MONDAT, SEPTEMBER 18,1948 Manchester Evening Herald If You Cdn*t Go Across, Goine Across X, Oirl Scout Troop No. 16 will hold | last week of July from Sergeant, a beautiful corsage, a gift from its regular meeting tomorrow eve­ having gone' through the terrible her sister. The door chimes rang ' N ning at- 6:30 at the West Side Aiding Buddy three weeks’ fighting for the air­ and the gifts consisting of pyrex, Vote for. Average Daily Circulation The Weather About Town port without a scratch. On the Forecast of U. S. Wwther Bureau Rec. last day of July, while Lieut. Tie- linens, pottery and various kitchen Buy These Values F or the Month of A ngnst, 1948 When Sniped utensils arrived in a child's decor­ ’The first monthly meeting of mann was giving first aid to one Continued ebol today. B\*er Rem4y Clrel* of K ing! of his buddies who had been hit, ated express wagon. The color Stuart J. Daughters will hold Its first meet­ the fall season of the Men's Friend­ scheme was pink and green, the 8,258 tonight than last night; moderate ship club of, the South Methodist he was picked off by a Jap sniper ing of the fUl tomorrow ai’ening and died shortly Afterward. table having a center piece of a Member of the Audit wind*. w ith Mnk Thomas Burbank of 190 church will be held this evening. Mdre Information Re* Featured hi Our The soldier whom Lieut. Tiemann cut-glass bowl filled with cosmos, Wasley BnreM of ClrculnUona l>^rlar street The members will Charles Gill, vice president, will ccivecl on Death of also four pink tapers in glass hold­ preside in the absence of James was giving first aid waS a Man­ take the Oreen bus at 7:30 at chester man unidentified as to ers. Delicious refreshments were For Board of Education Manchester— A City of Village Charm Depot Square and alight at Parker Wilson. The Rev. Ward, pastor, Lt. George Tieniann. .served and the hostesses, is'ere as­ X will be the speaker of the evening. name, who had gone through the At Republican Primary stre e t inoifi£h-long campaign under con­ sisted by Mrs, Stanley Clulow who Domestic Dept. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1943 (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS (Chuaifled Advertlolag ou Page 8) Refreshments and a social time Additional information has been poured. Advt. paid for by VOL. LXII., NO. 294 will follow. stant file. Cadet Edward Richardson, son received on the manner of the Sergeant-Oliver, the informant, Miss Remlg will be married In Good Friend. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Rich­ October to Alfred C. Kelley of ->#>i death of 2nd Lieut. George H Tie- stated that the medal of the Order ardson of 203 Highland street, left The Mothers Circle of the Im­ of the Purpie Heart has been South Yarmouth, Mass. Thirds, .of Heavy Quality Baturday after spending a seven- maculate Conception will meet mann of East Hartford, well known awarded posthumously to Lieuten­ German Tank- Knocked Out on Italian Soil day furlough at his home. For­ Wednesday evening- with Mrs. Wil- former National Guardsman, who ant Tiemann. merly stationed at Atlantic City iiam J. Shea of Boulder Road. left Manchester with Company K, Lieut. Tiemann marrled,^ the Reds Get Allies Hurl In three months he will now take ad- and had been reported killed in ac­ daughter pf Mr. and Mrs. John Richard H. Dwyer, son of Offi­ tion following the action In the CRIB SHEETS Tsineed training at Cornell Univer- Hewitt of 30 Fairfield street, ManT- You are invited to attend the ^ty, Itahaca. N. T. cer Edmund K. Dwyer, has re­ South Pacific, pi-esumed to have turned home after spending, the cheater. summer with his great-uncle, Wil­ As Nazis Retrekt Mertorial Temple. Pythian Sis­ ^ 42” X 72” Size ters, will meet tomorrow evening liam Richards, in Cheshire. BENEFIT Troops to Ster Nazi •at * o’clock in Odd Fellows halt. Kitchen Shower A good attendance is hoped for at The regular monthly meeting of We usually would never sell thirds, but if you need crib this first meeting of the fall. A the executive committee of the For Miss Reiiiigi GARDEN CARD PARTY sheets we advise you to buy these now. Oil spots or mis- To Dnieper Banks social time will follow the bu.<iiness Washington Social club will be ’ V weaves or small holes—you will get plenty of wear from session. held tonight at eight o'clock at the club rooms. Miss Janice Remlg was the of Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. these. Thrusts at rno honor guest at a kitchen shower Capture of • Fortress g ||J J G r e n a d i e r Tebman Jessie Dowling of the Tomorrow night at 7:30 the given by Miss Beatrice CluloW and 8i>a'ra spent the week-end with her first regular communication of Miss Emily Remig Saturday eve­ . TUESDAY, SEPT. 14, 2:30 P. M. Qty Pierces Maim parents, Mr. and Mrs. George E. / Mediterranean A 1 i v e i Dowling of Academy street. She Manchester Lodge of Masons will ning. First Quality All White Defense Line of the R e p o r t e d L o S t had as her guest, Miss Nan Miller be held in the Temple. The Fel- The Remig family had been in­ MISJ? MARY CHAPMAN’S GARDEN , Wheeler Fights Delay i With Ships and Plan^J of Ohio, who is pharmacist's mate lowcraft degree will be con­ vited to spend the evening at the Germans; Only Three. ^ y-. home of Miss Clulow on Porter Rushing Assi.stance to third class in the same branch of ferred. Next week Tuesday 7.'5 Forest Street' Inadequate Bridges to B y JN aV y D e p t . the ser\’ice. Both young women night, September 21, a special street and shortly after their ar­ communication will be held, also i rival the bride-elect was asked to If Rainy, in Miss Cbapman’s and Neighboring Homes. HUCK TOWELS Fifth Army; Had Been I are at present stationed in Wash­ Cross River Ahead. Oh Father Draft Vote ington, D. C. for conferring the Fellowcraft de­ step over and see Mrs. Stanley Prizes At Each Table. Refreshments. Pushed Back at SomeJ gree. Clulow. There a,ssembled in the 1 Sunk Somewhere in Pa* Corporal Edward B. Segar has spacious living room were fifteen For Reservations Call 6080 ^London, Sept. cific Area; 63 Men Points i>y the Savagel safely arrived in North Africa, ac­ The first fall meeting of the g u ests,. Miss Remig was presented with Russian troops captured the ’ sm Bitter Street Counter Attacks of| cording to a letter received from Men’s Society of Emanuel Luther­ fortress city of, Bryansk last Aboartl;' Iwo duu him today by his parents, Mf. and an church will be held tomorrow An ideal hand and face towel. Fine quality buck Desperate Nazi Units. Mrs. E. E. ^ g ar of Main street. evening at eight o'clock. After the with jacquard floral pattern borders. night, breaching the Ger- Chasers Are Also Sunk, As Soon as Possible business session motion pictures mans’ main defense line be­ Fifflltillg RagCS Members of P ast Chief Daxigh- will be shown by John Moore. A fore the Dnieper river by To Decide the Matter. ^ " Allied Headquarters, NortI tern of Helen Davidson L^dge social hour with refreshments will Washington, Sept. 14.—(/P)- Lieut. George H. Tfeinann seizure of that pivot of cen-‘ Africa, Sept. 14.—(/P)—Fresh| who are plaiming to attend the follow. President Arthur Tolf will Lo.ss of the sudrharlne Grenadier Washington.w H. Sept.. 14.—14 In Rome Area have charge and hopes for a good New Jacquard Cotton tral and southern German and heavy Allied reinfor ' picnic at Margaret Pentland’s been the battle for the Munda air­ and two submarine chasers was Senator Wheeler (D.. Mont.), dis- --------- ments are being thrown into are requested to notify Helen turnout of the members. port on July 30. battlelines and center of a reported by the Navy today. FUvell at 6240 tonight. In earlier reports it had been railway apiderweb serving both ■The communique also told of a cic ed today he will oppo.se all ad- O p p o s i t i o n t o P r e s e n c e the fierce battle for the 24-^ Mrs. Charles Hill of Edward stated that the rating held by the fronts. Evacuation of the key­ Japanese raid Sunday night . on mihistration attempts to delay a * ' o i i- mile Salerno bridgehead it street received a V-mail letter Sat­ BEDSPREADS Senate vole on his bill to halt the O f G erm an soldiers soldier at his death was that of stone city, held by the Germans the United States base on Funa­ urday from her eon. Private Italy to steni savage Nax^ Sergeant, but a Sergeant Oliver since October, 1941,’Was acknowl­ futi island In the Ellice group in drafting of fathers Into the armed Cause of Trouble as counter-attacks that pushe Charles Hill, a paramarine, stating of Company K, in a letter to the edged today by the German radio which one enemy plane was ahot that he has arrived overseas. He soon after Moscow reported that U. S. infantrymen (backg^roundV advance through a field hazy with the smoke of battle, on the forces. the Fifth Army back at some OLD dead soldier’s father in East Hart­ down and little damage was Riots Start Elsewhere.
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