Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 11-11-1920 Bulloch Times and Statesboro News Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times and Statesboro News" (1920). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 983. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/983 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 4. 11120. , H- r+++ I II I I 1"1 ++-1 .....1-......-M-"l·+·h·..."i"·.-·I-I-++++++-I-++ STATEMENT �� HUNTING SEASON WILL SOON BE HERE-SEE US BEFORE' I t Receipt An" Di'buroement. for the YOU BUY YOUR SHELLS. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. of St.teboro for 1920. :� CI·Y. Sept .• WE SELL NITROS. Receipts • :j: I I • Ealance Augst �! We have a number of second h311d Syrup Barrels-e-Wl]! sell cheap ,. BIlls p.'J� .e 4.150.0U SPECIAL5! SFECIALS I S�ECIALS! SPEC[ALS! + hV!her and light ec llections 2,G12 72 - n --.=."' -- � DO tax $1.043.12149787 _ LLQCI-I· rl�IM. 10 Ibs. Brown Mule Tobac- 8 Ib bucket Lard $190 :j:IGenelal �, ..iII!WLUllllliDlllDlillllmnmnnOl!j!!!!!!lijfiiij!UIDIJlIIUI!JI1!!1!!JI!!Immrnmnmmmm!IIII!j!l!!!!!jDmIlI!l!IT!ljllIUI!!!J1!!MJllJ + l'mes and for!el�u'es ----- 16000 co $7.50 24 Ib good Flour AND $170 - - + stock - - - - - - l4 pkgs Pnnce Albert To- Impounded 77.55 STATESBORO � cans Sardmes _ _ __ __ _ _ rudweise. NE"W'� .50 tax baeco Dog ---------------- 33.00 $325 I lIulloch Tim••• E.t.bli.h.d July. 1892 11 __ Best Rice cakes Octagon Soap $1 00 Water I C01UO.lie! ted J••a• Sibs. $1.00 ------------- ..., 22. 1817. taps 17.50 St,.te.boro News, EIl'b.Maroh. 190J } STATESBORO, GA., THURSDAY, NOV. 1920. 10 II)s. Good Rice $l 00 c ; , .30 I 11, DrIed Apples. poundc Building permits 1.50 Irish Potatoes. pecL____ .50 10 Ib s. white Karo Syrup J $115 Best Grits, pecL_______ 60 Meal. per Dock_________ .35 DIsbursements. hack th� 8 Ibs. Best Ground Coffec $1.00 Best Rye. bushel $300 , hrings Scavenger $ 82.00 CITY flECTION NUT CARRIED IN A street. GEORGIA IRON ORE BURGLARS PLY CARRY EVERYTHING GROCERY 308.12 TRADE WE STORE Oleaning ,BRfAK IS PROMIS[D 'BONE COUNTY FAIR WAS streets DRY' LAW A Buidling 201.60 'iri@ndly J!lass: I AND CAN MAKE IT TO YOUR INTEREST GIVE Us A TRIAL , _ ?,O Sewer 86.45 POLITICAL 'CONTEST : Pohce salaries 390.00 �ANDLED AT LOSS ON SMALL SCALE IN CLOTHING PRICfS Puritlj,fooil=value .-­ lilT HARD BLOW PRONOUNCm SUCCESS engmeer 150.'0 MAYOR AND TWO COUNCILMEN TWO STORES ENTERED BY PET· IClty STATE HAS RICH DEPOSITS" WHOLESALE REDUCTIONS BE· : Firemen's salaries 284.00 TO BE ELECTED IN TY THIEVES DURING THE GATES CLOSED EARLy DE­ BUT SUNDAY SUPREME COURT HOLDS and S�FFERS ANNUALLY ING MADE BY THE T�AT lomce rent 40.00 satisfaction NIGHT LAST MANUFAC· NIGHT Glenn Bland· CEMB£R. FROM LACK OF FURNACES STORAGE AND REMOVAL OF AFTER FIVE DAYS 01' Steel bridging' 788.68 TURERS GENERALLY. LIQUOR Two but glm-ies I epor ted Sunday IS NOT BARR�D SPLENDID ATTENDANCE. PHONE NO. 68 3'4 EAST MAIN ST. I Police uniforms :. � 217.25 . Now that the state and national in nIght m Statesboro, indicate thnt Ohicago, 9 -Men's , � pet­ N,ov. clothing The fall' eXpenses 11.00 eve�lJ bottle- elections are over WIth. alld the bond county which closed lui; 10ffice STATE NEWS OF INn.EST ty thieves were on a fOI actlvc small immediate delivery was offered Repairs to stable. ----�-!' f4.90 election has been RELEASE MANY Saturday night, after five ot .. .. scale. GALLONS days .. satlsfactol'lly pass- ;MAY .. .. .. Known buy ers at 10 __ to Stable expenses _ 60.00 ever'1where- it Brier New. Itema today prices 50 per f>uy it seem bhat Gathered Her. and J. 'l' Barker's on genumc activity, may well be ed, may thmgs politi- . 1,Iace East Main clalH4 Green Iee' Co 26.50 the case (or There Fro",. cent below wholesale Fell. Like A Bolt Of Light· ,; � � Auditing , blJ 'Jour home. All 8ectlon. street present prices eOCIelon ,ts :.�I�I�t�I�.r�I�.I�.+�++�;+�+�+;+;++��+�++�+�+� I��I �.I.�+�+�++��++�+�+:.� and Sam Johnson's south , the best. the �'.�I�I�" cally would lie dormant for a time, StOIc In 01 among county _ I or The nlng The Camp Payroll power planL_____ 694.25 State Goods fOI of Statesboro wei e SPI mg and summer . broken open some delivery over had in , But Prohlbltlonlltl every respect. there 'is more voting 111 store were time the 'shown at prrces 10 to 33¥.! pel' AND Atlanta has natural during night At Barker's The flnancial shoet LOCAL PER-80NAL ��I�� fQr the of -GeorgIa de- cent under may �a;�bl�-============ �:���:�� people Statesboro. a small those of 8 your ago, and ANHEUSER-BuSCH ,Posits of Iron ore as bountltul as place amount 0 nmokiug to- Washlngton.-S'orage ot lawtully I1. .: and any •• a record as last l dlscounL____ ,Interest 20.09 On the first men's shuts high year. when a Saturduy in ,Decem- in the world buceo and some und similar arflcles were Acquired liquor in commercial ware- region •• and yet is losing grocerrcs were taken. Meter boxes 243.75 ST. LOUIS shown at of 40 ber a �60 a ton or while greatly reduced lit houses and the 01 dividenrl per oent WRS paid to MIss Irene AI den spent Tuesday PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. mayor and tWl> councilmen are $12.000.000 110 year on the Johnson store suffered the prrces trnusportutton sue!! Street hghttng 356.28 the stocks to the home ot the owner Ia ! t� be elected for steel because It has no loss a small opemng of the thh-teenth semr­ the but truth J'8o< m _._ two-year terms. products. amount of cnsh. stockholdcre, tho wIth friends Savnnah. not Supplies - ------------__ to convel t prohlhlted the Volstead act. I 28.93 So far plants the raw material Into annual COllVI1CtlO11 of b� there has not been consid-, Whether 01 not there wns con- bUYIllg' the mums that the of The Presbyterain church announces any any under 110 dectsion exhibits every Itbul _ banded down _ _ tha Balance 30_ _ _ __ _ the by I of Sept. iO.36 finished articles Nutional .r . MIss OUlda Brannen. Metter. erable dIscussion Of the but lIectlon between UnIted Clothlel.. The con­ were the for matter. the two bUIglal'les. Supreme court. better than the average, and uae foll.wmg program Sunday. This Is one ot the ventIon .. spent the week-end at home. smce the electIOn IS outstandIng IS not known. IS beIng attended by I etall olher the 7th: right at hand. The Bnl ker siOl e was In paSSing upon the of WII. features were of a ord.... o 0 0 MISS JENNIE TURNEIt. statements made a apepal high in_ report Issued dealel S flom It may as well be that ente,ed II sec­ clothIng sevenieen MId_ lIam 0 Street ot As a of 10 :00 a. m I'ecogni%ed by tbe tlllough the 100f. small New York trom de- preclllltton against loss fro.' Mr. EmIt Edenfield. Atlanta. Sunday-school. I Georgia School ot Technology. dle Westeln and W estCi n On there 18 to be Borne more tlOn of which was states, and ci.lons ot lower courts to en· bad the 11 :30 m votmg. bUdOd all datu. gathered after exbaus- plied lip on the retuslug ",.ather. dIrectors had pro­ spent the week-elld m the cIty. Mornmg worshIP. a.' .• Saturday nIght. 30. 3ub-/ hus taken the fOI m u Oc�ober Mayor Rountl'ee has sel'ved two tlve back to admIt of huge dIsplay III\elllal revellue ortlclals trom CUI cd ·. ject. of 1U20. the .",,1 of MISS Jenme 'furner luvestlgaUou and frOID unquesUon. the IlltlUdOl. )ull1 jnCUlUnee to tho amount of "Preparmg .the Way the of of a tenns 111 I1l1le made-up gmments. eel7.lllg liquor. he itad placed In a W. A. Jones. Metter. was Lord." took ItS nIght to the the the office and IS understood uutholltles The Johnson StOI e wus entered by $Q.OOO agatnst ralll during the land beyond I wellk., I ,Tho "The pub"o is not munu­ room ented from a sate deposit com· caller at the TImes office today. stars. to be sattsfied WIth the honols teceiv- report has beeu Issued here In the flont the lock of was buymg. The of the Y. P. S. C. E prayer at She had been a sijfferer for .dool. willch opentng day filII' there waa .0. meetmg factUl 01 pany. tite Supreme court reversed the ed.' connection with plans for the Indus· sand dealels nre over-stock­ a 6 45 m. years. but at tIme btoken. shght ratnfall. but not suffiCIent to Meiter was p. ne�er any lower COUI ts and held that the In· 'Mr.. R 111. Wllhams of tl!at tour of tbe which one Silld \\'. L. 'Isome Joe Ben IS North, An erl," 1\{ohl', treaSUler alJd come was her condItion sellOUS Martm, hkewise, com- mCldcnt 10 connoctlOn WIth the WIthIn the scope of the m.UI'- Evenmg worshIp at 7.30 pm .• con- regarded �ulwtlons should be granted a Vlsltor to the cIty durmg the week.
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