Weather Dtrtrflbntioit 7 uo. ttmpttkbirt M. Away THEDAILY Today today, Ugh St. Fair tea%ht, low in the Ms. Tomorrow, partly 25,000 cloudy, more humW, high to the I Red Bank Area f Ms. Sunday, fair, cooler. See Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. DIAL 741-0010 weather, page :. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS luiMd Jill?. Monday thnnab TrUiy. »eeo»4 Cltti PMOP FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOL. 88, NO. 6 Paid it Red Bank and at Additional UalUnc OUtCM. Highlands Splits on Attorney Choice HIGHLANDS — A five member for their second council terms, Mr. Hall balked at the swift Mr. Gruber spoke up, assuring be retained "until we can get a slate swept into office here May along with political newcomer move, declaring "the right of ap- council that he had "already for- legal opinion on this matter from 11, capturing all five Borough Mrs. Ellen M. Lynch, former pointments is the privilege and warded legal briefs on a law suit someone other than Mr. Gruber." Council seats on a platform of Mayor Frank J. Hall, and for- function of the mayor." against the borough to another A motion by Mr. McGowan to "unity and co-operation." mer Councilman Ernest A. ''Before the mayor offers his attorney. table the appointment until Tues- But at last night's organization Vaughan. Mr. Hall previously name for appointment as at- "So ;ee — there's no con- day night was defeated 3-2. Dis- meeting, a split ticket was sworn served on the governing body torney, I think we should check flict now,' he claimed. senters were Mayor Bahrs and in. four years, two of them as may- into possible conflict of interest Mr. Gruber said later that the Mr. Vaughan and Mr. Hall. In the only compatible move or. Mr. Vaughan was a council- on the part of Benjamin Gruber," two-year-old suit involved injury "That was a fast one," Mr. at (he stormy organization ses- man for two years. Mr. McGowan said. Mrs. Lynch to a boy in the hill area and that McGowan said, sion which saw the end of the Unanimity among members of agreed. he had been hired as the at- the new governing body was "We can appoint Mr. Gruber torney. He declined to name the Mayor Bahrs then immediately nine-year reign- of the Guiney called for a motion naming Mr. administration — John A. Bates short-lived, ending abruptly when tonight," Mayor Bahrs said, lawyer who will handle the case, Councilman McGowan offered a "and if he is in conflict which I "until he receives the papers." Gruber borough attorney for a was named mayor and William one-year term. It carried 3-2, with McGowan. council president. motion to reappoint John M. Pills- believe we'll find he is not — he Mrs. Lynch then made a rec- The two men were sworn in bury borough attorney. can resign." ommendation that Mr. Pillsbury (See HIGHLANDS, Page 1) Mazza Takes Mayor Post At Quiet Session in City LONG BRANCH - Vincent J. Mazza assumed the mayor's seat yesterday in a reorganizational MINUS TWO — New Highlands Borough Council organized latt night, naming John meeting of City Council conspic- uous in its serenity. JiA. Bahrs, holding gavel, mayor. Here, with him are Councilman Ernest A. Vaughan, Last ditch efforts by former fleft, and Councilman Frank J. Hall, right. Standing it new borough attorney, Benja- Mayor Milton, F. Untermeyer to min Gruber. Voting against his appointment were Councilwoman Ellen M. Lynch and alter the results of Tuesday's caucus meeting apparently fiz- Councilman William McGowan, not shown. The pair left Borough Hall immediately zled, and the eight voting coun- after meeting, refusing to pose with other council members. cilmen, in a display, of unity, voted unanimously to name Mr. Mazza to the council leadership post. Mr. Mazza received the only nomination. Mr. Ontermeyer had been ac- Matawan Planning tively courting the vote of Coun- cilman Donald L. Phillips, who took office yesterday, as late as hours before the meeting, well placed sources reported. How- ever, Mr. Phillips refused to Details Outlined change. MATAWAN — Expansion of borough hall, Dean Boorman, a representative of the con- Councilmen Sworn In purchase of additional recreation areas and sulting firm, recommended that the borough Besides Mr. Phillips, sworn in possible unification of firehouses are some of purchase property on the north side of bor- as councilmen at-large were Ed- the major recommendations In a community" ough hall. gar N. Dinkelspiel and Henry R. TAKING OATH — Three at-large Long Branch City Councilmen were sworn in yesterday at council's reorganiza- facilities survey released last night by Book- There is a building on the property which Cioffi. Michael G. Celli took the tional meeting. City Clerk Sanita J. Camassa, right, roadi Hie oath of office a j assistant city clerk, Mrs. Dorothy man and Dorram Inc., Montdair, planning could provide the borough with 3,000 square oath of office as the council-ap- consultants. .-....- feet of office space. pointed representative from the Brady, hold* Bible. Le>fr ro right, are Henry R, Oioffl, Edgar N. Dinkeltpiel and Donald L. Phillips. Details of the survey were outlined to the Mr. Boorman also suggested that in the third ward. His term will run Planning Board and members of various other future, the two buildings could be connected until the November election. He municipal agencies." by a corridor. replaces Mr. Cioffi who will moy^ The report also covered school construc- He Mid the adjacent property now has an to the first ward shortly. "* tion projections as prepared by the Regional No action was taken on the A Look at the New Mayor assessed valuation of $24,008. Board Of Education last year. The planner noted that the building could appointment of city attorney or * The planning firm recommends that be used to provide office space for the boro- assistant city attorney. Council By SANFORD R. STAROBIN This habit of closely following move into them too hastily." to vote for tha sale. This informa- thought be given to increasing municipal office ough engineer, tax collector and civil defense has agreed to carry City Attor- LONG BRANCH — Vincent Jl the minutiae of city'business has A case in point, 'he observes, tion, he says, was obtained only facilities by purchasing property adjacent to officials. , - ney Louis R. Alkins and his as- Mazza, who is called Vinrlle by more than once frustrated more was the recent sale of the^ity in- through painstaking study. the existing municipal building. (See MATAWAN, Page 2) sistant, Jacob Rand, as hold- his wife and Vince by his friends, zealous councilmen and city of- cinerator to the Monmouth Park Dark and slender, with a re- overs until a schedule for the is now called mayor by the Long ficials and has prompted his crit- Jookey Club. Though there .were ceding hairline that thins further payment of legal fees can be Branch citizens. ics to declare that during his strong feelings on both sides as it travels over his head, May- . arranged. Elected to a two-year post yes- tenure council meetings will drag whether or not to sell the instal- or Mazza looks at least five years Appointments to a vacant seat terday, the studious-looking chera into the small hours. lation—which had not seen use younger than his 40 years. His on the Board of Adjustment, held ical engineer sits in marked con Mr. Mazza defends his methods, for some 20 years—he remembers 5-10 frame appears to hold less Dismissal of Principal that a thorough investigation of until yesterday by Benson Gold, trast to his more flamboyant and warning that "you can overlook than his professed 175 pounds, and- other city posts were not gregarious predecessor, Milton F. some important things if you the facts and figures caused him (See MAYOR, Page 2) discussed at the brief meeting. Untermeyer. Mr. Mazza was nominated by Known as a "detail man" by Brings Protest March Councilman Cioffi and seconded his colleagues and close associ Reply to Stout's Report by Councilwoman Lucy J. Wil- ates, Mr. Mazza admits to his MONMOUTH BEACH-A group, protest committee, told The Reg- school term. About 50 persons at- son. After tHe vote, Mr. Unter- reputation, adding that "any job of irate parents will march on ister that, although the mayor tended the board session. Many MAZZA, Page 2) done should be done properly." the home of Jfoyor Sidney B. is not a member of the Board asked for reasons behind the dis- Stern Warning Issued Johnson Monday morning seek- of Education, he could seek the missal. ing an explanation of the dis- answers to the dismissal question. Board members refused to an missal of Donald J. Gudaitis, The board Wednesday night swer questions put to them by "elementary school principal, withdrew the principal's contract, the observers, it was said, and Mrs. Francis Hickey of 41 Sea-just short of a month after it John Ludwig, board president, Oil State Air Pollution view Ave., a member of the had been renewed for the 1965-66 agreed the principal is a well qualified administrator. TRENTON (AiP) - New Jer- siorts. Stout said his'statement Jersey Air Pollution. Control The board voted 7-1 for the sey was under' stern wanning was merely a draft. Commission in a position of withdrawal. Board member An- from a scientist today, that seri- State Health Commissioner readiness for implementing leg- State Official Urges drew P. Cancatosi cast the lone ous health hazards could result Dr.
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