/SSUES AND THE BISHOPS SEXPLOITATION' Taking stands on ERA, Moviemakers' golden rules immigration raids, for luring teens, dollars Reagan policies Entertainment, Page 19 - Pages 8-9 Opinion section. .P14-17 Entertainment .... P19 Know Your Faith P22-23 Vol. XXXI No. 61 Catholic Archdiocese of Miami Price 25* Friday, April 27, 1984 Pope faces tense Korea next week Rights opposition by Church, crack-down have caused unrest •Alaska stopover... Pg 4 The pope's itinerary also includes Kwangju, a southwestern city where By Father James Coiligan more recent deaths are also SEOUL, South Korea remembered. The stop indicates that (NC)—South Korea, where the small the human rights issue may surface Catholic Church and the government on the trip, and presents Pope John have often bitterly disagreed over Paul with a challenge. human rights conditions, is awaiting "Reconciliation" is the theme at the May 3-7 visit of Pope John Paul the Kwangju stop, where a citizens' II. He will also visit Papua New rebellion against the imposition of Guinea, the Solomon Islands and martial law was crushed by govern- Thailand. ment troops in May 1980. The The government of President Chun government later reported that 170 Doo Hwan recently restored the people died in the riots, but other rights of 202 blacklisted politicians. It estimates put the fatalities at ten freed many of the students jailed for times that number. anti-government activities and gave Archbishop Victorinus Youn of permission for them to return to cam- Kwangju told of looking helplessly pus in April, along with 1,200 others from the window of his residence at who had been expelled. soldiers beating, kicking and In March, the labor minister an- bayonetting students. Among those nounced that the government will sentenced afterward by martial law seek to introduce a minimum wage courts were two Catholic priests. law after studying the examples of other countries. "THE RESENTMENT is deep," But while many Koreans are hop- said one informed Korean observer ing that the changes are more than who requested anonymity. "Relatives cosmetic, others are convinced that, of those killed number as many as under the surface, the human rights 20,000 people. They won't talk about situation criticized by the church has it. Their silence is frightening. The not improved. government fears eventual revenge, that its members will be killed in POPE JOHN PAUL is coming to retaliation if an opportunity is South Korea to help celebrate 200 given." years of Christianity in the country. At the Korean Martyrs' Shrine a few Security during the pope's trip is expected to be extremely tight, and FRAMED BY BERNINI'S'Gloria,' this painting of the Korean martyrs hung miles from downtown Seoul, he plans behind St. Peter's Chair in St. Peter's Basilica in the 1968 beatification of to canonize 103 of the thousands of security planners are concerned that a group of Catholics will try to reach the martyrs. Pope John Paul will canonize the 100 martyrs next Friday in Koreans who died for the faith in Seoul—the first canonization outside the Vatican, (NC photo) 19th-century persecutions. * (Continued on page 4 ) Rich, all-white kids, unqualified teachers are called untrue picture Study cites Catholic school 'myths' BOSTON (NC)—Two researchers report on the "National Portrait of and that 18.5 percent of the students of the study, Guerra said. There is a who sifted data in 14 categories from Catholic Secondary Schools" at the are members of minorities. Thirty- 20 percent income gap at the entry 910 Catholic secondary school prin- NCEA convention in Boston April five percent of the schools admit all level between Catholic and public cipals targeted the schools' needs and 24. The study was funded by the Ford ninth-grade applicants. school teachers and an even larger achievements and deflated some of Foundation and conducted by Search Also, 20 percent of the schools said gap at the median income level. the myths about Catholic education. Institute. they accept students expelled from But the myth that those teachers The researchers, Michael J. Gue- THE MYTH that Catholic schools public schools for disciplinary are less qualified than their public rra, .executive director of the secon- are highly selective and admit mostly reasons and 18 percent said they take school counterparts seems unfound- dary school department of the. Na- white upper-middle-class students is students expelled for academic ed, Guerra reported. While 49.6 per- tional Catholic Educational Associa- unfounded, Guerra said. reasons. cent of public school teachers have tion, and Peter L. Benson, director of The study found that 65 percent of However, the belief that Catholic masters' degrees or higher, 51.9 per- research for Search Institute in Min- students come from families with less school teachers are paid less "seems neapolis, presented the preliminary than $30,000 annual gross income to be true," judging from the results (Continued on page 11) •-..,. 2nd Front Sexual abuse and children Educator tells parents how to prevent it NORTHRIDGE, Calif. (NC) — In addition to stricter laws and Parents can help protect children licensing procedures for child care from sexual abuse by letting them centers, Polland advised parents to know early in life that they have some communicate with those who care for control over their own bodies, said their children, to learn the school's Barbara Polland, professor of child philosophy and "to believe their development at California State children." University. "Children don't make up these In an interview with The Tidings, stories (of abuse) from seeing this on newspaper of the Archdiocese of Los television," she said. "Parents must Angeles, Polland said, "let the listen, notice changes in their child's 2-year-old child choose which outfit behavior or attitude and investigate 'Children don't make up these stories (of abuse) from seeing this on television. Parents must listen, notice changes in their child's behavior..: Barbara Polland, professor of child development he wants to wear, let the small child all the possibilities." wash himself and feed himself, even Parents should not force their Parents must teach their children to be self-sufficient and independent says a if it takes longer and is not as effi- children to kiss or be hugged by prominent educator. This will help children say "no" to a potential sexual mo- cient." relatives, she also said. lester. Another deterrent is for the parents to trust the honesty of their chil- "Otherwise the small child will just "GOD HAS' given children an dren. A child who reports sexual abuse is rarely lying. automatically feel that adults can automatic warning system. Allow it touch his body and won't be able to to work. Again, let the child decide in said. creating an atmosphere where deter abusive adults," she said.' those areas in which there is no threat EIGHTY percent of sexually abus- children are encouraged to com- Her remarks were made after a .to his well-being." ed children were abused by someone municate, not punished for their number of news stories reported on a Discipline should be used "as a they knew, according to Polland, so revelations. They should be taught to case of alleged sexual abuse of more means of empowering the child to be old warnings about staying away always tell their parents whenever so- than 100 children over the last decade self-disciplined. The same goes with from strangers are not sufficient. meone tells them not to tell their at a preschool in Manhattan Beach, his ability to make decisions. If he A recurring theme is the abuser's parents. CA. can't make decisions, then those deci- warning to the child that "this is a "Parents can take the weapons "MOST SICK abusive people want sions will be made for him by secret. You will get in trouble if your away from the sick people. They can a compliant child,'' she said in the in- others—sometimes to his detriment. parents find out," Polland said. do this by instilling in children that terview. In most cases'«such people "You cannot be with your child to power to make decisions, by opening will back away if the child puts up a discipline him all the time, so he must She said she advises parents "to up communication and developing a fight, she added. have the discipline within him," she rob the abusive adults of that by sense of self in each child," she said. 'Some' liberation theologies ok'd VATICAN CITY (NC)—Cardinal WHILE SOME expressions of — a responsibility which cannot be - commissions within the various Joseph Ratzinger, head of the liberation theology are "fully delegated." episcopal conferences, for an authen- Vatican Congregation for the Doctri- legitimate, even necessary," said the Other topics discussed at the tic promotion of the Gospel." ne of the Faith, told a press con- German cardinal, "others are open to Bogota meeting were: relations be- The Bogota meeting was the first ference that while some theologies of criticism," while still others are "in tween bishops and religious; coopera- held in Latin America by the doc- liberation are legitimate, those which the final analysis, unacceptable." tion between bishops and trinal congregation. Cardinal Raz- embrace Marxist analysis as a univer- theologians; ecumenism; pastoral inger said the experience was Cardinal Ratzinger criticized bran-' "positive" and "constructive" and sal guide should be rejected. ches of liberation theology which issues such as catechesis and liturgy; The press conference, which the "use Marxist analysis as a scientific Vatican said was the first by the doc- instrument to interpret not only The cardinal criticized branches of Liberation trinal congregation, was held to history anJ social and economic reali- review a meeting between congre- ty, but also the Bible and the Chris- Theology which use Marxist analysis as a gation officials and representatives of tian message." scientific instrument to interpret not only history..
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