fiXEM1'1l!{) r'.!OM AUtoMATIC DECLASSlfICA:rION AlJTtK)IUTY DERIVED FROM: Fat AlJfO DECLASSIFICA110N GUIDE I!XE~CODE~X( I ) DATE~ " • 20\\ H;;, , :re' t, t.V'~~ < ~'1! h Referral/Consult i.CF.;\, .}1IJ ltJ.~" .~ ~ttU'T1!i:" _~J' f!iUffl1i,.. r~!f" &11 ;;!.t.il~ 'il.t.e;:;"'Ii~ ~~/r-t1L~ 1.t\~1"~.;t~. ~ ~.1~-4~t i.J:~!0 ,';.".,.1~.'*1'~t4;~_:f. 'r~~ ~~,lt}. d v:l"~jf~t.":'J"'fot '~1#iS ~\. ifl'lt~~~l t~·ed J}/;, ~r'~n fl:;_ t...,,' ;!~1. j,,~;M\le~t~ ~',l"~ OJ. t 1·~. .., 1.\f. ;¥~. '","",.,.;1.. J.... !,;_... '.1;.#1; ....... _... j"'., ~ .(!~..... ""•. ~;~ •.•. i!iI> 4~.+w~ '" .,. ~".. ~ ~",." J..- '*~_ '~;f. '"if ....-~ ...L:~ Referral/Consult ~~_ iort I \, ••~xU."* i'l~lIt t.- j,~lM ~;,-~ ~:1la4.1,,. '-;~ \-~(;~7;~;;­ OC1 24 1949 Tolson__ Ladd, ___ /c Clegg,__ _ T/Pm Glavln__ . Illchols__ {osen, ___ DEC 8 t975 fi_ TraCY__ _ cc - Jaham Case :farbo,__ _ Bs.... rna ... et Deel-.u!lalliiOllh_ _LI\."""'~¥I' Ioff- 28773 T'ele. ;,oom_ Jease __ Uldy__ _ SAC - New York. / " ./ / i/ Director - FBI iJ JAY DAVID WHITTAKER CHAMBERS. waa, at al I1:Co~ , . Pr: .R{~~,#~; jESPIONAGE -R 'OttJ , 1J9'1~,' . ~ . ~hi' riilir-ihatJoaePh Fela Barllea, who waa formerly conaeeted 4.~ :with the New York "Herald Tribune It and ia preaeatly co-owner of the New York "Star" was mentioned by Whittaker Chambers in l<)4l, as part of an apparatus involving Frederick Vanderbilt Field and Field's wife. Chambers stated that his informaticn concerning Ba.rnes and Field came to him from J. Peters. When Chambers was interviewed on December 31, 1948, by the Na.sh.. ington Field Office, he recalled that in about 1937, J. Peters told him that en Frederick Vanderbilt Field was operating • .n apparataa in New York which l..C') included Joa.ph Baraes. fbis apparatus, he stated, may have included aarnes' ('1') brother, Howard Bar•• s. although Chambers was not certain of this. Chambers mentioned that Frederick Vanderbilt Field and Joseph Baraes h!!r s't~ppe~ \ :' wives. This waa mentioned only as a matter of interest. He saW tlJ;a..t thU· group used an apal'tment donated fol' the purpose by the mother 1'01 F:re<ieijck .vanderbilt Field. which .,.rtment was located on Central Park.iiles:f' in ; ~ York City " ",'j' '.'j --_.',-: :;)i " . Chambers advised that he became aware that Laurenc~gsan .~d Frederick Field had been classmates, probably at Princeton U~er;$ity (Bar­ vard, according to Duggan), and J. Petel'S intfooduced Chambers to Field for the purpose of recruiting Duggan. Chambers stated that Field proceeded to Washinaton, D. C., to see Dugg~n and the latter had bl'ushed him off ind4;tilig . that he was already active in an apparatus. Chambers was Le' d to h~el . t Duggan was part of or associated with the apparatus of Hedi Massing.C) . ~~ ' .' In connection with Joseph Barnes J , ?auf¥assi~ , namep.- .hM' as a person whom he suspected of betag possibly engakeqSiir' Sovi~t .espionage, although he has no basis for this suspicion. PaufMa. ~~g stated tliat whil~ BarDe. was the New York "Herald Trib~~''t CO~, lf~lSp~hd"tJlt in Moscow ,he~ ~ had seen Barnes playing tennis on the NKVDA~n!lis 'courts. rr ....., :" ... \.(, ,, -,'" ..~ .~ -, ... :< " . I rT' 1Cr. To lson _T~e Bur~a,!g!.,. !~Plct ~at Ba.rnes. a Harvard graduate, w~ -iiD ;:: :: gi:~1n ~9JMJ1.iM""~ n ~.¥:f~b; :1!J07. He is married to the forme., rr-w~ ~ E:~ ~<1d Frederick VanderWt. ,.Barnes went to MoscoW' during the 191<f:;s a~ ' a ~ !: i(~~~!r~/~~~teig~~i1Qn\At of ellllaojiribune and remained until 1939 . ~e tlRn.,e :: ~~~~ am~I~~ i~1949 e~ o~t)rfiNrald Tribune. In September, 1941. he be~anle lIr. Cr. Quinr;Pennln,: T8lJ1!flton=:iU. epiU dtrector of t e oversM,Sranch of O \V1. He accompanied.. _. ",yendell Te le. HocCl - M:r~ Nea5~ ~ : fhrJ~' l. r:'. : i\f.A'~' .~!" I R",·~ ,: r. ~lf.;,Y to-" M1so Uanay L --. • __.: " :.~II! r "'UH Of J~!i ) IE( --'! r [:mpd ~ ; ·'~r(:·: '\ , ~ I (1 -It''- Wllkl•• a)d. trip to R"a.la ia 194Z. Ban•• ha. written 101" the masaaiM uNew )Aa....... He has alao been named aa pro-Soviet by a number of perloal. He testified on one occasion before the CivU Service Comall.slon .tating that he had never been a member of the CommUJlilt Party. At the .ame tim. he teStified that he did not believe the Span.ish Loyalist forces -ere controlled by Communists. Barnes ha. been associated with aeveral perao•• wlaom. we l1aspect of Soviet elplouse, luch aa HaakoD M. Chevalier, Url"la Wa.a.rm.... aubjeet ill the Gregory Caae, and Herman Habicht. a contact of Vaa.Ui M. Zubilin. In view of the aU_sed implication of Jo.eph Feb Barnes in a . Commwdat Wldersround apparatus duma the 1930·s. It 11 luglested that you eOl1tact T. J. Donegan, Special Assistant to the Attorney General, to determine if he desires to subpoena Barnes pefore the GrAnd Jury. in New York City. No interview with Barnes is contemplated at this time. ! . , ; Ki.6sel9ff -2877 5 TO DATE: January 7, 1949 / ~' Mr. Tolson__ III'. Clegg FROM JIr. Glavln__ ::: Mr. Rosen:trc~"""ol""'8~-==__ SUBJECT: JOSEPH Di:J~l~:.:!;S;.:~- 3~{) JIr. Tracy_ INl'ERNAL SECURITY - R t;T,ASS. &: EXT. 2 ., ::: :'=ea==,== , A>' s:m - Fe m 1 -2. 4. ...:,....,,:...;;..-,,~:"7 1Ir. Harbo_ ::: ~:'lngton_'_ 1i .. OF 1Ir. Qulnn TaIIIII._ t.'l~jjl REVIEW~~~:...;'" z..1'--_ .......- Tele. Room_ Mr. NeB.Se_ Information was received from Arlington Hall officials 11188 Holll\ilS_ January 5, 1948, which is of current interest in connection with the Hiss­ 11188 Gandy__ Chambers Case in view of the fact that it involves Joseph Barnes. You will recall that Barnes was named by Chambers in 1942 as p9.rt of an apparatus involving Frederick Vanderbilt Field and Field's wife. Chambers said his ~.,~~"tton )J51 "- concerning Barnes and field came from J., Feters. (100-25824-22) /r»f...UJ ~/3kl i ~/;,.t 1 ~ CC o:d" m Re f erral/Consult M I L--_~-----------------------------------------~ ' j Whittaker Chambers was interviewed on December 31, 1948, by agents of the Ylashington Field Office, at which time in speaking of Laurence Duggan, Chambers recalled that about 1937 J. Feters had told him that Frederick V. Field was operating:! an apparatus in New York which included Jose Barnes fonnerl 0 1 'W ork Q u.I -~::~~r~2~a~~W. r~~~~~~ri~1 ~~~~~~_ i~e::~~~~:~h a~~~:~~ !~s ..Ju: n~~ certaill' of this. Chambers mentioned that Frederick Va~_~e.::~~}-~ld and Barnes t haEl swapped wives. He mentioned this only as a matteroT~nEerest. Chambers stated 8 thar, this gro:up used an apartment donated for the purpose by the mother of Frederick Vanderbilt field, which apartment was located on central R::\rk West in New York City. Chambers advised that he became aware that Duggan and Field had been claS51l1ates, probably at Pri~eton University (Hsrvard, according to Duggan) and J. Feters introduced Cha~ers to Field for the purpose of recruiting Duggan. Chambers stated that Field proceeded to 1';ashington, D. C. to see Duggan and Duggan had brushed him off indicating to Field he was already active in an app3ratus. This is what led Chambers to feel that Dugg,n was part of or associated with the app3tatu~of, Hedi (Massing) Gcmperz. (IJ) I .,,~: In connection '<ti. th Joseph Barnes, IQul Massing haS~' ' #ls a person whom he su, spects Of, being, POSSib, ,lY engaged in SOViS, t espionag «" ul Massing said that'he has no basis for this suspicion other than a feeling. 1:6 Massing said that while Barnes was th"e, ",Hera, ,ld ,Tr,·ibUJi.ll: c,orr~§ponde""" nt,~' n M,OSCOW he, had S0" en, Ea"",rnes play tennis on the NKVDtenni~c9Ft,,h ~(65l4940-30~(U"d '::( '=-< ~; _ //,/,.0 , . !N!)~ - 139 REr.oRDED • Iml , 'T - 1,-"..;,,-.' !;/ " 'Ihe Bureau's files refl6Q-£ I3arnes, a harva:dl"g~aq~te, ,was born J.n Montclair, New Jersey, on JUly 26,. 1907. He is married' to the 'former wife of Frederick Vanderbilt Field. Barnes went to during tlie 1930's as a foreign (u) 8XE'O''Tl,'O~' '.\V1ONAnc ',\',1 RJL:eew DECLASSIFI IA'MN : " Datcu~u~~a~~H"~'lu~~:~~~ ____ ~~~46~~~j AlITHOIUTY ERIVEO FROM: ' . ; i Fal AUTO DECLASSlflCA'PON GU~ .. All INFORMATION CONTAINED EXEMPTION ceDE 25X ( ') DATE y. C. .2Q\\ HERE IS UNClf\SSiFlEO EXCEPT Kisseloff-28776 WHERE SHOWN OTHERW1SE MThiO FOR MR. H. B. FLETC:HE:R correspondent of the Herald Tribune and remained until 1939. He then became the foreign editor of the Herald Tribune. In September, 1941, he became the deputy director of the overseas branch of O~v.r. He accompanied Wendell Wilkie on his trip to Russia in 1942. Barnes has written for the magazine "New Masses". He has also been named as pro-Soviet by a number of,persons. He testified on one occasion before the Civil Service Commission stating that he had never been a member of the Communist Part;;r. At the same time he testified that he did not believe the Spanish Loyalist forces were controlled by Communists. Barnes has been associated with several persons whom we suspect of Soviet espionage, such as, Haskon M. Chevalier, Ursula Wasserman, a subject in the Gregor,y Case, and 'Herman Habicht, a contact of Vassili M. Zubi1in. (100-20358-1647; 65-56402-758; 100-203581-3702, page 34) (II ' Referral/Consult t ' i - 2- Kisseloff- 28777 .
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