2100 Westmoreland Street Falls Church Virginia 22043 703/532 2217 September 2003 - Elul -Tishri Number 8 Dear Friends, The Temple also begins a new course) a keyboard to write these ne As the New Year 5764 approaches, chapter in its history this year. It is chapters with us. we want to extend our best wishes for with great excitement that we, all of All of us, together with our fami- hana Tova Umetukah - a sweet you and all of us, start writing in the lies, join in wishing each of you a Od good New Year - a year full of new pages of the life of this holy most meaningful, spiritual and joyous new possibilities, of dreams fulfilled place. With many beautiful and rich New Year. Lshana tova tikatveihvu and hearts gladdened. chapters written over the past 40 vteihateimu—may God truly hear our As the wonderful imagery of our years, we hope to add new colors, prayers, inscribe and seal us in the tradition suggests, the New Year sig- textures and ideas to those wonderful Book of Life and Blessing for this most nals us to begin a new chapter in our pages. Together, we hope to create promising year, a year of new begin- lives. The Book of Life is open before new chapters filled with love and joy, nings, new promises and new dreams. us. On the first pages of our individ- with ethics and learning, a deep sense ual chapters, our hopes and dreams of spiritual fulfillment and an even Lshalom, are written. In our spiritual chapters, greater commitment to our Jewish tra- Rabbi Amy Schwartzman, too, we are presented with a clean dition. Please consider this an invita- Cantor Michael Shochet, page to create anew, rethink old tion from your clergy - your rabbis Rabbi Marcus Burstein, approaches and make new commit- and cantors - to take up a pen, a Rabbi Laszlo Berkowits, and ments to our Judaism and our God. crayon, a piece of chalk or even (of Student Cantor Leigh Korn Reached Our Goal- Please join us for Selichot and a Dessert Reception Thanks to You! Saturday, September 20 9:00 pm dessert Please join us for our - 10:00 pm service " Ambulance Dedication See the actual ambulance we have This special service consists of purchased that will be shipped to Israel: prayers of self-examination and reflection . .. in anticipation of the High Holy Days. Sunday, November 16 2:00 pm A dessert reception sponsored : by our TRS Sisterhood will follow. Did you know that there are seven different :1 M+/J " ^ J)AI,? + Rs INI^_ 4 types of services at Temple Rodef Shalom? Each one has a different perspective and every one offers the September Shabbatot & chance to learn, pray, and connect with other members Special Services congregation. Although you may not think that you "fit each service possibility, why dont you try them all? Each one is special in its own way. We hope that you will join us. Tuesday, September 2 6:45 pm Service of Strength, Comfort and Healing Shabbat and other Worship Shabbat Ki Tetze - September 5 & 6 Opportunities at Temple Deuteronomy 21:10 - 25:19 Rodef Shalom Friday, September 5 Shabbat 6:45 pm Boi Shabbat Service - Friday evenings 8:15 pm - evening worship in the sanctuary. This warm and wel- 7:30 pm Family Shabbat Service coming service includes prayer, music, and usually a pres- Saturday, September 6 entation of sorts - either a sermon or dvar torah, speak- 9:00 am Torah Study er, and/or a torah reading. This service is not held the first 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Worship Friday of the month. Bat Mitzvah of Laura Barone - Saturday mornings 10:30 am - Shabbat Shabbat Ki Tavo - September 12 & 13 morning worship in the sanctuar y. This service is led by Deuteronomy 26:1 - 29:8 the TRS clergy and by young men and women who are becoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah. All are welcome. Friday, September 12 8:15 pm Erev Shabbat Worship - First Friday of Month 7:30 pm - This Saturday, September 13 Kabbalat Shabbat family service is designed for chil 9:00 am Torah Study aged 5-12 and their parents, siblings, and friends. 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Worship rabbis or cantor tell a story in place of a sermon or other presentation. Israeli dancing and instruction fol- Bnot Mitzvah of Isabel Keliman & Laura Miller lows the service. Shabbat Nitzavim!Vayelech - September 19 & 20 - First Friday of Month 6:45 pm - This service is called Boi Shabbat, or come Shabbat. This Deuteronomy 29:9 - 31:30 newly designed service, led by student Cantor Leigh Friday, September 19 Korn is an adult alternative to the later family service. It 6:30 pm Tot Shabbat is a traditional Friday night service with an emphasis on 8:15 pm Erev Shabbat Worship music. Saturday, September 20 9:00 am Torah Study - Third Friday of Month 6:30 pm - Our Tot Shabbat service last about 30 minutes and is 10:30 am Shabbat Morning Worship designed for children under 5 years old accompanied by Bnai Mitzvah of Alexander Korobkin & Elyse Krachman parents. The service consists of age-appropriate Shabbat 10:30 am Parallel Shabbat Morning Minyan music, a story and prayer. Rosh Hashanah - September 26 & 27 - Third Saturday of Month 10:30 am Genesis 22:1 - 19 The Parallel Shabbat Morning Minyan is led by members Friday, September 26 of the congregation and includes a torah reading, dvar Erev Rosh Hashanah See Page 5 for Service Schedule torah, and other personalized shared thoughts. A pot- Saturday, September 27 luck vegetarian luncheon follows the service and all are encouraged to celebrate Shabbat in an intimate and infor- Rosh Hashanah See Page 5 for Service Schedule mal way. —9 - First Tuesday of Month 6:30 pm - Service of Comfort and Healing. This intimate service is designed to provide respite and comfort to all those who need strength and support during times of need. Searching Table of Contents o8 - Adult Education Searching for old and new Confirmation 14 - Bnai Mitzvah Programs and photos. We will copy and return - Calendar them to you in the same condition. Call Linda 35 20 - Caring Committee 703/538-5745, fax them to 703/533-0558 or 04 - Clergy even e-mail with the names of confirmands. 10 - Cultural/Music Thank You! 27 - Donations Linda Marshall, 22 - Israel Solidarity Chair, Archives Committee 25 - Library o6 Membership 18 Mens Club 1 5 Outreach 11 Religious School 24 Scrapbook SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2003 16 Sisterhood 15 Social Action 12 Youth Come browse, chat, enjoy refreshments Temple Rodef Shalom Take old library - Senior Rabbi Amy M. Schwartzman books to new homes Cantor Michael A. Shochet Selection of new books for a minimal charge Associate Rabbi Marcus L. Burstein Founding Rabbi Laszlo Berkowits Student Cantor Leigh Korn OFFICERS President Cal Kiausner Vice President Fred Freedman Prospective Member Vice President Hannah Moore Vice President Susan Steinmetz Coffee to be Held Vice President Robin Strongin Treasurer Beth Silver Assistant Treasurer Elliot Gruber Thursday, September 11 7:30 pm Financial Secretary Gregg Skall Recording Secretary Julie White Do you know someone who is thinking Corresponding Secretary Maria Schnall about joining the temple? If so, please let them know about our Prospective TRUSTEES Members Coffee. Its a great way to meet Susan Simon, Gerry Kadonoff, Peter Elinsky our clergy, staff, and members, take a STAFF tour of the building, ask questions and get to know Administrator, Judy Seiff - 703/532-2240 Program Director, Anita Thornton - 703/532-2217 more about us! You are welcome to accompany your Religious School Principal, Dina Burt, RJE - 703/532-2207 friends! Please call Laura at the temple office Nursery School Principal, Karen Simpson - 703/532-2227 Choir Director, Frank Conlon 703/532-227 to let her know how many will attend by Friday September 5 so that we may plan Temple Office 703/532-2217 www.TempleRodefShalom.org accordingly. Email: [email protected] The TRS Bulletin is published 12 times a year on the is: of each month. 1 "Some thoughts on Forgiveness" s we approach the Yamim Noraim, the Days of Awe, our of all of us here in the Temple office, I ask your tradition directs us to many significant themes. Perhaps forgiveness for all that we might have done - paramount amongst them is the theme of forgiveness. hopefully only unintentionally. A Both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are times of With all due respect for our relationship with introspection, change and moving ahead to a better, more right- you, our community, there are also times when ri eous, healthier future. There is no question that forgiveness, both we feel hurt. We are, after all, only human. Like of ourselves and others, must be a part of this transition into a everyone else, we feel offended by comments or silences; we are new year. hurt when left out or pushed too far in. It is painful to realize As we, here in the clergy suite, discuss this theme, we are that we dont always share the same priorities with the people aware that we need to ask forgiveness from you, our Temple fam- whom we serve. But, it is, of course, in our best interest to work ily. Cantor Shochet, Rabbi Burstein and I are sure that there have on being forgiving. As clergy, friends and co-workers, we too been times when we have inadvertently offended or hurt a mem- want to let go of anger or pain in order to move toward a health- ber of our congregation. Did we pass you by in a store, absorbed ier, more peaceful and productive relationship with all of you.
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