?;„ •; V.-r--- r •* • • ** •. WITH THE MOST PROGRESSIVE RARITAH LARGEST SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER TOWNSHIP GUARANTEED IN CIRCULATION THIS AREA The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" Vol. VI.—No. 34 FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 194] PRICE THREE CENTS BIG DAY! No Changes Are Likely School Board Insists WOODBRIDGE—The carrier Fire Truck Republicans boys of this newspaper will Record Light meet tomorrow morning at 18 Green Street, Woodbridge, to In Municipal Offices On Static Tuition Rate receive their prizes won In a recent circulation contest. Referendum Administration Expected To Again Name McEIroy, Davis In Big Sweep Tells New Brunswick Unless Request Is Granted Pupils Will After the presentation cere- Vote Polled And Morgenson; Clerical Personnel Also To Remain Be Transferred To Other Districts. monies all the newsboys will be the guests of E. C. Long-, circu- WOODBRIDGE—With the continued success of the Re- RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Unless a static rate of tuition lation manager, at a, hot-dog Authorized roast. Games will be played. In Township publican party at the polls Tuesday, there is very little likeli- Here Tuesday for high school pupils is established by the New Brunswick hood that any changes will be made in the major positions school board,, the Township Board of Education will again Board With Single Dissenting Less Than 50% Of Presiden- in the town hall when the Township Committee meets for Even County Candidates Win ! petition the state commissioner of education for a redesig- Vote, Orders Poll To 13 Horses Are Saved tial Year; Many Failed Us organization session on the first of the year. Locally; G. O. P. Retains ! nation of receiving districts. Decide Question. To Register. There is no doubt whatsoever regarding the reappoint- Committee Control ; The notice was forwaded to the New Brunswick board Fire Sweeps Barn $10,000 IS ESTIMATED ment of Township Attorney Leon ' in a communication Tuesday night REPUBLICANS FOR N. J., E. McElroy who has an enviable SAMONS, AQUILA BEATEN which further proposed that the PRICE OF APPARATUS Riding School Owner And 2 COUNTY OFFICES LEAD reputation not only as an able ~+r >^nr*,t.***.iT-w.* if ,iin««ii,New Brunswick board set a flat Sons Lead Animals From municipal attorney but as an ex- Rain Fails To Deter BY TREMENDOUS MARGIN aImual tultion of $130 per pupU First Aid Ambulance Present Equipment Called Un- pert in the field of municipal ' sent to its high school from Blazing Stable. Howell Runs Ahead of Demo- usable For Any Con- finances as well. Hallowe'en Paraders Spencer Tops Dunigan For the township. cratic Opponent But With : 2nd Time; Greiner, Un- The communication also stated Presented to Squad CLARA BARTON—Fire destroyed siderable Period. The three year term of Recorder opposed Polls 5,836 ceivethat d thneo Raritaanswern froboarm dth eha countd rey- L large barn occupied by the Rari- Slight Margin Arthur Brown explrest on the first 3rd Annual Observance Of seat group on its request for Safety Council Purchased lan Riding School at Lafayette CLARA BARTON-—With one dis- of the year but there is every Road near Amboy Avenue here RARITAN TOWNSHIP—One of senting vote, the Board of Fire Fords Legion Post Held WOODBRIDGE — For the first' information concerning future tui- Vehicle With Proceeds Tuesday night. indication that he will be reap- time since 1928 Woodbridge Town- tion rates. thelightest general election votes Commissioners, Monday night, pointed for another three year Despite Weather. Unless an eal lv Of Public Campaign. Thirteen horses stabled in the in many years was cast here Tues- adopted aresoutlon providing /or a ship went entirely • Republican— I " decision was building were rescued, but hay day. Only a few more than 2,000 special flre district election on a term, in the county as well as in the' forthcoming, the letter read, the FORDS — Township > township would petition the state valued at $150, adog and a duck ballots were cast, less than 50 referendum providing for issuance board 11 MENLO PARK—Official presen- were destroyed. per cent of the vote in tli^ presi- of bonds totallng$l0,000 for pur- When 'the votes were tallied! <» P"™ designation of tation of the ambulance purchased i'rank Manee, operator of the dential election last year. chase of a new fire truck. shortly after ten o'clock Tuesday other high schools in the county by the Raritan Township Safety night, it was discovered that not as reciving districts instead of New Council for service here was made riding school and owner of the The exceptionally light vote was The only commissioner opposed tion 1J here Friday night. horses, told township police that due to the permanent registration to the resolution was Michael Ke- and the term Is an indefinite one. only had the Republican commit- Brunswick. Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock in Led by the Harold L. Berrue Dan!el J Wra the flrehouse. he had placed a lantern down in requirements, placed in effect for restan. No date for the election Others who undoubtedly will be Memorial Drum and Bugle Corps of teemen been returned to office by - y- President of the thebarn. while he went out to the first time this year. Many was set. It waslndicated, however, renamed are: Clarence R. Davis, Piscatawaytown, the event was a large majorities but all the state Brunswick board, referred the com- Township officials and a large work about the place. voters in the township failed to and county Republican candidates • mumcation to the entire body for gathering of residents of this area that it may be held late this month T(ownship Engineer; O. J. Morgan- complete success. Shortly after, he saw flames register this fall and found them- or early in December. son, Township Treasurer and Har- The parade started on schedule had received substantially big ma-, study, witnessed the ceremonies at which shooting out the doors. He said he selves unable to cast a ballot Tues- The present vehicle, which re- jorities. Thomas Swales chairman of the summoned his twosons, Roland and day. old J. Bailey, health inspector. from School No. 14. Township po- safety council, made the presenta- cently was repaired at a cost of No Changes Seen lice under Captain John Egan and The question on the ballot in William, and the trio led the Russell B. Howell, Republican $104 to enable the district to b3 regard to a $300 raise for mem- tion. Henry Koerber, captain Of horses to safety. No major changes are expected Fords Fire Company members, with Monoxide Gas Fells the Menlo Park Safety Squad ac- candidate for sheriff, was given a protected until further action on in the clerical personnel at the Fire Chief Louis Grispart in bers of the police department was Raritan Engine Company No. 2 majority of 22 votes over his Demo- the now equipment could be taken, beaten by a nearly 2 to 1 majority. cepted the apparatus for the Memorial Municipal Building or ln charge, supervised traffic along the Squad. and No. 1 responded to the alarm. cratic opponent, William A. Atlgair. is not considered to be usable for the personel of the Road Depart- line of march. The yes votes tallied 1,812 and the Employe Of Township Upon arrival, they found the barn The former polled 976 votes and the any length of time. ment although there may be a Prize winners were: Dorothy no votes, 3,077. The ambulance, a light grey La- beyond saving. Otto WIttnebert, latter, 954. Christian J. Jorgenson, of this few transfers and possibly a dis- Martin, Helen Nochzak and Betty Although Mayor August P Sane, fully equipped, was delivered owner of the building, said the All three. Republican freeholder place, 1? the board's attorney on missal or two. Christensen, prettiest costumes; Greiner ran unopposed he received I Laursen Overcome While Op- to the flrehouse early Sunday af- barn was partially insured. Candida tes were given majorities the matter. Thomas Dunham, Margaret Novak an exceptionally large vote of i 1 ternoon by Koerber and Swales, with Donald V. Reed Jr. bftdlnp Since the State has taken over erating Road - Scraper In who received it from the New York the administration of relief, the and George Sharp, most original 5,836, to rate as the high man on I the G. O. P. ticket with 1,029. Ar- costumes: George Mlsak, Lillian the ballot. Committeeman Fred- j Oak Tree Thursday. dealer who was agent foe the pur- thur W. Larson, local board of Townshfp Committee will not have chase. to decide on the reappointment of Papp and Alexander Bollman, most erick A. Spencer was re-elected [ Jamboree Scheduled health inspector, ran second with comical , costumes, and Richard over Owen S. Dunigan, Democratic SAND HILLS—William Laursen, The machine is five years old and 1,013 and Morris Margaretten, Welfare Director John T. Omen- Dell, Alex Kudron, Rose M. Miele candidate, by a majority of 203; 51, of New Street, who was over- was purchased with funds raised in third, with 972. hister. His position is now de- and Jane Ratczjack, miscellaneous a recent township-wide arive to cided by the Municipal Atd Ad- votes. Spencer totaled 1,389 votes: came by carbon monoxide gas For Thanksgiving Day Elmer E. Brown, Democrat, was costumes. as against 1,181 for Dunigan. : while operating the Raritan Town- replace the first vehicle now 14 high on the opposition freeholder At Annual PBA Dance ministration of New Jersey. ship road scraper, is recuperating years old, ever obtained by the More than 500 bags of peanuts Aquila Defeated council. Raritan River Boat Club To ticket with 970.
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