Relatório Anual / Annual Report 2009 Table of Contents Annual Report 2009 55 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT 56 ORGANIZATION 57 ORGANOGRAM 58 GENERAL MANAGEMENT REPORT 60 ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL REPORT 61 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 62 NEW PROJECTS 64 COMMUNICATIONS 65 TESTIMONY ABRAMUS - MUSIC 66 THE MOST PLAYED SONGS PER REGION 71 COLLECTIVE MANAGEMENT IN BRAZIL 72 ECAD – SUPERINTENDED’S REPORT 74 COLLECTION IN NUMBERS 75 ABRAMUS DOCUMENTATION NUMBERS 76 NUMBER OF ABRAMUS HOLDERS BY CATEGORY 76 AMOUNTS DISTRIBUITE TO OWNERS 76 SHARE OF BRAZILIAN MARKET 77 INTERNATIONAL REPORT – AUTHORS 78 INTERNATIONAL REPORT – AUTHOR RIGHTS 81 AMOUNTS RELEIVED FROM OTHERS SOCIETIES 82 INTERNATIONAL REPORT – NEIGHBOURING RIGHTS 83 CONTRACTS NEIGHBOURING RIGHTS 84 ARTISTIS & REPERTOIRE ABRAMUS 85 ABRAMUS – THEATER & DANCE 86 AUTVIS 88 ABRISAN 90 AUDITORS’ REPORT ANNUAL REPORT 2009 | ABRAMUS 53 Letter from the President fter one year of intense work, ABRAMUS year there were 3,704 new registrations, a substantial closed 2009 with a record gain of 4,905 increase when compared to the 482 recorded in 2008. new members, i.e., over one dozen hold- Our engaged team has won the respect of the sources ers join the association everyday. Since its of these documents which now provide this informa- foundationA in 1982 the entity has stayed on the path tion to ABRAMUS on a surprising level and immense of growth and reached in 2008, the distinction of be- number of files. One important factor responsible ing the largest collective authors’ rights management for this change has been the format of the strategic association in Brazil in addition to ranking among the guidelines provided by our editors, especially in atten- largest in Latin America. However, more important tion to this notably expanding market in music syn- than just the numbers is the fact that we have been chronization to audiovisual works. committed to our duties in 2009. Our staff is distinguished by its service, attention, re- The good performance achieved in our efforts to win spect and dedication, traits that have served as foun- over new members is a result of the consistent and dations for the growth of ABRAMUS coupled with the serious way in which ABRAMUS operates. The associa- transparency of our actions. We provide services to tion is a professional reference in the area of collec- our owners using proprietary open management sys- tive authors’ rights management. We have won this tems which resulted in building loyalty between our respect in little over the 27 years we have been in exis- association and our public. The association was the tence. We and our staff maintain a youthful fresh spirit first one to open its doors to and bring in our owners to open new paths towards innovation, engagement and those associated to learn about the entire work and a high level of responsibility that the work of a process, contributing towards making them feel more right holder signifies. protected and acknowledge the seriousness involved in the management of these rights and how they are By the end of December 2009, there were 22,782 handled by the entity. members. Today we have the largest number of ac- tive right holders, in addition to being the entity which Over the next few years we would like to continue distributes the most rights in Brazil. Last year, R$ growing steadily and establish more dynamic work 104,231,242.62 was passed on to our domestic mem- parameters for the owners. We are working towards bers. On the international scenario the story was no planning and developing tools which will be proven different. ABRAMUS forwarded to associations it repre- to provide advantages in the solution of problems and sents, R$ 5,713,385.76. This was not an easy task. There increase our clients’ productivity. Moreover, technolo- was a lot of work involved by both the international gy is our great ally and it was present in 2009. We have department as well as the A&R and obviously all oth- invested in programs that enable us to offer online ers involved in the registration and release of retained services as well as work more closely with the owner. earnings from ECAD. There is still a lot of foreign reper- We are an electronic and innovative association to toire to be identified therefore our goal is to work on better meet current demands for swift yet simple solu- this issue more intensely assuring that owners in other tions. We will continue to improve these services and countries receive that to which they are entitled. ABRAMUS will continue on this path in 2010. There has also been growth in cue sheet registrations, Roberto Corrêa de Mello i.e., the audiovisual musical technical file card. Last President 54 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 | ABRAMUS ANNUAL REPORT 2009 | ABRAMUS 55 Organization Organogram President Board of Directors General Management Management Committee AUTVIS Theater & Dance Music ABRISAN Roberto Corrêa de Mello Performer (President) Francisco Ribeiro Walter Rosciano Franco General Manager Author (Vice-President) Alexandre Sant’Anna José de Araújo Novaes Neto IT Manager Performer Antonio Almeida Marcelo Falcão Administrative and Financial Manager Universal Music Publishing MGB Administrative Artistic & Repertoire Brasil Ltda. Guilherme Amaral and Financial Theater & Dance Supervisor Danilo Candido Tostes Caymmi Author Gustavo Gonzalez Head of New Projects International Operational Support Ana Maria Seixas da Fonseca Universal Music Ltda. Linhas&Laudas Comunicação Communications João Gonçalves Pereira New Projects Communication Warner Chapell Edições Musicais Ltda. Ricardo Mello e Roseany Fagundes International Department Supervisors Paulo Rosa Júnior Information Fernando Viana e Gustavo Vianna Documentation Board of DirectorsBoard Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Disco Managers and Supervisors Tecnology (ABPD) Artistic & Repertoire Supervisors 56 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 | ABRAMUS ANNUAL REPORT 2009 | ABRAMUS 57 General Management e can characterize 2009 as a year of impor- performers. We can cite names by way of example such Another noteworthy item is the relevance of television pose of conducting a review of the Authors’ Rights Law tant accomplishments in the Brazilian cor- as Leonardo, César Menotti & Fabiano, Victor & Leo, Jorge within an authors’ rights public performance structure. In in effect since 1998. Ample proof of its intention was porate market. Consolidation of the ECAD & Matheus, João Bosco & Vinicius, João Neto & Frederico, the general ranking of individuals, the first placed were the creation of an Intellectual Property Rights Board, distribution regulations, the basis for the Fernando & Sorocaba, Hugo Pena & Gabriel, Maria Cecília authors of theme music for television shows. In relation whose essential purpose is greater effort on the part of Winterrelations among the several public execution system & Rodolfo, Gusttavo Lima, Luan Santana, to name a few. to legal entities, the major players, separately, are record- the State in the authorship field by means of sector poli- categories and its duties, definitions, functions, operations This segment has stepped up the rhythm of its music and ing companies related to the television networks who cies and programs. During the period in which it is avail- systems, forms of calculation and payment is just one note- adapted it to popular taste making it easier to dance to. turned in excellent performance. Even when the owner is able for public consultation, the association of authors worthy example in view of its importance. After a number One of its very successful strategies has been to establish the performer of only one song that is part of the theme as a whole, in all the sectors in which it is involved, can of meetings with author’s groups, we have analyzed, dis- “cross-over music” expanding its public, and artists have of a “novela” (soap opera), will alone make a difference in announce its considerations. One big change that has cussed and formatted the new document creating and included in their presentations artists from the axé-music remuneration, provided that it is played daily. been announced is that the Cultural Ministry will super- updating concepts to align it with our current needs to segment as well as using “trios elétricos” on stage. vise collective management associations. achieve a fairer distribution of authors’ rights – public per- In what can be termed the political field, the scenario formance owed to the dynamic presented by our business Since the marketing of these artists uses free distribu- was somewhat unsettling. The Culture Ministry, promot- Chico Ribeiro where business creativity is a given. In terms of ABRAMUS tion of their products on a large scale, even to the ex- ed a series of forums with the artistic class for the pur- General Manager participation we have two determining factors: treme of offering free CDs with show ticket purchase, there is no proportionality between the growth of this 1. Experience in this specific field acquired over time and market in sales of its products and as a consequence no growth in remuneration in terms of authors’ rights. 2. The close relationships with the owners based on our efforts to bring them into our environment, and serve The gospel segment also turned in excellent results as the spokesperson giving voice to their suggestions, for the year and soared owed to the large number of thoughts and needs at all times. churches that have opened up. The main characteristics of this segment are: Since we still live in the musical download era, there is a great deal of uncertainty in relation to the future of 1. Own marketing in view of the fact that the main re- the music market. Recording studios, pressured by the cording companies are also radio station owners (sec- low return in terms of sale have decided to take a more tor which still retains the primary Brazilian market as the conservative tact and have not made large investments most important one for disclosure of its music) or contracts.
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