Dspectator July 30, 2009 * a Pioneer Press Publicatlon * * $2.00

Dspectator July 30, 2009 * a Pioneer Press Publicatlon * * $2.00

Nius E DSPECTATOR JULY 30, 2009 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATLON * WWW.PIONEERLOCAL.COM * $2.00 THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS UNLIKELY ROMANCE 'The Ugly Truth' is featured in Film Clips. SEE PAGE BZ FOOD PB&J PIZZA? Ravinia welcomes kids with their kind of food. SEE PAGE 23 Volunteer Michele Gil carries Bronco and Bethany, two Australian shepherd-black Lab mixes who are going TWO home with 5-year-old Amanda Behrend, of Chicago, and her mom, Donna Behrend, Friday at Wrightway Rescue, a anti-cruelty animal shelter that opened a new facility in Niles. PAGE 5. TOGO(Joel LernerjStaff Photographer) Start here withahéalth fls3111 jS WO1)O M care career. .t.sra tn 3rans3irfi Attend a free Health Care Information Session. .LSIQ , Jl8IT 3rl1d S31W L7ÛL7ÛOÚ !'ZE'Q3 l5Q9# Physical Therapist Assistant Wednesday, July 29, at 6:30 p.m., Des Plaines Campus, Room 1604 For more information, call 847.635.1629. .L 1600 East Golf Road, Des Plaines . sysyoaktonedu y community college z WWw.pioneerEocaI.com THURSDAY. JULY 30, 2009 00NTAci: Matt Schmitz, Assistant Managing Editor p: 708,524.4433 e: mschmitz$lpioneerbocal.cont MARINO REALTORS REFORM EFFORTS Qptuj 5800 Demps:té Môrton Grove ..,. Question (847)67-55OO called on The GoldStâ,zda,d (OUTSIDE ILLIÑ&S CALL 1-800253-0021) . www.c.ritùry21marIno.com new ethics hotline By TONY BERTUCA tbertuca8ipioneerlocal.com PCEPTIONAL VALUE( Morton Grpw&..Ju OVER 1/2 ACRE PARK-LiKE LOTI UscdI WeH maTh!ajned 4 br & 2balh ONE OF OUR FINEST OFFRtNGS( 'l'inc Nibes Village lloetrcl SpIit[eye Morton tirove...Ramely availablo 342' deep n pnme location? Many amenitina & upgrades weeded InISkek,o. Spectacular 3 braelid brick rancIr eastern decoraled SIMPLY SENSATIONALI (.65 acre) with charming g em Cape Comp Motten Gmve...impyccablo 2 bi-2 batti comen onit nvels .schecletbedto Iteavi' vatted flclude mot, air condiijnnin, stove, dishwashor &windaws Hardwood lIms C in mint, mano in Cendltian! Recentiy remodeled kitchen with 2 yrs nr mss old. Living rm & dining rm wThardwaod & covo meldings. Living rio w/FPsep dining ein, malo hr many upgrades! Oeiet NE eapoaumo. Gmat open tloor plan. on Line insLalleation of an 110am, family em over-leeks liege nL Eat-In kitchen w/pnigo heer, ceramic haclioptash & coslom coenteetnpo. IJ. lamily mm w/FP & wet bar. Newly landncaped opens to deck tteautitully Ilardwond hlso, modern kit w/SS applioncea.granite cLinics"briLlino" at its Tues- yard w/2 car3+ hrn & 2 bell baths. Full bsmt w/4tla br/ollico updated Ceramic tilo baths wilJecoratorcannIer tops & 42 garage. Near Austin Park, selmoola, ahnpping & transportaban. Willi UP & mirrerMmntliisg Oak cabioeta. Laundry in-unit. Exercise lavis ovder carpet Roel 5 pia nid. roomioblrlg clay meeting, can ordinance olIlily/workahep w/staiagn, 2 car gar. Col-de-sacaired Large baiconyw/ernatrielen.Heated $340,5Across hmm Wren FaiM Foil branI. Nice yamd w/palia. i/a blecka ta Skokin SwilL LineaL, irpeasvemd, would be Line $390'n indaar gar + large slOmnge unit. Lecahednear Matin Train $204,990 $31900g 'it'sLin ea series airetlnia.'s te- Çlaimvpromased by village ofl'ic'ials. il,.ciLizen-becl Ethics Corn- mittee, the Ethic's Bracead, and Village AtLoi'ney lese Annunzio move been work- JNCREDJDLE LOW PRICES W NIles...Pnced reduced to $199,0000 Solid buck CONDO LIVING AT ITS DESTI ing on the Hotbine pt'opovesl Ranch In Marion Grove. .Sopnr opaciaas light & bmight NEW CONSTRUCTION - ONLY $79s.000 Super lacaSen near beast preserves. bike tmaila & 5 mm Ceodo Memtso 4M '#NG VALUE AT $2290001 nature trails. Grove.. Ahsololely the hinent IO fur several months, All near shopping, bos, bInons center, restauraota & qeallty & Morton Greve..Lovely 6 mm buck Ranch in gmeah C000eaienl to Mctia Train and Paco Bus, Eat-inoak cabinet moie' crahtnmannhiip! Mngnilicent 2 story hayo, w/oak alaircaoo. Oak location Fabuloan pnvalo balcony Wfbeaetital 41k Ilaorviewa. near paile & pool! Lamge 55 n 135' L0L Oak finora io tiviog groitps involved say it will kit. Updated ceramic Ste bath. Reel recentlyinstalled en Living rmlleema, luxury Granite island laIchen wi42 cabinete, SS epeon to balcony, lormal dining nm & opdaled eat-in appls no, dining roi & bra. Malo lIner tamoy roi addihon han largo be a powerful new meche- house. Pelt dawn clairs lar enlia abrogo in atSc. Marry kil winery & sep bieaktanlemna. Spaciaen lamilyrrmi w/TP& recent cabinets, ceuntom, appliances & Iloer. Huge Freoclideeis teardawna & new luxury homes in neiglmbemtmond.2 car garage 2g' master BRlo patio. Masher br Coito lias bath w/vanity, whiilpeel eliding glaaswiodawa overlooking yard. Additionalwalk In nisml'orcitizensLo report suite w/walk-in closet, sep dressingaren & new balli. I gar tub & closeVstorage & laondiyarnn. Wood cabinet kitwjlargo Sigo'5 space. sep glass shower stallFoil bsmt, 2 car all gar. Gait Dint. 07 dinogo eaoantlaica bbelsaviorea nel SlBg's area. Conceto patio & duce. Pull down Chaira to atticntoragn $7g5,Oag wrongdoing. 9220's The hotline mechanism will include a pisotse nom- FUN 'PHYSICIAN' Jacob Kanarowski, 5, of Nues, helps Dr, Gesundheit!, aka Crai9 Sjegerman,July 14 on stage al Niles Public Library, 6960 W, Doblen SL (Rob HartJStaff Pho- tegrapher) bet; an e-mail address and aPost Office box evinet'e cit- 0 ', izens may anonymously reg- .' ister complaints. YOUR SEARCH IS OVER? VILLAGE BOARD ROCK BO'rroM PRICEI "All communication di- Marten Gmnvo,,,prrsmjnn 7 em Calitomia bnckRanch on huge gg Morton Grevo.,,HogoMortonairn 3 DAS 2 DATHS ONLY S190'oI 124' loll Using mn w/gan FI' & 000iled 7 em Ri-level W/light,Skakie. Lovely rected to the hotline will be ceilingsairy bleor plan. Largo (ayer willi hardwood llores, i(atz Weiss" Condo located near ohopping, WXE1QWNt Oneilnaks yard. Hardwood floors Under cathedral Marion Gmve.Ramly Available Bdhtany Courr caqmet. Updatedceiliega, kitchen with eatiog area & wiedow transpomtatmnn, libmary & morel Lamge lioingrm, sepalale dining Towohouonh processed and documented eat-in kitchen with newer appliances, 3 bus &1½ baths. Oweiloekemgrm & sunny tilIches wianpaiate eating area. Breathtaking und hoatoms Largn liviogmi w/tiardwood blm pflvale yard & paSo. h-luge mosler hr nulle With Huge master br for further review and cc- Poli finished bamt wfrec no, bar & built-inboahcasea. walk-in cleset 0 Amallad ceiling. Sop stlntog mi, 3 bogo Bids barely trickle in for water-leak study w/walk-in closet + 2 oIlier closets & master bra & 2H ballas. Enclosed maar porch Qvedaelis landscaped & manier balli. Lovely tamily rm with sliding baila w/dovble yard. Locatianli,,, glass deoisbawl vanity 2 padileg spaces & balcony. Mao br seitn W/walk-in clase!, jacom, tion by tino village attorney leading Oot to yard. &gached 2 car Assessment includes sep ehower & double garage w/dimect entry.heat, pamly rm & enercine no. Move eght vaelty. Family ni, wfliarajwnod him & fimplaco. and ethics board," accord- 5275,00g in and onjnyth Eat-tn kit By TONY BERTUCA Only $31900g opono lo balcony. Lower level sec im, 2 cargar. Near Melca! opened, to the mayor and tIe as IO petcent of it totable at the Village Board SlOG's nance officially dissolvinging to the ordinance. isit our Websjte $36g'0 tbertuCaStpioneerlocgl,Com trustees, who traust decide leaks would cost $480,000. tneeting, the Sign Board of Appeals. 4ORnO?i raDee The new ordinance also evirwee wwwcentur s I 1f it io to be opened and The last time tite entire The first item was a pro- 4m u rrlte sign board becameempowers Annunzio, the inca rnnvwn.sosan g itenil tO no Rick At the Nitos Village voted on or il' the project is setrvey of the vvater system aac6 thcefjt - $m2e. -eu Feu, boni craw . s34es-ci iu eneoaow-oreOd 0232 115eS CeNTER - ginOem - Onwalany WenOed craie-crarare 2 I' i hamSanoifro posai to allow onoro liquor unnecessary, according to n- 'il0WOOeWlWnO42 mw caRmes armnuanjnl5,ase dern village attorney, to create pffid-Sepximn w Mwtnmriynwiinown.2erreltrOn tOAlit101i i,luuoylelml Board meeting Tuesday, to be rebid without open- was completed nvets 20013 at rien tZi4 OgiliS, stea- nace 'RaOam mnmaee C4jre product sampling in retail the ordinance, when the Vil- oair eiwwoy ri - $2r4,reO - 3 fr beck RWOir 2i440 lftJ(E'.1W pywy . $0005 - CwrOnde laOo.2g Acero regulations regarding the wmovn-CImmYemotaw/erardr us dOO&baOO4Aa3iwRwMra.Rcs On gera public-services officials ing the initial offet et cost of $14,900," Nibs lion ceras . sion- ericde.nrrraObrnenrell.lrcOed nearisrais sieyyn- hR!:icxavadranraoe.dJ1jjOwm stores. lage Board voted to make administration ofthe hot- 6020 WUeEGrJI - guau - roei rrawu 4 w c«rie-grk eB3lRecraThl.a,4Wno.M w- ne.m Crab-large Gtclieieii were expected to request oOU-t1onpatot goee often fln-GO5lflii4.2 WOrr-nrcle7 caTho Village ofNiles is Public Wotks employee Retouibers will have to pay electronic message centers 0020 Iwnoeje - nle - tr S2W OMISe - Bim.j - eww nemes t olor manen . ROGOs - lnaevd pWOra.ne 3 br.2 bmcoe4,. line. 2 fr-bEM wHCni nmrm g Oria cutuje . rareare - no Craie-Ornais FOaaRuscicbleose that the Board of Trustees trying to reduce the ditThr- isotnudemszwe plreßaienry e do WO-Ram0 Vene nl eOd.Cioi«n kA %Inaple,gea,irsaa.Ga. Bob Pilato wrote in an e-a yearly fee of $500 to con- a special use under the ju- Ethics reform has been at updairs ErCiiIWO5 frs-o tm-i brraF lEGar 4We rmurarra StOo.9W.4eO c1itjjne-nge rw rmum 952g BROW- $lag.OW - nace 3 Sei baCraie eres geç. 7OAOIW1IEM -92aa,-, Cnr Oiar* ibonela4kww move quickly in consider- ence (loss) between the gal- tra 9035 enejen . saig, - ce Clwle-OpdOedkl&bae-BabWry-CraQe mcdl. "Tise survey found duct liquor-product sam-risdiction ofthe Planning to 4 u3 bm so eaRilAcheogeomssnaner frirnrynTh2eamram the forefrontofviilage pol- can ecciewnit - sateom -Ood R-h r oar u1-1r1.m u. t.SilwOflilWdiWOyp.O5M.G, lean evuouet - $040's-kwra iron erms lai craso so .

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