THE NOTRE DSME SCHOLASTIC PUBLISHED WEEKLY - FOUNDED 1867 Volume 74 '^V^TTT^gg. f :'V.z^4^^?^ A South Bend Tradition .. Fine Foods at the OLIVER HOTEL SHORE DINNEkS (Served with Rolls, Butter and choice of Beverage) Broiled Whole Live Lobster. 1.75 Melted Butter, Shoe-string Potatoes and Cole Slaw Baked Whole Maine Lobster, Thermidor. 1.75 Julienne Potatoes, Pickled Beet Salad Fried Deep Sea Scallops 1.00 With Bacon, Remoulade Sauce, Idaho Baked Potato Fried New York Count Oysters .85 Tartar Sauce, Long Branch Potatoes and Sliced Cucumbers Broiled Salmon Steak, Anchovy Butter.1 .90 Parsley Potato and Chef's Salad Planked Fresh Lake Trout or White Fish Steak 1.00 Garnished with Assorted Vegetables, Idaho Baked Potato and Marinated Tomatoes Fresh Gulf Shrimp a ia Newburg in Casserole .85 An invitation to Junior Prom Melba Toast, Shoe-string Potatoes guests and to Notre Dame men fillets of Halibut .85 all during the Lenten season. Saute in Butter with Sliced Mushrooms and Julienne Potatoes • OLIVER HOTEL THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC the most popular professor; a leather medal is given to the person rendering the greatest service to the University; COLLEGE PARADE and a suitable award is made to the out­ standing member of the Senior class. RAYMOND J. KELLY * Time Marches in Circles as we come to accept cooperatives as part of the campus scene, the old Parade On Feb. 2, 1918, a petition, signed by was taken aback when it discovered that More Truth than Poetry more than 400 members of the Univer­ St. Mary's had gotten the cooperative The Daily Princetonian recently ran sity of Wisconsin faculty, was filed with spirit. The girls from across the tracks a random list of little known facts that the Wisconsin State Historical Society. are buying their stockings under a co­ should be part of every student's store These faculty members had been most operative system. They claim that they of knowledge. The writer expressed the emphatic in their utterances and their can save ten cents on each pair of hose, wish that the producers of "Information petition had been given wide-spread pub­ which should mean that sometimes in Please" would soon be seeking his ser­ licity. In a recent issue of the Daily the not too distant future they will be vices. Cardinal a photostatic copy of this able to buy and carry their own "round robin" appeared. It declared: cigarettes. There is enough oil in the feathers, or whatever they are, of a duckbill platsrpus "We, the undersigned resident mem­ to fill a quart jar the size of an ordinary bers of the faculty of the University of Grade A milk bottle. Wisconsin of the rank of instructor and More Rewards above, protest against those utterances Each year, Sigma Delta Chi holds its The internal application of seven and actions of Sen. Robert LaFoUette Gridiron Banquet for the faculty and ounces of ethyl alcohol every day in the which have given aid and comfort to BMOC's of Indiana University. Modelled college year for three and a half years Germany and her allies in the present on the dinner held in Washington at not only corrodes the liver and fattens war; we deplore his failure loyally to which the members of the Press Club the heart but will cost you $942.85. support the government in the prosecu­ satirize and slander the nation's big­ tion of the war. In these respects he wigs in song and story, this Hoosier After the age of 35, according to has misrepresented us, his constituents." feast takes the professors over the coals. insurance statistics, your chances of be­ The profs are allowed an inning in which ing hit by a meteor are not materially Later, after the hatreds and preju­ one of their number gives a speech, delv­ affected by your type of emplosmient. dices of war had died down, an attempt ing into the public, private, and im­ was made to remove the petition from printed life of each member of Sigma The duckbill platypus would like to the files of the Historical Society but the Delta Chi. Usually, these affairs are tre­ migrate north in the summertime like request was denied. Sen, LaFollette him­ mendously successful though they leave a a regular waterfowl. "Nothing cooking self opposed the action, preferring to flood of red faces, both faculty and stu­ around this hole from the Fourth right have the document remain as a historical dent, in their wake. through to Labor Day," says a repre­ record. sentative platypus. "Nobody but old lady koalas and kindred jerks around here. This paper has been brought out and At the conclusion of the dinner, a Not another honest-to-gosh sport left in published, and many editorial conclu­ brown derby (this year, one of Al the place. Can you blame me?" sions drawn from it because of the action Smith's private stock) is presented to of some 80 faculty members in drawing up a petition, recommending that Con­ gress adopt a policy of aid to Britain "not necessarily short of war," and con­ demning Philip and Robert LaFollette for their opposition to the entry of the United States in the present conflict. Cooperation on the Campus Many cooperative groups have sprung up on our American campuses in the past few years, and many of them are doing remarkably well. Some, the Tower Club at the University of Detroit for example, give the out-of-town student attending large city schools, an oppor­ tunity to enjoy good meals and lodgings at a minimum cost. A cooperative eating club is being organized at Princeton as a protest against the high cost of mem­ bership in the private eating clubs. The Northwestern student-faculty bookshop is in its second year and going strong in face of a price war. However, much It happened one night. THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC THE WEEK OPINION • FRANK WEMHOFF; (To get the student's opinion on next year's team this reporter canvassed ev­ Top of the Week 2-oomie's . argue over the supposed ery hall on campus. Most students merits of A.B. and Commerce . leave thought that Coach Frank Leahy has Junior's night out. if a prof is five minutes late . average an opportunity to produce a good team a movie a week . laugh condescend- because of the abundance of material and inglj'^ at some prof's antediluvian humor because of his ability. Here are some of It won't be long now . listen religiously for the swish of a the opinioyis received.). letter under your door . then blank- From the Feb. 14 SCHOLASTIC . ety-blank the mailman . get most of In view of the fact that Notre Dame "Splinters has been informed by an un­ your exercise running from a taxi at has a new coach ivhat do you think of impeachable source as to who will direct 11:59 ... go to Rosie's on Friday night the team's chances for a successful Notre Dame's athletic destinies next . yell at those white sweatei*s at the season in 19il? year. The unfortunate thing for you, basketball games . never use tooth­ Lyons Hall, John Flynn: "I think that dear reader (note singular), is this. We picks in the dining hall . should see our chances for a perfect season are bet­ promised not to reveal our secret until what was cut out of this column. ter than they have been in several years Saturday morning, March 1" . We due to the fact that Mr. Leahy plays a can hardly wait. more open brand of football. I am con­ fident that he will put more life in the More from Moreau team." Morrissey Hall, Bill Costello: "Notre It was Sociologj"^ class . the old If you're a N. D. man Vou: Dame always has a chance for a success­ embroglio about environment versus he­ ful season. Undoubtedly, she never fails Diiim on your plate Avith a knife redity . Bunny Hayes was wringing to have one of the greatest teams in the and fork while waiting for nature's the sock for good old heredity ... "I country. Mr. Leahy produces fine-spirit­ latest mistake . use 9 bars of soap a believe that it's like the father, like son, ed, able teams. Here at Notre Dame, he year . get your hair cut on campus If your dad's a lawyer, chances are that should produce the best in the land in twice . once for experience and once the son will be one, too. It's that way as much as he has proved himself to be for the thi-ill . drop beer cans down in everything." ... At this point he was an able coach. He has the 'goods'; our the laundrji^ chute . write letters on interrupted by a young seminarian, boys have the 'goods.' Together, we the back of religious bulletins . tiy "That wouldn't work in our case. ." to get a fourth for a cab, or bridge . should be invincible." try to get a fifth for basketball, or, of Howard Hall, Bill Fallon: "With the Scotch .... struggle for the last row in signing of Frank Leahy, I believe that class . have your grandmother get Promenading Notre Dame's chances for a victorious sick on Friday night . exliibit your­ Rush to get locked in before you get football season have been greatly en­ self in the caf after dinner with the locked out. Explain to her where you hanced. If Mr. Leahy can transmit the "T" shirt brigade ... go to "the rock" got that set of tails .
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