Short communication KOREAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY 한국응용곤충학회지 ⓒ The Korean Society of Applied Entomology Korean J. Appl. Entomol. 58(4): 265-270 (2019) pISSN 1225-0171, eISSN 2287-545X DOI: Atheta (Bessobia) occulta (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) New to Korea Seung-Gyu Lee and Kee-Jeong Ahn1* Division of Forest Biodiversity, Korea National Arboretum, Pocheon 11186, Korea 1Department of Biology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Korea 긴바수염반날개의 국내 첫 보고 이승규ㆍ안기정1* 국립수목원 산림생물다양성연구과, 1충남대학교 생물과학과 ABSTRACT: Atheta (Bessobia) occulta (Erichson) is newly discovered in the Korean peninsula. A redescription, habitus photograph, and illustrations of diagnostic characters are provided. Key words: Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae, Atheta (Bessobia) occulta 초 록: 긴바수염반날개[Atheta (Bessobia) occulta (Erichson)] (신칭)를 한반도에서 처음으로 보고한다. 이 종에 대한 재기재, 체형사진 및 식별형질 에 대한 삽화를 제시한다. 검색어: 딱정벌레목, 반날개과, 바수염반날개아과, 긴바수염반날개 Thomson (1858) first proposed the genus name Bessobia Korean Peninsula. The first author compared Korean specimens based on Homalota monticola Thomson. Since Ganglbauer with syntypes deposited in the Museum für Naturkunde (MNHB), (1895) treated it as a subgenus of the genus Atheta Thomson, Berlin, Germany to have more reliable identification. many researchers (Fenyes, 1920; Palm, 1970; Benick and In this paper, we present a redescription, habitus photograph, Lohse, 1974; Yosii and Sawada, 1976; Smetana, 2004 etc.) and illustrations of the diagnostic characters. All specimens are followed this subgeneric assignment. deposited in the Chungnam National University Insect Collection The Atheta subgenus Bessobia contains 24 species in the (CNUIC), Daejeon, Korea. Terms used here followed Sawada Palaearctic region. In East Asia, 12 species and one species (1972) but we followed Ashe (1984) in some cases to avoid were recorded in China and in Japan, respectively (Schülke confusion. and Smetana, 2015). They are common in diverse microhabitats such as decaying organism and straw piles. Taxonomic Accounts While working on Korean Athetini, Atheta subgenus Bessobia and the species, A. (B.) occulta (Erichson) is discovered in the Genus Atheta Thomson, 1858 우리바수염반날개속 Subgenus Bessobia Thomson, 1858 긴바수염반날개아속 신칭 *Corresponding author: [email protected] ( ) Received September 25 2019; Revised October 28 2019 Bessobia Thomson, 1858: 35 (type species: Homalota monticola Accepted October 31 2019 This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction265 in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Thomson, 1852). 3B). Mouthparts. Labrum (Fig. 2A) with ε-sensillum and 9 Trichiota Mulsant and Rey, 1873: 180 (type species: Bessobia macrosetae on each side of midline; epipharynx (Fig. 2B) with gibbera Mulsant and Rey, 1873 = Bessobia fungivora Thomson, α-sensillum long and setaceous, more than 2.0 times as long as 1867). ε-sensillum; β- and γ-sensilla short. Mandibles (Figs. 2C and D) asymmetrical, about 1.5-1.6 times as long as basal width; Diagnosis. Members of the Atheta subgenus Bessobia can right one (Fig. 2C) with small internal tooth. Galea and lacinia be distinguished from other subgenera of Atheta by the combi- of maxilla (Fig. 2E) long and slender; palpomere 1 smallest, 2 nation of the following characters: infraorbital carina incomplete; about 2.7-2.9 times longer than wide, 3 slightly longer than 2, antennomere 2 about as long as 3 (Fig. 3B); midline of pronotal about 2.6-2.8 times as long as wide, 4 digitiform. Labium (Fig. pubescence directed posteriorly (Fig. 3C) or anteriorly in basal 2F) with ligula long and slender, divided into 2 lobes in basal half to fourth and posteriorly in apical half to fourth; mesoventral half; prementum with two medial setae moderately narrow process distinctly pointed at apex (Fig. 3F); abdominal tergite separated; two basal pores close together, about 1.0 times II with 2 macrosetae on each side of midline, III with anterior width of basal pore; several medial pseudopores, few lateral macrosetae; VIII with about 6 macrosetae on each side of pseudopores, 1 setal pore and 2 real pores present on each side midline in most (Figs. 4A and C) and longitudinal ridges along of midline; labial palpus elongate, with many setulae; palpomere lateral margins (Fenyes, 1920; Benick and Lohse, 1974; Yosii 1 largest, about 1.4-1.6 times longer than wide, with γ-setula and Sawada, 1976). close to b-seta, 2 shortest, about 1.4-1.6 times longer than Distribution. Korea, China, India, Japan, Nepal, Mongolia, wide, 3 subparallel-sided and about as long as 1, about 3.0-3.5 Russia, Europe, North Africa and Nearctic region. times longer than wide. Mentum as in Fig. 2F. Thorax. Pronotum (Fig. 3C) slightly transverse, approximately 1.2 times as wide Atheta (Bessobia) occulta (Erichson, 1837) 긴바수염반날개 as long. Prosternum as in Fig. 3D. Metanotal scutum (Fig. 3E) (신칭) (Figs. 1, 2A~F, 3A~H, 4A~H) Aleochara foveata Stephens, 1832: 111. Aleochara assimillis Stephens, 1832: 117. Homalota occulta Erichson, 1837: 317. Bessobia nebulosa Mulsant and Rey, 1873: 180. Bessobia diversipes Mulsant and Rey, 1875: 135. Atheta (Bessobia) occulta: Ganglbauer, 1895: 202; Fenyes, 1920: 216; Palm, 1970: 246; Benick and Lohse, 1974: 149; Yosii and Sawada, 1976: 80; Smetana, 2004: 377; Schülke and Smetana, 2015: 524. Atheta erichsoni Bernhauer, 1907: 397. Redescription. Body length 3.0-3.8 mm, parallel-sided; surface glossy, densely pubescent; dark brown to black; head, pronotum and abdomen almost black; elytra slightly paler; legs brown. Head. Subquadrate (Fig. 3A), approximately 1.1 times as wide as long, slightly narrower than pronotum; eyes about 1.3 times longer than temples; behind eyes convex; gular sutures moder- ately separated. Antennomere 4 about as long as wide, 5-10 subquadrate to slightly transverse, 11 longer than wide (Fig. Fig. 1. Habitus of Atheta (Bessobia) occulta (male), 3.5 mm. 266 Korean J. Appl. Entomol. 58(4): 265-270 (2019) Fig. 2. Atheta (Bessobia) occulta. A: labrum (dorsal aspect); B: epipharynx (ventral aspect); C: right mandible (dorsal aspect); D: left mandible (ventral aspect); E: left maxilla (ventral aspect); F: labium (ventral aspect). with 1 long seta and about 5-8 short setae on each side of almost straight; flabellum (Fig. 3E) composed of about 6-9 midline. Mesoventral process (Fig. 3F) slightly longer than long setose lobes. Legs. with dense pubescence and macrosetae; isthmus and metaventral process combined; length ratio of meso- and metatibiae with different length of two spurs at mesoventral process, isthmus and metaventral process 17:10:3. apex; length ratio of tarsomeres 31:34:40:94 (protarsus); 36: Elytra slightly longer and wider than pronotum; elytron (Fig. 42:45:47:97 (mesotarsus); 53:54:55:53:114 (metatarsus); one 3H) approximately 1.7 times as long as wide, pubescence empodial seta present, shorter than claw. Abdomen. Macrochaetal directed posteriorly and postero-laterally; postero-lateral margin arrangement of tergites II-VI 02-13-23-23-23; tergites III-VI Atheta (Bessobia) occulta new to Korea 267 Fig. 3. Atheta (Bessobia) occulta. A: head (ventral aspect); B: antenna; C: pronotum (dorsal aspect); D: prosternum (ventral aspect); E: metanotum (dorsal aspect); F: meso- and metaventrites (ventral aspect); G: scutellum (dorsal aspect); H: elytron (dorsal aspect). 268 Korean J. Appl. Entomol. 58(4): 265-270 (2019) Fig. 4. Atheta (Bessobia) occulta. A: male abdominal tergite VIII (dorsal aspect); B: male abdominal sternite VIII (ventral aspect); C: female abdominal tergite VIII (dorsal aspect); D: female abdominal sternite VIII (ventral aspect); E: median lobe of aedeagus (lateral aspect); F: median lobe of aedeagus (ventral aspect); G: paramere (lateral aspect); H: spermatheca. Scales = 0.1 mm. impressed in basal region; posterior margin of male tergite VIII slightly bent in lateral aspect. Apical lobe of paramerites (Fig. (Fig. 4A) with a broad process almost truncate at apex, 4G) slightly elongate and subparallel-sided, blunt at apex. imbricate microsculpture present; male sternite VIII (Fig. 4B) Spermatheca. Bursa elongate, with large umbilicus; duct with about 10-12 macrosetae on each side of midline; female slender and transversely contorted, deflected at apex (Fig. 4H). tergite VIII (Fig. 4C) with about 5 macrosetae on each side of Type material. Syntypes, 6 exx., labeled as follows: ‘5352, midline; female sternite VIII (Fig. 4D) with long and short occulta Er. Berol. Er.’. marginal setae, minute setae present in median region. Material examined. SOUTH KOREA: Chungbuk Prov.: 1 Aedeagus. Median lobe (Figs. 4E and F) ovate, apical process ex., Yeongdong-gun, Sangchon-myeon, Mulhan-ri, Mt. Minjuji- convergent in ventral aspect; apical process elongate and san, N36˚03'35.22" E127˚52'31.26", 518 m, 13 v 2011, JG Lee, Atheta (Bessobia) occulta new to Korea 269 TK Kim, SG Lee, decaying persimmon. Chungnam Prov.: 9 Gesellschaft in Wien, 57, 371-414. exx., Daejeon-si, Yuseong-gu, Ansan-dong, N36°24′43.9″ Erichson, W.F., 1837. Die Käfer der Mark Brandenburg. Erster Band, Erste Abtheilung. F.H. 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