Avmc* Daily Ntt PieMs Rn For the Week IM ed The Weather Deeaaker 16, ItM roreoMt «f 0. a. Weather CcvMiderahle tog toalfht, leer 14,151 Menber vt 'the Aadit 86-40, eloudy, mUd tomerrew, high In mid 40e. Bureea at OIranletloB Manehetter^A CUy of Village Charm ^ VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 71 (qeeeWim Adirertlelag ea Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1964 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Anti-American Campaign Seen Coming in Viet Nam SAIGON, South Viet<|> Khanh told the nation by radlo^formed sources, Khanh told his-?>at least partly satisfy the Amer- Tue.sday'i night that no foreign lean demand for a return of th« Nam (AP) — There were y\ council of generals that tough power cbuld impose its policies government to civilian control. indications tonight that pressure on the United Stales on his armed forces. The Vietnamese had no im- South Vietnamese military “ It is better to live poor but must now be applied, and that mediate comment on the Stat* proud as free citizens of an in- this should include antiAamer- Department .statement Tuesday men were cranking up an dependent country rather than ican demon.strations if neces- night demanding that the Saigon anti - American campaign in ease and shame as slaves of sary. government be free of military that may even involve the foreigners and Commu- In the midst of this, the U.S. interference. Otherwise, th* street demonstrations nist.s," he said. State Department .said it could .statement .seemed to hint, U.S. In the context of the speech, aid to the war agaimst the Com- against U.S. Ambassador not condone “ improper intcr- Khanh wa.s clearly taking an ; ference " in Viet Nam’s civilian munist Viet Cong might be cut Maxwell D. Taylor. anti-American tone, with the government. off. Informed sources said Lt. added assertion his country Disagreements between Tay- Gen. Nguyen Khanh, command- The U.S. statement warned could go on without Ameriean lor and Khanh have flared up that continued U.S. support of c! of the armed forcc.s, already assistance if necessary j front time to time in the past the war in Viet Nam is ba.sed on has drawn the. , outlines. of such a I-4iter,- Khanh granted an in-: three months. But there were no existence of a Saigon govern- campaign before hts rnihtary tei-view to a eorrespondent of i advance signs of the current ment “ free of improper inter- council of some 20 high offiecr.s. New York Herald Tribune, | explosion, set off Sunday by a ference.” It was not learned whether in whieh he directly attacked military purge of the High Na- “ We must take a stand on this the civilian premier, Tran Van Taylor. Khanh was quoted a s ; tional Council The dispute is at one." an American official .said Huong, would go along, but saying that if Taylor did not act ' least partly a personality clash privately. "Otherwise we fac* Khanh Iiad clearly become the more intelligently Southea.st between Khanh and Taylor, the end of American influenc* strongest man in South Viet Asia would be lost. A military reorganization of I here, and there is too much at Nam for the time being. | According to other highly in- | the High National Council might .stake for that.’’ Heavy rain continued along the Pacific Northwest Calif., where homes and other buildings are en- yesterday causing streams to overflow and homes dangered by the flooding waters in Oregon Gulch. to be evacuated. Shown is a street in Redding, (AP Photofax.) _______________ Youths Admit House OK’s Rusk Urges End Annual Gift Three - Week Convention Northwest Coastal Region To Newsboys Crime Spree To Saigon Feud Bill Easily A Herald tradition of many years will be repeated SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) Two HARTFORD (AP) — Strong tomorrow, when the Christ- youths from West Virginia told WASHINGTON (A P )— Secretary of State Dean Hit hy Third Day of Rain bipartisan support overcame 11 mas Eve edition is The Her- today of a three-week escapade Rusk urged feuding factions in Saigon today to set aside amendment attempts and gave ald’s annual gift to its news- of robbery and violence and ad- personal considerations and wliat he called lesser issues the Constitution Convention boys. mitted beating a man whose bill an easy victory in the state EUREKA, Calif. (A P )__ ^way 30 also was closed to traf-<» At Scotia, Calif., rescuens at- in the interest of getting on with the war against Red bludgeoned body was found in House of Representativea Tues- tempting to evacuate several an abandoned house in north- guerrillas in South Viet Nani. day. Gale - whipped torrential «,utheastem part of the families in low areas were west Georgia. Chatham County Rusk did not name any par-<?' 'Die General Assembly, now rains from the Pacific lash- state, another part of U.S. 30 Comsat Agrees detectives reported. ticiilar South Vietnamese lead approach to world revolution in its second special reappor- ed California, Oregon, Ida- was closed by rising water and blocked becau.se of logs racing Sheriff’s deputies found the er, but his remarks at a news was seeking to upset world or- tionment session, is recessed ho and Nevada today, for Soda Springs was cut off. loose in the Eel River. To $3.5 Million body of Billy Copeland, 47, of National Guard troops were conference came amid strong der and warned that their ap- for the holidays. Barring an Garberville wa.s without any Lafayette, Ga., early todat It U.S, displeasure over moves by the third straight day, en- alerted for flood duty. Streams telephone service, while all but petites and ambitions grow upon unforeseen emergency, H will Launching Pace was wrapped in wallpaper.^ Saigon generals to purge the feeding. not reconvene until Jan. 4. dangering scores of cities throughout southern Idaho were local service wa.s cut off in 13 The deputies went to the civilian leadership. Asked if he subscribed to the One of the sharpest critics at and towns and threatening swollen by the imseasonable other towns south of Eurkea. house after Roy Dale Chatter- warmth that sent temperatures WASHINGTON (AP) — The Rusk also said that lack of a falling domino theory in South- the bill was Rep. Benjamin to force evacuation of a The main long-distance tele- ton, 20, and Woodrow Whisman, into the upper 50s and wide- unified civilian government in east A.sia —the idea that one Barringer, R-New Milford, who phone cable to Eureka was Communications Satellite Oorp 21, told in a statement how they South Viet Nam would obviously city of 11,000 population. spread lowland flooding was toppling government causes an- said the "last person thought washed out. — Oomsat — announced today it robbed and beat Copeland Dec. make it more difficult to handle The Christmastime deluge has reported. other to fall — Rusk said, "This about (in the drafting of tha In other parts of the nation, 16, the day the textile mill su- certain types of U.S. aid. He killed six persons, left three Hardship gripped the country- will pay the government about is not dominoes, this is Marx- bill) was the general public." wet weather dampened areas pervisor disappeared. declined to go into detail on this ism.” rescuers missing and forced side. At Piercy, Calif., a preg- from the northern Plains to New S3.5 million to launch its “ Early “ The first thought was for Bird” commercial satellite as or the bigger question of what He gave full backing to U.S. more than 6,000 persons to fleet nant woman whose baby must England. Snow fell in scattered Copeland was married and the welfare of the two political soon as possible after March 1. happens to the massive U.S. Ambassador Maxwell D. Tay- before raging waters of a dosen come by Caesarian section, was sections across the northern tier the father of three sons and a parties,” Barringer aaid. The contract, signed by O m - assistance program if there le lor, who has come under attack fltxxi-swollen mountain rivers reported stranded In a lodge of states. Light rain sprinkled daughter. He objected to the way In sat and the National Aeronaut- no unified government. from South Viet Nam's com- and hundreds of streams. isolated by surging waters. areas in other sections east of Detectives Randolph Strick- which the bill would have Con- An amphibian helicopter with ics and Space Administration, land and Billy Fields said the On another subject. Rusk said mander in chief, Lt. Gen. Nguy- stitutional Convention delegates Four persons were spotted the Mississippi River. three Coast Guardmen aboard commits NASA to perform youths dictated a statement to Communist China is attempting en Khanh, for opposing Sun- chosen. clinging to the rooftop of a near- Fairly mild weather prevailed was missing and presumed similar launchings at Comsat’s officers today and related incl- to extend its domination into day's purge by young generals. The measure provides that l4 by inun^ted house at Pepper- in most states, w IAl the lowest down after evacuating 10 per- option .alter July 1. Ultimately, denU- -«f -v i^ n c e in several Southeast Asia and the Congo As for Khanh’s public criti- delegates be elected from each sons off an island In Oalifomia’s wood Falls, Calif,, yelling for temperatures in the” northern the earth will be circled with states. and has made these two areas cisms of Taylor, Rusk said help. ^ third of the nation. Early morn- of Connecticut’s six Congression- Eel River. satellites for a permanent sys- The officers said the youths the gp-eatest danger points to some of them might have been al districts.
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