Clean.Up Days Wednesday, Sept. 15 and . THENE KPOST Thursday, Sept. 16 TO Benefit Peach Festival To PROPERTY DROP IN S .. Itt 'CHASE Be Staged On Saturday PURCHASED WATER RATE UrpnSlng n eres ~ FAIR CARNIVAL DIRECTOR Continental Band. To March With BY COUEGE CONSIDERED Shown In Post Drive TRACK Sons ~f Legion Largest Roll Council Moves Town To Be Without Water . TIME TO A committee headed by Clarence In History Is H. Hopkins is arafting final plans For Ordinance Town Engineer George C. Price announced yesterday that this week for a peach carnival to Expected t.h e Newark water supply will be shut off at midnight Friday, be staged by the J. Allison O'Dan- To Aid Users September 10, for a period of approximately three hours. ENTER IS iel Post No. 10, American Legion, Necessary repairs to Uw main on West Main Street and the on the Academy lawn, Saturday. The properties of the Gilbert A drop in water rates for users in 1moving of a fire plug will be attempted during the period ihat To Defray Expenses Chambers estate on S. College Ave- Newark will be forthcoming this water will not be available. Proceeds from the affair will be nue, now occupied by the Ritten- year, if an ordinance to amend an NOW TODAY used to defray expenses of send- house Motor Company, have been ordinance introduced at the Sep- • -----------------------4 ing the local Sons of the Legion purchased by the University of Del- tember meeting of the town council JOINS POST STAFF Squadron to participate in the Na- aware through money donated by Monday night is finally adopted. Candidates tional American Legion Parade a friend, it was announced this The measure, whicn will increase INTEREST which will be held on Tuesday, Sep- week. the quarterly allowance to 1,800 cu­ Find That tember 21 in New York City. C. E. Rittenhouse, manager of a bic feet for each tap, received un­ Starting promptly at 7:30 P . M. filling station and automobile sales animous approval following llie in­ IN SHOW Entries Give from Main and Chapel Streets, the room at lliis location for a number ilial reading. Continental Diamond Fibre Com- of years, still has a lease on the Final action is scheduled for the Good Returns pany band, making its first appear- properties which has more than October meeting. Committees ance in new uniforms, will lead the foul' years to run so the university Mayor Collins, who presided at The announcement by The New- Sons of the American Legion Squad- ~~;I~~:~t tr!~.absolute possession un- the session. dictated the amendment Chosen For ark Post of how more than $2,000 ron up Main Street in a short pa- which reads: "An ordinance to am- in valuable prizes and commissions rade to the scene of the festivities. It is understood that the build- end an ordinance regarding water FI D' I were to be offered to the women, Immediately foUowing the parade, ings will be razed as soon as the rates - on all billings made during ower ISP ay men, boys and girls of llils section the band will give a concert under lease expires. The Delaware Ledger October an allowance will be made was received with considerahle in- llie direction of David Chalmers, building, which adjoins the Cham- of 1,800 cubic feet per quarter in- Much interest has been aroused terest by the people of this section. Clarence H. Hopkins on the carnival grolmds. bel'S estate wlls purchased last year stead of 1,650 cubic feet pel' quar- by the announcement of llie sixth A number of nominations have Numerous attractions have been and razed .. Grass seed was planted ter." Users will be permitted to annual flower show which will be already been received and by the planned for the one-night afl'air, in- on the plot to replace the old con- draw an average of 150 gallons da- sponsored by the Newark Garden time the first list of candidates is cluding blanket, aluminum, and kit- struction. ily, if the amendment is finally ap- Club at llie Newark New Century published next week, it is hoped havC be n limited to two chen utensil booths. Willi the exception of the Evans proved. Club on September 25 and 26. Gar- there wiJI be a greater numbe.!' of each c1 <lss by anyone AUXILIARY A highlight of the , carnival will ~~~~eet~n~ nS .th~ol~~;~e~ve~~e~~~ To Colect Bills deners are already pruning and cuI· workers entered. Ribbons an d monetary be the fruit booth, featuring Dela- university now owns all property Councilman George F. Ferguson's Itivating their choice fl owers to in. The prizes are so valuable in this be made to six places. ware peaches, which will be chanc- between Main Street and Dela- plan of billing all users on a quar- sure having prize blooms ready by campaign that it is hard to under- 1V1CA_ ,rr. n '_'U" en tries w ill be shown TO MEET ed off or sold. terly basis for minimum charges, the end of the month. stand why anyone who is well Nelsonl.~ju nct" o ~ with the open cl asses, Hot dogs, ice cream and other re- ~~:~e ::::~l~: ~~\~~ ~~ ~~~~~it~OI~ plus charges for excess water used Committees Chosen known and well lliought ot can fail ribbons will be award­ freshments will be sold on the section of the new campus. during the same peviod, was re-in- to take advantage of this great offer arc plnced. Each 4-H Election Of grounds. The Ladies' Auxiliary will troduced but failed to receive any The following committees have by The Newark Post. exhibiting will be conduct the lemonade and Large Enrollment action. It is MI'. Ferguson's plan to been appointed to arrange for the The object of the campaign is to $3 in addition to other Offieers To orangeade booths and the popular Enrollment at the institution this equalize excesses over the entire show: general committee - A. S. secure subscription payments to The be won by placing in the kiddie's fish pond. year is expected to be one of the year rather than have them accum- Eastman, chairman, Mrs. Edward Post from both old subscribers and positi ons in the open Special Train largest in its hIstory, according to ulate during the summer as at pres- George Edward Hollister Ginther, secretary, Mrs. R. O. Baus- new subscribers. Each payment of Be Held A special train will carry mem- reports made by Miss Winifred J . ent. man, Mrs. Middleton W. Hanson. one year or more will give votes. bel'S of the legion. sons of the legion Robinson and George L. Dutton, While the idea remained dormant. In addition ~"'Ying on hi s Mi ss Freda Ritz, Mrs. E. L. Rich- Those having most votes tbe closing of ~~~ 1:~ a~I~~~t ~~o~~~ X::!:.~:~~ and the auxiJiary and junior mem- deans of the women's and men's col- Council did act to get the trouble- work for an academic diploma at ards and L. R. Detjen; entry and night will receive the prizes accord- Fi eld Increases . .. bel'S to llie scene of the parade. The leges, respectively. sOqle water entanglement straight- the Newark High School, MI'. Hol- classificat!on - Mrs. Edward Gin- ing to llie rules of the campaign. Legion AuxliJary, Will have char~e local delegation will be joined by Allhough exact figures will not ened out. Mayor Collins will ap- li ster has undertaken the task of ' ther, chairman, Mrs. Helen Stnck- Opportunity Here campaigners arriving hourly of the September meetmg whIch IS representatives of Delaware Post be available until September 10, point a special comittee of three covering school news for this pa- land, Mrs. E. L. Richards, Mrs. Da- What are you doing to malte some over the East, the race scheduled to be held at the home of No. I in Wilmington. the increase in enrollment at the councilmen, Secretary C. Vernon pel'. vid Eastburn, Miss Elizabeth Hill, extra cash for yourself? Do you (or Saturday afternoon Mrs. Newton Sheaffer on Mam Placed in the fifth division the Women's College will be considerab- Steele and Engineer GeOl'ge C. A member of the junior class, he MISS Edwma Long, Dr. F. S. L a- often say, "1 wish 1 had Eome extra to be the most successful Street, Monda,y evening, September Delawar e units will participate in Iy larger U1 an last year, if all the Price to study water rates and to is sixteen years of age and a good gassee and Dr. E. M. Greve; ar- cash to spend?" - and llien do no- by a hunt club in the 13, at eIght 0 clock. what is expected to be the largest young women applying are admit- make some di sposition of unpaid student, having obtained fine schol- rangeme~t and decoration - Miss thing about getting it? Here is the e"ent on the week- Election of officers for the coming parade ever held. They will fall in ted. Dean Robinson said this week. bills dated prior to April 1 thi s arship standings in all subjects. He Freda Ritz, chaIrman. Mrs. R. O. opportunity for which you have Foxcalcher National ycar will take place, and the n a- at 10 :.15 A. M, at twenty-ninth and About 150 fre!shmen have regis- year. is the son of MI'. and Mi·s. Charles Bausman, Mrs. Middleton W. Han- been waiting. Here is that chance to Kt.,St(!cplechm;c" a gruclling three- ti onal convention in New York LeXington Avenue.
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