PART ONE LOS ANGELES HERALD CENTS SINGLE COPIES:;§?Ki„iif?tM: *&_-_' PRICE: «,f_SS_ .0 CENTS ' SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 11, 1908. SEATTLE GIRL HAS A INDIANAN FOR SEVEN KILLED; WILD RIDE ON BACK BRYAN MAKES A Nominees for: President and Vice President SIXTY INJURED OF RUNAWAY CAMEL RINGING SPEECH Chosen by Democratic National Convention VICE PRESIDENT Western Heiress Said to Be the First Ever Got Jolted TO BIG THRONG CHOICE OF ALL BY COLLISION Woman Who mt _^___^ m, by Angry 'Dromedary ls Now In Gotham B_____. JOHN W. KERN NOMINATED SMASHUP IN THE *- AS TERRIFIC HEAD-ON INDOMITABLE FAITH _____B______P^ '^--IS-SH __________ CANADA TRIUMPH OF TRUTH MATE FOR BRYAN . V IN NEW YORK, July Miss Laura Duncan of Seattle, who spent last night at the Martha Washington hotel,, is POWERFUL SENTIMENT MAKES SPOKANE FLYER AND CROW'S probably the only girl in the world 18 GIVEN GRAND OVATION BY with whom a wild camel tried to run ACTION UNANIMOUS NEST TRAINS CRASH away. FELLOW TOWNSMEN ... ' Nearly two .ears ago, becoming an heiress, to New York >.\u25a0*-'-:•;\u25a0:-:-'•>:-!V; \u25a0,- she decided visit ®tv£;-:-.-.Vvi::*::.'.v_V^^ '•\u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0:•\u25a0*:'-^ 7- %•/. '- -. jJCßfSt_Hlt^ i Medicine Hat Operator Blamed for by way of Asia, Europe and the At- Silver.Tongued Nebraskan Declares Democratic Convention at Denver Ada lantic. She visited Hawaii flrst and journs, Following Great Ovation" . Terrible Accident— Leaves Sud- Japan. At Toklo she was the Undying Confidence in Victory then party. When News of Wreck guest of the empress at a garden When Time la Ripela by Delegateslntense Sat- denly In got caught in an anti- Canton she Jm^*N X vt^** "*?V i *\u25a0v isfaction Everywhere Reaches Him foreign mob and had her "own spoiled , V .Loudly Cheered 7 ' * * by coolies. In Bengal she elephants and on rode By By edge the Red sea a camel ran L'y Associated Pr*M. Associated Press. Associated Press. H . the of July away with her. FAIRVIEW, LINCOLN, Neb., July DENVER, July 10.—The Democratic MEDICINE HAT, Canada, 10.— ill-flttlng strap, Maddened by an Bryan retired tonight national convention concluded . 'Its - Seven men were killed and sixty-three which. prevented the camel from get- 10.—William J. labors late today by the nomination ofI ;^^^___tf.^____. ':'"\_';"'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 --\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a07-'- '\u25a0y'-'-^'Siffii'ftv'''' •\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0'••\u25a0yTfi injured in a head-on collision at a ting the last bite of Its provender ln to dream of Democratic success next \u25a0Ha V S5&. John W. Kern of Indiana 'for;;,vie-' on, \u25a0 crossing this, city yester- Its feed bucket, the animal bolted over November. Since Tuesday, when the president, completing the ticket > a mile east of desert, shaking Dun- : Jennings Bryan day, Spokane flyer engine on the almost Miss opened, Mr. Bryan has which William was - between a can from the saddle. contention \u25a0_&>'___! I *V ________H__l _____-H*-__ftM_______ _______ the nominee for rrrnllrnt.^l»iillir__h_t_MJ Its way to Coleridge and a Crow's Nest "Riding a runaway camel shakes one been as busy, and perhaps busier, than The nomination was - made *by . ac- ; passenger train. up some," Miss Duncan says. She had any j man in Denver, If not in the clamation amid the resounding icheers A delegates spectators. The Dead all she could do to hold on until the country. of and; Arab owner of the "ship of the desert" ls doubtful that If ln the last four *•\"''*•«_____*' o iSi^^^^^^^.v^rf^^i^vv^ No ballot was necessary, as, the , It \ \u0084'Nfv>*ii""- * X \u25a0-* _: t_r> < *Pa^i«3&»W*^_3_.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0"» r'*J_hi -.. - JAMES NICHOLLS, engineer. \ jumped on another and faster camel days he has averaged more than three v > * trend of sentiment had set Irresistibly ROBERT TWOPEY, engineer, and after a long chase caught the run- hours' sleep in the twenty-four. He Hi \W toward the . Indiana candidate, state ;- MILET, away by a strap and brought It to a has been in constant touch by tele- i j *ou * \ <- £*\u25a0 * _wß___l^_Pl-BP^___fi___r after state- registering their delegates PHILIP conductor! V / * ln ARCHAMBAULT, standstill. graph with the convention, and with his favor and all other candidates W. J. baggage- Miss Duncan caught her first glimpse great frequency has. been called upon withdrawing before the universal ; de- >} man. "V.- of New York yesterday. to give Instant decisions ln matters mand for his nomination. -V^??l HOWARD GRAY, fireman—all of of great Importance. The convention after adjournment at With no wish to dominate the ac- daylight with the nomination \u25a0 of t Mr. Medicine Hat. tions of at Denver, Bryan, Us session; at his friends he has X _____K_ • !&' resumed 1 o'clock I JAMES GRAY. KILLED, MISSING constantly been asked by them for p. m. with powerful undercurrent al- 1 1 i___(7 _a_^^ .. DUNCAN McEACHERAN, Bow Is- guidance. \ '*' ready ln motion toward the nomination land. ; • Through It all Mr. Bryan has main- of Kern for second PrJ_ffl6BßSHS33_ The Seriously Injured•'•' IN $300,000 BLAZE tained a cheerful equanimity of tem- The Call of aV'Vy.' per, a clearness of mind and _ vigor Btate_jPJPPf|j SAmuel Obdua Lethbrldge, leg which bespoke perfect health, Indiana presented the name of Kern; of action Colorado, through Thomas, broken. and has gained the admiration of those I__'::>:- .^^B&ftujbgi||pMlp|llta*****latMWHHN||^H|H _BF^ ex-Governor HOTEL GUESTS been associated with htm placed ln nomination Charles A. Towns I Harry Thompson, Medicine Hat; CANADA HAVE who have presented throughout the trying period. m^ of New York; Connecticut hand crushed. X?»¥\u25a0. ? ; Hagml Archibald McNeil Georgia Clark j 1 NARROW ESCAPE The past twenty-four hours were <^ - . and According of chief i :i; to the evidence the fruitful of developments. The plat- %:& Howell. : •'\u25a0-' < dispatcher at the inquest last night the Bryan was The names of Judge George Gray of faulty. Operator form was adopted, Mr. V, . train order was place on the i |l Delaware and of John Mitchell of.Illi- Ritchie, who issued the order, left tho Two Blocks and a Half Wiped Out by nominated and the second presented, ticket filled by the nomination of nois were not owing to the city Immediately after the wreck. Re. Indiana. \u25a0••'«-••'\u25a0'\u25a0*\u25a0.' positive requests of these men not to \u25a0The Crow's Nest train was on Its Early Morning Fire—Charred J. W. Kern of . go engine, By 10:30 the lawn In front of the lave their names before the con- way to this city when the flyer mains of Victim Found vention. '..:..' James Nlcholls, pulled house was crowded by about 2000 per- with Engineer in Ashes sons. the city of Lincoln came ' For a time it looked as though a bal- out of the local yards with orders to From required, steady at large delegation,'headed by brass lot would be but the meet the outbound Spokane flyer a flag,a line of states which ln second- Coleridge and make the run from that band' and a large American car- Joined by Kern. \u25a0; ing Kern's - nomination ' soon made sit point to Moose Jaw. By Associated Pre**. ried James >y} apparent that the chances of all other Wreck Hidden by Steam GRAND FORKS, B. C, July 10.— V ' Gets Grand Ovation candidates had been extinguished. \u0084r "-~: history Towne, person, engine Crow's Nest The worst fire ln^he of this From the time they came In sight Mr. ln was the first The light and the ' \u25a0 pall city, capital smea- they drew up ln front of Bryan's candidate to recognize the decisive' head-on, \u25a0 engine met and a dense of which Is the of the until tVt' f' \u25a0* i they yelled and \u25a0 __^jSl^"'* ._^^_^l^_CTM!Bßiffv 7J r, £ % * nature of the Kern movement, and iin and steam settled over the ter district of the boundary country, residence shouted and J!^i^7^ *•*'*' '< * smoke cheered, when the nominee spoke a ringing speech he withdrew- his name wreck. The Crow's Nest engine was early and and hte started this morning, supposedly to them they punctuated every sen- from consderatlon and pledged his sup- forced back of its front truck v_cant. \u25a0 boiler head torn off. In the Squire hotel, which was tence with cheers and applause. • port to the ticket of Bryan' and Kerl. whole front of the \u25a0 . express on the Crow Nest Two blocks and a half •'. were com- Mr. ' and Mrs. Bryan , received the Kern Left Only Candidate The car, telescoped by pletely cleaned out, and the approx- front -of, house, and the 7 train had been partly crowd-In the With this quickly followed!the with- baggage cars and a imate loss, which cannot be accurate- former spoke •\u25a0 from the .steps. The engine 576 and - \u25a0 t McNeil, ', ly ascertained at present,, will reach great demonstration paid- them by their drawal of Howell and I thus nearly 1300,000. leaving the Indiana man' alone In, the cars rolled, into the ditch. a i,: . neighbors .' visibly,: affected them, and toAn Sthree was reduced to Barnaby Malo;. who .«was \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 stopping times the speaker was obliged field. The withdrawal of . McNeil a was the locomotive several 1 by •<\u25a0 while \u25a0 at the killed,-only emotions. accomplished a motion • , scrap Iron by tho Impetus, \u25a0,( " ' Valhalla hotel, was to stop because of his that the, Nlcholls nnd Fireman Gray his charred remains . being found .in During his talk iMr. jBryan was fre- nomination of Kern be made by ac- Engineer person missing.
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