October 28, 1981 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25887 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IVO J. SPALATIN ON THE ship role had been called into question. As By their continued use of Cuban surro­ FAMILY AND WORLD PEACE he put it, "In all arguments with my wife gates in Africa, their continued real growth and daughters, I always have the last two in military expenditures over the last words: decade, and their brutal military invasion HON. HENRY S. REUSS I always say "Yes, Dear"! and occupation .of Afghanistan, the Soviet OF WISCONSIN Other parents complain that their individ­ Union has again reaffirmed our worst fears IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ual and collective authority has been eroded of that government and ideology-fears in the modern world: "My role," one father which require the United States to maintain Wednesday, October 28, 1981 explained in describing his relationship with an adequate military defense and deterrent e Mr. REUSS. Mr. Speaker, last two teenagers, "is like that of the Queen of posture. August the Foundation for Interna­ England: I have a constitutional right to be Such a military posture, however, should tional Cooperation held their 25th consulted, before my advice is firmly and be based on an objective assessment of our consistently rejected!" own defense requirements-not a simple or annual conference on the campus of Despite the pressures which clearly are blind imitation of the Soviet military pos­ the University of Wisconsin-Milwau­ brought to bear upon the family, and de­ ture or force structure. In addition, our ef­ kee. The main speaker was Ivo J. Spa­ spite the popular talk of its alleged disinte­ forts to promote and assure U.S. national se­ latin, a Milwaukeean who presently gration, it remains a very enduring and vital curity interests and world peace should in­ serves as a senior professional staff institution. clude a recognition of those areas which we member of the House Committee on According to a recent article which ap­ can point to with pride as a people-our Foreign Affairs. peared in a popular Washington magazine, commitment to economic, social and reli­ an estimated 75 percent of adult Americans gious justice and human freedom. The foundation is a nonprofit orga­ are estimated to make up the national ma­ nization dedicated to fostering inter­ As we engage in this necessary and yet jority of so-called stable married <even, I risky military competition with the Soviets, national understanding through study might add, in our Nation's Capitol). In any we should remind ourselves of the sanguine tours and home-to-home hospitality event, what happens to the family is direct­ advice of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, for international visitors, in this coun­ ly reflected in what happens to our society Jr. who, in commenting on military competi­ try and abroad. as a whole. tion among nations, said: "The only prob­ Mr. Spalatin's comments about the Let me lead ·off this discussion by making lem with the notion of and 'eye for an eye' a few general observations about current is that we may all end up blind." The dan­ role of the family as a humane path to U.S. foreign policy and world peace. world peace are timely and thought The preservation of the United States' gers of excessive reliance on military means provoking. The text of his speech, de­ to deter armed conflict and to enhance and the world's security depends on justice, United States and world security has been livered on August 1, follows: order, human respect, and military most graphically illustrated in such recent THE FAMILY AND WORLD PEACE strength. Accepting that observation and the often events as: the use of a military preemptive <By Ivo J. Spalatin) cited comment money talks, it is revealing strike as opposed to diplomacy to address It is an honor and privilege to participate to note how our country and the world allo­ nuclear nonproliferation concerns, as seen in the 25th Annual Conference of the Foun­ cate their resources in support of this objec­ in the Israeli bombing of Iraqi nuclear fa­ dation for International Cooperation and to tive. cilities; the abandonment to date by the address the theme: "Families of the World". In the area of military expenditures, the Reagan administration to initiate discus­ You have identified one of the great un­ world is currently spending over $500 billion sions on nuclear arms control limitations be­ tapped resources of international relations­ a year. Assuming we accept the Reagan 5- tween the two superpowers which has re­ namely the institution of the family. While year plan to spend some $1.6 trillion for de­ sulted in both sides adding literally thou­ we speak today about a "shrinking world" in fense-the United States alone will spend sands of additional nuclear warheads to which international travel has become a nearly $1 billion a day on military expendi­ their respective arsenals without any in­ basic fact of life for many people, there re­ tures over the next 5 years. crease in United States and/or worlc stabili­ mains one obvious shortfall: most of these In contrast to the $500 billion spent annu­ ty. travelers tend to move into and out of ally for military expenditures, worldwide ex­ an overemphasis upon military assistance hotels, motels and public restaurants. The penditures on public health are $250 billion to the beleaguered country of El Salvador impressions they receive and the opinions or one-half of that amount, and worldwide when the problems in that country call pri­ they form of the countries visited are neces­ expenditures for economic development are marily for economic, not military, assist­ sarily based on that very limited, and often $80 billion, or one-sixth of that amount. ance. misleading, exposure. In contrast to nearly $1 billion a day in The most Rev. James A. Hickey, Archbish­ The Foundation for International Coop­ military expenditures by the United States, op of Washington, succinctly highlighted eration was one of the first groups in the the U.S. Government will spend about $1 this issue when, in testimony before the United States to establish a network of fam­ million a day or 1/1000 of the amount for House Foreign Affairs Committee this past ilies willing to offer free home hospitality to military expenditures in support of interna­ spring, he said: "The problem in El Salvador foreign families. What better prospect is tional cultural exchange programs and is rooted in the need for political an eco­ there to achieve international understand­ $50,000 a day or 1/20,000 of the amount for nomic reform within the country. Our aid ing and reconciliation than international ex­ military expenditures in support of arms and our diplomacy should be aimed at pro­ changes that are at the most basic and uni­ control efforts. ducing such reforms. Military aid, in my versally recognized level of society-the Or, to put it another way: One F- 15 fight­ view, mortgages our potential to do this," family. er plane costing $18 million is equivalent to said Bishop Hickey. As traditional a social institution as the the entire budget of our Arms Control Rather, we need to return our government family is, it is also a dynamic one-reflecting Agency; or one new XM tank costing $2 mil­ to the usage of the kind of diplomacy which the changing trends and outlooks of its lion a piece is equivalent to the cost of edu­ the Reagan administration has recently membership. A friend of mine recently re­ cating 1,000 children a year, except that it pursued in its proposal to establish a peace­ counted the story of his brother's marriage, breaks down every thirty miles. keeping force in the Sinai. Its establishment which took place in Switzerland following These imbalances and overemphasis on will support the Camp David accord initiat­ World War II. The Swiss civil ceremony, as military capacity is not-as some argue­ ed by President Carter and reinforce the it turned out, was a very formal, traditional only a reflection of profitmaking by the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel and affair: the husband, at that time, was offi­ military industrialists or bureaucratic nar­ the peace process in the Mideast. Only 3 cially defined as the "chef de famille" -or rowmindedness of defense planners in our years ago most foreign policy experts were head of the family-assigned all of the tra­ Pentagon. saying that lasting peace between Egypt ditional privileges and responsibilities inher­ The fact of the matter, of course, is that and Israel was a pipedream. If the peace ent in that title. Some 35 years later, howev­ we do have adversaries against whom we which has been established between Egypt er, he confided to a friend that his leader- must offer an effective defense. and Israel is an example of a pipedream, I • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 25888 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 28, 1981 believe we should pursue such pipedreams for my family was especially enjoyable and oil. Love is our ultimate energy source. Let whenever possible- in Central America, in enriching because both families shared the us preserve it. Africa, in Ireland, and wherever else conflict most basic of human family experiences­ The continuation of your international and bloodshed gnaw away at social order, we both were awaiting the birth of our third family-to-family exchanges reaffirms the justice, and human freedom. This develop­ child. belief that through greater communications ment is also a poignant rebuttal to the phil­ Earlier in my remarks I mentioned the and exchanges across national borders we osophical underpinnings of the Reagan ad­ uniqueness of the Foundation for Interna­ can better understand each other-our civi­ ministration's new policy to encourage U.S.
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