December 8, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7561 pick up a butter knife or something In closing this out, Mr. Speaker, I GENERAL LEAVE and fix him up right there on the spot. would like to say that Indiana has pro- Mr. ROKITA. Mr. Speaker, I ask b 1600 duced no shortage of great statesmen, unanimous consent that all Members as we reflected on this last half hour, It is a really humorous story that I have 5 legislative days to revise and ex- and Senator DAN COATS has indis- tend their remarks on the subject of enjoy his telling every time we are to- putably joined their ranks after dec- gether at an event. Senator COATS has this Special Order. ades of service to both our State and to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there a great sense of humor. While his time our country. My own history with Sen- in the Senate has come to an end, I am objection to the request of the gen- ator COATS goes way back to when I also confident he will continue to be a tleman from Indiana? was an intern in his Senate office. If he There was no objection. voice and an advocate for the issues he were on this floor today, Mr. Speaker, f cares about most. Our State and our I am sure he would say that I was one country are lucky to have benefited of the worst interns he ever had. None- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE from the service of a great man like theless, he started my career in poli- A message from the Senate by Ms. Senator DAN COATS. tics with that unpaid job that was one Curtis, one of its clerks, announced I wish DAN and Marsha all the best. Mr. ROKITA. Mr. Speaker, I yield to of the best experiences of my life. He that the Senate agrees to the con- the gentleman from Indiana (Mr. has conservative leadership, and I ference report accompanying the bill know that he was anxious to get back MESSER), who represents the Sixth Dis- (S. 2943) ‘‘An Act to authorize appro- trict. to helping out the office and do what- priations for fiscal year 2017 for mili- Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, when ever he could for the State of Indiana, tary activities of the Department of given the opportunity to say some- however he could. Defense, for military construction, and thing nice about DAN COATS, I didn’t Since those many years ago, since for defense activities of the Depart- want to pass it up. If I could give one those first observations that I have had ment of Energy, to prescribe military word to describe U.S. Senator DAN of Senator COATS, he has gone from personnel strengths for such fiscal COATS, it would be ‘‘Hoosier.’’ He is a Senator, to U.S. Ambassador to Ger- year, and for other purposes.’’ person of grace and humility, hard many, and back to Senator again. It is f work and humor. He never worried a long and distinguished career full of dedication to right ideals and the de- ABROGATING OUR NATURAL about who got credit, loved his coun- RIGHTS try, and made the sacrifices through sire to fight for what is best for all his life and career to make our country Hoosier families and what is best for The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under better. Americans. the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- I am honored to call DAN a friend, I appreciate all of the work, as we all uary 6, 2015, the Chair recognizes the and I appreciate his mentorship of our do, that Senator COATS has done and gentleman from Texas (Mr. GOHMERT) entire delegation in the time that I the causes he has advocated for and for for 30 minutes. have had an opportunity to serve here. his counsel. As I have said, I don’t Mr. GOHMERT. Mr. Speaker, this is I suspect DAN’s service for our country know if he is actually going to be able supposed to be our last day in formal isn’t quite over yet, and I look forward to retire at this time, but whatever his session, actual session, of the year. to whatever he does next. desire, he deserves it. There may be something coming up. I One of the other great things about I have no doubt that he will continue always worry about unanimous consent DAN COATS is he is a family man. I cer- to represent the best interests of our requests when nobody is here. tainly wish DAN, Marsha, and their en- State and this country even after his I know the administration likes to tire family a great future. time in the Senate has come to an end. brag that it has been a good year for Mr. ROKITA. Mr. Speaker, I think I would like to issue a heartfelt thank- enforcing the border, but this story the gentleman is right. I don’t know if you for all of his work, and I wish him from Brooke Singman says: DAN COATS will ever be able to retire. I my best on all his future endeavors. The number of unaccompanied chil- know he wants to. Again, Mr. Speaker, I hope you will dren crossing into the U.S. from Mex- Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman please join us all in wishing Indiana a ico nearly doubled this year citing from Indiana (Mr. STUTZMAN), who is happy birthday on this wonderful occa- from Border Patrol figures. from the Third Congressional District sion of our 200th anniversary. Hopefully, we will get the Trump ad- in the northeast. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance ministration moving as quickly as they Mr. STUTZMAN. Mr. Speaker, I just of my time. indicate they intend to. want to stand here in front of this It is worth noting that this story Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I House and this body to honor our Sen- came out from The Hill. Mark Hensch rise today in honor and recognition of Senator ator, DAN COATS, who served Indiana in said that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, DAN COATS, a U.S. Army veteran, former so many different capacities. I actually the mastermind behind 9/11, says that Member of the House of Representatives, have the privilege of representing his in his view, immigration into the United States Ambassador to Germany and a district, the Third District in north- United States is al Qaeda’s deadliest great Hoosier. I’ve had the pleasure of serving east Indiana. weapon against the United States. with Senator COATS as a fellow member of the We have such a long line of great That is what he has apparently indi- Indiana delegation since my first term in 2013. leaders from northeast Indiana who cated. In fact, the first legislation that I introduced have served here in Washington from A witness said: and got passed into law was a bill that I our State, and DAN COATS, of course, From his perspective, the long war for Is- worked on with Senator COATS and his team, exemplified a man of character, hum- lamic domination wasn’t going to be won in bleness, and leadership. He followed the Alicia Dawn Koehl Respect for National the streets with bombs and bullets and former Vice President Dan Quayle. Cemeteries Act. bloodshed. No, it would be won in the minds I also would like to recognize him as During his time in the Senate, he has been of the American people. well. He is another man who showed a passionate advocate for Hoosiers, working This is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s leadership for our State here in Wash- on policies that are focused on getting more thinking. Thank God—literally, thank ington, D.C. Americans back to work and getting our econ- God—that President Obama has not re- Both of those gentlemen have been omy back on track. His leadership will be leased the mastermind as he has so heroes and models for me growing up, missed, but I know that he and his wife Mar- many others who have contributed to watching both of them as they took sha will continue to do great things that make the deaths of Americans. time to come to Washington and show a difference for Hoosiers as they begin this But Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the 9/ what Hoosier leadership is all about. next chapter of their lives. 11 mastermind, said: Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman Thank you, Senator COATS, for all of your The terror attacks were good, but the again for honoring them today. work to represent our great state of Indiana, ‘‘practical’’ way to defeat America was Mr. ROKITA. Mr. Speaker, I thank and best wishes as you embark on your next through immigration and by out-breeding the gentleman. adventure. non-Muslims. VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:13 Dec 09, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00161 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K08DE7.084 H08DEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H7562 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 8, 2016 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: that is supposed to help people with on to point out that in Japan, where, Jihadi-minded brothers would immigrate mental health issues—confusion, get- until after World War II and the sur- into the United States, taking advantage of ting lost, and dying. We know these render in 1945, Japan had a history of the welfare system to support themselves things happen. There is nothing any- submitting to whatever the emperor, while they spread their jihadi message.
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