May 22, 1995 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 13895 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A SALUTE TO EDWIN L. ARTZT: TRIBUTE TO MR. EDUARDO J. REPUBLICAN WAR PROFITEERING: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TORRES COMMENTARY BY KEVIN PHILLIPS LEADER HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK HON. JOSE E. SERRANO HON. ROB PORTMAN OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF OHIO OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, May 22, 1995 Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, the May 17 radio Monday, May 22, 1995 Monday, May 22, 1995 commentary by Kevin Phillips on the Repub­ Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, on Friday, lican budget plan hit the nail on the head: today to recognize a prominent Cincinnatian, May 19, 1995, a group of dedicated public In the guise of crisis legislation, deficit re­ Edwin L. Artzt, on the occasion of his retire­ school educators gathered in my congres­ duction ... especially as put forward by the ment as chairman of the board and chief ex­ House of Representatives, also has major sional district to honor one of their distin­ ecutive officer of the Procter & Gamble Co. overtones of special interest favoritism and Today we thank him for the vision and service guished colleagues, Eduardo J. Torres, for his income distribution. that he has so generously given to his com­ years of service to the children of our district Spending on government programs, ... is pany and to his community. and indeed, the Nation, and on the occasion to be reduced in ways that principally bur­ of his retirement. den the poor and middle class while simulta­ Ed began his career with Procter & Gamble neously taxes are to be cut in a way that pre­ in 1953 in the sales-training department. He Eduardo J. Torres began his professional dominantly benefit the top one or two per­ worked nearly 40 years in positions both at career at the Puerto Rico Planning Board's Di­ cent of Americans. home and abroad to become chairman and vision of Social Planning, a division under the If the U.S. Budget deficit problem does rep­ CEO of the company in 1990. During his ten­ jurisdiction of the Governor's Office. Beginning resent the fiscal equivalent of war- and maybe it does-then what we are really look­ ure as chief executive, Ed concentrated on in­ with that appointment, his distinguished career novating new products, improving the effi­ ing at is one of the most flagrant examples has been devoted to the education of students of war profiteering this century has seen. ciency of operations and globalizing the busi­ of limited English proficiency, a devotion which And it deserves to be rejected with outrage. ness and building the organization. Under his has earned him the respect of his peers and leadership, Procter & Gamble's earnings in­ Mr. Phillips is right: The Republicans are the distinction of being a leader in his field. creased at an average growth rate of 14 per­ practicing class warfare. They get upset when cent and the real earnings growth rate-after Mr. Torres began his career in Community you use that term-but that's what they are inflation-has been 10 percent, more than School District Seven in my congressional dis­ doing. They doth protest too much about the term, and the proof is overwhelming that they double the company's historic average. Proc­ trict in 1965 as a bilingual teacher in school ter & Gamble began its concentration on value and community relations. In 1972 he became are taking from the bottom half of our society to give to the top 1 percent. pricing and expanded its international oper­ teacher-trainer and coordinator of the Puerto ations, adding business in 10 additional coun­ Rican Studies Program, and later coordinated tries. His vision has strengthened our econ­ the Reading Advancement Through Puerto IN RECOGNITION OF THE ENFIELD omy locally and nationally. Rican Literature Program. ROTARY CLUB OF ENFIELD, CT Ed has brought his high caliber of leader­ In 1976, Mr. Torres was appointed assistant ship to many areas outside of Procter & Gam­ director of the Northeast Center for Curriculum HON. NANCY L JOHNSON ble. Serving our Nation, he has been an influ­ ential advocate of world trade as a member of Development, a national project of the U.S. OF CONNECTICUT President Clinton's Advisory Committee on Department of Education, housed in Intermedi­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Trade Policy and Negotiations, the Council on ate School 184, which developed culturally Monday, May 22, 1995 and linguistically relevant curricula in Spanish, Foreign Relations, and the Business Round­ Mrs. JOHNSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speak­ Italian, Greek, and Russian for bilingual stu­ table. er, it is with great pride and respect that I rise In the Cincinnati community, he has given dents and their teachers throughout the United to commend the members of the Enfield Ro­ his time and talent by serving on the board of States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. In tary Club for their innovative Learn to Earn the Cincinnati Business Committee and the 1986, Mr. Torres was named bilingual edu­ program. Their program was developed to re­ board of trustees of the Cincinnati Institute of cation coordinator supervising educators, test­ spond to the many solicitations for donations Fine Arts. I know firsthand that he has found ing, placement, and recruitment of bilingual that both civic organizations and industry re­ time to give of himself. He was my little league teachers. ceive from local youth groups. baseball coach 30 years ago. Mr. Torres will be missed by his colleagues Instead of simply making a donation, busi­ Long a champion of business education, Ed and the community of students and teachers nesses and civic organizations identify local has helped to groom business leaders of the with whom he has worked over the years and projects that need to be completed and then future in his work as a member of the board to whom he has dedicated his professional give interested children the opportunity to earn of visitors to the Anderson Graduate School of life. He is recognized by his colleagues for his the money they need by doing the project!:;. Business Management at UCLA and the board friendly, efficient manner and his quiet style of Projects range from things as routine as of overseers of the Wharton School. Within leadership. schoolyard cleanup to washing windows at a P&G, his vision was the inspiration for creating local, town-owned retirement home. a P&G College, where employees continue Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me The Learn to Earn approach enjoys broad their education with innovative courses on and the residents of my district and students community support. At a time when so many business trends. and professionals of Community School Dis­ are decrying the loss of government aid, a All of us in Cincinnati congratulate Ed for his trict Seven in conveying our deep gratitude to program such as this offers young citizens the numerous accomplishments in both private Mr. Eduardo J. Torres and to extend to him opportunity to tackle projects that meet the and public enterprise. We are grateful for his our best wishes for a happy, fulfilled retire­ needs of the community and, as importantly, service to Cincinnati and to our Nation. ment. highlights for young people the lesson that you e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 13896 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 22, 1995 can accomplish most anything if you are will­ industry. That dedication and determination to pressive; he has brought more than two dozen ing to work to make it happen. provide the American public with quality and different enrichment programs into his school. Congratulations to the members of the En­ seamless honesty earned him his induction We are particularly proud of Mr. Graciano for field Rotary Club for their meaningful contribu­ this year into the Advertising Hall of Fame. his accomplishment in creating the first bilin­ tion to the betterment of their town. John O'Toole's leadership, his creativity, his gual pre-kindergarten program in the Nation, a wit, and his friendship will be sorely missed by title VII grant Project PROBE. Under his lead­ his family and many, many friends. My heart­ ership, P.S. 5 was designated a model bilin­ CONGRATULATIONS TO ATLANTIS felt condolences go out to his wife, Phyllis and gual school, recognizing the successes of COMMUNITY AND NORWEST his two daughters. such programs as the Bilingual Teacher BANK COLORADO Corps, Project SABE, Project BETA and CSIP. Mr. Graciano is an active member of his HON. PATRICIA SCHROEDER CONGRATULATIONS TO FIRST OC­ community and his hard work has earned him OF COLORADO CUPATIONAL CENTER OF NEW numerous awards and recognitions including JERSEY AND ITS HONOREES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Educator of the Year award from the His­ panic Educators Association, the Community Monday , May 22 , 1995 HON. WilliAM J. MARTINI Service Award from the Association Civica Mrs. SCHROEDER. Mr. Speaker, I want to OF NEW JERSEY Arecibeno, the P.S. 5 Parent Teacher Asso­ commend Atlantis Community Inc. and IN THE HOUSE OF RE PRESENTATIVES ciation Award, the Ramon S. Velez Scholar­ Norwest Bank Colorado, both of Denver, for ship Committee Leadership Award and the Monday , May 22, 1995 launching one of the Nation's first home mort­ P.S. 5 Parent Teacher Association 20th Ann i­ gage financing and consumer loan programs Mr.
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