758 HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES OF LEICESTERSHIRE. riam suam. Et 8ns Robertus Grimbaud & Wiltus Sitheston, co. Leicester; whereupon John duke of Grimbaud sunt fundatores, in liberam, puram, & per-, Lancaster, of whom, as in right of the honour of Lei- petuam eleemosinam. Et ipsi tenent de honore Hun- cester, the said manor of Morton was held, seized the tynuon de parte de Hastyng. Et ctnus abbas habet said Margery, his surviving daughter, and John the cartas diversorum regum Anglie de donationibus & de son of Maud, so begotten as aforesaid, as his wards • omnibus libertatibus suis dicte abbatie contingentibus. granting them to John de Stafford his clerk; who, to " Apud Knossyngton. Prefatus abbas tenet duas prevent that ill-begotten child of enjoying the inhe- carucatas terne de Koberto de Chevercourt de Wy- ritance, made him a canon-regular of Ouston, where vordeby ; & ipse tenet per quartam partem unius he died IO. , feodi, k tenet rie honore de Tykel in capite. In 1375, John de Hastings earl of Pembroke died " Apud Newbolt'. Prefatus abbas tenet in domi- seised of one knight's fee, with the appurtenances, in nico duas virgatas rerre, in villenagio duas virgatas Osolveston, which the abbot of Ofolveston held ir. terre; & tenet de Jofte de Haveneston, in liberam, June 12, 1378, a receipt occurs, from William de puram, & perpetuam eleemosinam." Berford, cuftos feodorum of Thomas lojd Ros of Hame- 5. These extracts are followed by an inquisition, lake, for $s. paid by the abbot and convent of Ofol- taken 17 Henry II!. at a county court, on the oaths of veston, as an aid towards making the eldest son of the William Child of Billesdon, William son of Nicholas of said lord Thomas a knight I2. Caythocp, Robert Burdet, Ralph Houfwyf, Geoffrey In 1388, William Babbeworth, and John Clyppejbam, Houfwyf, and nine others of the neighbourhood, con- or Kylpejham, had liberty to give to the abbot and con- cerning the liberties of this abbey; declaring their vent of Ouston 17 messuages, 9 tofts, 7 virgates, 111 exemption, from time immemoriaj, for themselves, acres of land, and 26 acres and 3 roods of meadow, their tenants, and servants, from all suits or service at in Slauston, Outhorp, Galby, • Twyford, Thorpe the hundred or county courts; and also a subsequent Sechevile, North Mardefeld, Knoffington, Norton by confirmation of those liberties by king Edward 1. Galby, and Stretton Parva.— The messuages and land 6. The only other remaining anicle concerning the at Slauston and Outhorp were held by Peter Clerk township of Ouston is a fragment of the endowment by the service of suit of court from three weeks to three of the vicarage 2. , weeks immediately under 'Thomas Boyvil; who "held Of the hamlets of North and South Mardefield? the fame of the king, by what service was unknown. and Newbold Sancey * there are several deeds, as will —The messuages and 30 acres of land at Galby were be shewn under those respective heads. held for life by Alice Smith, by similar service, under Sir Peter Lincoln, knt. gave to this abbey several sir William Marmion; who held under Thomas Hare- lands in Hungarton and Thorpe juxta Barkby ; which court, tenant to the king.—The lands in Twyford and were confirmed to them by Robert lord Ros of iklvoir, Thorpe Sechevile were held under the abbot of chief lord of the fee, and by William lord Ros his son. Ouston, tenant in capite to the king.—The messuages Robert S ar din of Hungarton, in 1256, gave them and lands in North Mardefeld were held under the all his land in that town, a toft and croft, with an prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England.—Three mes- annual rent of a pair of gloves and a halfpenny; re- suages in Knoffington were held of sir Thomas Erding- serving only half a rood of land, which he had given ton, tenant to the king.—And three tofts and a vir- to keep a lamp in honour of the blessed Virgin Mary gate of land at Galby were held by the service of in the church of Hungarton. Simon de Hibernia, Wil- paying 6s. 8d. to the chaplain of Noseley, under sir liam de Barcwe master of St. Johns Hospital at Lei- 'Thomas Harecourt, tenant to the king.—The messuages cester, Jobn the Smith of Hungarton, and others of and land at Little Stretton were held immediately un- 5 that town, occur also as benefactors . der the said sir Thomas Harecourt by the like suit of Henry de Barkcby gave them one messuage and one court as above.—And there remained to the said. yard-land in Newbold Saucey6; and William and John William Babbeworth and John de Clyppesham, be- de Berfjrd two messuages, four tofts, and one caru- yond the amount of their liberal donation, lands and Cate of land, in the fame village. tenements to the annual value of IOOJ.13 Walter de Chevrecourt, with the consent of Robert The titles of several considerable grants of lands, Grimbald, gave them eight virgates in Knoffington. at Hungarton, Knoffington, the town of Leicester, In 1306, king Edward I. again confirmed to them Muston,Bottesford, and Normanton, in this county, and the churches of King's Norton and Medbourne in at North Wytham in Lincolnshire, may be seen in the pure alms 7. Appendix14; besides which, this abbey had within the The,manor of Mufton, in 1367-8, was vested in county of Leicester the churches of Burrow, Slauston, trustees, by sir Robert Colvill and Cecilia his wife, for and a moiety of Withcote, with divers lands at Seal- the purpose of finding four chaplains, two regulars ford, Thorpe Ernald, Kirkby Beler, Twyford, Pick- and two seculars, to pray for their fouls, and for those well, and Leesthorp IS. of their ancestors and successors, in a chapel on the They had also the church of Tickencote, with di- North side of the abbey-church of Ouflon ; and the vers lands at Belton, co. Rutland. manor of Normanton was also given by them, that The MSS. of Mr. Peck, and bishop Tanner in his the monks of Ouflon might find two chaplains, in like Notitia Monastica, p. 240, refer also to these records: manner, to pray in a chantry at Castle Bytham; from Plac. in com' Leycestr', 12 Edw. I. Affif Rot. 19. the charge of one of which last chaplains they were pro ii bovatis terre ibidem, released in 1436 by the lady Elizabeth Grey and the 8 Claus. 13 Edw. II. m. 1. de terris in Erdeburgh. lord Henry Grey her son . It is stated in the Episco- Pat. 14 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 8. & Pat. 15 Edw. III. pal Registers at Lincoln, that the abbot and convene p. 2. m. 42. pro eccleM de West Morton16. were bound to support certain chantries, for the fouls Pat. 18 Edw. III. p. 1. m, 33. vel 34. of sir Robert Colvill lord of Bytham and others, under Ib. p. 2. m. 49. pro ecclesia de Norton, capella dc the penalty of certain pecuniary fines, to be applied Stratton P. by the bishop to eleemosinary uses'. Pat. 20 Edw. III. p. 1. m. 9. d. 10. Henry Pipe, of Pipe, co. Warwick, married a second In a book of fifteenths and tenths granted by the wife Maud, the daughter of George de Caftello; but not laity in 1416, Ouflon was rated at 1/. i^s. od.; and long after the marriage found her with child by one in 1445, Ouston was rated at £1. i%s. 6d. when an John Boote, his father's servant; at which he took such abatement was made of 6s. grief that he died, before the child was born, on the July 11, 1466, the abbot and convent obtained per- feast of St. Lawrence, 36 Edward III, being seised of mission to amortize lands to the value of/40. a year17. Morton Daubenie, co. Warwick, and Staunton and William Waryn of Okeham, merchant of the staple, 1 Ree. in Scacc. 14 Ken. "VIII. Hil. Rot. 19. pro terris in Newbold. Pat. 2 Hen, V. p. 2. m. 9. pro terris in Neubold Saucy. I See p. 758. 3 See p. 760. * See p. 761. 5 Appendix, p. 147. * Pat. 2 Edw. II. n. 10. Inq. ad quod darepnum 2 Hen. IV. n. 19. * Peck, MSS. 4937. p. 241; ex Inq. ad quoddampn. 34 Edw. I. N° 189. Leic. 8 Appendix, p. 146. 9 Introductory Volume, p. c. xa Dugdale, Warwickshire, vol. II. p. 892. II Esch.49 Edw. III. pars 1. N° 40. 1Z Appendix, p. 148. IJ Inq. ad quod dampnum iaRic. II. N3 153. Leic 14 Appendix, p. 146—148. I5 See p. 757, and the Introductory Volume, p. cxi. 15 So in Bishop Tanner ; but probably a mistake for West ATorton. ,'7 Pat.'24 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 20. lkentia perquirend' terras ad valorem £40. per annum. ifl.
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