f , - ? - oar JlXJalar.TXaaXar GAZETTE pace M tainted In fKHWAEAX SoapftrsUTJpa, I w I m at Mat Iml' 3TK3fSrp Unes-Ul- ach. 0 00 W ET r 1 0 t t WLIncs-flnc- h-. l eo too T CSAWFORD MACDOWELL, it Uo.s- -1 Inches SW 4 W S 9 T M 10 ! tS Uset- -3 laches SCO hot I M W 0 H;2 C a Oi lifVdsrsdajrTXorBlBSr. UUae-4lac- hM 4e lete 1(H ! 1J tiJ GAZETTE, Quarter of Colaaia IW WM HCO ISe THE Third SCO WOO IS 00 cfColuta... ajg AKXU-- HAWAIIAN OO &1 MLL1XS PER M HalfeTOolutna... Is Ot) It 00 St 0 44 ye Fin SO 60 3S ??00 W TM Column IS 00 SOO ntrCSKJT IX J.9TXSCE. On. Coloaao. ... U Ool 30 00 U 00 60 OoHo 00 MO W stj. tikui Panla whaa emMtI Ar eat war. art ifmm1itrtrt.K.OOitHl.eO. A WEEKLY J0UKN1L, DEYOTED TO HAWAIIAN PHOGEESS. allowed a dUcuuat from those rate, whrrh are fcr UaaaleaS laSseavSSjSSSSattBSl advtUenta,whtnpalJorhirstd,uarlMly. X. B All foreign advertlteatuU sassl be tjeoawaarM with the pay whtn ordered la, or no notice will taxa tt them. The raletofehtrgettr. given la the abort scale, tad P OSce Battdini; remittances foe Xwttra American advettisetuentt, or a VOL. XV.jNto. 40.1 1, 1879. 768. scrlptlonamaybemads by bans. bills, coiacrtsnesnt peat i, ILL HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER WHOLE No. ago stamp. Qfcasxa a TO"M.ixxx Iotrn. BUSINESS NOTICES. BUSINESS NOTICES. 13 USI1TESS NOTICES. INSURANCE NOTICES. INSUIIAISTCE NOTICES F0UE1GN NOTICES. S. BJLUTOM', C Auctioneer. I.AI.M; Jc CO.. V.1I. JOH.lSO, Boston Board of UnderwrilcrSs WILLIAMS, BLANCHASD & CO. alerooa ei Qceen Street, oa. doer from Kathusianu t ISO Stret- - ly COMMISSION MERCHANTS !VEoxo3ain.ix-- A OEXTS ror the Hawaiian I.lamla, LIVERPOOL LONDON GLOBE C.BRKWKRACO. and and SbippiBR aRd CeBBissies MfrdHtsrta And Importen of and Dealer In nay. Grain, and General 741 Kaahnmann St., opposite Mr.Tailor.O. Rhodes' Store, ly J. 7J7.IJ rrwluee. Uonolnin. II. 712 jr E. 1. AIA."S, I. ISJ 2l CallAwnla Slreet, San Traaclsto. ly Auctioneer aad Commission Merchant. o. txexLKcx. o. xnctno Philadelphia Board of Underwriters. INSURANCE CO. W-- A: waan. a. unusr. Qaeen Street. Ilonoicln. fj. 1. J I A. W. ltl'SII. G. SEUELKEX CO., 4 CENTS tor tno Hawaiian lalanda, aarxxaa utwa BREWER CO. Assets. $26,740,105,70 GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. TINSMITHS AND PLUMBERS. tk "My C. WARB 4c LIP.MA?., Family ilroceryendFeed Store. No, 3 Xaniiua Street, ESTABLISHED AN AtlENCY IN Export Commission Merchants. asstrastsaai ill ii i in. US lyl CAl.U'OUMA HAVE tor the Hawaiian Islands, and the Jli.ytsieitVTjL CTTid Surgoon SOFortStreet.lIotolaln. KpcootUntIyon fall aortnitat of Tin, Sheet oadertlgned Specialty. Foreign tsawSSsaanOatlsesswSVee Irotx,hai COMPANY. are prepared to write risk against Orders far American Manufacture a TSf OrriCE-WAILC- KU, MACL ly n4 Opperwar, INSURANCE Ooodt purchased oa Commission, HanfcMkMb tsaaavaasw JAMES. .11. .1IONSAKUAT, Gilv'd Iron ind Lead Ptoe. India KabborHow.&c FIRE OS BUILDINGS, MERCIIASISE AND 121 Kouth Third Street, rhlladelBlts. II. IIACIirr.I.O A: CO.. Attorney and Counsellor Law. oTSi im UNDERSIGNED, AGENTS OP THE :ss GEKIEAL C0M1I1SSI0S AQEKTS, at THE Cbmp.nT,hT been authorised tolntararltxt DWELLINGS OSce at J. I. Dowaett's, Qaeen St., Honolulu. on Cargo, Freight and Treasure, (root Honolulu W-- H. CROSSHAH & BRO., Uaeen Street. Uoaolaln. II. I. Tljl 7SJ ly to all art of the world, and vice versa. On favorable terms. Dwelling Risks Special- laitJtel esF A. KRAFT & SONS, 733 A CO. a 0m VII.L.IA3I U. SMITH. ly II. HACKFELD ity. Detached dwellings and contents In.ared for arerlod COMMISSION MERCHANTS, a. si. .rmTOKY, .ii. i., j. i jj. of threw yew, for two premiums ta advance. Lotuses X.o.T3r. Dental Boons oa Fort Street, h A. KGIIAEFEIa. promptly niljiutexl and payable here. IIS Cbniuber Street, Sew Tork. at door OPTICIANS of,Undcrvrrltera, fW-S- BISHOP A Co, Orrxcs Kathatnane btreet, llunolala, tl, l.,oeat OSce In Brewer's Block, corner of Hotel orBremcn lloard CasUe Cooke, to OecH Brown. ljq. VSO ly and Fort Street. AGENT of Drelen Board of Underwriter, Xtftrmo A and J. T. WaUrtoot. 73s! aiT Entrance. Hotel streeu (ly Agent of Vienna B(rd of Underwriters. TMly O. IIAL.L. Jk. SOA. MANUFACTURERS OF Claims against Insnrance Companlea within C E G. IIIXC1ICOCK. JEWELRY! the InrlaJlction V. SEVERANCE, IHPOETEES AM) DEAXEBS IS HAEDWAEE of the ahoT. Boards of Underwriters, will h av. to o certi- II. ATTOBSEY AT LAW, HTLO, HAWAII. AND DEALKRS 1!J DrjQoJl,l"lat, OUndGDtrllIerckuililt, fied ta by lb. abot agent to make tbeni valid. 7SS ly RUPTORE CONSUL, 3IS CalUornla Hi., oTSSJ Bills Promptly Collected. ly SPlSOl HAWAIIAN San rraacltco. H-l- y Coea.trort.nJKlDtSti. JO MA II. IAXY. WATCHES AND WATCH MATERIALS. I(AlIIKUIIIIKE3IE Parcbaiinp and CommiMiM. Ageat WmiliTii ituft i i)i:. e jiifjiic, FOR f..i.i:?h SOTABT PUBLIC and COMSUSSIOSEB of DEEDS. OB-- make theboalocn of Optician a Specialty. INSUiANOE OOMPANY. Hotel Slreet, next door Bonanxa FIEE SHOEJ 63 SAKDW1CU ISLAND AND OTHSS PSODCCTS. IT surceon'and accoucheur. For the State of California. Office at the Bank of Bishop & to fraloon, Honolnlu. ann CURED aw Broome street. New m ittwaWttai t tliftas at Sr. IIo2rcunnt Dntj store, Sterchast Street, Col. Ifaahnnumu Street. Honolulu. oIJS ly SI Yore. J !tn UNDERSIGNED havlnp; neon ap Agents of the above Company, are prepared CALIFORNIA, ELASTIC TRUSS 7H IT w lointed agedwarf (e su. fur It entirely my BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES to Insure against cured PtisTAN"ReSTAURANT, rlikt lire, on Stourand llrlek ISnlliU painful rupture in nine weeks, from which 1 ha vetuflerr O. S. CU.U.tI .11. cecil. imoivrv. Insra. andou Merchandise stored therein, ot tb. most f rllve years. I tooE your advice and wore It day and Hist) Woodvsxd, Principal, KarriaBurg', Vt, i:GS. !.. ATTORSET AKD C0US5ELL0B AT LAW. 49 HOTEL, STKCirr. faVorablo ternis. For particulars apply at the o( Tea ode. night tore a Utttng oa au, re. icA PAT-ronlt- ed SUEQEOS A5B HOMEOPATHIC PHTStCIAK. 7JS A CO. coVrrtd Jam far FOR YEARS, AXB KOTAET FCBUC. : : ly F. A. SCHAEFKR JIaj. U. K. t". LaTasor, ban Jose, Fort BereUUia SU. UoDolaln. 7Zi Tjoia 3JEJ)iUXr, Proprietor, "' 0a. Irom all nuarters- - when young ladles cast OSc Ckiraer and And Aeknowled-ineuto- f California. Aceat fr taklac: Instrumentsror ILate of Sun Francisco.) TRANS-AT1.ANT- IC ff obtain the advantage, or tha best education In Engl 1th, til. Island of Oahn. German, Music drawing, as well as a horns Ac CO.. KKSTABItAVr tVILl, HI! Suppllisl CALIFORNIA ELASTIC TRUSS French and and F. A. .SCIIAKKi:n 07S3 So. S Kaahnmaon Street, H. ly THIS Meats. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, m. of a bad case wellprovldtdwlth .very convenience. llonolslc, I. the best Poultry, Fish. Fruit, Ac, 4a, haskiibstauilally cured of School langaagts Importers &. Commission Merchants which can be obtained. Families and partleawlll be served OF HAMRITRG. rupture oraoyearntanding. 1 have tried all kinds of At tb. above Ih French and German Xlaulela.lawAU&lUBl Ij at their residences with French and other disbes. prepared trusses, both steel and ela.tie. and never received any are tanght by native French and Oermaa Teach tr, and VARIETY. l. INSUItED ON IIUIX.DINUN. SIER. Art department Is contr.1 of alady graduate In the most rrcacrcAt style. Private rooms for families. RISKS and Furniture, on liberal terms, bv permament relief until tried yours. I fel that I am tbe under the JOII.-- 'IWAXlEUIIOeJME. mroaTax jko joBBxa or 73 ly perfectly cured xunixoj ncascchlermaUclerk 8. at the Cooper Institute or New Tork. Music la taught by 3740 ly H. HACKFELD A Co., Agents. F. Aiily AVeai'v Auc. Send for catalogue. of lady of many years, experience, who la a first class In. e?aaeB)rtaaastrs than they n2 THPOETES AKD DEALEE IS GENEEAL STAPLE AKD TASCY DEY GOODS, CLOTHIKO. structur. HEECHiNDISE. BOOTS, SHOES, &c. CHRISTIAN HAMBURC-MACDEBUR- C oa-Trt- moderate. Send for Clrcultrs. HO Ota e axtt a c.war2 at the CERTZ. California TM Queeo Street. Huaolttla. U.I. ly At Great Eastern More, el Fortstrtet, Uonolnln. i. ElasticTrussCo 7li ly OABTJJET lMLAJJ3Z.-EnE- FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Hrmovfd from Sacnuacnto 8trei to ESTABLISHED, 1883.) Jc CO.. m.CS TO A.VXOUXCE TO THE .20 market Street, San Francisco. saLsavasSB.Bvtfl awtoeri, tare t be weccd .; POULIC of Honolulu, that he has purchased OF HAMBURG. , rHPOBTEES ASS DXALEES IS HARDWARE TATgPM 711 ly RICE MILL, t. INDIA ,v iwiDii. I'ltoi-itiimu-HOTEIi, the stocK and business of WILLIAM VISCII MERCHANDISE. FURNI- Catlery.Sry Goodi, Paintl and 01U, and Oenertl iltr-- j mis Kit. lintel Mreet. next door to Strehx'a Drue COKMEft CORNER OF FORT AND TURE and Machinery Insured against Fire on the or take taanrajt. a street ef many caaa4Ue. No. , Kiel Street. Uonoliln. P ly HOTa STREETS. HOhOLULU. Store, aud that In future the business will be earned on by most fa omhlc terms. CiTThe best of Ale. Wioe and Liquor eonstanty on haod. him In the same premises. KNOWJLES' Mission and Fremont Sts Saa rraaeiioo, UULLUS Jc CO., G. solicits a fjlr public A. JAECER, Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. STEAM Usery Stables attached to the Hotel. 7W ly C share of tbe patronage, and 140 ly Ship Chasdleri tad Conmisnon Uerchantt. prombes his patrons civility, attention and good qualtte CALIFORNIA. at --e- st s Jfer.i fc it a ttxd for tlielr money. y ijst. laporten and Dealer ia OenerilMerc&udiae,Ucecn?triet C. Y. IIOFioJIAiV, 73 Uoaolaln. Ua valla.

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