other prices 50c (incl. GST) on page 2 'JUST DEAL FOR SPIES' Swapo rejects charges of victimising refugees STAFF REPORTER SW APO has rejected charges of victimising refugees and has sharply rebuked The Namibian for an editorial published last week, in which the movement was call­ ed upon to bring to trial the estimated 100 people in detention for spying activities. In a statement issued in London yesterday, the Swapo move­ ment said criticism in an editorial published in The Namibian was unjustified, since no decision had been taken on those accused of spying for South Africa. The statement emphasised the editorial published in the that investigations into the spy February 21 edition is based on network recently uncovered in a false premise and that the Swapo ranks, were continuing, criticism contained in the and the movement had not yet editorial is therefore totally reached the stage of making unjustified. decisions on what would be 'At no point either before, done with those involved. during or since the briefing at Swapo also rejected what which a small portion of the they referred to as 'wild allega­ evid.ence we have accumulated tions' concerning Namibians in on the South African spy net­ Swapo camJls in neighbouring work was presented, did Com- . Frontline States. (See report rade Theo Ben Gurirab or any below). other representative of Swapo The verbatim Swapo state­ state that Swapo was refusing SW APO refugee camp in Angola. In a statement issued in London this week Swapo has denied vi«;timisation ment is as follows: to put on trial those who have of Namibian refugees in camps in neighbouring states. ' Picture by Ragnar Hansen. 'Swapo of Namibia wishes to point out to The Namibian that Continued on page 3 ' Allegations ' by Parents Committee SpeCialists for hearing aids CCN gave no mandate A GROUP calling itself Ule covering up crimes' against Nami­ Hearing' Aids STAFF REPORTER bian refugees by the Swapo Parents Committee, and head­ Continental Building ed by Ms Erika Heukes and Mr leadership' . The letter to Mr Nujoma states ~st Floor. Room 48 TEL: 34242 Attie Heukes, this week claim­ that 'we, the parents and relatives p, O. Box 3552 ed that the Swapo leadership of refugees from Namibia, have for planned to execute more than Some time now obtained informa­ 1000 detainees. tion about the terrible conditions in We offer you In the meantime, Dr Abisai which our people find themselves Shejavali, General Secretary of in your camps. Hundreds of · 1 week's trial the Council of Churches in fiunilies, relatives, friends have with no obligation Namibia where both Ms Erika received the most distressing neWs to test the revolutionary Beukes and Mr Attie Beukes of killings, disappearances, forced are employed, has denied that confessions ... this spate of letters the group has any mandate ... can no longer be ignored'. 'We have also received AUDILENS " from the CCN. He confirmed eyewitness accounts of a 6 hour that previous correspondence video tape which implicates persons Hearing Aid from the Parents Committee inside and outside the country as t had stated 'care of the Council South African-trained spies.' The most outstanding feature of this lens, compared of Churches in Namibia', but to other hearing aids, is the effective automatic The letter, "care of Mrs Erika volume control which enables an improved hearing said the Committee did not'en­ Beukes, Council of Churches in joy the sanction of the Council under noisy background conditions. With the lens Namibia', named some of those directly situated in the ear, directional natural sound I and neither did they necessari­ who are alleged to have disap­ 'j ly agree with the statements and peared or have been killed as 'in­ transmission will be maintained. ~ sentiments of the group. ter alia Lukas Stephanus, Ben ~n September last year the Boois, Eric Biwa, Benny Petrus, Nothing better than Parents Committee send several let­ Tauno Hatuikulipi and numerous ters to Frontline States Presidents, others. Almost the entire Keetmail.­ I including Mr Jose Eduardo dos shoop refugees had disappeared . Santos of Angola and ~resident Few of Walvis Bay remain'. Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia, the They alleged that there had been United Nations, the Swapo Presi- '.forced confessions'. , dent, Mr Sam Nujoma, and to stop unnecessary killings and to A letter was also sent to Mr Fidel various other instances, pointing relinquish those who do not want· Castro, the Cuban President, 'as out that ' ... Swapo under its pre­ to be under its brutal reign'. the President of' a country concern­ Confidence ~ I sent leadership has become a liabili­ The letter to Dr Kenneth Kaun­ ed with our liberation' to bring f ty in the regional struggle for in­ da states that ' .. we have received pressure to bear on the Swapo through better hearing ;, .I dependence', and called on them information that the Zambian them to 'bring pressure on Swapo police and officials are involved in Continued on page 3 2 THE NAMIBIAN FRIDAY February 281986 WORLD FLASHES NO AID TO UNITA CALL LUANDA: Angola appealed to envoys of 12 socialist stateS to pressure President Ronald Reagan n~t to aid its guerrilla opponents. -FARMERS FLEE ETHIOPIA NAIROBI: Some 27 000 Ethiopians fleeing acont!oversial government 'villagisation' scheme have crossed into northwestern Somalia in the past ten weeks, said Gary Troeller, Deputy Head of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Somalia. Between 500 and 1000 mainly Oromo tribespeople were crossing into Somalia daily, he told _a press conference . Somalia has over 850 000 mainly Ethiopian refugees spread through about 40 camps across the ~ountr y, according to the UN. SUPERMARKET CAR BOMB BEIRUT: At least fiv e people were killed and 12 injured, including a woman and a 2 year-old boy, when a car packed with explosives, mines and mortar bombs exploded in a supermarket in East .Beirut as Chris­ tian inter-factional fighting cominued t9 engulf the eastern half of the city. MINE BLAST INJURY DELEGATES at Atlas Copco Small Mines Symposium this week. MAPUTO: A land mine blew off the leg of a Mozambican sheperd near the capital of Maputo as right-wing MNR guerrillas continued their cam­ paign of sabotage. Small Mines Symposium SOCCER FA~S ON RAMPAGE TUNIS: Tunisian soccer fans celebrating a victory went on the rampage, stoning police and passers-by and leaving a trail of destruction along a 270km route from the eastern port of Sfax-to Tunis. Some 360 hooligans THE INTERIM Government BY KEVIN TOOLIS rightfu l due, ' the Minister said. were arrested after damaging more than 40 police and private cars and will re-order the 'balance' bet- It is therefore, in both the min­ stealing lamb and -sheep carcases along the route. • ween the State and the mining therefore obliged to see that the ing industry's interest the State's in­ Companies in the light of the maximum number of Namibians terest, that all mines should con­ ULSTER THREATENS TO STRIKE fi ndings of the Thirion Com­ benefited from the exploitation, duct their operations in an orderly prospecting, mining and disposal NORTHERN IRELAND: North ~rn Irelarid's Protestant leaders made mission, Minister for Mines and 'efficient manner. of Namibia's natural assets. a sudden about-face and ruled out any compromise with British Prime Andreas Shipanga told a Small 'At present, the State has not a The State had to protect its in­ Minister Mrs Margret Thatcher over her pact giving the Irish republic Mines Symposium. ' clear defined policy regarding terests and the interest of the Nami­ financial and technical assistance to any say in the affaairs of the trouble-torn region. All mining concerns, large or bian people by close scrutiny of Hours after meeting the British PM, and seemingly reaching some form small mines. In the light of the small, have three common factors mining operations. 'Often there is Thirion Commission's findings and of compromise, the top two Ulster Protestant leaders Mr Ian Paisley and Minister Shipanga told the Win­ also a lack ' oJ managerial, Jim Molyneaux issued a joint statement rejecting further talks and revived recommendations, the Government dhoek conference. They are: high technological arid mining expertise the threat of a general strike. will define a national mihning risk elements, limited life and the and then mineral deposits are not poicy in order to obtain an accep­ IRAQ GASES ISLAMIC TR<'>OPS depletion of natural resources. optimally exploited. In all such table balance between the mining _ Since the State is the the custo­ cases, the State as the owner of the sector's interests and those of the UNITED NATlONS:'rhe,UN Secretary-Genera1, Mr Javier Perez'De dian of this natural resource it was mineral right, does not recevie its State.' Cuelllar, is sending a four~man .team of expert.s to -Iran to inyestigate Iranian charges that 'Iraq used chemical weapons in thdran:Iiaci war, a UN spokesman said. MARCOS FLEES WEST HAWAII: Exhausted, sick and abandoned by his closest allies ousted Drivers escaped seriou~ injury Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos 'and his party of 90 family members is expected to arrive in Hawaii, a US Military spokesman said. The expected arrival of the former Philippine leader has already pro­ voked hostile reaction from local officials. State Senator Duke Kawasaki said 12 of his colleagues had signed a resolution for the Legislature say­ ing Mr Marcos should not be given sanctuary anywhere in the US. American officials say Mr Marcos, reportedly seriously ill with a kidney complaint, has been offered a haven in the US. SECURITY POLICE STRIKE CAIRO: Egypt's capital was clamped under an indefinite curfew as troops battled with mutinous security police in the pyramids area.
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