The Inventory of the John Sack Collection #1121 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center BOSTON UNIVERSITY Sack, John #1121 2/19/76; 2/27/76; 3/12/76; 4/6/76; 9/24/80; 1/7/81; 6/29/83; 3/14/89 Preliminary Listing I. Professional Materials. A. Office Files; may include manuscripts; correspondence; printed materials; research materials; financial materials; legal materials; photographs; notebooks; manuscripts by others. Box 1 1. ”ADS Afloat,” n.d. [F. 1] 2. “Africa,” n.d. 3. “After Army,” n.d. 4. “After Mylai,” n.d. 5. “Afterwards: Medlo’s Foot,” n.d. 6. “Afterwards: Night,” n.d. 7. “Afterwards: Nurse,” n.d. 8. “Afterwards: Return,” n.d. 9. “Airplanes (Shoot Down),” 1964. 10. “Album,” 1963-1964. 11. “All are VC,” n.d. 12. “All are VC: Duties,” n.d. 13. “All are VC (Higher HQ),” n.d. 14. “All are VC: Kill Them,” n.d. 15. “All are VC: Kill them (Higher HQ),” n.d. [F. 2] 16. “All are VC: No,” n.d. 17. “America and Vietnam,” n.d. 18. “America and Vietnam: What to Do,” n.d. 19. “Ancient Scripts,” 1962. 20. “Animals,” n.d. 21. “Apartments in East Europe,” n.d. 22. “Army Philosophy,” n.d. 23. “Arrival in Vietnam,” n.d. 24. “Artillery,” n.d. 25. “Attitude on Arrival in Vietnam,” n.d. 26. “Auto Junkyards,” 1956-1965. 27. “Baby Count Stories,” n.d. [F. 3] 28. “Baldness Cure,” n.d. 29. “Big Ear,” 1964-1965. 30. “Biographs,” n.d. 31. “Bobby,” 1964. 32. “Book Count,” n.d. 33. “Bottles and Boats,” 1964. 34. “Bridge,” n.d. 35. “Briefing,” n.d. 36. “Briefing: C to Medina,” n.d. Sack, John (2/19/76; 2/27/76; 3/12/76; 4/6/76; 9/24/80; 1/7/81; 6/29/83; 3/14/89) Page 1 of 28 37. “Briefing: Danger,” n.d. 38. “Briefing: Illegal,” n.d. 39. “Briefing: Illegal,” n.d. [F. 4] 40. “Briefing: Intelligence,” n.d. 41. “Briefing: Only Way,” n.d. 42. “Briefing: Other Ways,” n.d. 43. “Briefing: Platoon Leaders,” n.d. 44. “Briefing: Second Thoughts,” n.d. 45. “Briefing: Strategy,” n.d. 46. “Briefing: Trial,” n.d. 47. “Brilliant Ideas,” n.d. 48. “Bronco,” n.d. 49. “Budget,” 1965. 50. “Bullshit Push,” n.d. 51. “Cute Society Politics,” n.d. 52. “Calendar Ideas,” 1962-1963. 53. “C and Soldiers,” n.d. [F. 5] 54. “C Breaks Rules,” n.d. 55. “C Enlists,” n.d. 56. “C Hears of My Lai,” n.d. 57. “C Interrogatories,” n.d. 58. “C is Charged,” n.d. 59. “C Makes Mistakes,” n.d. 60. “C Today (Ann),” n.d. 61. “C Today (Away),” n.d. 62. “C Today (Celebrity),” n.d. 63. “C Today (Civilians),” n.d. 64. “C Today (Family),” n.d. 65. “C Today (Officers),” 2011. 66. “C Today (Pentagon),” n.d. 67. “C Today (Press Attention),” n.d. 68. “C Today (Press Attention to Family),” n.d. 69. “C’s First Kill,” n.d. [F. 6] 70. “Calle’s: MS,” n.d. [F. 7] 71. “Canadian Flag,” 1964. 72. “Carrington,” n.d. 73. “CBS Reports,” n.d. 74. “Chaplain and Psychiatrists,” n.d. 75. “Charlie Pulls Out,” n.d. 76. “Chic Sports,” n.d. 77. “Children,” n.d. 78. “Cholera Epidemic,” n.d. [F. 8] 79. “Christ,” n.d. 80. “Class in Hawaii,” n.d. 81. “College Boards,” n.d. Sack, John (2/19/76; 2/27/76; 3/12/76; 4/6/76; 9/24/80; 1/7/81; 6/29/83; 3/14/89) Page 2 of 28 82. “Comic Books,” n.d. 83. “Communism is Good Philosophy,” n.d. 84. “Communism Philosophy,” n.d. 85. “Communist Atrocities,” n.d. 86. “Computers,” n.d. 87. “Congressman Race,” 1965. 88. “Contingency Plan,” n.d. 89. “Corpses on the Beach,” n.d. 90. “Corruption,” n.d. 91. “Cox’s Death,” n.d. 92. “Cox’s Funeral,” n.d. 93. “Cuban Sugar,” 1965. 94. “Cult of Personality,” 1964. 95. “Death and Destruction,” n.d. [F. 9] 96. “Demonstration at Benning,” n.d. 97. “Demonstration in Hawaii,” n.d. 98. “Detritus,” n.d. 99. “Disciple Down,” n.d. [F. 10] 100. “Discipline Reelts Down,” n.d. 101. “Ditch Two (Responsible),” n.d. 102. “Divorce,” 1962. 103. “Dope Fiends at Mountain Dance,” n.d. 104. “Dragon Valley,” n.d. [F. 11] 105. “Dragon Valley: Mama Son,” n.d. 106. “Early Atrocities,” n.d. 107. “Ears,” n.d. 108. “End It,” n.d. 109. “End of the World,” n.d. 110. “End of the World Indiana,” 1965. 111. “Evening: Brook’s Tent,” n.d. 112. “Evening: C’s Tent,” n.d. 113. “Evening: MP,” n.d. 114. “Evening: POW,” n.d. 115. “Evening Prayer,” n.d. 116. “Evening: Small Talk,” n.d. 117. “Extin Copies,” n.d. 118. “Fail Safe,” 1964. 119. “Fair ½ Hour,” 1963-1964. [F. 12] 120. “False Alarm Mylai,” n.d. [F. 13] 121. “Famous Last Words,” n.d. 122. “Fear,” n.d. 123. “First Ambush,” n.d. 124. “First Artilleries,” n.d. 125. “First Mylai,” n.d. 126. “First Village,” n.d. Sack, John (2/19/76; 2/27/76; 3/12/76; 4/6/76; 9/24/80; 1/7/81; 6/29/83; 3/14/89) Page 3 of 28 127. “French Man of the Year,” 1965. [F. 14] 128. “Goldfinger,” 1964. 129. “GI Jive,” n.d. 130. “Glossalalia,” 1963-1965. 131. “Golden Fleece,” n.d. 132. “Happy Democrats,” n.d. 133. “Help,” n.d. 134. “Help: Elsewhere,” n.d. 135. “Help: Minerals,” n.d. 136. “Hitler,” n.d. 137. “Honest Abe,” n.d. [F. 15] 138. “Idiot Sounds,” n.d. 139. “Impunity,” n.d. 140. “Inauguration Weather,” n.d. 141. “Inside (Women and Children),” n.d. 142. “Insults in England,” 1964. 143. “Interracial Broadway,” n.d. 144. “Investigation,” n.d. 145. “Investigation Philosophy,” n.d. 146. “It Doesn’t Work,” n.d. [F. 16] 147. “It Doesn’t Work: Commonism,” n.d. 148. “It Doesn’t Work: Die,” n.d. 149. “It Doesn’t Work: GIs,” n.d. 150. “It Doesn’t Work: GIs Theories,” n.d. 151. “It Doesn’t Work: Heads,” n.d. 152. “It Doesn’t Work: Hurts,” n.d. 153. “It Doesn’t Work: Others,” n.d. 154. “It Doesn’t Work: VC,” n.d. 155. “It Doesn’t Work: War,” n.d. 156. “Jackie in the Fan Mags,” 1965. [F. 17] 157. “JFK,” n.d. 158. “Kent,” n.d. 159. “Killing,” n.d. 160. “Karooch,” n.d. 161. “Letters,” n.d. 162. “Life in the Other World,” 1964-1965. 163. “Lights Out,” n.d. 164. “Lineup,” n.d. 165. “Machines are the Law,” n.d. [F. 18] 166. “Mail,” n.d. 167. “Major Atherly,” n.d. 168. “Man of the Month,” 1965. 169. “Maps,” n.d. 170. “Marine Major on Okinawa,” 1965. 171. “Matterhorn,” 1965. Sack, John (2/19/76; 2/27/76; 3/12/76; 4/6/76; 9/24/80; 1/7/81; 6/29/83; 3/14/89) Page 4 of 28 172. “Mayor Wagner’s Lights Out,” 1964. 173. “McNamara,” n.d. 174. “Medina,” n.d. 175. “Medina Interrogates,” n.d. 176. “Medina Interrogates (English),” n.d. 177. “Meta Mylai,” n.d. 178. “Minefield,” n.d. 179. “Mitchell’s Error,” 1970. [F. 19] 180. “Morak Down,” n.d. 181. “Morale Down (U.S.A.),” n.d. 182. “Monsters,” n.d. 183. “Monsters,” 1960-1964. 184. “Monsters (Radio),” n.d. 185. “Mothers for Moral America,” 1964. 186. “Mrs. Wilson,” 1964. 187. “Mylai: Afternoon,” n.d. [F. 20] 188. “Mylai: Ceasefire,” n.d. 189. “Mylai: Conti,” n.d. 190. “Mylai: Death Ditch,” n.d. 191. “Mylai: Didn’t Work,” n.d. 192. “Mylai: Ditch One,” n.d. 193. “Mylai: Ditch Two,” n.d. 194. “Mylai: Helicopters,” n.d. 195. “Mylai: Importance,” n.d. 196. “Mylai: Inside,” n.d. 197. “Mylai: Inside (Babies),” n.d. 198. “Mylai: Inside (Calley),” n.d. 199. “Mylai: Inside (Psychology),” n.d. 200. “Mylai: Letdown,” n.d. 201. “Mylai: Lunch,” n.d. 202. “Mylai: Lunch Medina,” n.d. 203. “Mylai: LZ,” n.d. 204. “Mylai: Minefields,” n.d. 205. “Mylai: Monk,” n.d. 206. “Mylai: Monk Death,” n.d. 207. “Mylai: Morning,” n.d. 208. “Mylai: Night,” n.d. 209. “Mylai: Prep,” n.d. 210. “Mylai: Philosophy,” n.d. 211. “Mylai: Thompson,” n.d. Box 2 212. “Names 1,” n.d. [F. 1] 213. “Negroes 3,” n.d. 214. “New Attitude 2,” n.d. 215. “New Jersey Senate,” 1964. 216. “New York Times Mosquitoes,” 1965. Sack, John (2/19/76; 2/27/76; 3/12/76; 4/6/76; 9/24/80; 1/7/81; 6/29/83; 3/14/89) Page 5 of 28 217. “No More War 5,” n.d. 218. “Norfolk Victory,” n.d. 219. “Norfolk Victory: Replacements 4,” n.d. 220. “Norfolk Victory: Water 4,” n.d. 221. “NZ,” 1962-1963. [F. 2] 222. “Old People 2,” n.d. [F. 3] 223. “Olympics,” n.d. 224. “On the Pussycat,” n.d. 225. “OP Art,” 1964. 226. “Orange Juice,” 1964. 227. “Orients,” n.d. [F. 4] 228. “Others Interrogate,” n.d. 229. “Original,” n.d. 230. “Paranoia,” n.d. 231. “Parable,” n.d. 232. “Parachute Jumping,” 1965. 233. “Parliament,” n.d. 234. “Peace Words,” n.d. 235. “Phu,” n.d. 236. “Poisonous Gas,” 1965. [F. 5] 237. “Potato,” 1965. 238. “Presidential Succession,” 1965. 239. “Press,” n.d. 240. “Prince Charles Essays,” 1964. 241. “Prisoners,” n.d. 242. “Prison Ships,” 1965. 243. “Production,” 1964. 244. “Radios 3,” n.d. [F. 6] 245. “Reasoner Speech,” n.d. 246. “Recalled 1,” n.d. 247. “Replacements 4,” n.d. 248. “Scientists Speculates,” n.d.
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