Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College Linda Lear Center for Special Collections & Alumni News Archives Spring 2009 CC: Connecticut College Magazine, Spring 2009 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/alumnews Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "CC: Connecticut College Magazine, Spring 2009" (2009). Alumni News. 313. http://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/alumnews/313 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Linda Lear Center for Special Collections & Archives at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Alumni News by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. PHOTOS THIS PAGE AND ON COVER BY HAROLD SHAPIRO >Ietters. etc. 1 remember the Hurricane of 1938 (CC: Magazine, Winter 2008) very well. We came out of chemistry class To the Editor: and saw slate flying off roofs and heard glass cracking on the greenhouse. Miriam Cooper '39 and I looked Ic seems like just yesterday. I was CC: Connecticut College Magazine down and saw New London burning. reading The New fOrk Times in study Volume 17/ Number 3 hall on a Thursday morning in January We both said, "How are we getting home?" President Blunt soon during my senior year in high school EDITOR: LiM H. Broumdi announced, "All day students go to and saw the shore blurb about "CoCo's" ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Phoebr Hal! Knowlton House to spend the night." decision to begin to admit men. A ART DIRECTOR I ONLINE EDITOR Benjamin Parent few days later I was in New London About 15 of us had dinner and slept CONTRlBUTORS: Alex Barnett, Rebecca Grow '11, Myks on cots that were set up for us for the Green '09, Christopher Gregory '09, Rachel Ha"ingrolJ, interviewing with Jane Bredeson. And Mary Howard, Gabrielle Kamimky '09, Susan Kietzman '82, the rest is history. night. I am still grateful. Debomh P. MacDonnell, Amy Martin, Bridget McShane, Milton Moore, Brandon W Mosley, Barbara Nagy, Elinor 1 hope to attend Reunion in May. Anyway, here's one camel who wants Pisano '04, Leslie Rovetti, A, Vin((1It Scarano, Harold Shapiro, to shout across the ages that the CoCo Ariel!e Shipper '10, Will Tomasian, julie W'rrnau, Alexander Zane '09, Man: Zimmer Trustees and Charles Shain made a Mary Devlin '39 ClASS NOTES COORDINATOR, Karen Laskey Phillipsburg, N.]. good call 40 years ago this month. CLASS NOTES EDITOR: Sambeth Field. Cheers from one of the original CC: Connmicvr Cotleg~ Mag.uin~ is published by [he Office of College "co-eds." Relall?nS" Patricia M, Carey, V"e Presidem. The magazme's mIssIon is to maintain lies berween [he Coll~ge, i15 alumnI and all other COnSlltu· ems and IO report on issues of impormnce IO these group" Dave Clark '73 CC: Connmi",1 Cotl~g' Magazint (USPS 129-140) i, published four ,ime, a year, in summer, fall, willler and spring, and is mailed rree of Seattle, Wash. charrc \0 members of rhe Cnnnecticut College Alumn,; Associalinn ~~d~~~~.ta~~d ;;o~~J1~i:ne;l~ta~d:I5s posragc paid at N~w Conrribmions: CC: Connm;rur CollegeMag,lzin~ will consider but LS nol responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, proposal, and phOlo- I have just read the entire Winter graphs. Address correspondence [0' issue and want (Q comment on several EdilOr, CC: Comluticut Col/~g~Magazine, Be<:ker Ho,,>c, 270 Mohegan Avenue, New London, CT 06320·4196. articles. Phone, 860-439-2500 I loved the photo by the pond in r:AX,860-439·5405 fall! Alumni: Send address changes to "Taking aim at 'whatever?' was Alumni Office Connecticut College thought-provoking. "Whatever," in the 270 Mohegan Avenue current usage, seems to mean "think New London, CT 06320 or e-mail to alumni@,onncoll.edu what you will." It's an invitation to openness, not that nothing matters. ''A lifetime of learning" was a reminder that we are all of a piece: CONNECTICUT COLLEGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES who we are and what we do. Excellent. Barbara Sharruck Kohn '72, Cbair, James S. Berrien 74. Viu Chair, Laura], Allen '81, Timothy M, Armsrrong '93,William P Barrack I wish I were in his class! '81, ChrislOpher F. Bod,ur '07, Eduardo Castell '87, Theodore S. And lastly, I went to the store and Chapin 72, 1"07, Kevon Copeland 76, R:aymond J, Dcbbane P'09, Patricia L. Eames '06, Prcscon W. Hafner '80, Zoe Klein Henriquez purchased the five pantry staples that '99, Loo 1. Higdon, ]r" President, David B. Kelso P'09, Rae Downes Koshcn '67, Linda]. Lear '62, Thembumenzi Lukhele '08, Jonathan Chef Daniel Stern '92 mentioned, in D, McBride 'sz. Lynda Barrer Munro 76, P'OS, John F. Niblack P'98, Judith Tindal Opatrny 72, Mary Lake Polan '65, P'02 & '10, addition to his ideas for quick company Theodore M. Romanow '76, Thomas A. Sargent '82, W. Carrer Sulh3n 79, Sally Susman '84, Franklin A, Tuirr '87, Kevin Wade 76, fare. A practical touch to the magazine. Pamela D. zu, 75 Thanks for the excellent ALUMNI BOARD Or: DIRECTORS Lynda Barrel' Munro '76 P'OS, !'mide"" Constance Smith Gemmer publication. We receive several college Talk to us! '80, Viu Pre,;tUJiI. Kimberly-Toy Reytlolds Huh 77, S~cmary. Andrew Bogle '94, Carol Blake Boyd '71, Jamie Bridges '00, Christ}, Burke magazines and CC's is the best! '93, Rayanne Chambers RTC '83, Ryan Chan ·00, Bradford Dolan CC: Connecticut Colfege Magazine welcomes your '97, Da\·id Ewing '89, Sue Schwam: Gorham '56, Paul Greeley 79, letters. Letters may be edited for style, length, clarity $\ephen Cregg '94, William Kane '84, Chris McDaniel, '94, Anne I...lickle '89, Elli Nagai-Rothe '03, Chrisline Gould Reordon 79, Nancy Harvey Jones '65 and grammar, Please include your full name and a Tammie Clayton Reid '0 1~Susan Peck Robinson '65, Usman Sheikh Friday Harbor, Wash. daytime phone number. Send your submissions to '04, SU1.anne Richmond Sllnmons '95, Jane Dornan SmtIh '55 P'84, K.1thryn D, Smirh '84, Frederick Sirmon '96, Jean Tierncy Taub '58, ccmag@conncolLeduor Editor, CC: Connecticut Thomas Usdin 79, Hildegard Van Deusen '43 College Magazine, 270 Mohegan Ave.) New London, CC: Conllntiwr Colkge Magazine Copyright 2009 by Connecticu! CT 06320-4196. College, all rights rcsc[\·cd. Reproduction in whole Or in part without ce: Connecticut College Magazine is printed wrinen permission is prohibi[ed. Views expressed he.rein are [hose of thc aUlhors and do nor nece,sarily reAect official polley of ,h~ College. on paper with a minimum post-consumer ...or visit our new magazine blog: recycled content of 10 percent. wwwconnecticutcollege.edu Primed in U.S.A. by Lane Press, Burlingwn, VT 2 CC,CONNECTICUTCOllEGE MAGAZINe SP~ING 2009 >president's page Inspired by our students Leo 1. Higdon,Jr. PRESIDENT HIGDON TALKS WITH STUDENTS IN THE KATHARINE BLUNT COMMON ROOM. >LAST NIGHT, I HAD THE in the coumry. Today's students, very working closely with CELS to provide pleasure of visiting with students in simply, are concerned about find- opportunities for students to interact Katharine Blunt House. The fire was ing jobs in this uncertain economic with alumni in a variety of careers, and blazing in the common room fireplace, environment. arranges one-on-one career counseling a chocolate fondue - complete with With that in mind, and knowing for students through job shadowing strawberries, marshmallows and little the economy is impacting so many and mentoring programs. cakes for dipping - was set up in the people, we have expanded the programs As our resources allow, we con- corner, and students from all of rhe and services available to both current tinue to be a resource for alumni long central campus residences dropped in students and alumni to help them after they graduate. Iencourage all to chat. prepare for life after college and to alumni to check the College's Web It sounds almost artificially idyllic, connect them with people within our site frequently for College-sponsored but rhis is rhe kind of scene our stu- global network of alumni who can be networking opportunities and other dents can and do create on this beauti- important resources. career-related services - both here ful, historic campus. They had invited Fortunately, many of our students on campus and in venues across the me in to meet with them informally, take advantage of our unique funded country. Earlier this month, I visited and I will be doing similar visits with internship program. Through intern- with alumni and parents at evenrs in students in the north and south campus ship experiences, they apply the skills Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia. residences as well. they've learned in the classroom to a At both events, I was encouraged by While I often see students on wide range of workplaces. And those the enthusiasm for the College and campus - at events or in passing on internship experiences are helping them commitment to our goals. the way to classes, meetings, shows and now in the job market. In fact, several Just after this magazine goes to games - Iconsider gatherings in the seniors have already received job offers press, Iwill speak at Burdick House's residence halls a wonderful opportu- that are a direct result of relationships "Dessert and Dialogue." Students there nity to meet students on a purely social developed during their College-funded have invited me to talk about how J basis, with them acting as hosts, and internships. In addition, many juniors got started in my career on Wall Street, and to give them advice they could use with no agenda except to get to know have told me that the funded internship as they pursue their own post-graduate each other better.
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