![Pitt County Genealogical Quarterly [Serial]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Pitt County Genealogical Quarterly 9€ OQl Volume XV, No. 1 February 2008 Pitt County Genealogical Quarterly Pitt County Family Researchers, Inc. P. O. Box 2608, Greenville, NC 27836 Officers 2007 President Roger Kammerer 1 1 15 Ragsdale Road, Greenville, NC 27858-3920 (252-758-6882) email (kammererfgjhotmail . com) Vice President Frank D. Barrow, Sr. 1366 Forest Acres Drive, Greenville, NC 27834-6655 (252-752-5345) email (fbarrowsr(q)aol.com') Secretary (office vacant) Treasurer .Sue Butler 439 W. Hanrahan Road, Grifton, NC 28530 (252-746-6064) Executive Board Robin Nichols 281 1 Bell Arthur Road, Greenville, NC 27834 (252-355-8084) email ([email protected]) Executive Board William L.Cox 6441 Boss McLawhorn Road, Grifton, NC 28530-8714 email ([email protected]) Executive Board Judy Nobles Lewis 5245 County Home Road, Winterville, NC 28590-7834 (252-756-7196) email ([email protected]) PCGQ Editor Roger Kammerer 1115 Ragsdale Road, Greenville, NC 27858-3920 (252-758-6882) email (kammererfajhotmail.com) Pitt County Family Researchers, Inc., was established in November 1994 as a non-profit organization. Our purpose is to establish a network to aid persons researching family origins in Pitt County and its neighboring counties. Our Quarterly subscription fee is $30.00; subscriptions run concurrently from January 1 to December 31. Because of special mailing, payments after Jan. 31 require extra postage for each issue missed. Back issues (Winter 1994-present) may be purchased for $7.50+$2.50 postage per number. Queries are free to subscribers (four/year, pending space). Members and readers are invited to submit primary resource material concerning Pitt County, NC, and its adjacent counties, preferably in the form of photocopies of the original documents). A clean, typed or written transcript would be acceptable. Please state clearly, the location of the original material; copyrighted material must be accompanied by a statement of permission from the holder. Articles approved for entry by our Quarterly Committee will be published as given. PCFR assumes no responsibility or liability for errors or claims on the part of the contributor. The Pitt County Family Researchers, Inc., has a website on the World Wide Web at: http://www.rootsweb.com/~ncpcfr/ ISSN* 1092-0226 943 Pitt County Genealogical uarterly Volume XV, No. 1 February 2008 Will of John Buck, 1710 j Jesse Shivers, Revolutionary War Pension ...2 George eason Deed, Bertie County, 1810 Z!!3!!1".'!.'Z."."!!."!!.'! Stocks Family Deeds !Z!Z!Z!IZZII*"'ZZ Robert H. Parker Petition, 1864 'ZZZ'IZ ° Z""ZZ"'..9 Division of Estate of Peyton Ashley Atkinson, 1 866 ZZZZZZ." 10 Pitt County Court Minutes, " 1859 ZZZ 12 Argent Adams Letter, 1855 1Z!.Z!.Z Z 19 Craven County Death Certificates !ZZZ\Z\Z!."ZI1ZZZ.'ZZ!20 Davis family marriages ..Z..Z.Z 26 Bible Records Paul Family Births ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ*28 Henry Guilford Worsley Bible 28 Howard/Bell Family 30 Gaskins Family Record 19 Index 31 SUBSCRIBER INFORMATION QUERY FORM FILLERS Mrs. Clemmie Allen, Active Cotton Picker at 96 l Arthur Forbes Land Sale, 1882 3 J. E. Harris, Prolific Family, 1913 11 Painter Club of Washington, NC, 1 834 18 R. L. Nichols Mother Nearly Killed, 1 897 1 The Three Ross Brothers, 1890 27 Mrs. Sue Beddard, Lifesaver, 1915 27 Copyright © 2008 The Pitt County Family Researchers, Inc. P. O. Box 2608, Greenville, NC 27836 The contents of this quarterly may be quoted without permission for personal use only, providing proper credit is given to the PCFR and its contributors. Publication in any public media is prohibited without permission. Will of John Buck, 1710 This Will is found in Secretary of State, SS XIX; Deeds, Wills, Inventories; No. 1-A 1695-1712; Probate 41 (old SS 874.1); NC Archives, Raleigh, NC. Contributed by Roger Kammerer. OS "In the Name of God Amen June ye 27- 1 7 1 I John BUCK being Sick in Body but of good & perfect memory thanks be to god & Calling to remembrance ye uncertain Estate of this trancitory life & that all flesh must yield unto Death when it Shall please God to Call do make Constitute ordain & declare revoking & adnulling by these presents all & Every Testamt & testaments wills & Wines heretofore by me made & declared Either by word or writeing & this to be taken- only for my last Will & testamt & none other & first being penitent & Sorry from ye Bottom of my heart for my trespasses most humbly desiring forgiveness for ye Same I give & Committ my Soul unto almighty God my Saviour & Redeemer in Whom & by ye merritts of Jesus Christ I trust & belieyd assureadly to be Saved & have full remission & forgivness of all my Sins & that my Soul wth my Body at ye General! day of Resurection Shall rise again wth my Joy? & through ye merrits of Christs death & passion possess & Inherit ye Kingdom of heaven prepared for his Elect Chosen & my body to be buried in Such place & where it Shall please my Executrix hereafter named to Appoynt & now for ye Settling of my temporal! Estate & Such goods chatties & Debts as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me & I doe Ordn. give & dispose ye Same in manor & form following ye is to say first I will ye all those Debts & Duties as I owe in Right or Concience to any manor of person or persons whatsoever Shall be well & truejy paid or ordained to be paid wthin Convenient time after my Deceas by my Executrix hereafter named Item I give to my Sons in law Samll BARBOR & Jacob BARBAR my plantation & all my land & after my Wives Deed to them & their heirs for Ever & my movable Estate after my Wives Deed to be Equally divided between Samll & Jacob BARBOUR Aforesd. & it is my Will & desire that if Samll BARBOUR & Jacob BARBOUR Should dye wthout Lawfull Ishew yet Joshues BARBOUR Son to Charles BARBOUR Should have all my plantation & tract of land to him & his heirs for Ever & it is my Will & Desire yt nd Benjamin TULLE be overseer of all my Estate until Samll & Jacob BARBOR Come to full age & that the sd TULLE Seer & Seover all my Estate for them till they Come to full age & I make ordain & Appoint my loving Wife Ann BUCK my Sole Executrix of this my last Will & testamt as wittness my hand and Seal the day & year above written John BUCK Signed & Sealed in ye psents of Richd THEORPE Robert BUCKNER CLK Eliza BRAY Jos WICKER" Mrs. Clemmie Allen, Active Cotton Picker at Age^ 96 Eastern Reflector, Nov. 20, 1 9 1 4 Mrs. Clemmie ALLEN of Pitt County, who unveiled the Confederate monument at Pitt county the other day ( Nov. 18th) on the court house square at Greenville, also performed another remarkable achievement. Mrs. ALLEN, aided by her daughter, Mrs. HART, this fall picked the seed cotton from their field which a 550 -pound bale was ginned. Mr. J. H. COBB of R. F. D. No. 1, Greenville wrote us a letter stating that on November he 12, 1914, ginned a bale of cotton for Mrs. ALLEN. She is ninety-six years of age and, as may be gathered from the above mentioned exploit, is very active for her age. She has a daughter living with her 71 years old. PCGQ February 2008 1 I ( 6 Jesse Shivers Rev. War Pension The following are selected items from the Revolutionary War pension records of Jesse Shivers from National Archives. This was found on microfilm at the NC Archives, Raleigh, NC. Contributed by Roger Kammerer. "District of North Carolina th On this the 15 day of June 1819, before me the subscriber, one of the Judges of the United States for the District aforesaid, personally appeared Jesse SHIVERS, aged fifty nine years, resident in Pitt County in said district, who being by me first duly sworn according to law, doth on his Oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the provision made by the late Act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land & naval service of the United States in the revolutionary war." That on or about the last of April or first of May 1778, he the said Jesse SHIVERS, for a bounty, entered the service of the United States as a soldier, in Martinborough (now Greenville) State of North Carolina, in the Company commanded by Captain Francis CHILD, of the regiment Commanded by Colo. HOGAN, of the North Carolina line, on the Continental establishment, in the war aforesaid, for nine months—that he was marched from Martinborough to Halifax, thence northerly through Petersburg in the State of Virginia, where he for the first time obtained a certificate of his enrolment, stating his said nine month's service to commence at that time, th which was on or about the 20 of July 1778; that he continued to serve in said company until about the first of May 1779, after the expiration his of said service, when he was discharged from service, in Halifax, in the State of North Carolina; that he in was no battle, and that he is in reduced circumstances and stands' in need of the assistance of his Country for support. Sworn to & declared before me, the day & year first aforesaid. H. POTTER DMS NC" "Henry BARNHILL maketh Oath that he is well acquainted with the aforesaid Jesse SHIVERS & knew him previous to the revolution—That he entered the service of the United States with the said Jesse, and served with him in the same company, until a few days after he the said Jesse was discharged, and knows that he served nine months on the continewntal established and was discharged as is stated in his declaration aforesaid Deponant further saith that the said Jesse is in reduced circumstances & stands in need of the assistance of his Country for support.
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