Sept. 21, 1965 R. F. REIFERs ET AL 3,207,409 MODED PULP EGG CARTON Filed Sept. 4, 1962 5 Sheets-Sheet 37/ INVENTORS ?9/3/ Aichard AE A’effers Henry A. Lord BY KAel- (Otto c <S ATTORNEY Sept. 21, 1965 R. F. REIFERs ETAL 3,207409 MOLDED PULP EGG CARTON Filed Sept. 4, 1962 5. Sheets-Sheet 2 ShhAAhhAAJJ HLLLLLhAAALAAAAhJA L Hh INVENTORS Aichard AE A’e/fers Henry A. Lord BY - KA ReSr. - - GUD,2 Foc- ATTONEy SS Sept. 21, 1965 R. F. REIFERS ETAL 3,207409 MOLDED PULP EGG CARTON Filed Sept. 4, 1962 5 Sheets-Sheet 3 A/6.6 INVENTORS Alchard AE feifers Henry A. Lord BY KARL GUD. FL-Ocksts ATTORNEY Sept. 21, 1965 R. F. REIFERs ETAL 3,207409 MODED PULP EGG CARTON Filed Sept. 4, 1962 5 Sheets-Sheet 4 A/G 10 A/G, ?/ A/6/2 Rigid-, - Flexible Area - Rigid 62 86" 68 86' 62' A/6 /3 INVENTORS AFPichard A feifers Henry A. Lord P° KARA (). Flock<s ---6 ATTORNEY Sept. 21, 1965 R. F. REFERs ETAL 3,207,409 MOLDED PULP EGG CARTON Filed Sept. 4, 1962 5 Sheets-Sheet 5 A/G f4 252 226 W.W , INVENTORS Aichard A5 /eifers Henry A. Lord BY KAR- Uu). Locks ????y 3,207,409 United States Patent Office Patented Sept. 21, 1965 2 vide a novel substantially universal molded pulp egg 3,207,409 carton in which egg movement and rattle are substan MOLEDED PULP EGG CARTON tially reduced, to accommodate for varying dimensions Richard F. Reifers, New Canaan, Conn., and Henry A. of the eggs and reduce accidental breakage to a minimum. Lord, Palmer, Mass, assignors to Diamond interna A further object of the present invention is to provide tional Corporation, a corporation of Delaware an egg carton which includes features which permit ready Filedi Sept. 4, 1962, Ser. No. 221,028 denesting or separation of a stack of egg cartons, one 10 Ciaims. (Cf. 229-2.5) from the other. The present invention relates generally to molded pulp A still further object of the present invention is to pro articles, and more particularly to an improved molded O vide a molded pulp egg carton in which both large and pulp egg carton in which selected portions of the egg Small dimensioned eggs will be adequately supported, and cells are provided with increased strength and improved the eggs will be supported in a relatively soft support cushioning characteristics. Surface on support structure to retain them in a rel Eggs are widely marketed throughout the World in atively protected and fixed position within an egg cell cartons that hold a dozen eggs each, and among the most 15 and both relatively large and small sized eggs can be widely known type of egg carton, is one that is produced readily accommodated in the same carton. from molded pulp. Molded pulp egg cartons are pro Still another object of the invention is to provide a duced on pulp molding machinery in a conventional molded pulp egg carton which includes a cell structure manner, wherein the carton is deposited by Suction im having relatively rigid and reinforced outer walls to pro posed within a die of desired configuration and a slurry 20 tect against external shock, and a relatively soft and re of pulp is deposited on the exterior of the die. There silient inner support surface for readily absorbing shock after, in order to enhance the appearance of the carton transmitted to the eggs from the outer wall. as well as to substantially soften the material from which And yet another object of the present invention is to the carton is produced, the article is pressed between utilize a novel reforming method for molded pulp egg cell mating dies. 25 Support structure whereby the nature of the egg support In these known egg cartons, the eggs are held in egg Surface, due to the fiber character of the material used cells, separated from each other by saddle portions be to produce the carton, is such that certain fiber portions tween adjacent cells and verticals posts having four cells are Substantially softened and reoriented to a degree to formed thereabout. The eggs are generally in contact afford in a sense mechanical movement between integral with the walls of the cells and thus shocks to the ex 30 and reoriented fiber. terior of the carton result in force being transmitted to And a still further object of the present invention is the eggs through the walls of the carton, accordingly to provide, in a novel egg cell structure for molded pulp resulting in the small amount of egg breakage that pres carton portions, substantially tangential contact with ently exists. eggs in the cell so that there is a minimum of sticking of Additionally, in known molded egg cartons, there is the eggs in a cell due to “leakers' or broken eggs whereby some egg movement or egg rattle, and this rattling of eggs may be readily removed from the cells. the eggs within the carton as they are shipped or the And yet another object of the present invention is to carton is handled, has in part contributed to egg break provide a novel cell structure in molded pulp egg car age. Further, the so-called rattling of the eggs has re tons of a capacity different from the conventional one sulted in a deleterious effect on the quality of the eggs. 40 dozen egg capacity. Further, in prior art egg cartons, it has been the general Still another object of the present invention is to pro practice of packaging eggs of a given size or quality to vide a novel carton of the character involved which in gether in one carton, and in order to provide the best pos cludes a novel lid end wall support and ventilation struc sible marketing of eggs, consistent with necessary econ ture which affords the necessary strength, rigidity and omies, it has been the general practice to provide differ 45 load transmittal characteristics for cartons of the char ent sizes of cartons for Some of the different grades of acter involved. eggs. Despite the care that has been taken in sorting the Other objects and the nature and advantages of the in eggs, unless the selection is carried to a degree far beyond stant invention will be apparent from the following de that which is economically feasible, a dozen eggs of a Scription taken in conjunction with the accompanying particular grade, as far as marketing standards are con 50 drawings, wherein: cerned, will nevertheless vary, one from another, over a FIG. 1 is a top plan view of a molded pulp egg carton, certain range of exterior dimensions as well as weight. incorporating the novel features of the invention; Thus, as a result of the variations of individual egg grades FIG. 2 is a front elevation of the carton of FIG. 1, and weights, it has been found that those eggs which de on a reduced Scale, showing the carton in a closed condi part from the standard of a particular grade, will not be 55 tion; securely and properly retained in an egg cell. FIG. 3 is a vertical section taken substantially on the Although molded pulp egg cartons may be produced plane of line 3-3 of FIG. 2; to accommodate all sizes of eggs, however, to store and FIG. 4 is a vertical section taken substantially on the tool up to produce the range of sizes of egg cartons nec plane of line 4-4 of FIG. 1; essary to accommodate all the single variations is neither 60 FIG. 5 is a fragmentary vertical section taken sub practical nor economical. Additionally, the shipping car stantially on the plane of line 5-5 of FIG. 1; tons in which egg cartons are shipped and stored gener FIG. 6 is a vertical section similar to FIG. 5, showing ally have uniform exterior dimensions, and therefore the appearance of a separator post after initial disposition there has been a constant attempt to maintain exterior of a pulp slurry on a suction mold die, and prior to press dimensions of the egg cartons relatively uniform. Fur 65 ing of the same; ther, there has been a constant research to develop a sub FIG. 7 is a vertical section similar to FIGS. 5 and 6, stantially universal carton which will accommodate and showing the appearance of a separator post cushioning protect substantially all ranges of sizes of eggs without area during initial pressing: materially changing exterior dimensions of the carton, FIG. 8 is a vertical section similar to FIGS. 5-7 show and it is toward this end which the novel carton and 70 ing the appearance of the cushioning area of a vertical method of the present invention is directed. Separator post after reforming or secondary pressing The primary object of the present invention is to pro thereof; 3,2O7,409 3 4. FIG. 9 is a vertical section similar to FIGS. 5-8, show carton; however, the egg supporting structure in the end ing the residual position of the vertical separator post most cells functions in substantially the same manner as cushioning areas; that of the innermost cells. Each of the cells 34 com FIG. 10 is an enlarged fragmentary horizontal section prises a transverse bottom 48 preferably including a taken substantially on the plane of line 10–19 of FIG. cushioning button 50. The cells, when viewing the in 6, showing a cross section through one vertical post cush terior thereof, as seen in FIG.
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