DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2020, KOLKATA, LATE CITY, 14 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00/EX-KOLKATA `6.00(`12INNORTH EAST STATES&ANDAMAN)WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM THE EDITORIAL PAGE LAC NEGOTIATIONS ON SIMULTANEOUS WITHDRAWAL Solidarityfindings HOWSCHOOL REOPENS ChinainsistsIndiansvacateChushul BY RUKMINI BANERJI ‘unpromising’, trial PAGE 6 heights,IndiasaysclearPangongnorth shows remdesivir, WORLD Indian troops HCQ do not help Leh INDIA Jaishankar: Galwan clash crossedLAC at 7 North CHINA PANGONGTSO profoundly disturbedties.. WHO-ledresearchin30countries places to occupy Bank South Ladakh pourscold wateronCovid therapy dominating Bank had deep public impact Chushul positions: sources SPANGGURGAP SHUBHAJITROY ‘(Troops at KAUNAINSHERIFFM RezangLa Jammuand NEWDELHI,OCTOBER16 border) NEWDELHI,OCTOBER16 RAVISHTIWARI RechinLa Kashmir critical NEWDELHI,OCTOBER16 DELIVERINGHIS sharpestcom- security THE LARGE, multi-nation TRUMP AND BIDEN mentsyet on China since the challenge’ 'Solidarity' clinical trial coordi- SPAR FROM AFAR CHINA’S INSISTENCE on India newsticking point in effortsto on simultaneous withdrawal of Moscowmeeting lastmonth nated by the WorldHealth Acausefor AT TOWN HALLS vacating itsadvancedpositions resolve the militarystandoff forces from the Pangong north with Chinese StateCouncillor Organisation (WHO) to find an on the south bank of Pangong along the Line of Actual Control bank—whereChinese troops and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, “verysharp departure” with a effective treatment forthe novel concern TIME TO PREPARE Tsoasaprecursor to discussions in Ladakh, highlyplacedgovern- have crossedthe point which External Affairs MinisterS “verydeep public” and “very coronavirus infection has con- FOR NO-TRADEDEAL on Delhi’s demand forstatus quo ment sources said Friday. India says marks theLAC —and Jaishankar Fridaysaid the border major political” impact. cludedthatfour commonly used REMDESIVIR AND hy- BREXIT:UKPM anteofApril has emergedasthe Sources said Delhi is insisting CONTINUEDONPAGE2 stand-off in eastern Ladakhisa CONTINUEDONPAGE2 re-purposeddrugs have little or droxychloroquine are PAGE 12 no effect on patientsadmitted in partofthe standard hospital with Covid-19. treatment regimen in The trial, carriedout in 405 India. The conclusion of hospitals in 30 countries includ- the WHO-ledtrial — Use govt’s ing India, looked at four drugs or whichhas been con- Lockdown hardship, job loss: theircombinations—remde- tested by the developers sivir,developedoriginallyto of remdesivir —that no Puja grant for treat Ebola; anti-malaria drug drug or combination re- cracks in Nitish home citadel HCQ; ritonavir/lopinavir,li- duces mortality or need buying Covid censedfor treatment of HIV;and forventilation presentsa interferon beta 1a, usedtotreat newcause forconcern in KalyanBigha has gained, but economic distress aworry protection multiplesclerosis. the search foreffective “Nostudy drug definitelyre- therapeuticinterven- gear, rulesHC ducedmortality (in unventilated tions before avaccine DIPANKARGHOSE patientsorany other subgroup canbecome available. HARNAUT(NALANDA), of entrycharacteristics),initia- OCTOBER16 EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE tion of ventilation or hospitali- KOLKATA,OCTOBER16 sation duration,” the research the recommendation of the THE ROAD is smooth,black- paper,whichisyet to be peer- Solidarity Trial’s International topped, whitemarkers in the THE CALCUTTAHigh Courton reviewed, said. Steering Committeeto middle that speak of arecent coat Fridaydirectedcommunity On July6,WHO had accepted CONTINUEDONPAGE2 of paint. The fields aregreen on Durga Puja committees in West either side. At the entrancetothe Bengal to spend 75 per cent of village,thereisanITI, and then a their Rs 50,000stategovernment referral hospital.One signpost Agroup of villagers talk politics in KalyanBigha, in Harnaut grant on procuring Covid-19pro- Six months after even boasts of ashooting range. AssemblyconstituencyofBihar. Dipankar Ghose tection equipment,and the rest KalyanBigha, in the district on strengthening public-police of Nalanda, bears the signs of ad- relations and including women security withdrawn, ministrativeattention, of being seat that goes to the pollsinthe in communitypolicing. Chief MinisterNitish Kumar’s second phase on November 3. On DECISION: Chief MinisterMamata village. Itsresidentssay that un- Thursdaymorning,right next to 2020 BIHAR Banerjeehad announcedthe ShauryaChakra til now, withthe villageseeing so the blacktoppedroad, and close grant and other incentives— muchwork,therehas been una- to atemple,agroup of sixelders suchasdiscounts on application nimity among residents, cutting of the villagesit and discuss pol- fees forpermissions from fire awardee shotdead across caste,throwing their itics. Theyare allKurmi,but be- brigadeand powerdistribution weightbehind Kumar in polls. lieve “only afool would votefor companies —for eachofthe But this time, cracks areappear- anyone else” but Nitish Kumar. 36,946 Durga Pujacommittees KAMALDEEPSINGHBRAR ing in that edifice. “What has he notdonefor this in the stateonSeptember 24. AMRITSAR,OCTOBER16 The largerHarnaut assembly village? Thereisaroad, abig gov- ADivision BenchofJustice constituency is as close to aNitish ernment school, an ITI, ahospi- POVERTY IS ONLY Sanjib Banerjee and Justice Arijit ASHAURYA Chakraawardee, Kumar bastion as they come. It tal. We remember thedays CASTE... ITHINK OF ALL Banerjee said the grant cannot who had takenonmilitants at wasfromherethathewon his CONTINUEDONPAGE2 OF BIHAR’S 12 CR: CHIRAG be usedfor anyother purpose, the height of insurgencyin firstassembly election in 1985, CHIRAG ONLY A and the puja organisers would Punjabinthe 1990s, wasshot on his thirdattempt,and then GIRIRAJ CALLS CONG VOTE KATUA: BJP have to submittoauthorities dead at his house in Bhikhiwind, again in 1995. Forthe pastthree PAGE 10 bills formasks, sanitisers, face in Tarn Tarandistrict, on Friday terms, therehas been aJDU MLA, CANDIDATE‘JINNAH shieldsand other Covid protec- morning, six months afterhis se- Harinarayan Singh, who is con- SYMPATHISER’ FULL COVERAGE, VISIT tion equipment bought with the curity coverwas withdrawn. Balwinder Singh Sandhu WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM testing the electionsagain, in a PAGE 4 money. Thesepurchases will Police said 'Comrade' then be audited. Balwinder Singh, 62, aformer On October 9, Centreof CPI(M) member,was on the ceiving. Indian Trade Unions (CITU) ground floor of his house when When asked whySingh's se- Malegaon blast accused BUSINESSASUSUAL MIGRANT GODDESS leaderSourav Duttachallenged twomen arrivedonabikeand curity waswithdrawn and not the government’s decisions in shotSingh six timesatpoint- reinstateddespitecomplaintsby BY UNNY The idol of Durga at Barisha Club in Behala,south Kolkata, the High Court. blankrange.Policesaidtheattack- the family, Tarn TaranSSP joins JD(U) in UP, says depictsher as amigrant mother in an ordinarysari and He claimed that such agrant ersfledontheir bikewhile Singh Dhruman HNimbale said, “We without jewellery, carrying her child in herarms, with her goes againstthe conceptofsec- collapsedand diedonthe spot. arelooking intothe matter.” ‘wish to work for society’ other children by her side. ArtistRintu Das said he was ularism, and hurts thefunda- The family alleged Singh'sse- Police sources admitted no inspired by the suffering of migrant labourers who were mental rightslaid down in the curity waswithdrawndespite FIR wasregisteredonthe basis forced to walk to their villages afterthe lockdown. Partha Paul Constitution. their complaintstopolice about of the family's complaints. CHANDANHAYGUNDE CONTINUEDONPAGE2 threatsthat theyhad been re- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 PUNE,OCTOBER16 RAMESH UPADHYAY, an ac- Ramesh cusedinthe 2008 Malegaon Upadhyay US-CBI operationblows lid offcall centre fraud bombblastcase, has joined the JanataDal (United)inUttar infection popupontheir com- raidedseveral locations in the six GlobalServices Pvt Ltd; and year-old California resident Pradesh and has been ap- in Mumbai. AASHISHARYAN puters, whichwould nudge towns and cities wherethe call Jaipur-based Innovana Thinklabs namedMichael Brian Cotter pointed state convenor of itsex- Upadhyay, aresident of Pune EXPRESS NETWORK NEWDELHI,OCTOBER16 them to atoll-free number.The centres at the heartofthe alleged and Systweak Software. “knowingly providedUSsupport servicemen cell. and anative of Ballia in UP,had users would be connected to call “technical supportfraud” were The raids ledtothe recovery forIndia-basedaccomplices” His appointment letter was contestedthe 2019 LokSabha INDIAN AND US investigators centres in India, whereoperators based. Afederal courtinthe US of digital evidence of fraud, in- who usedtodefraudelderly US issuedbyUPJD(U) chief Anoop electionsfromhis native con- working together have bustedan would requestremote access to had earlier issuedatemporary criminating documents, details citizens by making them believe Singh PatelonOctober 12. stituency as an Independent allegedcall centreracketthat the computer to “fix the prob- restraining order againstan of severalbank accountsand that theircomputers had been Upadhyay, aretired army candidate. Earlier,in2012, he had targeted elderlyAmericans lem”. Afterafalse diagnosis of a American individual and five in- fixeddeposits worthRs190 infected by viruses or malware. major,had been arrested along had contestedthe UP Assembly fornine years, the backend op- non-existent problem, the vic- ternational
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