Etn1964 Vol11 02

Etn1964 Vol11 02

:~/~r-' .;__-,'/>~~"":-\-·.__ : f-:"'-, • •... •·. < ;r . •·.. ·• ?~ 'TRACK ' . if SupplementingTRACK & FIELDNEWS twice monthly. rt_v_o_l_. -1-l,-.-N-o-·.-2---------------------A-u_gu_st-27-· ,-1-96_4_________ .......,_____________ --=, __ I Final Olympic Trials Predictions Foreign News by Dick Drake t' The following dope sheet represents the author's predicted ( With assistance from Sven Ivan Johansson) ~;,<:order of finish for all the competitors in the Final Olympic Trials. ESSEN, WEST GERMANY, 100, Obersiebrasse 10.3; 2. Kmck­ r:·cThe second column indicates best mark this season and the third is enberg 10.3. HT, Beyer (19 years old) 221'½". ( ~he athlete'; place and mark in the Olympic Semi Trials. In some LANDAU, WEST GERMANY, JT, Stumpp 259'3½". Wilke 10.2w. (:;~cases, the athletes were advanced by the Olympic committee, in LEIPZIG, EAST GERMANY, 800, Ulrich 1:48.5. TJ, Thierfel­ z;;.·.which i.nstances the word "passed" is used. Comments on each ath­ der 52'7½". ~ ';Jete follow aa well as general comments for each event. , SIENNE, ITALY, 100, Figuerola (Cuba) 10.2. HH, Ottoz 14.1; 2. Mazza 12.1. HJ, Bogliatto 6'91". ¼~~:t~-1· 00 M.ET· ER· DASH SOFIA, BULGARIA, PV, Khlebarov 15'10½"; 2. Butcher (Pol) ("': :Bob Hayes 10. 2 passed He doesn't lose even injured 15'5". DT, Artarski 185'4". Hf, Rut (Pol) 218'1". 400R, Bulgaria r .'.Charles Greene 10 .3 3-10 .2w If healthy, could be there 40.1. ~,t~·.T:rentonJackson 10 11 1-10.lw Powerfulrunner;goodstarter PRAGUE, 1600R, Czechoslovakia 3:07 .2. ;\;Darel Newman 10.2 6t-10.3w Tailed off in national meets DUSSELOORF, 400, Kindger 46.6. ~CGerry Ashworth JO 3 2-lQ Jw Closed well in Semi Trials PRAGUE, 400, Trousil 46.0. DT, Danek 193'10½''. ~"'YMel P.ender 10 3 4-10 .2w Still has four years of college NOVI SAD, YUGOSLAVIA, HJ, Andelkovic 6'9t". ~·,::Richard Stebbins i0.3 6t-10.3w Could return to Coliseum form OSLO, 400, Brightwell (GB) 46.2; 2. Brunaes 47 .o. 800, Mori­ ~'; ·Bernie Rivers 10. 3 5-10 2w Surprise qualifier at Semis moto Qap) 1:48.4; 2. Bogatzki (Ger) 1:49.6. 5000, Roelants (Bel) ~· - The condition of Hayes and Greene, probably the US's two 13:55.4; 2. Helland 14:05.6; 3. Dam (Den) 14:05.8; 4. Fuglem ·.: 1:5est entries at this distance, is questionable because of injuries sus­ 14:07 .8; 5. Clerkx (Bel) 14:10.0. JT, Pedersen 280'5½". IH, Har­ ~~:c,tained in the nationals. Trenton Jackson could run away with it. din (US) 50. 7. HJ, Caruthers (US) 6'9i". ~i'(There is some talk that the fourth through seventh placers will be OSTERSUND, SWEDEN, HT, Asplund 217'9". HJ, Pettersson t;O,Qhosen to run the 400 relay in the Games. 6'9}". ~\k200.METER DASH PORI, FINLAND. JT, Nevala 265'0". PV, Ankio 15'11"; 2. Ni-,, ~f};Jenry Carr 20 .1 1-20. 7 Nobody beats Henry at 200 kula 15'5". IH, Tuominen 51.5. HJ, Laitinen 6'9½". ;f'>S<>b<Hayes 20 .4 passed Lack of condition may hinder CAMBRA!, FRANCE, ,10, 000, Bernard 29:46.0; 2. Mimoun f,.c,fy1~.lDr'i:1yton 20.4 3-21.0 Fell off in Trials and vs USSR 29:57 .4. HH, Duriez 14.2. 1·t~ichai::_dStebbins 20.5 2-20.8 Coach says he'll be ready LONDON, 400, Larrabee (US) 46.2; 2. Cassell (US) 46.5; 3. 1 ~:~•.~Benil~ Rivers 20. 7 8-nt In May, he'd have been there. Kerr Garn) 46.6. 800, Groth (US) 1:48.5; 2. Carter (GB) 1:49.2; 3. ~•t+'~rry Dunn 20. 7 4-21.0 Improved over college days Harris (GB) 1:49.8. Mile, Baran (Pol) 3:56.0; 2. Whetton (GB) 3:58. ttdt~n"Webster 20. 7 5-21.1 Concentrated on 400 all year 3. Clifford (Ire) 3:59.8; 4. Weisiger (US) 4:00.4; 5. Keeling (GB) ~/John MQon 20. 7 6-21.2- Claims to be great relayer 4:00. 7; 6. McCleane (Eire) 4:01.2; 7. Camien (US) 4:0L2; 8. Ib­ A\:: / ·.. Besides being a beautiful runner, Carr is fast--and faster botson· (GB) 4:02. 0. 5000, Boguszewicz (Pol) 13:58. 6; 2. Graham ~;:(thanafiyone· else at 200-meters. If Hayes and Drayton finish in the (Eire) 13:59 .4; 3. Herrings (GB) 14:01.8; 4. Murray 14:06.8;. 5. r+i~~t' two spot~, this•may be one of the few events where pre-season Haro (Sp) 14:08.0. HH, H. Jones (US) 14.0; 2. Taitt .(Guinea) 14.1. HJ, Czernik (Pol) 7'1½". BJ, Davies 25'10¾"; 2. Morbey 25'6¾n. !ti\f◊rrn sheets held up. PV, Ankio (Fin) 15'7"; 2. era.mer 15'7". JT, Sidlo (Pol) 274'9"; 2. t:;,.,.400.METER DASH Macquet (F.r) 258'11"; 3. Pedersen (Nor) 253'1½". 400R, Poland ,?fMike· Larrabee 45 . 4 6-46 . 6 This is Mike's year 39.9; 2. Great Britain 40.4. 1600R, Great Britain 3:05.0 (Graham, · Ulis Willi.ams 45 . 9 2-46 . 0' If ready, Mike' 11 have to hurry Metcalfe, Cooper, Brightwell) . s,· · Ollan Cassell ...¾5 8 1•45 9 Probably last big bid for Ollan CARACAS, VENEZUELA, 100, Herrera 10.1. 200, Herre.ra ··: Bob Tobler 45. 7 5-46 .3 Looked great most of the year 20.5. ~\·>Theron Lewis 46 1 3-46.1 Impressive newcomer in June MUNICH, SP, Urbach 60'11¼". :'~ Dave Archibald 46 .O passed Ulcer slowed him for nationals BERNE, SWITZERLAND, JT, von Wartburg 255'0". ~.,~Bill Boyle 46.2 4-,46, 2 Could place as high as fourth ATHENS, HH, Marcelos 14.1. BJ, Maglaras 25'4!". pY. Pa­ }-. ~. Ofd age (30 years) doesn't seem to be holding Larrabee back, panicolaou 15'6¼". '~; but he'll have to be sharp if Williams is back in shape. Cassell and HASSLEHOLM, SWEDEN, HJ, Czernik 7'2!". 3000, Persson 8:03.5. PV, Ankio (Fin) 15'9"; 2. Cramer (US) 15'6". DT, Hag- 1?i}tToble'r,-"i::::::___:::_,. ' should• fight it out for the third spot. lund 187'8½". ?,·'<: 00 METER RUN BUDAPEST, SP, Varju 63'4¼". DT, Szecsenyi 187'6". HT, Zsi- ~"'*er:r:ySiybert 1:46.8 1-1:47 .2 Slight pick over Groth votzky 225'7½"; 2. Eckschmidt 220'10". ~tit\Morgan·Groth 1:45. 7 2-1:47 .2. Broke American 880 record MALMOE, SWEDEN, HJ, Pettersson 7'¼". ~5:&tnell Mitchell 1:47 .6 5-1:47. 7 Experience over other kickers HELSINKI, PV, Nikula_.16'1". ~~~.~.fry~ugden 1:47 3 3-1:47 3 Endurance to match great kick VALENCE, FRANCE, 100, Genevay 10.lw; 2. Kone 10.3w. 0~,~,:.Jom""'Farrell 1:47 5 4-1:47 5, Sometimes waits too late 200, Genevay 20.8. 3000St, Nicolas 8:32.8; 2. Texereau 8:36.6; 3. ;::;;,;pr{utSrrtith· 1:47. 7 6-1:47. 7 Conditioning could raise place Bantegny 8:43.6. TJ, Mansour-Dia 51'2¼". ,:;!'<;f• , . Siebert and Groth are fairly well assured of making the team, TORONTO, Decathlon, Yang (For) 8087. :j.....-~the·third spot is harder to pick in this event than any other. All LONDON, 400, Larrabee (US) 46.4~ 800, Kerr Oam) 1:47. 7; ~'i;0ffi;iur have potent finishing kicks. 2: Groth (US) 1:47 .9; 3. Clifford (Ire) 1:49.6; 4. Carter 1:40.0. 5000, Herring 13:58.6; 2. Graham (Ire) 14:01.2; 3. Murray 14:05.8; 4. O'Riordan (Ire) 14:07 .2._ 10,000~ Hogan (Ire) 29:27 .2; 2. Tur­ ol Burleson 3:38.8 1-3:45.4 Should win regardless pace ner 29:48 .0. in o•Hara 3:38 .1 2-3:45 .6 Has one goal: to beat Dyrol KAPPENBERG, AUSTRIA, HT, Thun 222'4". Ryun · 3:39. 0 4-:3:46 .1 Three months the difference LJUBLJANA, YUGOSLAVIA, St, Span 8:35.3. )~:relle 3:38.9 3-3:46.1 Tough runner to beat out BERLIN, 100, Knickenberg 10.3; 2. Rodedeld 10.3; 3. Schu- . :thi.eSan Romani 3:40 .8 5,.3;46 .4 Has outside chance for third mann 10.4; 4. Obersiebrasse 10.4. 200, Schumann 21.0. 400, Kal­ 'cy..y 3:4;2.l 6..:3:46.6 Beat Weisiger to LA Trials felder 46.4; 2;Schmitt 46.6; 3. Juttner 47 .1; 4. Thiemann 47.3. · ·>; ·A•slow or fast pace should actually have very little effect on 800, Kinder 1:48.8; 2. K-emper 1:48.9;_ 3. Bogatzki 1:49.2. 1500, · ()titcome.of the race. A slow pace would probably help Burleson Norpoth 3:41.6; 2. Windel 3:42. 7; 3. Tummler 3:42.7; 4. Hintzen.- · · · (Continued on page 7) (Continued on page 6) . - ~ .,.... ~~·~ ·~::ft~~~':&~!c,~;~+.!•o. , .. =. (Continued fti>m page 5) {.~I<tJs€l~RStaM13MoktAt\vai-sa~fii~:" (~a)\ 4G~~ 4S. 7'; Bd~tw~(GB) 46 h, 10,000, r1osh:!ch29:4'i~6.> 4001H, Gieseler 7; 2. lmcle!l"S.~. Z.. .\;'3:. ·~J3.2. 50. Haas ({J~l,;46-2. ti.OOQ~F,!trss:Qn (Swe) ·14:08.0. PV; Igllel:iitov: ( Ai<h9; 3_. Muller 5.t.3. HJ, Scbillkowski 6'9¼11. BJ, Klein 25'9". 1 1? 9 '; Osinski 15'5". DT, :Begt?r'l96'8";2.i; • l?V, Reinhardt 16'6!". TJ, Sauer 52'½". SP, Urbach 60'6"; 2. Bir.; ;~.Jut¢¥r.l.5'5 1 P1atkow.slcL19l Radosevic (Yugo) 186 HT· Zsivotsicy lenbach 59'!".

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