Headstones Markers and Enclosures Of every description from the best grades Republican leaders. They believed the LAWMAKERS STOP WORK Governor would also veto it. and decided We Will Buy Quincy and Barre Granite not to give him the chance. The vote on SAMUEL W. K1RKSRIDE FOR THE YEAR passing the bill over the veto In the Sen­ ihe 13bth Legislature of New Jersey, HONORED Old Debts ate was 12 to 4. Senator Johnson. Dem­ Samuel W Kirkbride of Asbury Park, after having received more than 1,000 ERECTED ocrat'. voted with the Republicans to over­ who retired lost Friday from the office of If anyone in the town owes you and you cannot W ORK measures and having enacted about 420 ride the vete. Supervisor of the State Prison, was pre­ laws, came to an end at 8,30 o’clock Tues collect the money, we will purchase the account IN ANY CEMETERY The bill was put through just in time sented with a handsome silver service by dav night, official time, though the actual or collect it on a comission basis. .... as Secretary of State Crater must certify tile officers of the institution. The pres time was 10 o ’clock' the official ©locks in LATEST DESIGNS on or before next Saturduy to the county enlation took place at noon. The silver the two chambers were stopped at 8.29 clerks the [number of delegates to bo service consisted of a tray and site pieces WE MEAN BUSINESS! o’clock. This led to two or three serious chosen to the National Convention, and Mr. Kirkbride, during the many years Let me give you an esti­ situations. without the new district lines druwn tltc that he has held the office as prison su­ After the clocks hod been stopped it mate on u'ramt or number of delegates by districts could pervisor. lias won and retained general Coast Collecting Co., was necessary for the Assembly to take a not he given. esteemj His successor. James Kelley, of marble work recess and it ct.uld not be longer than 203 Main Street, Manasquan. Hudson county, has assumed his duties. one minute, officially, or it would run be­ Office Hours: 7 to 9 Every Evening. Guaranteed by(D, R. Cook yond the hour for final adjournment, so a MAT CONDEMN H. B.LANSING resolution was passed declaring a recess* of one minute. It lasted about thirty NEW LIFE SAVING HEAD minutes. The Senate passed a concur­ STATION LAND Announcement was'made last Friday of Superintendent Lee W. Berry o f tie M a h o s q u a i v rent resolution fixing adjournment for the appointment o f Keeper John S. Cole, New York and Long Branch railroad com­ Capital S 5o,ooo Resources $3oo,ooo Surplus and Profits S 20,000 8.30 p. m., expecting that all business of the Sea Isle City life saving station, to pany bus applied to tiie Public Utility would be through before that time. There the office of superintendent of the Fifth commission for leave to condemn lands were delays, however, and when the reso­ District of the U. S. Life Saving Service to of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Asso­ lutions reached the Assembly it wus 9 succeed J. G. W. Havens of Point Pleas­ Manasquan National Bank ciation adjoining the railroad right of o’clock. Then the Assemblymen passed ant, who recently resigned. Keeper Cole way ut Bradley Beach, the purpose being M A N A bO U A N , N J. at 9 o'clock a resolution declaring for final whs selected by Secretary of t he Treas­ to acquire property on which n station ury McVeagh. by whom the appointment PROrtPT SERVICE adjournment of the session at 8.30 o'clock WILLIAM P. TAYLOR 1 9 1 2 shelter may be erected on the west side RANDOLPH. D 1 8 ( t M There were broad smiles as the incon­ is made, from among a large number of Courteous Treatment o f the tracks. The Campmeeting Asso­ gruity presented itself, keepers who passed successfully the civil P resident Cashier ciation, it appears, will not sell and its The closing was more orderly than for service examination. rental asked, it is declared, is exorbitant. JOHN HULSART Assistant Cashier RALPH many years. Instead of the usual horse The new superintendent assumed office it Founder James A. Bradley, who owns Monday. He is located in the office of play.in the Assembly, the members at Every man of integrity and thrift in this community requires satisfactory land west of the Campmeeting Associa­ the suggestion of Leader White, rose and the life saving service in the new poit- banking connections. D. tion in the locality where the railroad oftfee building at Asbury Park. He will sang “ America” The usual committees It is not necessary that a man keep a large amount of money in our bank-w desires to erect a shelter for its patrons receive a salary of $2,200 a year. He will Eastern Union were appointed by the two Houses to welcome the large account, but we welcome the man with Hie small account also Telephone 109 at Bradley Beach, has offered to trude his BUSH wait upon the Governor and ascertain if have charge of 41 stations along the eiu *we want his name on our hook9. His influence and friendship are often worth Day O' Night Office grounds with the Association, Mr. Brail- he had any further communications to tire New Jersey coast. more to the hank than can be expressed in dollars and cents. ley will sell his property, if thus secured present. In order that this custom might The new superintendent is 47 years old in exchange, to the railroad at a reason­ The strength of our instution and the Ntntuliug of its officers and directors are be followed Senator Prince relinquished He has been a keeper of the Sea Isle sta­ eh that we nave no hesitancy in pi esen ling our advantages to the largest or the able figure. the gavel in the Senate and proceeded to tion for 18 years and for six years pre­ smallest depositor, vious was a surfman in the service. IfllUIEE the Govornor’s office. There he presided Our wavs of satisfactorily serving you are many and we invite your account as acting Governor and received the Com­ Borden Building mittees, They reported to their respective RETURN OF THE FAVORITES SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT h a n a s q u a n . n . j , Houses that the, Governor was not in the Guy Brothers Greater Minstrels with ROGARDUS FOR DELEGATE. Ohndiah C. Bogardus, of Keyport, has State, but the acting Governor had no Geo, R. Guy, the king of minstrelsy, and filed n petition with the Secretary of communications. 30 others, will be the attraction at the State declaring himself a candidate’from awtirwwflfiffwwwnfww m m m w w m m m In each House the usual resolutions New Theatre Saturday evening, April 20th the Third Congressional district to tba were adopted thanking the presiding ottl- and if you want to enjoy a good time se­ Damoeratie National Convention. Dr, TELEPHONE IJ8-W cer, the majority and minority leaders cure your ticket early at Sweeting’s Dm Store. This season Mr, Guy has the best f ^bgnrdus was recently turned down by and all the officials. Then the Assembly Governor Wilson for reappointment to the marched to the [Senate Chamber, where company ever carried by him, also thei State Board of Assessors, and it is pre­ Senator Edge had been elected president famous silver concert band and orchestra. Especial scenery, soloists, comedians,acro- sumed that if he is elected he will oppose W. A. THORP & CO. j pro tem in the absence of President Prince the Governor. With both branches assembled, Senator | bats, dancers and jugglers. The attraction ROYAL LUNCH ROOM Edge declared the session at an end. will keep up the old standard and wifi SUCCESSORS TO M <J, & A, l>. WYCKOPF CO. Before the Legislature adjourned last certainly please every one from the rise night theseb ills were passed and will go of the curtain, everything being brand’ HOUSE FOR SALE 83 Parker Avenue. South Street, Manasquan to the Governor when he returns from the new and up-to-date in every respect. D E A L E R S IN South next Monday, namely: Watch for the grand street parade at noon, 7 rooms and bath, extra toilet on first floor. Thucher range and furnace. Senator Fielder's bill permitting voters and hear the celebrated band on Main OYSTERS AND CHOWDER A SPECIALTY who are absent or ill on registry days to street Prices 33 and 30 cents. Reserv­ House in most excellent order. Little THE GENUINE register by affidavit. ed seats now on sale at Sweeting’s Drug money down, payment same as rent. Apply on premises. The Gaunt supplemental appropriation Store. Secure them early lor the big E FINE LINE OF CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS ALWAYS ON HAND bill giving $3,000 for the expenses of the show. E commission to investigate the civil service E Plymouth And Lehigh j and pension laws and their adininistra SEEDS E lion FORT FIGHTING If von want Vegetable Seeds that grow The Colgate bill providing that the buy Bnrpees. at E. M. Osborn’s on Broad E OYSTERS State shall pay one third the cost of main LIQUOR LICENSE st reel. E taining the bridge connecting Perth Am ­ Ex-Governor John Franklin Fort, n E e © A L C f i u o r a n C r y boy and South Amboy.
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