Serving the greater NORTH, CENTRAL AND SOUTH BALDWIN communities BCLC hosts Bookmobile tour PAGE 11 Growing herbs The Onlooker PAGE 6 Summerdale APRIL 18, 2018 | GulfCoastNewsToday.com | 75¢ students OPERATION SPRING CLEANING become town officials “For BMPD drug investigation nets 20 arrests a Day” BMPD RELEASE to consume drugs were found charged with unlawful posses- gree; and unlawful possession during these arrest and investi- sion of drug paraphernalia, of drug paraphernalia. Accord- BAY MINETTE — A total of gations. and active warrants for domes- ing to the release, Richards was By JESSICA VAUGHN 20 suspects were arrested by These arrests took place as tic violence. This arrest was found to be in possession of [email protected] the Bay Minette Police Depart- the result of citizen complaints made during a traffic stop and an amount of marijuana and ment on various drug and other in areas where drug activity is warrant service. items used for smoking mari- SUMMERDALE — The charges over the course of a known to occur. These enforce- • On March 26, Julie Hall Parker juana. This arrest was made town of Summerdale had three-week investigation. ment efforts are ongoing and will was arrested and charged while checking suspicious ac- some brand-new employ- According to a release issued continue. with unlawful possession of a tivity in a public parking area. ees on April 4 – a group of Wednesday by BMPD Chief “We want to thank the citizens controlled substance and un- Richards is free on bond since Summerdale students who Al Tolbert, over the last three for providing us information and lawful possession of drug para- the arrest. reported in for work as the weeks, the department has con- tips to act on,” Tolbert said in the phernalia. According to the • On March 27, Brian Wesley mayor for the day (winner ducted operations aimed at tar- release. “This communication release, Parker was found to be Rogers was arrested and Rylie Jones), two police geting drug dealers, drug users between law enforcement and in possession of an amount of charged with unlawful posses- chiefs for the day (win- and areas known as hot spots citizens are vital in our crime methamphetamine and drug sion of a controlled substance, ners Finely Wren and Nate within the city limits of Bay Mi- fighting efforts. We encourage paraphernalia items used to unlawful possession of drug Steiner), and firefighter for nette. anyone who sees or knows of consume methamphetamine. paraphernalia, attempting to the day (winner Katelyn In addition to 20 arrests, police any criminal activity to contact This arrest occurred during elude and numerous warrants Forland). seized two firearms and approxi- us at 251-580-2559 or on our the investigation relating to a with other agencies in the “We want the students to mately $2,400 of suspected drug anonymous email at [email protected] traffic stop. Parker has since area. According to the release, know that these are people currency seized. Methamphet- minette.al.us.” bonded out of jail. Rogers was found to be in pos- to trust and build relation- amine, cocaine, crack cocaine, Among those arrested in- • On March 27, Madison Rae session of methamphetamine, ships with,” said Rhonda marihuana and drug parapher- cluded: Richards was arrested and marijuana and drug parapher- Steiner, who manages the nalia items such as scales, pack- • On March 22 Bryan Scott charged with unlawful posses- Summerdale Booster Club. aging material and items used Kircharr was arrested and sion of marijuana, second de- SEE BMPD, PAGE 2 “We want them to know that if they need help, these are people they can go to, they don’t have to be scared, and to give them a sense of Strawberry Fest community and to let them know what’s going on in the community.” Initially, the idea of “For a Day” began during 2017 and was introduced during the Fall Festival Silent Auc- tion. Students were able to SEE SUMMERDALE, PAGE 34 DEATHS PAGE 19 Arthur Allen Jr. Michael Eubanks Victor Ernest Koch Thelma Doris Foley Wilsey JOHN UNDERWOOD / STAFF PHOTOS Middleton Despite the threat of severe weather, crowds gathered Saturday for the 31st Annual Strawberry Festival at the Loxley Municipal Park. The annual festival, Jene William Owens Sr. which is a fundraiser for Loxley Elementary School and ARC of Baldwin County, included entertainment, carnival games, arts and crafts and food booths, Mary Frances Sabin including, of course, strawberry shortcake. Festivities, which also included a car show and tractor show, concluded on Sunday. Eleanor Glover Walker INDEX BALDWIN LIVING, 5 CLASSIFIED, 8 HEALTH, 21 LEGALS, 24 OPINION, 10 OUT & ABOUT, 11 PUZZLES, 20 SPORTS, 12 TV LISTINGS, 15 Gulf Coast Media VOLUME 110 • ISSUE 14 1 SECTION • 36 PAGES 1805 N. McKenzie St. (Hwy. 59), Foley (Peachtree Professional Center) 251-943-4395 2• The Onlooker • April 18, 2018 • Gulf Coast Media BMPD CONTINUED FROM 1 nalia items used in the distribution of narcot- ics. Rogers remains in Adams Akins Berlage Brymer Burnette Carter Cosper Cox Hadley Krcharr jail on a no bond due to other unrelated charges. charged Rogers lead officers on a with lengthy foot pursuit dur- unlawful ing this arrest and war- posses- rant service. sion of a • On March 28, Damian controlled Tyrrell Adams was ar- sub- rested and charged with stance, Lacey Lane Moore Palmer Parker Richards Rogers Staples Whatley unlawful possession unlawful of marijuana, second possession of marijuana traffic violation. During rested and charged with a traffic stop. Officers tampering with physi- degree; and unlawful and unlawful possession the course of the traffic unlawful possession of found crack cocaine and cal evidence. During the possession of drug para- of drug paraphernalia. stop Carter was found a controlled substance, prescription medication course of a traffic stop, phernalia. According to Whatley remains in to have active warrants unlawful possession of to which Palmer did not officers found mari- the release, Adams was jail on a $33,500 bond. for her arrest. During marijuana, and unlawful have a prescription to juana, prescription drugs found to be in possession Thomas James Bur- the arresting process possession of drug para- possess. Palmer has re- without a valid prescrip- of an amount of mari- nette was arrested and officers found powder phernalia. Moore was cently bonded out of jail tion from a physician, juana and items used charged with unlawful cocaine and marijuana. the driver of a vehicle on the listed charges. and loaded Walther 9MM to smoke marijuana. possession of marijuana, Carter also held numer- stopped for a traffic vio- • On April 3, Kendrick pistol without a conceal Adams has since been first degree. Burnette ous active warrants and lation. An investigation Montray Staples was ar- carry permit. Cosper has released from jail on a has since bonded out of is currently in jail on a and search of car officers rested and charged with since been released from $1,000 bond. Adams was jail. $4,300 bond. discovered methamphet- unlawful possession of jail on bond. the driver of a vehicle • On March 31, Michalia • On April 2, Leeanne amine, marihuana, drug marijuana, unlawful • On April 5, Jacob Lavoyd stopped for a traffic vio- Denae Brymer was ar- Nicole Akins was ar- paraphernalia items possession of drug para- Lacey was arrested and lation. Subsequent inves- rested and charged with rested and charged with used to distribute narcot- phernalia and carrying a charged with unlawful tigation discovered that unlawful possession unlawful possession of ics and $1,800 cash was pistol without a permit. possession of marijuana Adams was in possession of marijuana, second a controlled substance. seized from within the During the course of a and attempting to elude. of marijuana. degree; and unlaw- Akins was a passenger vehicle. Moore has an ex- traffic stop officers found After officers conducted • On March 28, officers ful possession of drug in a vehicle stopped for a tensive criminal history marijuana, items used to a traffic on a vehicle conducted an investi- paraphernalia during a traffic violation. During and has numerous drug smoke marijuana and a driven by Lacey, he at- gation at the Baldwin traffic stop. According to the course of the inves- related arrests. Moore loaded Cobra 380 caliber tempted to flee on foot. Motel on U.S. 31 South. the release, Brymer was tigation officers found recently bonded out of pistol. Lacey was captured a During the investigation found to be in possession methamphetamine. jail on the drug charges. • On April 3, Herbert short distance from the officers discovered ap- of an amount of mari- Akins also held active • On April 3, Tommy Lee Terrell Cosper II was scene and taken into proximately 14 grams juana and drug para- warrants with Bay Mi- Palmer was arrested arrested and charged custody. Officers found of methamphetamine phernalia items used to nette Police Department and charged with un- with unlawful possession marijuana and held nu- and over two ounces of smoke marijuana. This and other agencies in the lawful possession of a of marijuana, second merous active warrants high grade marijuana arrest was the result of area. Akins is currently controlled substance degree; unlawful pos- for his arrest by other and drug paraphernalia an investigation after in jail on a $20,000 bond. and illegal prescription session of prescription agencies. items to indicate that a traffic stop of which • On April 3, Justin medication during an drugs, carrying a pistol • On April 9, Jason Travis drugs were distributed Brymer was the driver of Obrien Moore was ar- investigation related to without a permit, and Lane and Albelardo A. from the rooms. Candice the vehicle. Brymer has Alaniz were arrested and Lanette Cox was arrested since bonded out of jail charged with unlawful and charged with distri- on the listed charges.
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