NOTICC TO READER: Wlieo ytn flnbh readtos thia puoa a le Ramp <m this noUia, ma^ the magazine, and It wlU b« placed In the bands of our saldlrn or lailcn destined to proceert oTer-araa. Na *-sta«r. N« addma—A. S. B''*”p Gr-Tal MAYH1918 PRICE 15 CENTS 2 Ttie Billboard MAY tt. 1t18 You Save IVloney In both th* purchu* ptiee tod NOTHING NEW. EH? WELL, YOU’RE WRONG AGAINl br bwlng our A NEW RING The Newest and ths Novel-est are STCCL FRAME NON-BREAKABLi THEATER CHAIRS W« ctrrj a Urge stock and can ship Immediately. JUST^^ OUT Seeeral lota of Second- THE LOITERERS” Hand Clitlra for sale at —an aaaamblage of lifelike Butterfilea. Dragon Fllee. Stag Beetles and Beet that hover over house plants The very best White Stone Imltetloa PtaUnim Ring tsiieclilly I o w prtoes. or garden flowers so realistically you ran almost hear the liuaa of the tjaea. In a galaxy of colara. Come on the merket. kluunted la HTERLINO SILVER, Alto ssaUng for out-of- complete, with wooden prong and wire attachmecL with fancy open wiwk ahanka. and set with the finest door use. Addreta cut White Htnic llrilUaat (note the new etyle eetttna). Dtipt. B. Hair py eojorian pi tie crowds The neereit epproech to the genuine eaer oSared. Thsii practical porpata diadi IN DOZEN LOTS. tS-Sfi. STEa LESS THAN DOZEN LOTS. 60# EACH. « ia Ika lolowii« AH orders must Uieiwde east of pnslaga. Bwid for FURNITURE graap: our new retaing of Jewelry, Weteh^ Wlttary Npvel- tles. etc. It will save yaw money. Mallsd nilR. Ha 1—latltrllias, dai., $i1S COMPANY No. i—liitterllias, 4^ 1.2S GORDON-STRAUSS CO. Grand Rapids, Mich. Na I—laDarlHas, tiS (NOT INC) Car. dark A Mpfilaan SlL ONICABO. ILL. Nor York Office. K B. :2d St. Na. 14—Drapn Fles, dot, • • • • US Na SS—iMaUa lacs, doz^ • • • • ilS MOVING PICTURE ARC GENERATORS Na 42—Motln, daz.,.14$ Na 44—Stag laa^ doz., • - • • 1 Jl 500 NEW MACHINES Each or the above aasortmenU la In a variety of har¬ monious colorings. Sample at toy one, 25c. *1 AO Bought at Bankruptcy Bala Standam manufacture. One-Third ta One' Sample of all seven. ^I.W 60 Tolta, 35 amp. Guaranteed perfect. *7C AA Although these goods have already met with favor at as Immwllate dellTery. #lO.UU FpurUi Aetnal Bin. CHOCOLATES high as $1.00 per, you can pass them out for a quarter TRY A SHIPMENT OF OUR FAMOUS Write for Bulletin No. 85. Small Generators and apiece—or as premiuma—and still keep the wolf from the Gasoline Motors for all purposes. window. JOHNSTON, West End, PHtsbnrch, Pi. AMERICA IS AT WAR—THE CROWDS WIU FAU FOR IRI6HT COLORS REO BOX CHOCOLATES Ask fer eur Spring “Buyer’s Guide’’—it’s p “BcauL” VELVET DROPS and STAGE SEHINQS FULL POUND ORIENTAL MANUFACTURING CO. 06 LBS. TO CASO 69 Beautiful oolong any sUa Rentai.a and easy terms. 106 Wesleyan Avenue. PROVIDENCE. R. I. BEAUMONT VELVET SCENERY STUDIOS. 246 West Forty-sixth Street. - New York City. HALE POUND % 935 Market Streat, • ■ San Francites. Cal. (72 M LBS. TO CASE) A 9 SEHD DEPOSIT—ASK FOR PRICE LIST Dlaiiincid Bya Oil or Water Onlora CIGARS, CANDIES & ICE CREAM CONES SCHELL SCENIC STUDIO. COLUMBUS. OHIO. LOUIS DENEBEIM & SONS WANTED, TUMBLERS AND BUMPERS WANTED At once for well-known art. Long engagement to right 1224 OAK ST KANSAS CITY. MO kind of people. Communicate JACK MacDONALD. care Morris & FelL Palace Theatre Bldg.. Broadway. New York. Athletic, Hawaiian, Drome or FOR BALE—One Bell Indurtor, uxed three moallv; eUo p eet of Fuiieb and Judy Figure,, et g bergeln it WANTED—A-1 UNION PIANIST Cabaret Show taken at ooce. AdJreaa UARRT StXlTT. Barrlng- For hlgh-elass Picture Theatre; must hare library of too. DllnoU. music. Permanent poeiUon with good salary to right man. No txioae. Trenaportatlon adrane^ If re¬ Can place legitimate Concessions. Want High Diver POR QAI F Mrd. Outfit. Side Wall Uv- quired. Wire or write at once. DYR FORD AND Tenta. all ready to aat ROGERS. Amarillo. Texas. up. cheap, or will take Skrieh Team aa partner, or with outfit, Lady preferred. Want Secretary, Lot Man, Man and Wife with picture machine. LILLIE WANTED—Mueldana. Plano, Comet. Trombone and KNOWLES. Ueartwall, Nebraska. Drummer, with Bella or Xylophone, for season's Workingmen, Talkers. Ten weeks at shipyards and dance engagement at park, ni^ts only. No Sunday. Must be able to jaxs. State salary. Later after¬ munition plants. Address noons will be added, with extra pay. Must be A. F. Wanted Musicians rliLz of 51., or willing to join. I.adles sare stamps. Tel¬ Slide Trambona. ('ornet. Saxophone and CTarlnet; egrams must be paid. CHARLOTTE ORCHESTRA. preference given thoee that fake, atcady road dance 601 N. Brevard 8L. Charlotte, N. C. P. 8.—Can use WM. BENSON, work; salary. $M (K> and tranaportatlon after joining, kliuleiuis for Muslcml Tabloid. Torresdale Ave. and Bridge St., Philadelphia, May 6; ticket. If not loo far; good epming for Lady Mu- aleltns. Addrma CEO. C. SAYLOR. %Say<ir*i Ja« WANTED Darby, Pa., on Main Street, May 13; Marcus Hook, Pa., Orcherii’a. Webatar. Sevtb Dak. MEDICINE MEN, LEeTURERS, DOCTORS AND May 20; all under strong auspices. STREETMEN WANTED-MISICIMS Snare and Baaa Drummer, Comet and Barltooa. Wire To send for our price list and samples of paper. Our YARBOKorUH’S CONCXRT BAND. Kaplan Greater goods are the most reliable and our paper the finest ever put out by any suiiply liouse. Write at once for Show. ('annl. 111., this week. our proposition. OREGON INDIAN MEDICINE CO., Dask A, Cory. Pennsylvania. WANTED — REAL MEDICINE PERFORMERS WANTED-MED. PERFORMERS CONCESSIONS WANTED Sketch Trams, stnglaa. NovalUaa Work la arts. Sketch Team, A-1 Song and Dance B. F. Comedian, State all and salary. Join on wtiw. Addreaa TBOS Novelty Acts. State just whst you can do. Please do DALTON. Cantstota. South Dakota. not misrepresent. A long season, salary absolutely East St. Louis, Ill., May 13; Madison, May 20; Alton, May sure. Open sir plstfonn on lota. W. VUBPILLAT, Sunbury, Pennsylvania. TIGHT WIRE WALKER 27. Cook House, Candy and Dolls sold. Address Tnung Girl or Boy to dreee ae rirt. Good aalary te rlfhl party. Write or wire TAYLOR TRIO. Mey 11. WANTED FOR Taruma Theatre. Taroma. Waah.; May II. Orpheum ’ WALTER F. STANLEY, ]VIgr. Wortham & Rice Shows, Theatre. Vaneouver. B. C.; May 19. Moorei, Saattln, BRUNK’S COMEDIANS Waah.: ilay I«. Heillg Theatre; Portland. Orei Boss Csnvasmsn who can handle big outfit and keep Springfield, ^lo., May 6. same In repair; Trap Drummer with full line of traps. Address FRFID BRCNK, week of May 5. Caney. Kan.: week ‘yt May 13, Chanute, Kan. WANTED-People All Lines General Buatnaaa Men. with good miedaltlea. State United Amusement Co. Wants Two More Shows all. Week atand tent abnw. Join at oooa. WIGHT PIANO AND VIOLIN AT LIBERTY THF-ATRE CO., Toulon, llllnola. Handle anything. Wire A. H. THORNE, iieader, will furnish tops. Account disappointment will place Ferris Wheel. Four Trenton Theatre. I^-nehhurg. Virginia. Concessions open. Help for CarrousselL OU City, week May 6; Corry, week May 13; Union City, Pa., week May 20. Wire. J. V. MORASCO, 8 Spring St., Oil City, Pa. WANTED—DOCTORS WANTED -S. & D. Sketch Team Regtatered Pennxylrania and New York Stale, with Also other useful people, for week-stand VsudevUIn diploma, for large medlHne ebow. for platform. Name and Dramatic Tent Show. Live on ear. Wire your what nillege you grailuated from. Addreaa JAS A. lowest. Beeves and Mnore and Franks, wire. W. E. WFU/’H. Weirh’t Hotel. Buffalo. New York. WOLTZ. Wllllston, South Carolina. FOt SUE or LEASE-ONE 70-FI. BACUtE CAR Wfifrttd 0iii9h—Ofifid VtnaiMfi Skfilih TifiRi USICIANS WANTED AT ONCE-A-1 Comet and Now at Oklahoma City. Address MISS FLORENCE LEWIS, ('hanft for a «r«k. Vavd^lMe und^r ran* an Drummer. B. 4 0.; others write; must join on TAB. Htate all liy «Ire or letter and be ready to )oln on r- No tickets. Pay $38.50 and maintenance. Per¬ care Gen. Del., Salina, Kansas. wire. Hh(>w now (nlnt. Re quIoIl L. QL'IUJN. Ryra* manent if satisfactory. F. B. BROWXLOW, Band¬ ruae. Mrlc« 4’o.. Ohio. ¥master, Soldiers’ Home. Johnson City. Tennessee. WANTED Mrdi lne Performer, to open May 14 Only nimpetenl atid eiperlenced pe*iple demired. To furh WANTED—MUSICAL ACT WANTED—Hagenbeck-WaHace Big Pit Show heat salary, loni season and bimmI treatment is as* Kured II W IirKDHWJa. Manaftr Nalurt'a RemetlT One to play piano, single Plano Player. People in A real Midget Lady or Gentleman, a real Skeleton or any Freaks or Curiosities t'o., RlrhwiMid. Weat Vlrflnta. all lines of med business write. Tent show, one and tnro-we<di stands. Open Mtv 15 in Ohio. IDEAL that are legitimate for Pit Show. Address COMEDY CO.. Albany, Ind ana._ GENE R. MILTON, Pit Show Manager, at per route. MANAGER, Experiticeil, Capable MANAGER laeAirr* to (finnert with firm oontrolUnf VauderUle WANTED FOR TENT SEASON OR LONGER romt»lnatl<Hi or I’Mure* as reshlenl maYtacer.* or will Vaudeville Performers all lines Ihst change for week FOR JOHN ROBINSON’S ronslilrr lease. Kirellmt pres* man. Best reference Sketch Team, prefer one play piano; Novelty Man, t'loslng thirty we»»ks* road Uiur. Wire or write slat- Miitical Man, Man Piano Player, prefer one doubling tfif hK'alloo and salary Itrolt for P^-notch man. Ad stage. All work nigger arts. Tall all and salary WANTED. MUSICIANS CIRCUS liff^s '•MANA4;FrH.*' SIO Orpheum Hotel, SI.
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