Tunde Peto CURRICULUM VITAE OF TUNDE PETO 21st March 2013 Name: Tunde Peto, MD, MHealthEd, PhD Work address: Reading Centre, Department of Research and Development Moorfields Eye Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust City Road, London, EC1V 2PD Tel: 0207 566 2815; Fax: 0207 608 6925 E-mail: [email protected] Degrees held: Medical Doctor, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, 1990, Hungary Master of Health Education, Attila József University, 1991, Hungary Doctor of Philosophy, University of Newcastle, 1998, Australia Final Exam in Ophthalmology: 2000, Hungarian Exam Board Registration: Full registration with specialist registration as ophthalmologist in the United Kingdom: 6036859 Full registration in Hungary: 48283 Clinically qualified with valid specialist registration Clinically active as medical retina specialist at Moorfields Eye Hospital Current appointments: Visiting Reader, University of Surrey Head of Reading Centre and Medical Retina Specialist Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust NIHR BMRC Fellow in Ophthalmology at the Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London and Moorfields Eye Member of BMRC Clinical Lead of the Tower Hamlets PCT Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Service, Diabetes Centre, Mile End Hospital Employment history: 1990 – 1992 Junior registrar, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, Hungary 1991 Visiting junior registrar, University of Padova, Italy 1993 – 1994 Junior Lecturer at University of Newcastle, Australia 1994-1997 PhD student, University of Newcastle, Australia 1998 – 2000 Senior registrar, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, Hungary 2000 - 2001 Lecturer, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University, Hungary 2001 – Present Head of Reading Centre and Medical Retina Specialist at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and NIHR BMRC Fellow in Ophthalmology at the Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London and Moorfields Eye Grants attracted in the past 3 years 2013 – 2016 CREST and TILDA: about £56 000 altogether for 3 years 20012 – 2015 STRONG – FP7 EU Grant; £35000/year Tunde Peto 2009 – 2013 MERLOT RCT; £20000/year 2009-2013 ORAYA RCT; £40000/year 2009-2011 Hungarian Technology Grant 335 000000 forints (£100 000) 2006 - 2016 MacTel Study: £250000/year 2008 - 2010 Solvay-Quintiles Drug trial Reading Centre component £128000 2007 Nigeria Low Vision Survey Reading Centre Funding: via London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Funding: £5000 2007 - 2008 Avastin in Diabetic Macular Oedema RCT Reading Centre Funding: Special Trustees of Moorfields Eye Hospital Funding 2007 - 2008 WHO Onchocerciasis Project Reading Centre Funding: WHO Funding: £50/patient 2007 Nidek Italy Automated Image Analysis Software Reading Centre Fund: NIDEK Italy Industry Funding: £3000 2007 - 2010 Kenya Eye Study Reading Centre Funding: £10000 2007 - 2009 Allergan Education Grant for Dry Eye Reading Standards Funding: £25000 2006 – 2012 IVAN RCT Reading Centre Funding: Department of Health Funding: In Excess of £100000 2004 - 2009 VPDT Cohort Study UK Funding: Department of Health: In excess of £400000 Memberships of learned societies EASDec – Secretary ARVO – Programme Board Member EVI – Head of Reading Centre Committee UK National Screening Committee – Deputy Chair for Training, Education and Workforce Last 3 year’s referred publications Clemons TE, Gillies MC, Chew EY, Bird AC, Peto T, Wang JJ, Mitchell P, Ramdas WD, Vingerling JR; Macular Telangiectasia Project Research Group.Medical Characteristics of Patients with Macular Telangiectasia Type 2 (MacTel Type 2) MacTel Project Report No. 3. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2013 Apr;20(2):109-13. Mathenge W, Bastawrous A, Peto T, Leung I, Foster A, Kuper H. Prevalence of age-related macular degeneration in nakuru, kenya: a cross-sectional population-based study. PLoS Med. 2013 Feb;10(2):e1001393. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001393. Epub 2013 Feb 19. Heng LZ, Comyn O, Peto T, Tadros C, Ng E, Sivaprasad S, Hykin P. Diabetic retinopathy: Pathogenesis, Clinical Grading, Management And Future Developments. Diabet. Med. 2012 Dec 4. [Epub ahead of print]. Pathai S, Weiss HA, Lawn SD, Peto T, D'Costa LM, Cook C, Wong TY, Gilbert CE.Retinal arterioles narrow with increasing duration of anti-retroviral therapy in HIV infection: a novel estimator of vascular risk in HIV? PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e51405. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0051405. Epub 2012 Dec 10. Tunde Peto Charbel Issa P, Gillies MC, Chew EY, Bird AC, Heeren T, Peto T, Holz FG, Scholl HPN. Macular Telangiectasia Type 2. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2012 Dec 3. [Epub ahead of print]. Bertelsen G, Peto T, Lindekleiv H, Schirmer H, Solbu MD, Toft I, Sjølie AK, Njølstad I. Tromsø Eye Study: Prevalence And Risk Factors of Diabetic Retinopathy. Acta Ophthalmol. 2012 Sep 20. [Epub ahead print]. Bertelsen G, Erke MG, Von Hanno T, Mathiesen EB, Peto T, Sjølie AK, Njølstad, I. The Tromsø Eye Study: Study Design, Methodology And Results On Visual Acuity And Refractive Errors. Acta Ophthalmol. 2012 Sep 11. [Epub ahead of print]. Erke MG, Bertelsen G, Peto T, Sjølie AK, Lindekleiv H, Njølstad I. Prevalence Of Age-Related Macular Degeneration In Elderly Caucasians: The Tromsø Eye Study. Ophthalmology. 2012 Sep;119(9):1737–43. Rajendram R, Fraser-Bell S, Kaines A, Michaelides M, Hamilton RD, Esposti SD, Peto T, Egan C, Bunce C, Leslie RD, Hykin PG. A 2-Year Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial Of Intravitreal Bevacizumab Or Laser Therapy (BOLT) In The Management Of Diabetic Macular Edema: 24-Month Data: Report 3. Arch. Ophthalmol. 2012 Aug 1;130(8):972–9. Sallo FB, Leung I, Mathenge W, Kyari F, Kuper H, Gilbert CE, Bird AC, Peto T. The Prevalence Of Type 2 Idiopathic Macular Telangiectasia In Two African Populations. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2012 Aug;19(4):185–9. Peto T, Tadros C. Screening For Diabetic Retinopathy And Diabetic Macular Edema In The United Kingdom. Curr. Diab. Rep. 2012 Aug;12(4):338–45. Chakravarthy U, Harding SP, Rogers CA, Downes SM, Lotery AJ, Wordsworth S, Reeves BC. Ranibizumab Versus Bevacizumab To Treat Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: One-Year Findings From The IVAN Randomized Trial. Ophthalmology. 2012 Jul;119(7):1399–411. Sofat R, Casas JP, Webster AR, Bird AC, Mann SS, Yates JRW, Moore AT, Sepp T, Cipriani V, Bunce C, Khan JC, Shahid H, Swaroop A, Abecasis G, Branham KE, Zareparsi S, Bergen AA, Klaver CCW, Baas DC, Zhang K, Chen Y, Gibbs D, Weber BHF, Keilhauer CN, Fritsche LG, Lotery A, Cree AJ, Griffiths HL, Bhattacharya SS, Chen LL, Jenkins SA, Peto T, Lathrop M, Leveillard T, Gorin MB, Weeks DE, Ortube MC, Ferrell RE, Jokobsdottir J, Conley YP, Rahu M, Seland JH, Soubrane G, Topuzis F, Vioque J, Tomazzoli L, Young I, Whittaker J, Chakravarthy U, de Jony PTVM, Smeeth L, Fletcher A, Hingorani AD. Complement Factor H Genetic Variant And Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Effect Size, Modifiers And Relationship To Disease Subtype. Int J Epidemiol. 2012 Feb;41(1):250–62. Sallo FB, Peto T, Egan C, Wolf-Schnurrbusch UEK, Clemons TE, Gillies MC, Pauleikhoff D, Rubin GS, Chew EY, Bird AC and the MacTel Study Group. ‘En Face’ OCT Imaging Of The IS/OS Junction Line In Type 2 Idiopathic Macular Telangiectasia. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2012;53(10):6145–52. Sallo FB, Peto T, Egan C, Wolf-Schnurrbusch UEK, Clemons TE, Gillies MC, Pauleikhoff D, Rubin GS, Chew EY, Bird AC and the MacTel Study Group. The IS/OS Junction Layer in the Natural History of Type 2 Idiopathic Macular Telangiectasia. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2012;53(12):7889–95. Reeves BC, Harding SP, Langham J, Grieve R, Tomlin K, Walker J, Guerriero C, Carpenter J, Patton WP, Muldrew KA, Peto T, Chakravarthy U. Verteporfin Photodynamic Therapy For Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Cohort Study For The UK. Health Technol Assess. 2012;16(6):i–xii, 1–200. Pathai S, Weiss HA, Lawn SD, Peto T, D’Costa LM, Cook C, Wong TY, Gilbert CE. Retinal Arterioles Narrow with Increasing Duration of Anti-Retroviral Therapy in HIV Infection: A Novel Estimator of Vascular Risk in HIV? PLoS ONE. 2012;7(12):e51405. Tunde Peto Parmalee NL, Schubert C, Figueroa M, Bird AC, Peto T, Gillies MC, Bernstein PS, Kiryluk K, Terwilliger JD, Allikmets R and the MacTel Study Group. Identification Of A Potential Susceptibility Locus For Macular Telangiectasia Type 2. Plos ONE. 2012;7(8):e24268. Sallo FB, Leung I, Chung M, Wolf-Schnurrbusch UEK, Dubra A, Williams DR, et al. Retinal Crystals In Type 2 Idiopathic Macular Telangiectasia. Ophthalmology. 2011 Dec;118(12):2461–7. Antal B, Lazar I, Hajdu A, Torok Z, Csutak A, Peto T. Evaluation of the grading performance of an ensemble-based microaneurysm detector. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2011 Aug;2011:5943-6. Piermarocchi S, Segato T, Scopa P, Masetto M, Ceca S, Cavarzeran F, Peto T; PAMDI Study Group.The prevalence of age-related macular degeneration in Italy (PAMDI) study: report 1. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2011 Jun;18(3):129-36. Parmalee NL, Schubert C, Merriam JE, Allikmets K, Bird AC, Gillies MC, Peto T, Figueroa M, Friedlander M, Fruttiger M, Greenwood J, Moss SE, Smith LE, Toomes C, Inglehearn CF, Allikmets R.Analysis of candidate genes for macular telangiectasia type 2. Mol Vis. 2010 Dec 14;16:2718-26. Mann SS, Rutishauser-Arnold Y, Peto T, Jenkins SA, Leung I, Xing W, Bird AC, Bunce C, Webster AR.The symmetry of phenotype between eyes of patients with early and late bilateral age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2010 Aug 25. Tufail A, Patel PJ, Egan C, Hykin P, da Cruz L, Gregor Z, Dowler J, Majid MA, Bailey C, Mohamed Q, Johnston R, Bunce C, Xing W; ABC Trial Investigators.Bevacizumab for neovascular age related macular degeneration (ABC Trial): multicentre randomised double masked study. BMJ. 2010 Jun 9;340:c2459. Csutak A, Lengyel I, Jonasson F, Leung I, Geirsdottir A, Xing W, Peto T. Agreement between image grading of conventional (45°) and ultra wide-angle (200°) digital images in the macula in the Reykjavik eye study.
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