BU ffn \-; rcap-ven { Adiantumraddianum Presl. del. Fred Rumsey O i997 (seep. 60) Administration ADMINISTRATION PRESIDENT Mr David Pearman The Old Rectory,Frome St Quintin, Dorchester,Dorset DT2 OHF Tel. & Fax 01935-83702 PRESIDENT-ELECT Mrs Mary Briggs, MBE 9 Arun Prospect,Pulborough, West SussexRII20 IAL Tel. 01798-873234 HON. GENERAL SECRETARY (GeneralEnquiries) Mr Gwynn Ellis 4l Marlborough Road,Roath, Cardiff CF2 5BU Tel. & Fax 01222-496042.e-mail: [email protected] HON. TREASURER (All financial mattersexcept Subscriptions) Mr Michael Braithwaite 19 Buccleuch Street, Hawick, Roxburghshire, TD9 OHL T el. 01450-372267 . Fax 0 I 450-37359I MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Mr Michael Walpole (PaymentofSubs andchanges ofaddress) 68 OutwoodsRoad, Loughborough, Leics. LEll 3LY (Pleasequote membership number on all correspondence) Tel. 0 I 509-21 5 598. e-mail: [email protected] HON. FIELD SECRETARY (Enouirieson FieldMeetines) Mrs M. Lindop 36 WoodlandHill, Whitkirk, LeedsLS15 7DG Tel.01 l3-2646513 BSBI CO-ORDINATOR Mr CameronS. Crook. Millstones, 8 Woodstock Close, Lostock Hall, Preston, Lancs. PR5 5YY Tel. & Fax 01772-316717.e-mail: Cameron [email protected] BSBI ATLAS 2000ORGANISER (Enquirieson Atlas2000) Dr Trevor Dines Rhyd y Fuwch, Near Bethel, Caernarfon, Gwynedd LL55 3PS Tel. 01248 670789. e-mail: [email protected] BSBI WEB SITE ADDRESS http://members.aol. com/bsbihgs CONTRIBUTIONSINTENDED FOR BSBI NEWS 79 shouldreach the Editor before JULY 28 1998 lmportant Notrces IMPORTANT NOTICES PRESIDENTSPRIZE Mr D. McClintock and I are pleased to present this years prize to Ian and Paul Green. and (ieraldrnc Crouch for their inspirational I tlas Flora oJ Somerset. The award is really for the extraordinary depth of coverage. especialJv of aliens. casuals and hybnds: plants that most ofus ignore and are shown bl the authors to be oftcn widespread. The two closest contenders this year rvere the magnificent Floru of Cunhriu by G. Hallidal. and Ihe Aquatic Plants in Britain and lreland.by C.D. Prestonand J.M. Croft. DAVID PEARMAN. President AN APOLOGY We prepaid the Post Office for the bulk mailing of subscription notices in January. lJnlortunately tliev omitted to fiank a small number of the cards whrch resulted in some members having to pa\ excess postage.The matter has been taken up with the local sorting olllce and hopetully will not arise in tuture vears.hi the meantime I would apologise to the members concernedalthough as you will appreciatethe' matter was beyond our control. It might be appropriate to mentiolr that payment by Direct Debit does avoid these problems and I would urge all members still paying by chequc to consider paymenl b)' drrect debit in the future. I will be pleasedto supply the necessan'tbrms. MIKE WALPOLE. Membership Secretary.68 Outwoods Road. Loughborough, I-eics. LLl l 3l.Y BSBI WALES QUADRENNIAL MEETING and 36th AGM, 1998 Notice is hereby given that a meetingof membersof the Societl'.normally residentin Wales.',vill be held at Coleg Flarlech. Harlech, Merioneth on SaturdayAugust 22nd. AGENDA I . Election of Chairman and member to serve as Representativeon BSBI Council 2. Election of Hon. Secretarv.Hon. Treasurerand members of Committee fbr Wales 3. Any other business Nominations of members for election as Chairman and Representativeon Council must be in writing. signed by two members normally resident in Wales. and accompaniedby written consent of the candi- date to serve if elected. Such nominations. and nominations for menrbersand officers of the Commrnee for Wales. should be sent to the Hon. Secretary of the Commrttee for Wales. Mr R.G. Ellis. Depart- ment of Botany. National Muscum of Wales. Cathays Park. Cardiff CFl 3NP. to arrive not later than May 30th 1998. GW\NN ELLIS. Hon. General Secretary ImportantNotices / Diary BARRA EXCURSION - CHANGE OF DATE PLEASE NOTE that the dates ofthis excursion have changed.owing to unforeseeablechanges in the new t'erry timetable. which was not available at the time the excursion was planned. The excursion will take place one day later i.e.. T'hursday30 July to Saturday 1 August inclusive, not Wednesday 29 to Friday 3 I as advertised.Apologies for any inconveniencethat this may cause. RICHARD J. PANKHURST. Royal Botanic Garden. 20A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH3 5LR Tel: 0131-552-7171ext.432: Fax:0131-552-0382or 0481: e-mail: [email protected] page: u'ww.rbge.org.uk and FTP at ffp.rbge.org.uk GLENFINNAN EXCURSION _ CHANGE OF VENUE - TO STRONTIAN 'l'he meeting adverlisedas'Friday lTth to Sunday 19th July. Glenfinnan.Westerness (v.c.97)'. will now be based in Strontian rather than Glenfinnan. This is to give easier accessto less well-recorded areasin Ardgour. Sunart and Morvern. Apologies for any inconveniencethat this may cause. GORDON ROTHERO. Stronlanog. Glenmasson,by Dunoon, Argyll PA23 8RA IDENTIFICATION WORKSHOP. GLASGOW _ NEW MEETING This n'orkshop. to be held at Glasgow Museurn and Art Galleries.Kelvingrove. Cilasgow,G3 has been moved from the Autumn to Saturday 25th April. Further details on p. 8 EDITOR SCIENTIFIC AND RESEARCH COMMITTEE Grant applications to the Research Fund (tbrmerly the Bequest Fund) should now be made to the Acting Secretary. Scientific and Research Committee. Mr A.C. Jermy. Department of Botany, The Natural History Museum. Cromwell Road. London SW7 5BD. by the first of January and the first of July fbr consideration at the spring and autumn meetings of the Committee. EDIl'OR DIARY N.B. Thesedates ar€ supplementary to thosein the 1998Calendar in BSBI YearBook 1998. 1998 April 25 Atlas2000 Identification Workshop. Glasgow (see p. 8) July 21-26 NationalFestival of BritishWildlife. Milton Keynes(see p. 93) Diarv/Editorial&Notes July 30 Aug. 1 Changeddates for BarraExcursion (see p.4) EDITOR &!,&,##.t\!v',,..q'//i!i'.|@/-ArJ.4# .bi^:h*a,,.'..**b@ EDITORIAL & NOTES Congratulations: to Dr Oliver Rackam on the award of O.B.E. for his contribution to conserration. 'really Olir.'er writes modestly that the honour is due to all those who have worked over the years towards establishing the study ofhistorical ecology'. But through his books and his enthusiastic field demonstrationsOliver has enabled man-vof us to sec landscape,and especially woodlands. in a new perspective. to Prof. Grenvillc Lucas O.B.F.. on his appointment to the Council of English Nature. where he will be able to put his wide knowledge ofplants to good use for their practical conservation. and to Prof. John Dickson on his election to a personal chair. as ProfessorofArchaeology and Plant Systematicsat the University of Glasgow. to Dr D.M. Parker rvho has been appointed Director of Conservation at the Countryside Council for Wales. Plas Penrhos.Ffordd Penrhos.Bangor. Gw1'neddLL57 2LQ. and to Mary Briggs FRPharmS. r.vho in January completed filly years as a Pharmacist and member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, and received an official acknow- ledgement lrom that society to prove it! Obituaries With regret we report the follou,ing deaths: Nicholas Polunin in December 1997. A member fbr more than 50 years. after joining BSBI in 19,14 Nicholas with his interestsin plant geography.the Arctic regions and more rccently the environment world-n'ide. was editor of Environmental Conservation from 1975-1995.There will be an obituary in Watsonia.(MB) Lad-v-Ricketts (1919-1998).l.ad1' Ricketts who died on 16th Januaryaged 78. joined the BSBI in 1961. But long before that. in 1930. as Teresa Cripps (her father was Sir Staflbrd) she became a member of the Wild Flower Society and straightaway won first prizes. She travelled widely during the war. at first with her tathcr w,ho was Ambassador in Moscow. before marrying in 1945 Sir Robert Ricketts. As her children grew up her innate love of flowers came to the fore. Again she kept Diaries lor the WFS. was a Branch Secretary.founder and aclive member of the Gloucester- shire Trust. a keen gardener and photographcr. For many years she was a leading light in the Citizens Advice Bureaux. for wtich she was awarded in 1983. the C.B.E. (D. MoClintock) There are fuller details in lhe Daily Telegraph for 30th and The Times for 3 I st January, and there will be more in the Wild Flo$"er Masazine No ,142in the Summer. D. McClintock Mr A.A. Slack in earll' 1998. Alf Slack w'asa notable figure in Scottish Botany. a member since 1952 and Recorder for v.c. 97. Westernesssince 1969. An obituarl'will appear in Walsonia 22(3), Spring 1e99.(MB) BSBI Web Site. If -vouhave not yet visited out web site at'http://members.aol.com/bsbihgs' why not give it a go, assuming ofcourse that you have accessto the Internet. Mark Atkinson (w'ho has set it up) and I need feedbaok from members so that u'e can improve it. All comments. good and bad. would be much appreciated,as would ideas for extra pages.(CE) BSBA AGM Cardiff. All those vu'hohavc returned booking lbrms should have had a reply by now; if you havn't, Iet me know. Car parking in Cardiff around the National Museum and Gallery of Wales is reasonableif you get there early enough, but street parkrng docs need vouchers and these must bc bought in advance! The Museum's car park (f1) is opcn all day. but may fill up later. This is entered at the rear West corner of the Museum while the Reardon Smith Lecturc Theatre is the bulge to the rcar Liast corner. Apologies again to those u'ho didn't get boat tickets to I;lat ilolm. The 40 seats "rere booked before the end ofJanuarr'! ((iE) Editorial& Notes/ Atlas 2000 Llandovery Field Meeting - Richard Pryce reminds us that there are still a few places left on this weekendmeeting (12-15 June).seelhe year Book 1998p.
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