YOUR CAR SHOULD BE READYl FOR INSPECTION ~_______[Hr ES 1 Newark Post [ JULY 15 The I ""1oL ME XXVIII NEWARK, DELA WARE, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1937 NUMBER 25 TESTING LANE _EN_TE_RS_C_AL-:....:VES==--~I I SPECIAL SHOW REFUTES CHARGES C. OF C. PLANS STATE STARTS OPENED EARLY AT STATE FOR SPECIAL DAYS FOR AUTOISTS BUILDING NEW YOUNG "DUCKS" FOR BARGAINS COUNTY SPANS Chief Inspector Urges That Movie Benefit Wednesday To August 3 And 4 Tentatively Numbers Be Located And Provide Funds For Free Set For First "Dollar Six Timber Bridges Replace Made Readable Swimming Days" In Years. Structures Destroyed By Storm July 5 ACADEMY STREET SITE LIONS CLUB SPONSORS PILNICK IS CHAIRMAN SUFFOCATION VICTIMS Walter Dent Smith Endorses Tickets for the benefit motion pic- Sponsored by the Chamber of Com- Annual Inspection Before ture show scheduled at the State merce, the first " Dollar Day" to be Two Negro Workmen Die ' Safety Council Theatre next Wednesday night for a offered shoppers in Newark in sever­ When Buried By Cave-In; Children's Swimming Fund were dis- al years will be staged on August 3 Recovers From Shock Locnte the serial and engine num­ tributed for sale this week by the and 4, if the plans being made by ~r& on your cars and have t hem Lions Club of Newark, sponsor of the Myel' Pilnick, chairman of the mer­ Six new permanent creosoted tim­ deaned Io1' easy 1'eading. Scrape t he plan. cantile division, are carried out. ber bridges, costing approximately 1936 sticke r from your \vindshield. Through the generosity of Louis P resident George F. Jackson and $16,000, to replace those destroyed by lIuI'c your registration card and op­ Handloff, owner of the popular cine- Herman Handloff, secretary, of the the Christiana River and its tribu­ erato r's license handy and sign yo ur ma house and a member of the serv- commerce group are assisting Mr. taries on JUly 6, will be erected im­ 1937 inspect ion card in ink. ice organization, receipts for the Pilnick in arranging what is hoped mediately by the State Highway De­ This is the advice offered motorists Prominent in 4-H Club affairs, night \vill be turned over to Dr. J . will be a smashing two-day sales partment. by John Fisher, of Milton, who is in Cross will enter the annual New S. Gould's committee to use for free event. Earl E. Downing, division engineer charge of the automobile inspection Castle County show to be held at swimming in th~ University of Dela- About 40 local merchants and for New Castle County, said this week that 300 men are being used to lane which opened h ere yestel·day. J. Wirt Willis' Coweview Farm Sat­ ware pool by children un~ble to pay. business 'houses are being contacted CHIEF ELMER ELLISON The lane will be operated daily m·day. Cross is a graduate of New­ George Danby, past president of the . clear up debris, make fills and repair through Saturday, July 24, when it ark High School in the clasa of 1933. local Lions organization and a past as. partIcipants In the movement to Denying that the Aetna Hose, Hook surfaces damaged by the most violent . " . brmg shoppers here and to concen- and Ladder Company refused to storm ever recorded in this section ' •ill mo ve to Delaware City. Shifted ~overnor of t~e Capitol District, IS trate the buying done by Newark pump water from cellars following of Delaware. from Orchard Road, where tests have ~:~:~:~. of ticket sales for the spa- pe?ple i~ N~,,:ark rather than in been made for the last seven years, the record storm on July 6, Chief Bridges to be built are: one near CALF CONTEST neJghbormg cItIes and towns. Mer­ the lane is being operated on Academy Ellison denounced his critics this Dayett's Mill, Cooch's Bridge; one on Feature Comedy Billed chants already lined up in the drive Street below Lovett Avenue. week. While admitting that he re­ the Chestnut Hill Road, near Welsh are preparing to make it the finest fused to permit the only piece of Tract schoolhouse; three on the road Members of Mr Fisher's crew are: ON SATURDAY "Nobody's Baby," a Hal Roach- and most outstanding event from the fire apparatus now in service to leave from Christiana to Cooch's Bridge; R. W. Hancock, Newark; Edward R. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer feature come- viewpoint of the conservative shop­ the engine house due to 1\ possible Wil son, Glasgow; John Jawler, New New Castle County 4-H Club dy, introducing the irresistable Patsy per ever promoted here. and one on the dirt road connecting Castle; J. E. Latta and James W. Members To Exhibit At Kelly with a new partner in laughs, fire emergency, he stated that cellars South Chapel Street and Cooch's Webber', Blackbird Hundred; and Nor­ Lyda Roberti, will headline the Hand- Pilnick Holds Hopes w~re bei.n,g pumped out with a ma­ Bridge, south of Newark. J. Wirt Willis' Farm chme SUIted to the purpose. man Reynolds, Odessa. loff-Lions program. Robert Arm- Mr. Pilnick states that a prelimi- Prefer Boiled Water "Saturday, July 17 has been des- strong and Lynne Overman do their nary survey he has completed of He made reference to a similar Most of the inhabitants of the Inspection Compulsory ignated as the day for the annual part to create many mirthful mo- preparations of merchants shows that situation in Talleyville, where the flooded area have refused to have While the inspection of all motor New Castle County 4-H calf show on ments as male assistants to the Misses never in the history of a sales event fire engine, being used to pump their water chlorinated as they pre­ ve hicles registered in the state is com­ J. Wirt Willis' farm at Glasgow," Kelly and Roberti. in Newark have indications shown water from cellars, was delayed in fer' to boil it rather than put up with pulsory under Delaware laws, no Miss Laura B. Rutherford, county As student nurses, the two girls' the possibilities of such bargains and answering an urgent call to a blaze. the taste of chlorine, inspectors of charge is made for the testa which club agent, announced this week. social life is centered around a "flat such values as may be offered if the the State Board of Health reported are carri ed out by the Motor Vehicle foot" fcop to you) and "Scoops,". a merchan~ s ~gree to cooperate. last week. Department under the general direc- Starts At One O'clock Two Negroes were suffocated Mon- newspa~erma~, who gets them lll- The plan has been under discus- CREDI THEADS tion of Charles L. Terry, Jr., com- Club members will arrive at the volved In a mght-club mystery. The . day afternoon when buried by a missioner. show grounds by 10 :30, standard film is fairly filled with heh, heh, slOn for wee~s and so~e merchants Alth h tt I lI t. time, and judging, which will be done hehs! (Thanks to Screen Snaps.) have been qUletl.y combmg wholes~e AT SALISBURY ~i:~~to~a;;~ii7 a:,:rH~~:~~n:o::.ore, oug Ie ?ca a~e was no by H. M. Pate, of Sunny Ridge Popular short subjects round out marke~s and laYI~g plans for drastiC sc heduled for opemng until today, Mr. h dd F d P ' 11 t k The two men, Perry T. Lewis, 42, Fishel', after inspecting state-owned Farms, C a ,sl ~r, a., WI a e the bill which will be offered at the reductIOns on their p~e~e~t stock~ to Delmarva Officers Assemble of 122 Logan Street, Wilmington, cars accommodated private automo- place at one 0 c oc . I h f 7 30 d 9 16 'I k offer buyers from adJomlng secttons For Coordination Of Work and David Tucker, 19, of Belvedere, usun: ou~s 0 : an : O. C oc , of Maryland and Pennsylvania, in were engaged in a bridge replace­ bil e; placed i~ the latle- yesterday. AmOllg those expectea a, show daYI~gh\ time, at no advance In th addition to nearby D~Ia'wa feans. .' As Service Medium A hearty endorsement was given calves on this occasion are: Charles ment. Thtlir bcrlies were dug from Nelson, Joseph Cross, Melvin Demp­ re~~ :~d~t7~n to seeing a worthwhile Offi?ial "Dollar D.ay" ~tores, if t~e L. D. Caulk, of Woodside, presi­ under tons of dirt by fellow employ­ the !\1lnual testing of cars Tuesday, dent; S. M. Harrington, Dover, sec­ sey, Ferris Dempsey, Gladys Walms­ program, patrons will be able to aid p.lan. IS adopted, will ?Isplay a dls­ ees of George and Lynch, Dover con­ when former Secretary of State r etary-treasurer; and directors, Al­ ley, John Moody, Elwood Moody, an even more worthwhjJe project for tlnCtlV~ embl~m and prl c~ cards, both tractors. Wal te r Dent Smith, president-manager bert O. Gray, of Kirkwood, and H. C. William Whitten, Teddy Novak, Ste­ kids deserving of a free chance to of which wlll be prOVIded· by the Harry M. Faunce, of Port Penn, of the Delaware Safety Council, stated Milliken, Newark, of the Delaware ven Gawcyznski, Ralph Robbins, Nor­ stretch themselves in a supervised C~amber of Commerce. S~oppe~s inspector on the job, organized and at the se mi-monthly meeting of the Production Credit Association have man Hitchens, George Lynam, Ray­ and purified pool. WIll be urged by the COmmIttee m directed the rescuers.
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