YAGER COMPUTER SERVICES For help with all your IT problems W om er sl ey - Computer service & MOT - PC & Laptop repairs £30 per hour (excluding parts) - Upgrades Collection & delivery when possible. Par i sh M agazi n e - Home network installation For a friendly & reliable home service - Internet & WIFI help please contact - Virus & Spyware removal IAN YAGER - Home Computer security 07973 540946 - System setup and advise - Full assessment email:[email protected] - Clean-up & Optimisation web: www.yagerservices.co.uk STAPLETON DANCE & FITNESS STUDIO Bankwood Road, Stapleton, Pontefract, WF8 3DE Tel: 07900 856702 / 07789 084699 / 07729 191104 Email: [email protected] IDTA & UKA Registered ZUMBA FITNESS! MON 7.45pm ? 8.45pm / THURS 8.10pm ? 9.00pm --------------------------------------------------------- LEGS, BUMS & TUMS: MON 9:30am ? 10:30am / FRI 9:30am ? 10:30am DANCERCISE: MON 10:30am ? 11:30am "Be like a flower and turn your face to KEEP FIT: MON 12:15pm ? 1:15pm the sun." - Kahlil Gibran KETTLERCISE: MON 6:45pm ? 7:45pm BEGINNERS BALLROOM: TUES 7:30pm ? 8:30pm PILATES: TUES 7:30pm ? 8:30pm / WED 9:30am ? 10:30am PIYO: THURS 6:45pm ? 7:45pm SALSA CLASS: THURS 6:45pm ? 7:45pm M ay ADVANCED BALLROOM: FRI 7:30pm ? 9:00pm 20 17 KETTLEBELLS: SAT 9:30am ? 10:30am PRIVATE TUITION AVAILABLE 20 Ballroom , Lat in Am erican, Classical/ Modern Sequence, Salsa, Wedding Dances Ch u r ch of St M ar ti n Bu s an d Su p er m obi l e l i br ar y T i m etabl es Parish Priest Rev. Andrew Mart lew Arriva service No 409 - Doncast er t o Pont efract Services Monday t o Friday Family service every Sunday at 11.00am. Doncaster 06:50 09:15 11:15 13:15 15:15 17:15 We don?t have a special service for children but families with children are very Womersley welcome at all services. We have a selection of ?activity bags? to help keep young (Main St) 07:44 10:11 12:11 14:11 16:11 18:14 children occupied! Pontefract 08:06 10:33 12:33 14:33 16:33 18:36 Additional services for feast days and other events will be advertised in the magazine and on church notice boards. Sat urday For t he services of a priest Doncaster 07:15 09:15 11:15 13:15 15:15 17:15 To arrange a Baptism, Wedding, Funeral, for Spiritual Comfort, Holy Unction, Womersley 08:10 10:10 12:10 14:10 16:10 18:10 Confession or any other reason please contact Father Andrew or if he is not Pontefract 08:30 10:33 12:33 14:33 16:33 18:30 available, one of the Church wardens. Arriva service No 409 - Pont efract t o Doncast er Prayers for t hose in need Monday t o Sat urday NS S Prayers will be said for anyone in need through sickness, bereavement, loneliness, hardship. Whatever the problem there is no need to face it alone. For Pontefract 09.50 11.50 13.50 15.50 17.52 prayers, a visit, or a phone call place your request in one of the sealed boxes in Womersley 07:54 08.12 10:11 12:11 14:11 16:11 18:11 church or the village hall, requests may be anonymous. Doncaster 08:55 09.10 11:10 13:10 15:10 17:10 19:10 Alternatively telephone Fr. Andrew or any PCC member. Sunday - No service People in t he church fam ily NS = Not Saturday S = Saturday Parish priest Father Andrew 01405 862484 Lay pastoral minister Hilary Speak 01977 607385 Church warden Tom Precious 01977 705389 Church warden and Business secretary Joyce Woodall 01977 790127 Superm obile Library PCC mem ber an d T reasurer Barbara Greaves 01977 621905 PCC member and Minutes secretary Tina Evans 01977 620212 May Dates : PCC member and Electoral role officer Joan Slater 01977 621772 Tuesdays 8th and 22nd PCC member and Health and Safety officer Rachel Hattersley 01977 621354 PCC member Judith Cooke 01302 701116 Venues Tim es PCC member and Deputy treasurer Joyce Fielden 01977 706146 Eggborough - Weeland Road near Horse & Jockey 10.30am - 12.30pm PCC member Ann Wainwright Kirk Smeaton - Shoulder of Mutton 2.00pm - 4.00pm Safeguarding officer (Non PCC member) Janet Young 01977 676247 2 19 Par i sh Cou n ci l DEFIBRILLATOR FUND Ian Wright Harworth Estates have announced that they will donate £400 for the Council?s Ian's Gardening Services defibrillator fund which now stands at £900, two other companies in the village have each donated £50, however, the Council still needs a further £600 before it can Weeding - Law ns - Trees & Shrubs purchase this vital piece of life saving equipment, therefore we are seeking further donations. If you know of anyone who may be interested please contact the Clerk, a One off garden t idy ups member of the Parish Council or come to our Annual Parish Meeting on the 22nd May Flow er Beds - Hanging Basket s at 7pm in The Courtyard. Cont ainers - Pot s & Tubs To ensure that the equipment can be installed as quickly as possible donations for any Hedge Cut t ing amount would be gratefully received. Jacci White has agreed that the defibrillator can be placed at The Courtyard so that it is centrally placed for all the village to use. 01977 556513 - 07565 741707 - 07561 363674 em ail ian.w right 30763@gm ail.com FLY TIPPING Many people aren?t aware that they remain responsible for ensuring their rubbish is disposed of properly. If you pay someone to take it away and they dump it illegally, you M & F Milk are still responsible. If you do need someone else to take your rubbish away, it is easy to check the individual is legitimate ? just ask to see their waste carriers licence and L ocal Fam i ly Ru n Bu si n ess Est. 1992 where they are taking the rubbish. If you don?t , you could end up with a fine of up to Milk £50,000 at magistrates? court or an unlimited fine and possible prison sentence of up Bottled Orange to five years at Crown Court.? Eggs + other Dairy products If you witness fly tipping taking place you can report it on Selby District?s website or by calling them on 01757 705101 with the vehicle registration details and as much N ow d el iver i n g i n you r ar ea information as possible about the location of the incident. For more information ring Martyn on 07739 718551 6 Ivy Close Carlton DN14 9PD 9 Vi l l age H al l The com m it t ee of Wom ersley Village Hall have taken advice from the Charity Commission and legal advice from Wrigleys Solicitors in Leeds regarding the future of the village hall. The committee wish to relay the following information: The constitution requires a new committee to be appointed each year at the AGM. At the 2016 AGM nobody was willing to put themselves forward as committee members (aka trustees). The current committee has continued informally since then and has sought advice on how to resolve the situation. The charity needs individuals to be appointed to the committee. The 2017 AGM will be held on 6t h June 2017 - 7pm at St Mart ins Church Wom ersley. Please attend the AGM to exercise your vote and any persons interested in being appointed should make themselves known to any committee member prior to the AGM. Anyone interested in being appointed to the committee can find out more about the role and responsibilities of a charity trustee here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-essential-trustee-what-you-need-to-know-cc3 If a new committee is not appointed at the AGM then the current trustees would ask The Wax Jacket Cleaning Com pany the Charity Commission to step in to wind down the charity. Cleaning, Re-w axing & Re-proofing The Village Hall needs essential repair works before it can be used. A recent structural report identified that the village hall required £194k of repair works. The Charity's bank Repairs & Alt erat ions balance is about £13,000 and there is currently no prospect of funding these essential works. Tel 07482 019476 The new committee (assuming one is appointed) or the Charity Commission (if a email : [email protected] committee is not appointed) will need to know the community's views about the future of the village hall. The AGM will include an agenda item for people to put forward their web : www.waxjacketcleaningcompany.co.uk views on the future of the hall. The new committee or the Charity Commission will then be able to take into account what the community want, but this will have to be in the context of what is practicable in view of the charity's limited resources and also what is allowable in charity law, which is very restrictive on what can and cannot be done. Committee Members Phone e-mail Chair: Margaret Whittles 621473 [email protected] Secretary: Sharon Slater 620386 [email protected] Treasurer: Julie Evison 621444 [email protected] Social: Wendy Cooper [email protected] Liz Barker 621692 [email protected] 7 Com m u n i ty I n f or m ati on Ch u r ch of St M ar ti n Councils Selby District Council - Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 9FT Years m ind May. Please pray for t he souls of Tel: 01757 705101 - Emergencies: 01757 706291 1st Dora Ballard 14th John Christopher Cooke Out of hours emergencies: 01977 663425 Diana Mary Carr 15th Edward Richard Collins Website: www.selby.gov.uk 4th Annie Gill Horace Whittaker 5th William Frost 16th James Edward Glendinning Nort h Yorkshire Count y Council - County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AL Clifford Thornton 17th Emma Jane Thornton Customer services: 08458 727374 or email [email protected] 8th Ernest Hurst 20th Elsie Rhodes Whit ley w ard councillor 9th Susan de Vesci 21st Frances Tindall Battye Debbie White - 01757 228268 or 07855 570429 10th Mary Beatrice Laycock Edith Threadgold Nort h Yorkshire Count y Councillor 11th Hilda Ann Elvidge 22nd Harry Farnworth John McCartney - 01977 662558 email: [email protected] Edward (Eddie) Stones 27th Marmaduke Walton Address: 15 Hawthorn Garth, Kellington, Goole, DN14 0PB Arnold Hallam 28th Winifred Spencer MP 12th George Woodcock Joseph Taylor Nigel Adams - 01937 838088 or write to: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA.
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