“ Heterophase Polymerization “ Porous Polymers “ Chimera Polymers and Novel Synthetic Methods “ Modern Techniques of Colloid Analysis “ Hydrothermal Carbon Nanostructures and Coatings “ De Novo Nanoparticles “ International Joint Laboratory COLLOID CHEMISTRY Research in the Department of Colloid Chemistry Scientific Profile renaissance, since it allows the production of high polymer The size of the Department of Colloid Chem - containing formulations in water as an environment-friendly istry is currently about 60 people, with inde - solvent. pendent researchers covering a wide range Central points of interest of the team working on het - of research topics. The effective constituting erophase polymerization are: element of the scientific activities is the “project”, structure headed by a senior scien - · We want to gain a better understanding of the nucleation tist involving a mixture of technicians, graduate period and particle formation for an optimal control of the students and post-docs (3-8 people). Projects are particle size and polydispersity. For this purpose, new exper - Markus Antonietti 06.02.1960 related to scientists, but have a temporal character of usual - imental online multidetection techniques are developed; the 1983: Diploma, Chemistry ly about 5 years. After this time, permanent scientists have to experimental investigations are supplemented by theoreti - (University of Mainz) redefine their profile to justify the allocation of resources. In cal and numerical descriptions (Dr. Klaus Tauer) . Thesis: Bestimmung der Diffusion von the case of non-permanent scientists, the projects usually photomarkiertem Polystyrol: spezielle leave the department with the promotion of the scientist, i.e. · We want to simplify the synthesis of complex polymer mor - Systeme, chemische und physikalisch - the group leaders can continue their specific research in their phologies on a molecular level (synthesis of block & graft chemische Aspekte new academic environment (usually as professors) without copolymers by emulsion polymerization) and on a colloidal 1985: Doctorate for natural science competition of the former group. level (core-shell latices, hollow spheres, foams) by a ratio - (summa cum laude, University of Mainz In the time of this report and after a further “drain” of 2 nal use of the particle interfaces in heterophase polymeriza - Thesis: Diffusion in topological group leaders in the period ahead, reconstruction of the tion (Dr. Klaus Tauer) . constraint polymer melts with department went on and was most serious. Dr. Helmut Prof. Dr. H. Sillescu Cölfen, left for Full professorship to the University of Kon - Chimera Polymers and 1990: Habilitation, Physical Chemistry stanz, and the Emmy Noether group of Dr. Hans Börner now Novel Polymerization Techniques (University of Mainz) Thesis: Microgels turned into a Full Professorship at the HU Berlin. This was Amphiphilic polymers consist of components which dissolve – Polymers with a special architecture followed by the leaving of a set of key Post-Docs towards in different media, e.g. a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic part. 02/1991: Associate Professor permanent international positions, which complemented the Since we are able to adjust both components sensitively to (University of Mainz) drain. The just recently established groups of Dr. Maria Mag - the dispersion medium as well as to the dispersant, amphi- 09/1991: Full Professor dalena Titirici on “Hydrothermal Carbon”, Dr. Cristina Gior - philic polymers allow the stabilization of unusual dispersion (Philipps University Marburg) dano (“De Novo Nanoparticles”), and Dr. Xinchen Wang problems. Recently, we learned that very special effects, not Since 1993: Director (“Artificial Photosynthesis”) are now complemented by only for biological interfaces, can be addressed when one (Max Planck Institute of Colloids and another two fresh group leader, Dr. Jens Weber (“Porous block is a biopolymer, whereas the other mediates to the Interfaces, Golm), Polymers”) and Dr. Jiayin Yuan (Polymeric Ionic Liquids, start - “technical world” (Chimera Polymers). Focal points of inter - Full Professor (University of Potsdam) ing from 2011). This turnover is beyond typical and not easy, est in this range are: but reflects the dynamic character of the department. The profile of the department has therefore been seri - · The micelle formation and lyotropic liquid crystalline phase ously reoriented, keeping only some of the old strongholds. behavior of chimera polymers is examined in dependence of The following topics are treated by the department: the molecular structure, the relative amount of the different components, as well as the secondary interactions between · Heterophase Polymerization the structure forming bio-like blocks (Dr. Helmut Schlaad) . · Chimera Polymers and Novel Polymerization Techniques · The introduction of secondary interactions such as H-brid ges, · Modern Techniques of Colloid Analysis dipole interactions or metal-ligand binding results in super - · Materials for Energy applications structures with more complex order and broken symmetry · Hydrothermal Carbon Nanostructures and Coating (Dr. Helmut Schlaad) . · New inorganic nanostructures . A new organization principle based on two immiscible, both · Artificial photosynthesis water soluble blocks was identified. These double hydro - philic block copolymers enable the separation and self orga - These projects within these project groups are briefly ex - nization of two aqueous entities (Dr. Helmut Schlaad, with plained below: Markus Antonietti) · The performance of molecular drugs or diagnostic particles Heterophase Polymerization can be highly enhanced or optimized by coupling to a col - The notation "Heterophase Polymerization" summarizes the loidal system with synergistic action. Here, our specific techniques of suspension-, emulsion-, mini-, and microemul - knowledge on the synthesis and physical behavior of func - sion-polymerization as well as precipitation polymerization. tional polymers and nanoparticles is used in cooperation The solvent is usually water, but heterophase polymerization with pharmaceutical/medical partners to generate tailor in inverse media is also examined. This class of techniques, made colloidal diagnostica (Dr. Cristina Giordano, together although more than 90 years old, experiences a strong with the Seeberger department) . 74 Modern Techniques of Colloid Analysis · Analysis of the elemental chemical steps of HTC and hybrid- All the work described above is necessarily accompanied by i zation with technical monomers to generate new filler a considerable amount of colloid analysis which includes ful - structures (Dr. Maria Magdalena Titirici) ly commercial techniques, but also relies on the development of new techniques or methods of data handling. The develop - · HTC reaction to coat nanoparticles and mesoporous scaf - ments in this area include special techniques of transmission folds for catalysis, battery applications and modern chro - and scanning electron microscopy on soft, structured matter matography (Dr. Maria Magdalena Titirici) . (Dr. Jürgen Hartmann) . Due to the promotion of some of the previous group lead - De Novo Nanoparticles ers, headhunting of young scientists in area is requested to In spite of the fact that nanoscience is a rather mature disci - keep the analytical strength also within the department. This pline, it is astonishing that the width of easily accessible however is an ongoing operation. nanostructures is still rather small, i.e. most experiments are done with a very restricted set of chemical systems, such as Materials for Energy Applications Au or CdS. Many materials which are relevant for novel ener - The Max Planck Society has established a new instrument to gy cycles and to catalyze more efficient chemical reactions improve the impact and visibility of basic science for society, simply do not exist as appropriate nanostructures, or their so-called project clusters or project houses. The first of these synthesis is highly non-sustainable and non-practical. Be - project houses to come into existence was ENERCHEM, devot - cause of that, “de novo” nanosystems and nanosyntheses ed to the materials chemistry to handle energy problems. This have to be designed from scratch. Some cases of the project project house was initiated by the Inorganic Chemistry Depart - portfolio are: ment of the Fritz Haber Institute and the Colloid Chemistry Department and is coordinated by Markus Antonietti. Metal carbide and nitride particles offer new pathways for Hydrogen storage, better fuel cells, new energy cycles, metal/base catalysis, but also are record holders in mechan - new catalysts for more efficient processes, methane activa - ical hardness or magnetization (Dr. Cristina Giordano) . tion, better batteries, ultracapacitors, remote energy storage, lightweight solar cells, all these topics are intimately con - · This is also true for the corresponding metal borides and nected with the control and design of materials nanostruc - boronnitrides, which are new land for chemistry, when ratio - ture. Activities based in Golm include: nal nanostructures are to be made (Dr. Cristina Giordano) . · New C/N-polymers and carbon materials to expand the · New cathode nanomaterials for the lithium batteries are property profile of carbon, especially in electrocatalysis and another target where progress will directly impact society. fuel cell applicaitons (Dr. Jiayin Yuan, Markus Antonietti) Here, doping, superstructure formation and conductive
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