Ofc. of Postsecondary Educ., Education § 608.2 SOURCE: 58 FR 38713, July 20, 1993, unless Tuskegee University—Tuskegee otherwise noted. ARKANSAS Subpart A—General Arkansas Baptist College—Little Rock Philander Smith College—Little Rock § 608.1 What is the Strengthening His- Shorter College—Little Rock torically Black Colleges and Univer- University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff—Pine sities (HBCU) Program? Bluff The Strengthening Historically DELAWARE Black Colleges and Universities Pro- Delaware State College—Dover gram, hereafter called the HBCU Pro- gram, provides grants to Historically DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Black Colleges and Universities Howard University (HBCUs) to assist these institutions in University of the District of Columbia establishing and strengthening their physical plants, academic resources FLORIDA and student services so that they may Bethune Cookman College—Daytona Beach continue to participate in fulfilling the Edward Waters College—Jacksonville goal of equality of educational oppor- Florida A&M University—Tallahassee tunity. Florida Memorial College—Miami (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1060) GEORGIA Albany State College—Albany § 608.2 What institutions are eligible to Atlanta University—Atlanta receive a grant under the HBCU Clark College—Atlanta Program? Fort Valley State College—Fort Valley (a) To be eligible to receive a grant Interdenominational Theological Center— under this part, an institution must— Atlanta (1) Satisfy section 322(2) of the Higher Morehouse College—Atlanta Morris Brown College—Atlanta Education Act of 1965, as amended Paine College—Augusta (HEA); Savannah State College—Savannah (2) Be legally authorized by the State Spelman College—Atlanta in which it is located— (i) To be a junior or community col- KENTUCKY lege; or Kentucky State University—Frankfurt (ii) To provide an educational pro- gram for which it awards a bachelor’s LOUISIANA degree; and Dillard University—New Orleans (3) Be accredited or preaccredited by Grambling State University—Grambling a nationally recognized accrediting Southern University A&M College—Baton agency or association. Rouge (b) The Secretary has determined Southern University at New Orleans—New Orleans that the following institutions satisfy Southern University at Shreveport—Shreve- section 322(2) of the HEA. port Xavier University of Louisiana—New Orleans ALABAMA Alabama A&M University-Huntsville MARYLAND Alabama State University—Montgomery Bowie State College—Bowie Carver State Technical College—Mobile Coppin State College—Baltimore Concordia College—Selma Morgan State University—Baltimore Fredd State Technical College—Tuscaloosa University of Maryland-Eastern Shore— J.F. Drake State Technical College—Hunts- Princess Anne ville S.D. Bishop State Junior College—Mobile MICHIGAN Lawson State College—Birmingham Miles College—Birmingham Lewis College of Business—Detroit Oakwood College—Huntsville MISSISSIPPI Selma University—Selma Stillman College—Tuscaloosa Alcorn State University—Lorman Talladega University—Talladega Coahoma Junior College—Clarksdale Trenholm State Technical College—Mont- Jackson State University—Jackson gomery Mary Holmes College—West Point 175 VerDate Sep<11>2014 14:48 Oct 02, 2019 Jkt 247142 PO 00000 Frm 00185 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\247142.XXX 247142 rmajette on DSKBCKNHB2PROD with CFR § 608.2 34 CFR Ch. VI (7–1–19 Edition) Mississippi Valley State University—Itta Southwestern Christian College—Terrell Bena Texas College—Tyler Prentiss Normal and Industrial Institute— Texas Southern University—Houston Prentiss Wiley College—Marshall Rust College—Holly Springs Tougaloo College—Tougaloo U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS Hinds Junior College (Utica Jr Coll)—Ray- mond College of the Virgin Islands—St. Thomas MISSOURI Virginia Lincoln University—Jefferson City Hampton University—Hampton Harris-Stowe State College—St. Louis Norfolk State University—Norfolk Saint Paul’s College—Lawrenceville NORTH CAROLINA Virginia State University—Petersburg Barber-Scotia College—Concord Virginia Union University—Richmond Bennett College—Greensboro Elizabeth City State University—Elizabeth WEST VIRGINIA City Fayetteville State University—Fayetteville Bluefield State College—Bluefield Johnson C. Smith University—Charlotte West Virginia State College—Institute Livingstone College—Salisbury North Carolina A&T State University— (c) If an institution identified in Greensboro paragraph (b) of this section has North Carolina Central University—Durham merged with another institution, and, Saint Augustine’s College—Raleigh as a result of the merger, would not Shaw University—Raleigh otherwise qualify to receive a grant Winston-Salem State University—Winston under this part, that institution may Salem nevertheless qualify to receive a grant OHIO under this part if— Central State University—Wilberforce (1) The institution would have quali- Wilberforce University—Wilberforce fied to receive a grant before the merg- er; and OKLAHOMA (2) The institution was eligible to re- Langston University—Langston ceive a grant under the Special Needs PENNSYLVANIA Program in any fiscal year prior to fis- cal year 1986. (The Special Needs Pro- Cheyney State University—Cheyney gram was authorized under Title III, Lincoln University—Lincoln Part B, of the HEA before 1986.) SOUTH CAROLINA (d) For the purpose of paragraph Allen University—Columbia (a)(3) of this section, the Secretary Benedict College—Columbia publishes a list in the FEDERAL REG- Claflin College—Orangeburg ISTER of nationally recognized accred- Clinton Junior College—Rock Hill iting agencies and associations. Denmark Technical College—Denmark Morris College—Sumter (e) Notwithstanding any other provi- South Carolina State College—Orangeburg sion of this section, for each fiscal Voorhees College—Denmark year— (1) The University of the District of TENNESSEE Columbia is eligible to receive a grant Fisk University—Nashville under this part only if the amount of Knoxville College—Knoxville the grant it is scheduled to receive Lane College—Jackson LeMoyne-Owen College—Memphis under § 608.31 exceeds the amount it is Meharry Medical College—Nashville scheduled to receive in the same fiscal Morristown College—Morristown year under the District of Columbia Tennessee State University—Nashville Self-Government and Governmental TEXAS Reorganization Act; and (2) Howard University is eligible to Huston-Tillotson College—Austin receive a grant under this part only if Jarvis Christian College—Hawkins Paul Quinn College—Waco the amount of the grant it is scheduled Prairie View A&M University—Prairie View to receive under § 608.31 exceeds the Saint Philip’s College—San Antonio amount it is scheduled to receive in the 176 VerDate Sep<11>2014 14:48 Oct 02, 2019 Jkt 247142 PO 00000 Frm 00186 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\247142.XXX 247142 rmajette on DSKBCKNHB2PROD with CFR Ofc. of Postsecondary Educ., Education § 608.4 same fiscal year under the Act of nized accrediting agency or association March 2, 1867, 20 U.S.C. 123. grants to an institution which meets (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1061, 1063, and 1063a; certain established qualifications and House Report 99–861, 99th Cong., 2d Sess. p. educational standards. 367, September 22, 1986; Senate Report 99–296, Graduate means a student who has at- 99th Cong., 2d Sess. p. 23, May 12, 1986; Cong. tended an institution for at least three Rec. of June 3, 1986, pp. 6588–6589) semesters and fulfilled academic re- quirements for undergraduate studies § 608.3 What regulations apply? in not more than five consecutive The following regulations apply to school years. this part: Junior or community college means an (a) The Department of Education institution of higher education that— General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) as follows: (i) Admits as regular students per- (1) [Reserved] sons who are beyond the age of compul- (2) The following sections of 34 CFR sory school attendance in the State in part 75 (Direct Grant Programs): which the institution is located and §§ 75.1–75.104, 75.125–75.129, 75.190–75.192, who have the ability to benefit from 75.230–75.261, 75.500, 75.510–75.519, 75.524– the training offered by the institution; 75.534, 75.580–75.903, and 75.910; (ii) Does not provide an educational (3) 34 CFR part 77 (Definitions that program for which it awards a bach- Apply to Department Regulations). elor’s degree or an equivalent degree; (4) 34 CFR part 79 (Intergovernmental and Review of Department of Education (iii) Provides an educational program Programs and Activities). of not less than 2 years that is accept- (5) 34 CFR part 82 (New Restrictions able for full credit toward such a de- on Lobbying). gree; or offers a 2-year program in engi- (6) [Reserved] neering, mathematics, or the physical (7) 34 CFR part 86 (Drug-Free Schools or biological sciences, designed to pre- and Campuses). pare a student to work as a technician (b) The regulations in this part 608. or at the semiprofessional level in en- (c)(1) 2 CFR part 180 (OMB Guidelines to Agencies on Governmentwide Debar- gineering, scientific, or other techno- ment and Suspension (Nonprocure- logical fields requiring the under- ment)), as adopted at 2 CFR part 3485; standing and application of basic engi- and neering, scientific, or mathematical (2) 2 CFR part 200 (Uniform Adminis- principles of knowledge. trative Requirements, Cost Principles, Pell Grant means the grant program and Audit Requirements for Federal authorized by Title IV-A-1 of the High- Awards), as adopted at 2 CFR part 3474. er Education Act of 1965, as amended. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1060–1063a, 1063c) Preaccredited means a status, also called candidacy status, that a nation- [58 FR 38713, July 20, 1993, as amended at 79 ally recognized accrediting agency or FR 76101, Dec. 19, 2014] association, recognized by the Sec- § 608.4 What definitions apply? retary to grant that status, has ac- corded an unaccredited institution that (a) General definitions. The following terms used in this part are defined in 2 is making reasonable progress toward CFR part 200, subpart A, or 34 CFR 77.1: accreditation. School year means the period of time Applicant Fiscal year from July 1 of one calendar year Application Grant period through June 30 of the subsequent cal- Award Private Budget Project period endar year.
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