THE TRAOEWINDS Pg. 2 6:00PM O — T h e Bishop's Wife' A young bishop who land. Bette Davis, Errol Flynn, Olivia De Havil- has lost the common touch and marital happi­ land. 1939 Sunday ness because of his all engrossing dream of 11:00AM O — 'Four's a Crowd' Frolicking foursome in erecting a cathedral is helped by 'Dudley,' a which Bob loves Lorri, who loves Patterson, 7:00AM O — 'Superman: Tha Movie' Clark Kent returns friendly spirit. Cary Grant, Loretta Young, I as the 'Man of Steel' vaulting skyscrapers, out- who loves Jean. Errol Flynn, Rosalind Russell, David Niven. 1948 muscling locomotives and romancing Lois Olivia de Havilland. 1938 Lane. Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder, Mar­ 8:00PM O 0 — 'All the W ay Home' Mary struggles to 6:00PM O — 'Scrooge* A miser reforms his ways after lon Brando. 1980. Rated PG. make a new life for herself after the tragic the ghostly visitations of Christmas past, pre­ death other husband. Sally Field, William Hurt sent and future. Seymour Hicks, Maurice 8:30AM O — 'The Best Years of Our Uvea' The story of and Ned Beetty. three veterans from the same town returning Evans, Robert Cochran. 1S35 home from the war: a middle-aged sergeant, 9:00PM O — T h e Black Stallion' A mystical relationship O — 'Water BaMee' A young fugitive stumbles an air officer and a sailor who has lost both is formed between a boy and a horse when into a beautiful undarwatar world that lies in hands. Fredric March, Myrna Loy, Dana An- they are shipwrecked on a deserted island. an enchanted pool. Jamas Mason, Tommy di«w>. 1946 Kelly Reno, Mickey Rooney, Teri Garr. 1979. Pander. 1979. Rated G. Rated G. 9:30AM 0 — 'Snowball Express’ A nice-guy from the 7:00PM 0— 'Once Upon a Starry Night* Grizzlay Adams East inherits a dilapidated resort some 10,000 9:30PM 0 — T h e Night of the Grizzly' An ex-lawman braves a snowstorm to locate a man and his feet up in the Rockies. Dean Jones, Nancy Ol­ tries his hand at ranching to make a better life wife after they ware seperatad from their child­ son, Harry Morgan. 1972. Rated G. for his family and finds his greatest anamy to ren by an avalanche. Dan Haggerty be a grizzly bear. Clint Walker. Martha Hyar, 12:00PM 0 — T h e Country Girl* A Broadway and record­ Keenan Wynn. 1906 8:00PM 0— ‘Angel on M y Shoulder' A man sent to Hell ing star, lost in a morass of self pity, nearly . gats one last chance to escape perdition by .misses his chance at a comeback. Bing 11:00PM 0 — 'Last Married Couple In America' Marriad 'coming back* as a politican being manipu­ •Crosby, Grace Kelly, William Holden. 1954. couples deal with the pressures of contempor­ lated towards tha Presidency. Pater Strauss ary morality. Georgs Segal, Natalie Wood, Ri­ and Barbara Hershey. 0 — 'A Man Called Sledge* A gunman and his chard Benjamin. 1980. Rated R. cohorts steal a fortune in gold from a prison in 0 — T h e Ordeal of Bill Camay’ This story, the desert. James Garner, Dennis Weaver, 11:30PM O — Thank Your Lucky Stars' Eddie Cantor's based on fact follows tha trials of a man Claude Akins, John Msrley. 1971 double impersonates him as the producer of a whose two sons are taken from nim by legal benefit show to give beginners a chance. Ed­ 1:30PM 0 — 'Jesus' Christ's life is retold according to action after an army training accident leaves die Cantor, Humphrey Bogart, Ida Lupino. him a paraplegic. Richard Cranna. the Gospel of Luke. Brian Deacon. Rated G. 1943 0 — ‘All Mine to Give' The saga of a family of 9:00PM 0 — T h e Outaider* An American-goes to Ire­ 12:00AM 0 — 'Witness for the Prosecution' The story of land to fight with the Provisional Irish Republi­ eight who brave frontier hardships, epidemics a young man's trial for the murder of a wealthy apd death in the Wisconsin wilderness Glynis can Army. Craig Wasson, Sterling Hayden. woman 'friend'. Tyrone Power, .Marlene Die­ Rated R. Johns, Cameron Mitchell, Patty McCormick. trich, Charles Laughton. 1957 ' 1956 9:30PM O — 'Francis of Aaaisi' The saint's life is de­ O — 'Hit Lady* A woman's job as a professional 2:00PM O — 'Abbott and Coatello Meet Captain Kidd’ picted in this film. Bradford Dillm'an. Dolores artist is a cover for her real occupation as a Hart Stuart Whitman. 1961 Abbott and' Costello discover they have Cap­ hired assassin. Yvette Mimieux, Joseph Cam- tain Kidd's treasure map instead of their own panella, Clu Gulager. 1974 11:45PM O — ‘Gentleman Jim* Story of James J. Corbett. letter. Abbott and Costello, Charles Laughton. Errol Flynn, Alexis Smith, Jack Carson. 1942 1952 1:30AM O — 'Fatso' Food becomes both friend and foe to a fat man looking for love and understand­ 12:00AM 0 — T h e Barefoot Conteaaa' A girl's rise to 0 — 'The Bishop’s Wife' A young bishop who ing. Dorn DeLuise, Anne Bancroft 1980. Rated stardom results in the loneliness found in has lost ths common touch and marital happi­ R. fame. Edmund O'Brien, Ava Gardner, Hum­ ness because of his atl engrossing dream of phrey Bogart Rosanno Brazzi. 1954 2:30AM O — 'Panto in Needle Park' A girl from Indiana erecting a cathedral is helped by 'Dudley,' a 1:00AM 0 — 'Nude Bomb* Maxwell Smart is ordered to friendly spirit. Cary Grant Loretta Young falls in love with a New York heroin addict and becomes addicted herself. Al Pacino, Kitty stop the latest plot of KAOS- a bomb that des­ 3:30PM 0 — 'Roller Boogie* Some skaters band to­ Winn, Richard Bright 1971 troys all known fabrics. Don Adams, Pamela Hensley. Rated PG. gether to keep their roller-disco open. Linda 4:30AM 0 — *11191001 of Fortune* A country lawyer ex- Blair, Jim Bray. 1979. Rated PG. , poses 0 girl's father for the crooked politician 1:45AM 0 — ' t eoond Kaos' The drama of a girl whose 5:00PM 0 — 'Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol* , he Is. Frances Oee, John Wayne, Edward Ellis. face la scarred. Ella Raines, Bruce Bennett 6:30PM 0 — ‘Superman: The Movie* Clark Kent returns RIM Johnson. I960 as the‘Man of Steel'vaulting skyscrapers, out- 2:30AM 0 — 'Merrisgs of a Young Stockbroker* A muscling locomotives and romancing Lois Tuesday young man haa to decide if tha stylo of living Lane. Christopher Reeve. Margot Kidder, Mar­ ho has created for himself is what ho really lon Brando. 1980. Rated PG. 7:00AM 0 — 'Bedtime for Bonzo* A professor, whose wants. Richard Benjamin, Lae Grant 1971 7:30PM 0 — 'ThunderbaH' Agent 007 seeks out an in­ criihinal father died in prison, adopts a chimp 0 — 'Kramer vs. Kramer* A hardworking ad ternational crime syndicate planning a three to prove environment determines a child's fu­ executive is left with tha cars of his young son million dollar ransom plot against the Western ture. Ronald Regan, Walter Blezak. 1951 whan his wife walks out on him.' Dustin Hoff­ poWers. Sean Connery, Claudine Auger, 9:00AM 0 — 'Forty 9soond Street* The loves, hates and man, Moryl Streep, Justin Henry. 1990. Rated Adolfo Cali, Luciena Paluxzi. 1965. Rated PG. ambitions of a producer, his angels and tha PG. 8:00PM 0 0 — 'From a Far Country: Pope John Paul II' cast of an upcoming Broadway .play. Ruby The life and career of the young pope born Keeler, Dick Powell, George Brenti Ginger Ro­ Karol Wojtyla. Cezary Morawski, Sam Neill gers. 1933 an<{ Lisa Harrow. 11:00AM 0— 'Woman In White' A strange and haunting Thursday spell grips a mansion and the piaople in it 9KMPM O —j T h e Formula' All hell breaks loosa during 6:00 P.M. — - NBA Basketball;” Lee Eleanor Parker, Alexis Smith, Gig Yioung. 1946 a n ! international synthetic fuel conspiracy. Angelas at Golden State George C. Scott, Marlon Brando, Martha 8:00PM 0 — 'BUT A mentally retarded adult with the 0 - 1st Annual Turner Fam. 900P.M. Keljler. 1980. Rated R. help of a good friend, tackles life'outside the : Holiday Gathering ¡nsttutuion ln which he has spent 44 years: 00-Hid Street Blues 11:00PM 0 -j- 'Octagon* A retired kung fu champ goes 0 QD - Magnum. P.l. back into action to combat a secret order of 0(3)0-20/20 9:30PM 0— 'Public E n e m /A boy raised in’a tenement Bob Nowhart Oriental killers. Chuck Norris, Lee Van Cleef. - becomes a racketeer and la brdught home 0- 0 - You Asked For It Rated R. dead. James Cagney, Donald Cook, Joan Har­ 0 - Nuree 0 - Understanding Human 0 — 'Beanos on a Wet Afternoon' A medium, to low. 1931 9:30 P.M. gain recognition of supernatural powers plans 0 — 'AH That Jazz* Despite failing health, a Bohav. - MOVIE: 'Apocalypee to'-kidnap wealthy child against husband's Broadway producer keeps a mad pace- cho­ 0- NBA Basketball: Indiana 0 Judgment Kim Stanley, Margaret Lacey, Maria reographing musical numbers, editing a film a t Detroit Kazan. 1964 and trying to manage his personal life. Jessica • • IV0#l i m r ilfWms---- l 9:45 P.M. 11:30PM 0 — Thoroughly Modsm MilBe' Tw o young Lange, Roy Scheider, Ann Rainklng. 1980. 6:30 P.M. 0 - TB S Evening News gifts come to New York to realize their ambi­ Rated R. 0 ^ maa » « ------- «— m 0P - rm rntgaMm 1000P.M. tions: one to be an actress, the other to be a 11:15PM 0 — ‘Four Wives' This movie is the second of stenographer and marry the boss.
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