ill liMN liS IIOBEHEAD STATE UNIJIEBSITY Alumm Awards . Membership Growth ... Highlights '68 Awards Banquet J'OLl/IIE 5, NUMBER 2 Sl/IIMEB ISSIIE 1968 All f Ill AUS ALUMNUS ti/IHJ/11111 fTtrl 11/JfRf/T/ Published quarterly by the Morehead State University Departments of Alumni Relations and Public Relations on the campus of ~ l orehea d Stale University \\ ith the belief that an informed alumni bod~ · is of great significance to an institution. Subscriptions are awarded to all contributing members of the .\ lore­ head State University Alumni Association. J\ lember of the American Alumni Council. Ronda! D. H art, Editor Hoger Jones .\!arlin Huffman Asst. Editor I Art Director .\lanaging Editor IIIII tl ~ t, ttiUI 2 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE A bout The Cover Lucien Hice, President, 140.5 .\laple Avenue, Zanesville, Ohio 43701 !larry \\'eber, First \ 'ice President, 8.507 Robin Hill Drive, Alumni a wa rd recipients and member hip g rowth illustra te Fern Creek, K~. 40291 the g rowing par ticipa tion in Arlene Shadrach Tackett, Second \ 'icc President, 1:3 Sycamore St., Alumni and Univer ity affairs. Florence, Ky. 41042 J. C. Gibson lmmedial(' Past President, J\ lt. Orab. Ohio 45154 Honda! D . ILlrt , Executive Secretar~· -Treasurer, .\lorehcacl State Universih· EXECUTIVE COUNCIL .\fcrl Allen, 126 College View Ct., J\ loreheacl, Ky. -!0351 J\ (ar·s hall Banks, Duplex 3, Apt. 6, Lakewood Terrace, .\lorehead, Ky. -!0.3.51 Dr. \\'illiam Blai r, 1252 Stafford Ave. , Paintsville, K~ · · 41240 Anna Carter, 236 Universit:· St., Morehead, Ky. -40351 Hoy Caudill, Hillcrest Road, Route 1, Morehead, Ky. 403.'51 J o~ ce Chaney, 420 \\'. Sun St., J\ lorehcad, Ky. 403-51 Hubert Counts, Bo:- 2:33, Olh·e H ill , K;. ·1116-l Ted Crosthwait, 208 Barber, Bardstown, K; . ·-1000-1 Crace Crosthwaite, 8:3:3 \\ est Fir~ t St., J\ lorehead, !\:;·. -40351 Dr. John R. Duncan, 10-l .\ leadowbrook, .\lordwad, Ky. -10:351 John Han·ey Fitch, 2Ci l South .\lain , Versailles, Ky. -!3083 Larr;· Hillman, 230 \\'. Chestnut St., Apt. .3, Oxford, Ohio -150.56 .\ lar; Alice Ja~ uc, 21.5 Tippett Ave., .\ forehead. 1\:_,. -1();3.5 1 Fred Johnson, Dept. of Education, Frankfort, Ky. -40601 Dr. Paul :\laddox, Campton, Ky. -! 1:30 1 Ifarry .\Ll\·hew, Anthom· Apartments #59, Ball State Uni\'c r~it\' . .\ l u~ cie, Ind. 47306 · Roger .\feade, 1907 Hichmond Drive, J\l uncie, Ind. -17 306 Helen A. Northcutt, MSU , .\lorehead, K;·. 4.0:3.5 1 E ntered as second class matter at the post office at Morehead , Kentucky, Jerry Hiddlc, J 340 22nd A\ e. :\orth, St. Petersburg, Florida :3:3704. under the Act of August 20, 1912. Henderson Thompson, 660 Salisbury, vVaverl; , Ohio Subscriptions are included with con­ Bett:· .\f. Todd, 940 Lif e~, Lexington, K;. tribution to Association annual gifts Doroth~ - Walter, 2926 Colonial Ridge Court, Cincinnati, Ohio ..J-52 12 and President's Club. Address all Terry Wicker, 2288 Pineknott Drive, Da) Lon , Ohio -15-!31 correspond ence conceming editorial matter or circulation to: Director of Bussell Will iamson. Jncz, Kentuck-y 4 1224 Alumni Relations, Morehead State Don Young, 4.5.3 Knapp A\·e., ~ l o re h cad, 1\:\. -!0:3.51 University, l\1orehead, Ky. 40351. This Issue of Alumnus, Volume 5, Number 2 ARTICLES Annual Awards Banquet ... __ ...... ... ___________ ____ __ ---···--·---··-· 2 Pryor Selected for Distinguished Faculty Award_________________ 3 Crosthwait Is Outstanding Alumnus __ _____ -----------------------·- 4 Crutcher Honored for Public Service ___ ---------·-·------·---·--·--- 4 Editorial _------·-·------- __ _____ _ __ _ __ ·---------------------- 7 What's Happening At Morehead State ___ ------------------------- 26 1968 Football Outlook _ --------·--·--·-·--------···-·-··------------- 30 Hatfield States Priority_ __ ------·-·-----·------·--------------------------- _ 39 FEATURES Flying Eagles --------------------------------------- ___________ __ 5 Faces In The Crowd _____ __________ ______________________ ____ 16 Miss M.S. U. ______________ ___ ---------------------------------------------- 35 Graduation Is Family Affair __ _ ____ __ ______________ __ _ 36 Family Invest 45 Years -- -------- ------------------ --- - 37 Fighting Ferret ________ -------------------------------------- 38 DEPARTMENTS 1968 Executive Council --- -------------------------------------------------- 6 "M" Club President __ ----- - -- -------------------------------------- 6 Alumni In The News __ ------------------------ - 8 Pictorial Year With The Alumni Association _______________ 24 May Graduates _ _ __ ______ _ _ _________ __ 42 Notes About Alumni _____ _____ __ __ ______ ________ 46 Alumni Thoughts _____ _ 49 SUiHMER, 1968 1 Pryor, Crosthwait, Crutcher Given Top Honors At Morehead State University Alumni Fete Banquet An Antarctic explorer, a city super­ :\ancy Sue Adkins and Karen intendent of schools and a newspaper Dance, Raceland; Hobert \\'a\'ne publisher were honored with the top Clifford, Cynthiana; Om id Andet:son awards presented Saturda~ , :\ lay 2.5. Collier, Jackson; Virg ini a Conley and at the Annual Awards Ban<1uet of the Carolyn ;\ lagnifico, Paintsville; Jim- Morehead State U niversit~ · Alumtli 111\ D enniston, 1 lobcrt Owens and Association. Ja.net \\'ilson, l\ lt. Sterling. Recei\'ing the fifth Distinguished Pamela Earh attd Louie :-- 1. Stew­ Faculty Award given by the associa­ art, Clearfield; Anne Elaine Leslie tion ''as Dr. ~ l adison Pr\or, chair­ and Bone\'a \\'ill is, Greenup; Anna man of the Division of Bioiogy in the Kar Lowe, Grahn; t\ larsha C:l\ ~ i an­ l\ lorehead School of science a nd ley, Sharpsburg; Stuart A. Owens, l\ lathematics. Elizaville; D oroth\ Owre\, As hland; Recipient of the Distinguished Pinkie Sparks, J\1t. Olivet; Patricia · ~E our 11 Alumnus Award was Ted L. Crosth­ Ann \\'eaver, F lemingsburg; James P. wait, superi nte ndent of the Bard­ Ec;momas, Lakeville, ~ l ass .; Janel stown citY schools, and \\". E. Enscoe, Springfield, Ohio, a nd Janet Crutcher, p ublisher of The :-- toreheacl .\nu Cordon, :--Jt . Orab, Ohio. I ;\ews, was named winner of the Presented by Dr. l\ larv i\"orthcutl. coveted Public Sen icc Award. winner of the. Distiuguished Faculty !\lore than 900 a lumni and friends Award last 'ear, D r. Prvor has the of the University a ttended the annual distinction of· be ing the 0;1 ly member awards dinner in the Doran St ud ~ nt of the ~ l o rehea d facul h · \\'ilh an An­ J louse during which more than 1.50 tarctic glacie r named for h im. gradua tes of the U ni\"t•rsity, w ho A ,·eteran of two trips into the An­ ha,·e distinguished themseh-es in the tarctic to do biological research, first field of education and related profes­ \\ ith an American expedition in 19.57- sions in .Ken tu ck~ · "ere gh·en special .'58 and again \\'ilh a Hussian expedi­ recognition. tion in 1961, he was honored lJ\ the T wenty-eight stndents-13 current­ Hussians by ha\'ing a newly disco,·er­ ly attending the University and JS ed glacier named itt his honor. who are graduati ng from high school Jle has beett a me mber of the this spring also were awarded $200 :-- torehead faculty siuce 19()..1, anJ scholarships each for the 1968-69 holds a bachelor ol science degree school year. T hey are: from the lJni\'ersil\· as "ell as a mas­ Jalcom L. Cisco, i'\athaneal T . ter's degree in e du ~ation. lie recei"ed llall, D elores Lykins, Joyce Karc tt his doctorate in zoolog~ from the Swim, Josephine Thompson and San­ Universih· of Tctt ucsscc in 1961. He dra Lee \ Vorkman, all of l\Jorehead. is the so;1 of :-- Irs. H. A. Pryor, 171 2 MOREHEAD AL UMNUS Arceme treet, Lexington. Crutcher has long been a strong zoo.ogy in J961 <I t the University of Crosthwait holds bachelor and mas­ supporter of the Ll niversil) ,md its Tennessee. te r degrees from :\ lorehead and a programs as \\ell as the :\loreh ead His doelorate dissertation, <.>nlitled 111aster of science degree from the communit\ . "'Environmental Studies of Hallett Califo rnia Institute of Tec h no l o~· al Station, Antarctica," was based on Pasadena. Ile also holds an honoran· The eampus newspaper, The Trail more than 36 months of research d octor of human letters degree fro~1 Blazer, is printed E.'\ e r~ two weeks work in the Antaretic, first with an :\lazareth College of Kentucky. during the school ) ear in his plant. Ohio Stale Uni\ ers il ~ expedition and Superintendent of the Bardsto\\ n I le was one of the leaders and most again as the only American included eit\' schools since J 956, he is a former mid supporters of the Ca\·e Hun dam on a 60-man Ru ssian expedition. te:icher, principal and superintendent and r!.'se\'Oir program, nO\\ under con ~ of schools in Hm \ an Count~· . and ~ truction al Farmers. An An tarctica glacier, Pryor Glac­ presently is a member of the :\'ational Crutcher \\'as presented h~ Hepre­ ier, \\'as named for him bv the Rus­ Education Association. sentativ!.' Sherman Arne tt, winner of sians in recognition of his' work. lle was presented by Billy Joe the P ublic Senice Award last Year A graduate of Lafayette High Hall, ~ !t. Sterling, winner of the Dis­ and meml)('r of the Kentucky Legisla­ School in Lexing ton, Dr. Pryor played tinguished Alumnus award last \ear. ture from 11owan and Bath Counties. four years of football at Morehead as a halfback and \\as gi\ en all-confer­ ence honorable mention one ~ear. The son of .\Irs. R . •\ . Pryor, 171 :\rceme trC<·t. Lexington, is in great Dr. Madison E. Pryor demand as a ~uest lecturer. lle has <p lkcn h!.'fore the Artie Institute in A Natural For 1968 \ ·:.shing ton, the Ho~ al Aeadem.\ of Scienee in \\'ellington, :\'e\\ Zealand. Faculty Recognition th!.' Hond Acaderm of cicncc in ~ l e i­ Bv am critelia, D r. Madison E. bourne, Aust ralia.
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