■ TUESDAY, JUNE «, IMS JHattrilirBtrr Ettf^bts XMalii Avangs Dalljr ClreidaUoa tn Pbr im Meath e f May, 1948 Jaaaaa A. MOcan. U , aC 46{ Bsiw fracy Doetsgs la n Firm BeUeTcr acraally. --- ' N . ' bar Officaa wU be riiared Auction Mart LewlaCon avanne. WlUlmaatlCjWaa Banquet Held In Tha Herald’s Power Junior C of Ce, by both Senior and Juniorr Cnam- 7,386 »bt Town •naotad laOt nl«ht by ' Omcar] Dr. Artliur B. Moran and bar ocganlaatlona. John U enmehinn for apaad Dr. J. A. SegM are the phyal- William Maguire of Holly­ OonstruotSan woefc vrill begin Opens Sunday j b* r«c«hf»d «t th« of- on Kaat Canter atreet and opemt- clans of tha Mandhaster Medi­ ByGleeQub wood, Calif., a nativa o f Man­ Holdsjwquet Immediately aliiee th s , Junor »Pub anpwtetio^t ^ Ing • motor vdilcle without n U-1 cal aasodatloB who wfll re­ chester, who has lived on the Chamber, having bean the hardest tiiooanr. June S for the cenae. spond to emergency calls to­ Pacific Coast for more than hit of aU Chamhar dapartmanta by dfowefcosiTj » A City of ViOa^o Ckidm morrow afternoon.'. Annual Event' of Bee­ twenty years, is in town fpr AHjoipras Uintil Fall But Sdectfvt Servlea, already haa Native Sitawbeetlea to Air raid wardena of Sector 8-BI -6* the purpose of dispoaing^ of -be nnijbic work lut eight eligible nqmaa to plaeaid. Start Goiliiiig to Town VOL.LXL,NO.208 m Vaga 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 ,1 ^ . t not M irtlrtectory invite all realdenta of the area thovens Is Held at the some of hie land and housSa To Keep 'Up Collect* ' A unique plan to fadUtato tha (SIXTEEN PAGES) . PRICE THUBE bounded by Florence and Olenwood here. He is a great believer in . ■ N ■r VMra. In Mbtag for Loyal Circlo a t King’s Dau|hters Countiy Q ub. ing W aste Paper.' aale of V lcto^ Bonda and S taina On Hurt Day. - - - »__ Iih:_ # ficurwl'thnt the ^ atreeU on the North. Oak atreet will hold Its anmml meeting Mon­ Herald ads. was'tntroduead to tha aaaamiffy t,tlw more thlcWar on tha Beat, School atreet on the day evening. June A at the Simple Mr. Maguire while la the last svealng. Tha plan waa tenta- r wm be taken care of thia South and CUnton atieet on the Simon Sandwich Shop, where a The ■«nn«i banquet o f the Bee­ Herald offlco told of advertia- TVvelva mambm of tha Junior tlvdy formulated and Is aeh The Mancheeter Ffeatt aadV O r Went, to meet with them at the roast lamb dinner will be served at thoven Glee Club was held last Ing a bungalow on Graiulvlew Chamber of OomnMrce atended an as the Junior Chamhar’s Orat etaliie Produeota Acaoctatlna will Vital Snpidy Line Nathan Hale School library , at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Arvld Seaburg, night at tM Manchester Country atreet. He eaiq The Herald adjournment banquet at the Man­ major project to be started upon open Its auetloa amifcat oa Char- •ad Xiadder Company K a elcht o’clock tomorrow evenlnf. who Is chairman of the committee Club. Turkey dinner with all the that day was hardly off the chester Country Club last evening. resumpuca of acttvltlos at tha tor Oak plaea Sunday for the aale A diecuaaion will be held on how I of arriuigemsnts, requests the fixings was served by Miss Marlmi presses when a man cama to moatnly bualwsaa meeting now I Booth iiaiirbeetrr fire de> The dinner meethig brought to n a t strawberries. Ths aalaa will 1 and Haadanartaxa Com* to protect the neighborhood In | members to meet at Center church Tinker, caterer at the club. see the house in question and does the Junior organliatlon’e slated for Smiember 1. Indlea- p X f tbeaaina dapart- caM of air ralda. in time.to take the 6:30 bus which Among the guests present were aald be would buy It Another dvle actlvltlea for the months of tlcBs are tbat the plan caa ba again ba la diatga ef'R . 3E. Raid Stronghold Seized m ^ otBomn for the connects with the Rockville bus. Mrs. Ernest Clough and Mrs. Elsie party immediately foUpwed the July and August. adapted readily In Mancheeter— and Sqna and tha Maaehastar Trust y o u and aalact d e lifa ^ A aon, Oaoifa Arthur, waa b Officers will be elected and rOjwrts Gustafson who, during tha past first man who went home to In addition to the membera la and ehould meet with favorable ^ company wm -agatB set as tn sa - the oonmaniaa as the OB Ifemorlal M y to Mr. and Mra. read for the past year, which has season, ably assisted tha club as see about making another de­ attendance, W. Alexander Ode peel In other, communities. urer. The auettoa maater win ba .A’a co n r a n ^ , at meet- Arthur Leduc at 61 Edmund atreet been an active one for the circle. accompanist and sdolst. During posit The sec<md man offered and Elmbre S. Hobenthal were Eugene GagUardoae. By British Troops gto be heM la the flrehouaea Mra. Leduc waa the former Mlaa the evening, both guests were pre­ 8500 more and said he would present as guests, representing tbe StrawbarriOa are being htought Agnea H. JarvlB daughter of Mrai Tha Study Group of the South sented wiu a gift hy tbe club in wait until No. 1 returned hop­ Senior Chamber aa President Officers Elected Into ths mnriwt from a ww patdi- ArcUla Jarvla^and the late Alex­ Methodist W. S. C. 8. wlU hold a appreciation for their work. ing it mighty fall through. Oth- Arthur H. Hung’s (u>pointaes to aa this week, but it la expected ander Jarvla of Center atreet briat busineas meeting «on the Good Flaaiuial Tear era began to N ^ ^ v a ^ the in­ this month’s Senior Rotating oom- by Sunday theca win be M fll-' church lawn, Friday aftemomi at FoUowlng the dinner, *a abort By Number Four Circle 30 Miles to Rear terim, but sure enough, the first mlttee. • . daat OB hand to wacraat cpaalng R iots C a ll 3T CLOSES The Home Ownera Lean Corpo­ 3:30 o’clock, and follow it with biulneas session was held and a man appeared and'Mr. Maguire Waste Paper Report the maikat. To Capture Rotunda IIOON WEDNESDAY ] ration haa aold a aix-room alngle social time, games and refresh- few reports which were carried sold bun the M>uee at tha price Treasurer Arthur H. Sborta aub- HOee A Ladder Company. No. 4, Strawbmlas now .balag eftbead houae at S3 Gerard atreet to Ken­ meats. over from tha aimual meeting, SegnaU; Britlsli Ad­ he asked, telling him, however. mltted a stimmarlsed report of the of tha South ManehastorFIre da- at a few roadride stands are ha- D uke B ack Strong Air Sc neth 8. Eddy, through the Arthur were heard. This included a final If he wanted to makeXlfiOO expenditures Incurred to data la Ing picked In the vaUey SaetteiiA , Airmen Praise Bigger Maids : Mtftaient, last night alectod offtoera mit Rommel Wins Hii of NhtiT* FxMh I A. Knofla agency. A t the next meeting of Llnne report from the treasurer. Joseph readily to apply to Purchaam the current Waste Paj^r Odlec- I 'or tha coming year. For genai Tha tarries that grow oa the hills Mop Up Areas Lodge No. 73, Knights of Pythias DellaFerra which showed that the' No. 3, but he wouldn’t harbw tions. A total of ISSAO waa ordered ire not expected to be ready for IbU m li tbercaidnr-• • to be held June 10 the Hoepltalixa- foreman they le-eleetod Clifford Control of Shortcut To Nassau Escape Destm cticnl I Badur # e are recelT* canter / Church Wommi'a Fed- club had a good financial year. tha suggestion of parting with paid last night. aa. Other offioers elected anottar 10 daya.- With tha tha and Bombing Raids On G erm any leration will hold Ita annuiel meet­ tlon Plan wULbe discussed and Another interesting report waa gasoUna shortaga R la axpaetod Criik Clean Spinach, his newly acquired property. ^^bursements ordered paid last Flint Aaatatant General Through Main Front. Raid Monday; ing tomorrow awning, following a acted upon. All "members are given by Evan Nyqulst, historian. evening brought the total expen- Foreman, Victor Armstroag; Sec­ that moca arin M a g thair harilaa icr Totnf Beeii, 2 pot luck aupper at 6:80, Mder the urg^ to set this date down so that This resume of the hiq>penlngs dltunkbo $111.80, Shorts reported. ond A—Irtant General Foreman, to the market this year than last Cost Two Live* and On Nazi Cities Seen A h ea d C^bjj^ves in Ri direction of Group H. I r a Ger­ they will be sure to attend thia during the past season always is when they aold many at their ewa Cairo, June 8.—(ff)—The ;2Sc...yoa can ase A break-dqprq of expenditures in: Albert Sobielo; eecretaiy, Joeeph Extensive Damage to truda Carrier la in charge of the meeting. Nomination of o^icers a feature of the anniial banquet, duded the ;toilowlng Itemiaed ac- Taylor: tibasuter, Raymond Han* ■taads or at their faraw. British fioid todar t i i ^ des­ Vall(^x Attacked; ^ ta a . Bararip^ 2 for the ensuing term win ir a be ' Vfinor Accidents hcaSc. NcwCrop<Rad- program. Ml women of the church bringing out some of the outstand­ oounta: WUUam T. wirgeaa, garb­ nequln; laddar fom oK O , Enieal ert forces had circled 36 mfles Property ;FoUowDem~ Hail Attacks as tleinon* nalties > Resnh I will be welomne.
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