OLD AND LACK Volume ·70 No. 15 Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem North Carolina Friday, January 16, 1987 RJR ·Nabisco Donates Building ·to WFU Corporate Gift May .Be . Largest to Education By CRISI'lNE M. VARHOLY also an extraordinary vote of con­ Old Gold and Black P.eporter fidence in Wake Forest." · Hearn said that the gift was a sur­ RJR Nabisco Inc. announced prise but that "there had been yesterday that it will donate its cor­ discussions between the universi­ porate · headquarters building on ty and the company about our space Reynolds Boulevard to Wake Forest problems on campus." Hearn could University. The company will move not confirm whether or not th!l gift its corporate headquarters to Atlan­ had been made in 1986 before the ta during 1987. change in tax laws. Completed in 1W7 at a cost of Ownership of the building will $40 million, the 519,000 square-foot transfer to Wake Forest in March. building and its surrounding land RJR Nabisco will continue to use may be the largest corporate gift the building under an agreement ever donated to an educational with the university until the move institution. to Atlanta in September, according · Russell H. Brantley Jr., the direc­ to the company's prepared tor of communications, said that the statement. largest previous corporate gift was An administrative group headed a $62 million film library donated by John P. Anderson, the vice by the Hearst Corporation to the president for administration and Sam University of California. The se­ planning, and Leon H. Corbett Jr., RJR Nabisco contributed their 518,000 square foot headquarters building without any stipulations or restrictions concerning its use. : cond largest was a $50 million gift the secretary to the university and presented by Digital Equipment to trustees, will begfu an exhaustive extend to Winston-Salem and For- Brantley said that the decision in Johnson said:· ''Putting this in Johnson said. the Massachusetts Institute of study of the facility to consider its syth County." 1946 to move the college to its pre- perspective, the 112-year history Technology. possible uses, Hearn said. Hearn said that the gift 'vV<ls "the sent location from the town of Wake and tradition of RJR's tobacco ''The decision to relocate the cor- : Ross Johnson, the president and The company made the gift highlight of the company's Forest was based largely on the of- business will remain a part of potate headquarters, made at · chief executive officer of RJR without any stipul!itioiis or restric- generous record of support to the fer by the Z. Smith Reynolds Foun- Wmston-Salem. Only the relative­ Thursday's meeting of our board of Nabisco, said that the building is tions regarding its use, and Hearn university since Wake Forest rejoin- dation to donate $250,000 annual- ly small headquarters of the .. directors, was certainly one of the · being given to Wake Forest because confirmed that the building might ed its medical school in Winston- ly to the school. This figure has 16-year-old.holding company will most difficult in the history of this of its proximity to the Reynolda be leased to other business Salem in 1956. During this time, since been raised.to about $700,000 be relocated." company;• Johnson said. campus and the company's desire concerns. gifts from the company to Wake per year, Brantley said. ''Although there was extreme to help Wake Forest continue its "I want to assure our many Forest have been in excess of $30 Hearn said that the gift illustrated Atlanta lias been selected as the reluctance to change the historic tie growth. friends that this fucility will be us- million." RJR Nabisco's continued devotion location for the new headquarters between the corporate headquarters At. a press conference yesterday, ed to the maximum benefit of both These gifts are in addition to a to Wmston-Salem, despite the move because it will allow RJR Nabisco and Winston-Salem, it is a President Thomas K. Hearn Jr. Wake Forest and Winston-Salem" total of $44,805,000 in funding of the corporate-headquarters. ''The to maintain its. Southern heritage, necessary move to strengthen both . called the gift "ail example of the Hearn said. "We have a record ~f from the z. Smith Reynolds Foun- company which has been in part- will provide ~ access to both na­ See RJR, Page 3 relationship that can - and must effective civic part:itership, and I am dation' and $15 million received nership with this city, with Forsyth tional and international travel and - exist between private enterprise optimistic that the benefits deriv- from the Mary Reynolds Babcock County, is still here - R.J. will provide the firuinciil communi­ • Text of President Hearn's and private higher education. It is ed from the use of t:P.e bu~ding will Foundation, Brantley said. Reynolds Tobacco." ty more ac~ss to the company, statement, page 3. ~ -. ' . ~."J:.;.~,. .. Rttoaes···scfiaiaf··ptansto·-"stuay' ··'Pfiiiosop·~,'hy·· Phy. SiOIOg~l:Y_.. ··~-·· . ' -~· , !P"· . , By GARLAND KIMMER dying artificial intelligence at Oxford. James She feels the courses in philosophy will The courses she is currently planning to Arts Co-Editor P. Barefield, professor of history, is the Wake help her in learning to analyze the concepts take in the field of philosophy include the Forest fuculty advisor for the Rhodes Scholar­ we use in describing mental life - concepts History of Philosophy from Descartes to Maria Merritt recently became Wake ship program. such as intelligence, emotions, memory, and Kant, Moral and Political Philosophy, Logic, Forest's second Rhodes scholar in as many the self. Merritt said: "We talk about these and the Philosophy of Mind. years. Merritt, a senior Reynolds scholar, has The Rhodes Scholarships were establish­ ed in 1902 by Cecil John Rhodes, a British things all of the time, but do we really unders­ Merritt;s interest in physiology seems to t>e participated in track and helped to refound tand them? I think we may understand them the Wake Forest literary society. politician and diamond baron who hoped the the logical outgrowth of her biology major scholarships would contribute to world intuitively, but beyond the commonplace ex­ at Wake Forest. She wishes to study ·. The award was announced during the first understanding. periences of those things we run into very physiology in order to better understand the week of fall examinations. The Rhodes troubling questions. ways the "cells in the body are arranged to scholarship offers Merritt the opportunity to Merritt is currently planning to attend "These questions iriclude problems such as accomplish the unbelievably complex things study at Oxford University for up to three University College at Oxford and will begin 'If you lose your memory, do you lose which we take for granted." years. study there in October 1987. Her studies will yourself?' " Merritt described philosophy as focus on the areas of physiology and the "study of troubling questions undertaken Her courses in physiology will include Last year, Richard Chapman became the philosophy. Merritt said, "Somehow all of my not in the hope that the reasons for asking Developmental Biology, Pharmacology, En­ first Wake Forest Rhodes scholar in more than interests have converged so that they lead to the questions will go away, but in the hope docrinology, and Organizational Aspects of 50 years when he won the prestigious the intersection between the sciences and the that the questions will become less the Nervous System. ·academic award. Chapman is currently stu- humanities, the study of the human mind." mysterious.'' See Rhodes, Page 3 Registration 'Vietnam: Ten Years After' New System Receives Praise, Criticism Wins National Recognition By LISA YARGER were available at the registration : Assistant News Editor site, but many students were able By SCO'IT PRETORIUS Vietnam symposium was initiated and organiz- to sign up with individual News Editor ed primarily by students, Biel said. Wake Forest students registered departments. Sonja Harvey, MBA candidate in the Bah- by computer for the first time Mon­ The Wake Forest Student Union Network cock school and former lecture committee day and Thesday. The registrar's of­ Perry said that one advantage of won the 1987 Distinguished Lecture Program chairman, said: "Our main purpose was to fice and most students praised the the computer system is the terminal Award of the National Association for Cam- bring Vietnam out of the closet. For one system for its speed and efficien­ operaters' immediate access to pus Activities for its symposium Vietnam: Ten month, Wake Forest lived Vietnam." cy. Margaret Perry, the registrar, students' residency information. ~ars After, which was presented in the full Harvey credited the Wake Forest students, said that the process went excep­ Operators of the fall registration of 1985. administration and faculty for the success of tionally well for a "first-time run." process will also be able to check The Student Union will receive the award the symposium. ~'I believe that there are many immuniUttion records of entering at the NACA national convention in Nashville, people in the Wake Forest community that A back-up system of printed freshmen. Tennessee, Feb. 14-19. should share in this honor," she said. Harvey cards, identical to those used in past Staff Photo Mary Beil, director of the Student Union consulted various fuculty and administrative registrations, had been prepared in Linda Dunnigan, a junior who Margaret Perry, registrar, praised the computer Network, said that the NACA liked the fact officials for assistance in identifying possible the event of computer problems. registered at 8:30 Thesday morn­ registration system used Monday and Thesday. that the symposium was student-oriented. The speakers and determining topics.
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