TUESDAY. N O V EM BER 9, 1943___________________ ___________ PUBLISHED BY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS AT FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA __________________________ V O L 13— N O . 17 MARINE CORPS ANNIVERSARY TOMORROW Top Three Aces " Semper Fidelis” BIRTHDAY OF 168 YEARS DUTY Of World War II ON LAND, AT SEA, IN THE AIR Leathernecks CELEBRATED BY LEATHERNECK Tomorrow,Wednesday, November 10, 1943, commem­ A third Marine flier has. orates the one hundredsixty-eighth anniversary of the joined the exclusive ranks of founding of the United States l^arine Corps. The anniver­ aces " ho have reached the 20 sary falls on the eve of Armistice Day, which, in a sense, mark in enemy planes shot is fitting, since the Marine Corps has been a great factor down in World War II. "Sfor peace as well as w’ar. The past A belated report of a Marine year has been a year filled with fighter sweep over Kahili airdrome action; action painted red with the 18 October reveals that Major Marine Detachment blood of United States Marines. Gregory Boyington commanding Places such as Guadalcanal, the “Black Sheep” squadron of Munda, Eogai, Inlet, Rendova, Corsairs, shot down his 20th Jap Gets Ten Trainees Vella Lavella, Kolombangara are plane and is now the leading fight­ but a few of the names ever to be er in action in the South Pacific. remembered in the annals of the His 19-plane group shot down 8 of From Active Duty Corps. They will be placed along­ 20 attacking Zeroes during the bat­ side Belleau Wood, St. Mihiel and tle to raise its total to 58. Ten hardened Leathernecks, Meuse-Argonne. Still out in front is Major Joe I from line duty, joined the ranks On November 10, 1775, a Corps Foss, who shot down 26 Jap planes i of Captain Kirt W. Norton’s Ma- of Marines was created by a reso­ to tie the all-time high set by ; rine Detachment this week to re­ lution of the Continental Congress. Captain Eddie Rickenbacker in plenish the loss of some sixty-three Since that date, many thousand World War I. He is now doing men who had left by 1 November, men have borne the name Marine. duty in the states. 1943. All but one of the new Ma­ In memory of them, it is fitting . The other leading American Ace rine trainees have seen active duty that we who are Marines should ‘ is First Lt. Kenneth A. Walsh. At in the Pacific Area; four of them call to mind the glories of the the time of his return to the States hold the Presidental Unit Cita­ Corps’ long and illustrious history. several weeks ago he was official­ tion; and one the Purple Heart. In In every battle and skirmish ly credited with downing 20 planes future issues of THE PINE, “Pro­ since the birth of the Corps Ma­ and several probables. file of a Marine” will present bio­ rines Imve acquitted themselves The three Marine fliers’ records graphical sketches oi these men. with the greatest distinction, win- are tops in the nation’s services. For now these “briefs” will act asn*n£ new honors on each occasion YANKS TEACHING NIPS an introduction. untjl the term “Marine” has come WASHINGTON, Oct. 25 <AP) — BLAIR E. DALTON, ex-Ser- to signify all that is highest in The Marines’ Number 2 aerial kill­ geant Major, USMC. He has seen military efficiency and soldierly er of Japanese fliers said today the three years, two months of service. virtue. Nipponese enemy is learning com­ He holds Sharpshooter, pistol; The high name of distinction bat tactica from his American op­ Marksman, rifle: wears the Ameri­ and soldierly repute the Marines ponents. can Defense Medal and the Asiatic- today have received from those Here are some of Walsh’s ob­ Pacific Campaign Medal; has done who preceded' them in 'the Corpa. servations: “The Japanese pilot is duty in New Zealand; home town: wising up, abandoning stunt flying Portage, Wisconsin. as an individual and adopting the JA CK TRAIL, ex-Quartermaster aerial team tactics used by Ameri­ Sergeant, USMC: three years and Corps Commandant can fliers." four months with the Marine The Corsair F4U1 fighter, wide­ Corps. He holds Marksman, pistol; ly used by the Marines in the Sol­ Marksman, rifle. He wears the Talks OnConfidence omons area, is tops, not so maneu­ American Defense Medal (one verable as the Japanese Zero but star) and the Asiatic-Pacific Cam­ THE COMMANDER faster and better armed and arm­ paign Medal (one star). Has done To the members of the Marine ored. service at Pearl Harbor and New Corps V-12 unit: It’s the plane you don’t see that Zealand. Home town: Beaumont, On the 168th anniversary of the gets you in a fight. ‘The Jap will Texas. birth of the United States Marine kill you any Way^he*can, in a para­ JOHN D. CABLE. Ex-Sergeant, Corps, it is well to take stock pf chute, in the water. Our feelings ( Please Turn to Page Four) the situation from your own stand­ now are quite mutual; they started point it and well finish it.” Captain Norton General T. A. Holcomb ices, whose motto has always been ■'Semper Fidilis." Tells Marine Officers Relates History You have been selected for a course of instruction which, if suc­ What Job They Must Do cessfully completed, will lead to commissioned rank. If you had Lieutenant General Thomas A. Of Marine Corps Tomorrow marks the 168th been most needed to serve in the Holcomb, Commandant, U. S. Ma­ ranks of the Marine Corps immed­ rine Corps addressed the graduat­.graduat­ niversary of the birth of our Corps, said by many to be the toughest iately, you would have received ing class at Quantico, Virginia, on such orders. Obviously, the Marine September 22.22, 1943 on the subject body of fighting men over or­ anized. Corps needs competent and trained “Your Job as a Marine Officer."Officer.” g officers. Such officers cannot be While members of the Marine De­ The first official steps taken to developed overnight. The .develop­ organize the Marine Corps was by tachment are training for future A ceremony jymboliiing the world-wide scope of Marine Corps service takes place on a Pacific ment requires long and arduous commissions inIn the Corps .it is , the Continental Congress on No­ training both mentally and physic- fitting that THE PINE, on the beach1 as Pacific Ocean water *« bottled for shipment to an Atlantic Coast Marine base. A Leath­ vember 10, 1775, when it authoriz­ erneck color guard stands vigilantly by with "sergeant Duffy," official Marine Corps mascot. Marine Anniversary, Bhouldshould print ed the establishment of two bat­ “ f c . Commanding Officer hopes suchguch an address. — talions. The resolution further that you will take full advantage “Officers of the Field Artillery specified that the personnel for of your opportunities, and live up Course, the Reserve Officers’ H the battalions were to be “good to the hignest traditions of the Course, and members of,theof 4 the Can­Can- I seaman or so acquainted with mar­ Marine Corps. didates’ Class: I congratulate you TRAINING| MAKES A MARINE GOOD itime affairs as to be able to R. B. H ORNER, upon the successful completion of serve to advantage at sea.” Commanding. your’ courses, and for the Candi­ November 10 for that reason has dates’dates' Class I have a hearty wel-wel­ /< been officially designated as the New Ten Inch Bayonet W ith it they also received from come as new members of the Of­Of- ^Canine "Devildogs" Fig Marine Confidence birthday of the United States Ma­ ficers’fleers’ ranks of the Marine Corps. I . rine Corps and has been observed them the eternal spirit which has “It"It isis nono accidentaccident thatthat youyou areare In Equatorial Jungles Used By Leathernecks as such since 1921. animated the Corps from genera­ wearing barebars on your shoulders to-to­ ^Against Slant-eyed Jap Acquired From For Close Order Comb The early detachments of Ma­ tion to generation and has been the day. You have earned them— and rines fought with such force, vigor, distinguishing mark of the Ma­ rines In every age. So long as that while they entitle you to certain The first detachment of fighting Streamlined for battle, the blade and pride that they set into mo­ privileges and recognition — they tion an esprit de Corps that hafe spirit continues to flourish Ma­ Marine dogs has arrived safely at Experience of the new issue used by the U. S. rines will be found equal to every also place upon you a very definite a South Pacific port and will soon 'The Marines have confidence in Marine Corps, the Shambo-sticker been handed down to this day and responsibility. The manner in since the last war it has become emergency in the future as they go into action against the Jap­ themselves. And confidence is (Bayonet, U.S., M1942), will be have been in the past, and the men which you wear them will affect anese.ar greatly different from braggadoci. ten inches in length, six inches contageous with all recruits with­ out any encouragement whatever. of our Nation will regard them as the reputation of the Marine Corps. Trained as scouts, sentries or Confidence doesn't come from the ahorter than the old. Supplies of If you wear them well, with cour- Just recently General Hersey, worthy successors to the long line messengers, the dogs will be at­ outside. It comes from the inside. the old issue bayonet now on hand of illustrious men who have served (Pleat*i Pleat* TTurn u n toto PagePage Four)Four) u It comes from character and dis­ are being cut, retempered and U.S.A., in an address to a graduat­ tached to front-line units fighting ing clasa of officers at Quantico, as “Soldiers of the Sea” since the in the equatorial jungles.
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