lototnsttin Bros. HANCOCK AND GARFIELD. Hon. Frank Hurd, in an interview COUNTY TICKETS. ADVERTISERS. THE TWO Cincinnati l, VO Bt'SINKM aiHW AD Hancock and Garfield are represent a with Pickaway of the r week's Democrat we took occa Democbai ku the largett circulation In last respective parties. says .the XlVth Amendment pro- TM ralft of tive men of their eouiUv, and with Ut very moderate sion to compare the two modes by which elect- ( chosen in hibits the chotsing of Presidential Uniting, worthy the noticeof all buHnf " Never were better examples EXCITEM'NT it ' the Republican and Democratic county : GREAT roUv and other advertitert particularly. particulars. ors by a state Legislature, and says "- showed, all essential adverser, allowed Mi I- were nominated. We -- tickets did not merely use his mili "I hare no doubt the Senate and House of AT- iAir advertUemtnU quarterly. ticket was Hancock 2S nMOUmal. that, although the Republican Rejnesentativei will rtfute to count the vole oufcle column jw as a stepping sione to pro- orii ' vote, it was tary career any electors who have been chosen by the ZlMiuMNl nominated by the popular . Mr. of mote his political aspiration-- This Legislature the state. The result will really a Court House ring ticket, the of did. While the war for the be an easy vie ory for the Dem- 12 E. Tuscarawas St. rate, Gaifield therefore Number Ui M cto M .tort centre of which was the rroDate rrror, head Hancock was the capable ocratic party; a victory which will be without any exctytion. Union lasted, to at office. the more distastetul to tne itepuDiicans goepeeial pHvlleot will be emitted advertitert and soldier, never deserting the at adtrtitcmentt. popular vote oallaut because of their resort to unconstitu- naardt potition or location Another feature of the the to inturt muK be hande n army to run for Congress. After tional methods to prevent it." A dvertiumcnU iiuror plan we stated, was the fact that often- Wtdnetday noon. authority, he recogni- He said: I do not say ev by a war, and while in "Reroemter o- Advertising fumulied on aiplicatior times candidates were nominated Bros. Satet of that the Legislature of the states rave Lowenstein per line per year So card Constitution and the rights jButtntu Cardi one duUar very far from a zed the elec- per year plurality vote merely, not power by law to provide for the interttd for leu than three dollart citizens. C'arpet-bf- thieves found no Columns, or tth page, d in a delegate conven- tion of electors by Congressional districts ARE Bunnell mice in Hem majority ; whereas diaboli- each (w tnterUd in hiin to further their New York only which for ten eentt per line u. It requires a majority. For ins'ance, assistant but is the state in twenty per hue. tion it In reading matter, emit c- 1 schemes. they can do this and gain anything." buti-nu- t Re- benefit of prlvatt and perwnal at the late primary election cf the ArUclei or the was faithful to duty and "And don't you tbink," I asked, "if wiU be admitted to tat reading eolumnt of for Haucock then CLOSING OUT intent party, the three candidates will be a NOW at the rate of twen-een- publican de- they do this in New York it Dwocrat, IfvnotjeettoniM, ; faithful to the Union and THi nomination as Auditor were Mr. Britton his oatb confession of defeat, and the moral ef- per line. to truth, justice and the Constitu- of tbeir Immense STOCK OF CLOTHING, HATS, and GENTS' Aidrta all commwtfeationi Mr. Allen of Massillon and voted fect will be such that the Democrats The balance DEMOCRAT, of Canton, GOODS, reduction ot ten cent, irom sneer THE tion ; aimed to protect peaceful American will carry Ohio?" FURNISHING at a ter Canton, Ohio. Mr. Ramsey of Alliance ; and each gen- citizens in their lawful rights. Such is "I do." tleman got the following vote : Britton The following is see. 2 of the fourteenth is noble candidate of THE DEMOCRAT. 1.240, the man who the I at 2 per year, 1,154, Allen 1,188, Ramsey and amendment of the Constitution in full wmithed to tubteribert, pottage paid, Prices Democratic party. Low invai-i- the great was proposed to the Legislatures of Present three montht, It for fix montht; fifty eentt tor Ramsey is the nominee. delivered to any part of the with Mr. Garfield ? Was he several states by Congress, June 16, room for rurchases. If you want in advance, n It alto votes, and there were How is it the Every dollar's worth must go to make Fall Ramsey got 1.240 1806, was declared adopted July 21, Visit Miv tU the tame rata. the devoted soldier, sinking political and "GENUINE BARGAINS, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE." the Correspondence, containing important newt, tollnUd cast against him 2,342! But yet Ram- 1868: name and adtlrett serve his count- rom all paru of the county. Writert Had ei ambition that he might ap- a private guarant- sey was declared nominated "Sec. 2. Representatives shall be required on every communication at ? The brief against ry in the field Nay, veri'y. portioned among the several states ac- ee of good faith. ther Allen or Britton singly, run Club Foub Cash Teas-L- in the army was only cording to respective numbers, IN Any per ton tending in a of is little dcubt but the time he was their CHEAPEST STORE TOWN. wiU be entitled to a copy f Thb Ramsey, there in Bdbscbibkm stepping Btone to promote his Congres- counting the whole number of persons Dbkocbat free for one year. latter would have been defeated. Such each state, excluding Indiana not taxed. ambition. a result could not occur in a delegate sional But when the right to vote at any elec- points it will be seen that the convention, where the man nominated On these tion for the choice of electors for Presi- truly represent their re- dent and Vice President of the United BRO.'S must get a nipjority, Besides, the farm- two gentlemen LOWEXTSTEHT spective parties. The aim of the Re- States, Representatives in Congress, the ing districts have their full quota of rep Executive and judicial officers of a Btate, ieaders was and has been to resentation in a delegate conrention; publican or the members of the Legislature there- HOUSE, power to build up and establish PHILA. CLOTHING ESTABLISHED A. D. 1 83 3. while this does not usually occur in the use their of, is denied to any male inhabitants of political fortunes. For this they such state, being 21 years of age and cit- . popular vote mode, their 12 East Tuscarawas Street, Canton, Ohio. g izens of States, in any sustaiued the carpet-ba- Governors and the United or Editor. On the Republican side the contest for way abridged, except for participation in A. MeGREGOR, For this they have justified Clerk was not so close, but yet Wilson, thieves. rebellion or other crime, the basis of iniquity, including DeGolyer pavement on be reduced PRESIDENTIAL TICKET. the nominee, fell a little short of a ma represeutat therein shall rings and Credit Mobilier. in the proportion which the number of for Hats. jority. The candidates for Clerk were Headquarters President, In all these respects, therefore, Han- such male cit'zens 21 years of age in For Craig, Touner and Wilson, their votes Buch Garfield well represent their state." STOCK resDectivelv being 867. 903 and 1.731. It cock and We now oflfer an IJ1MEXSE of W. S. HANCOCK. political parties. Haucock GEN. will be seen that the votes against Wil respective straightforward work, looking POLITICAL POINTS. OF PEXXSVLVAMA. 1.770, outnumbering vote represents Every Variety, son were his It ia thought the Republicans may car- Hats and Caps of to the honest preservation of the Union, 49. Here again is a minority man nonr ry Michigan and Iowa. can afford. President, and obedience to and enforcement of the At the LOWEST PKICES the market Vice inated Yale College honors Mr. Hayes with Constitution and the laws. WTe purchase everything by the case for spot cash, WM, ENGLISH, Wilson profitted by the long experi LL. D., and the Buffalo Courier adds an H. Garfield, on the contrary, has been will not he undersold by any house In our Hue. OF IXDIAXA. eno of Lis Republican friends in the F. F. P. First Fraudulent President. and more devoted to party and party require You will laso always find a well selected stock of Court House, and then his own social The Republicans have erected a fine ments than all else. He has been, as a COl'NTY TICKET. habits threw Craig and Tonner in the of Congress, a willing standard of fitness and ability. Accord shade, and even in the Republican party, leading member Of every variety. Clerk, ing to the s of the association, a of instrument of corrupt rings, all which full JOHN T. HAYS. "the party great moral ideas," this cir man who is not corrupt and who hat Umbrellas. Also a line of records prove. This is not an idle Xrunlts, "Valises and Auditor. cumstance has weight. the never perjured himself nas no experi MARION M. KINO. Mr. Millhoff for Commissioner, had a charge ; not one made on suspicion. His —Atlanta SWEET, ORR & CO.'S OVERALLS, stitution. famous laundriedand unlaundried, Commissioner, majority over his two competitors, the DeGolyer pavement fee (bribe) of $5,000 And the QUAKER CITY SHIRT, GEOROE STOVER. BEST IN THE WORLD. standing, Millhoff 1,970, is not denied, and his Credit Mobilier The defeat of Garfield will carry with THE Infirmary Director, vote Firestone & C0.
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