MENNONITE HISTORIAN Published by the Mennonite Heritage Centre and the Centre for MB Studies in Canada Volume xx, No.2, Jwte, 1994 big eyes as they spotted the rifles. Michael had a conspicuously bandaged leg and crutches. Boris was engaged in unloading their loot. Peter kept a close eye on the scoun­ drels. In his mind they were suspect; their guns were not like those of the military. After evacuating their room the boys re­ turned to the bam. Even before the dinner bell pealed a shot resounded. Unexplainable, but since it was in the back yard the boys ignored it After a briefinterlude another shot close to the door leading into the house. They rushed to the bam door intending to enter the house when a voice, in German, alerted them not to leave the bam. They regretted not having taken their rifles to the bam. The Students and staff of the Deaf and Dumb School at liege, Molotschna (1913). Staff per­ Russian hired hands, some of whom had sons Include (back, I-r) Anna Brau(n), Anna Fast, Mr. H. Janzen, Mr. and Mrs. Froese been present during the first attack, were also (houseparents), Mr. J. Schroeder (treasurer), Mr. H. Peters and further to the right, Mr. cautioned: "Beware! Don't leave the bam!" Ab(ram) Unruh and Mr. W. Sudermann (extreme right further down). At the very back (1­ r) a former student working as shoemaker, and Henry Wall, who emigrated to Canada Peter and Jakob could hardly endure the and became a minister, as well as a teacher at CMBC in Winnipeg. Photo: Courtesy of suspense and uncertainty. They blamed Agathe Redekop, Abbotsford, BC (1984). Onkel Janzen for being so naive, for allow­ ing the scoundrels into the house. They did Peter, A Man of Stamina and Courage not spare him in their sharp criticism. Peter disregarded the fact that he was his uncle by A. E. Heidi Koop and called him anything that came to mind. "We're not done yet," Peter persisted. "Who This is an excerpt taken from a longer had plundered a business in Bejuk. As was knows what we'll be in for before the day is essay in a book-length manuscript. Peter the way of soldiers, the three did not inter­ over? And we are without weapons! Two Koop, the suhject of this artie/e, was born pret their thievery as stealing. Rather they shots have already been fIred. That's not very in Karassan, Crimea, Ukraine, and passed saw it as requisieren, (as their right to re­ reassuring. Who else would shoot on this away in Winnipeg on August 12, 1990. quest and make their own anything they estate, either we or these scoundrels?" They desired to possess). In actuality they were were unaware of the Selbstschutz surround­ It was a fabulous autumn evening in 1919 bandits pretending to be soldiers. ing the estate - that's where the shots had when a horse-drawn carriage with a coach­ After inquiring as to their intent, Junior originated. Peter continued: "Onkel Peter, do man and three passengers in uniform (re­ fleetingly perused their documents, acknowl­ you have any further excuses? If at least you ferred to here as Boris, Paul and Michael) edging them as valid. He then accepted these would have put them up in the workers' quar­ appeared on the estate of Peter Janzen, Pe­ strangers as legitimate White Army soldiers ters. Those quarters are only a few steps off ter's uncle, at Kitaj. "Fellows of the White and granted them permission to spend the the kitchen. The girls could easily have Army have come to spend the night," Junior night. After all, they were of "our" army, so waited on them there." declared quite naively. There was no reason all were safe. Jakob Huebner and Peter But blame and deliberation did not help for suspicion as far as he was concerned. backed off suspiciously: let them be soldiers the situation. They were perplexed. How But Peter was skeptical; too much baggage, of the White Army on vacation wanting to could they ever resolve the predicament? and had they not come from the train station stay the night and then move on the next Peter was convinced that had the episode in Bijuk-0nlar, 18 versts north of Kitaj? morning... They returned to their chores. the end turned out differently than it actu­ The coachman appeared agitated and Soon Peter and Jakob were ordered to va­ ally did, Onkel Janzen would not have spared frightened. Russians under such circum­ cate their rooms for the night in order to ac­ his nephew either. Junior, meanwhile, became stances tended to be fearful, while Germans, commodate the trio. As they were about to defensive, still insisting, "They are soldiers on the other hand, would have been inclined leave the room with some of their belong­ from the White Army, our protectors." to lash out. Unlike Junior, a son of Peter ings including their rifles, Paul and Michael Meanwhile the Selbstschutz was out to Janzen and overseer of the estate, the coach­ were already in the hall. Peter suspiciously get these scoundrels. After dropping off the man knew these guys were armed. He had took note of their eye movements as they trio, the man who had brought them in had been forced to transport them to Kitaj. He assessed the situation: fifteen doors - that left the estate. On his return trip he had met knew they were thieves. This was verified must ha ve been an unusual setup from a the Selbstschutz, alerted them to the prob- later on by a search of their baggage. They Russian's viewpoint. He also noticed their (conl'd on page 2) Page 2 Peter, A Man of Stamina and age, Peter, now courageous and unafraid, Courage bravely ordered Michael out of the building. (conJ'dfrompage 1) Michael hesitated, but Peter's voice esca­ lated in volume and intensity, while his fm­ tem, and directed them to Kitaj. ger was already positioned on the trigger. The fruit orchard in the western quadrant Michael raised his hands, turned and fled, of the estate was surrounded by a seven­ running right into the guard waiting for him foot wall. Though guards were placed all outside. around, this section was only sparsely The lamps were lit and he house was marmed. The guards had advanced right to searched. Wounded Paul was treated as care­ the workers' living quarters on the other side. fully as possible. Peter had the privilege of Here they had fired warning shots. unbinding Michael's bandaged leg while one According to military standards the of the guards looked on. It was a healthy leg Selbstschutz was well-organized and ready indeed. Not even a scratch could be de­ to do its duty. Orderly in their approach, with tected. adequate alIU1lunition on hand, they first ap­ Michael with his healthy leg and cany­ proached the bam housing three hundred ing his crutches, wounded Paul and dead sixty oxen from the south side. They soon Boris were loaded onto military vehicles and detected Boris in the back yard. Boris, be­ returned to Bejuk with all their belongings coming aware of the danger as he noticed including the rusted guns. Paul apparently the soldiers, bent forward and ran for his died enroute. life. But to no avail - the first shot downed Following an adventuresome year on his him. Uncle Peter Janzen's estate, Peter's exit in Paul meanwhile had stationed himself on Peter Koop as student In 1921. the spring of 1919 was all but uneventful. He the steps leading from the northwest corner was still only sixteen years old. The Red of the house into the garden, playing with Army was at the threshold of the Crimea. In his belt while chatting through the open door decision had to be made: Who should be May the Janzens were advised to "pack up with the maids in the kitchen. Coming around the first to enter the house? Two of the vil­ and leave the estate." Their belongings were the corner of the house, from the north, one lains must still be in the house. It seemed transported, under the direction of Junior, to of the Selbstschutz men detected him. A logical that the guards, unfamiliar with the Ekibash, a neighbouring town sixteen versts bullet penetrated deeply into Paul's thigh and layout of the building and hallways, remain northwest of Kitaj where the Janzens were up into his abdomen. This was the second outside. They would also not have recog­ well-known. shot Peter and Jakob had heard while in the nized family members. So who was ap­ A pair of the strongest horses was bam. Paul dragged himself on all fours pointed? The smallest one, Peter. Junior hitched to the covered wagon and Peter, through the kitchen and along the hall to his agreed, of course. Peter protested, insisting rather than the coachman, was given the re­ room, leaving a trail of blood behind. Then that since Junior had let the scoundrels into sponsibility oftaking Onkel Janzen, his wife, he collapsed. the house, he ought to be the first to enter. his daughter and daughter-in-law to Ekibash. Michael was pacing the hallway - his "I will not be the first," Peter objected force­ They chose to travel a roundabout way, paus­ crutches were nowhere in sight. Tante Janzen fully. However, he did consent to follow Jun­ ing at the Ekibash well, hoping to remain and her daughter-in-law were also there. See­ ior.
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