July 27, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1455 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS MEMORIAL DAY PRAYER, MYRTLE Let him live, let him live, Bring him home! engagement in Belarus and Chechnya, for ex- HILL CEMETERY GIVEN BY REV. (Les Miserables) ample, illustrates the constructive possibilities WARREN JONES Four score and seven years have passed of the chairmanship. I appreciate Foreign Min- since Romans gathered on this very hill to ister Geoana’s willingness to speak out on bury our President’s wife—Roman Ellen Lou- human rights concerns throughout the region. HON. BOB BARR ise Axson. For the next four score and seven years, As Chair-in-Office, we also hope that Roma- OF GEORGIA nia will lead by example as it continues to im- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and all the years to follow, keep us ever mindful this is one nation under God. plement economic and political reform and to Friday, July 27, 2001 Amen. further its integration into western institutions. In this regard, I would like to draw attention to Mr. BARR of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, Rev. f Warren Jones of Rome, Georgia, has long a few of the areas the Helsinki Commission is been an active member of the community. A PROCLAMATION RECOGNIZING following with special interest. First, many members of the Helsinki Com- From his participation during college in every THE OUTSTANDING WORK OF mission have repeatedly voiced our concerns organization on campus except the Women’s THE CITY OF HEATH, OHIO FIRE DEPARTMENT about manifestations of anti-Semitism in Ro- and the Home Economics Clubs, to the 18 mania, often expressed through efforts to re- agencies with which he currently volunteers, in habilitate or commemorate Romania’s World addition to being a member of the Silver HON. ROBERT W. NEY War II leadership. Haired Congress and Georgia’s Silver Legisla- OF OHIO I was therefore encouraged by the swift and ture, Rev. Jones has always believed in fur- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unequivocal response by the Romanian Gov- thering the good of the community. Friday, July 27, 2001 ernment to the inexcusable participation of This prayer was delivered by Rev. Jones at General Mircea Chelaru in a ceremony unveil- the Memorial Day Dedication of the 1917– Mr. NEY. Mr. Speaker, I commend the fol- ing a bust of Marshal Ion Antonescu, Roma- 1918 Doughboy Statue at Veterans Plaza, lowing article to my colleagues: nia’s war-time dictator. I particularly welcome Myrtle Hill Cemetery in Rome, Georgia on Whereas, the exemplary work of the Heath President Iliescu’s statement that ‘‘Marshal Ion May 28, 2001. It contains important words and Fire Department has earned them the recogni- Antonescu was and is considered a war crimi- principles for all of us. tion of the Congressional Fire Service Institute nal for the political responsibility he assumed Let us pray: for outstanding work in providing protection to by making [an] alliance with Hitler.’’ To the God of Abraham, Isaac and of their community; and, I encourage the Romanian Government to Jacob, to the Blessed Mother, and to our Whereas, the partnership between the Fire give even greater meaning to this statement Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ: Department and the city is a strong and es- and to its stated commitment to reject anti- We lift our voice in prayer on this Memo- sential component for serving the community Semitism. Clearly, the next step should be the rial Day to remember and give thanks for all effectively; and removal of Antonescu statues from public those who have ever worn the uniform of our country; Army, Navy, Marine, Coast Guard, Whereas, the relationship that has been cul- lands, including those at the Jilava prison and Air Force, Merchant Marine, WAC, WAVE, tivated between the Newark Fire Department in Slobozia, Piatra Neamt, and Letcani. SPAR, Lady Marine, WASP. and the city that it serves has proven to be an Mr. Speaker, I also appreciate the recent Let us remember that Thomas Jefferson effective element for fire prevention; statement by Prime Minister Nastase that jour- wrote ‘‘the God who gave us life gave us lib- Therefore, I ask that my colleagues join me nalists should not be sent to jail for their erty at the same time.’’ But for more than in recognizing the impressive accomplish- writings. But frankly, it is not enough for the 225 years, each generation has learned anew ments of the Heath Fire Department that has Prime Minister merely to reject efforts to in- ‘‘Freedom is not free.’’ brought honor, pride, and security to their crease the criminal penalties that journalists Across the years civilians and service per- community. are now vulnerable to in Romania. sonnel have sung these songs: Non-governmental organizations have spo- f For the Army: ken to this issue with one voice. In fact, since God of our Fathers the beginning of this year, NGOs have re- Thy love divine hath led us in the past. ROMANIA’S CHAIRMANSHIP OF In this free land by thee our lot is cast. OSCE newed their call for changes to the Romanian For the Navy: penal code that would bring it into line with Eternal Father, strong to save HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH OSCE standards. Amnesty International, Arti- Whose arm hath bound the restless wave, cle l9, the Global Campaign for Free Expres- OF NEW JERSEY Who bidst the might ocean deep sion, the International Helsinki Federation and It’s own appointed limits keep IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Romanian Helsinki Committee have all O hear us when we cry to thee, Friday, July 27, 2001 urged the repeal of articles 205, 206, 207, For those in peril on the sea. Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, this 236, 236(1), 238 and 239 from the criminal For the Air Force: code and, as appropriate, their replacement by year, Romania holds the chairmanship of the Lord guard and guide the men who fly civil code provisions. I understand the Council Through the great spaces of the sky, 55-nation Organization for Security and Co- of Europe made similar recommendations to Be with them traversing the air, operation in Europe (OSCE). Obviously, this is Uphold them with thy saving grace Romania in 1997. one of the most important positions in the Moreover, the OSCE Representative on O God protect the men who fly OSCE and, as Romania is a little more than Through lonely ways beneath the sky. Freedom of the Media has said, clearly and Today, we remember all the men and half way through its tenure, I would like to re- repeatedly, that criminal defamation and insult women who have served; who have sacrificed, flect for a moment on some of their achieve- laws are not consistent with OSCE commit- who have been prisoners of war, and who are ments and challenges. ments and should be repealed. There is no serving today—all around the world. And we First and foremost, I commend Romanian better time to take this step than now, while remember they were young. Foreign Minister Mircea Geoana for his leader- Romania holds the Chairmanship of the Especially do we remember this day—and ship. In late January Minister Geoana met in OSCE. every day—those missing in action, and their the Capitol with members of the Helsinki Com- Public authorities, of course, should be pro- families. mission which I co-chair and again two weeks God on high, hear my prayer tected from slander and libel, just like every He is young—He is afraid ago at the Parliamentary Assembly meeting in one else. Clearly, civil codes are more than And I am old and will be gone. Paris, we had a helpful exchange of views. He adequate to achieve this goal. Accordingly, in Bring him peace, bring him joy has demonstrated, in word and deed, that he order to bring Romanian law into line with Ro- He is young, he is only a boy. understands how important the role of chair- mania’s international obligations and commit- You can take, you can give, man is to the work of the OSCE. His personal ments, penal sanctions for defamation or insult ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 04:56 Jul 28, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27JY8.000 pfrm02 PsN: E27PT1 E1456 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 27, 2001 of public authorities in Romania should be al- JOSEPH ‘‘RED’’ JONES HONORED 26 OF JULY MOVEMENT together ended. It is time—and past time—for these simple steps to be taken. HON. LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART As Chairman-in-Office, Minister Geoana has HON. PAUL E. KANJORSKI OF FLORIDA repeatedly expressed his concern about the OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trafficking of human beings into forced pros- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES titution and other forms of slavery in the Friday, July 27, 2001 OSCE region. The OSCE has proven to be an Friday, July 27, 2001 Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Mr. Speaker, yesterday effective forum for addressing this particular Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today marked another anniversary of the tragic human rights violation, and I commend Min- to call the attention of the House of Rep- events of July 26, 1953, when Fidel Castro, ister Geoana for maintaining the OSCE’s resentatives to the long history of service to along with a band of supporters, attacked a focus on the issue.
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