Completion Report Project Number: 40448-013 Loan Number: 2859 June 2020 Bangladesh: Second Teaching Quality Improvement in Secondary Education Project This document is being disclosed to the public in accordance with ADB’s Access to Information Policy. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS Currency unit – taka (Tk) At Appraisal At Project Completion (5 March 2012) (31 December 2018) Tk1.00 = $0.0122 $0.0119 $1.00 = Tk82.19 Tk83.90 ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank B.Ed – Bachelor of Education CCS – cluster center school COE – Center of Excellence CPD – continuous professional development DMF – design and monitoring framework DSHE – Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education EDDR – environmental due diligence report EIRR – economic internal rate of return EMIS – Education Management Information System GAP – gender action plan ICT – information and communication technology MOE – Ministry of Education MTR – midterm review NEP – National Education Policy NTEC – National Teacher Education Policy PCR – project completion report PAM – project administration manual PIC – project implementation committee PMU – project monitoring unit RPL – recognition of prior learning SDR – special drawing right SEC – small ethnic community SEDP – Secondary Education Development Program SESIP – Secondary Education Sector Investment Program SMC – school management committee STC – Secondary Teaching Certificate TTC – teacher training college TQI-I – First Teaching Quality Improvement in Secondary Education Project TQI-II – Second Teaching Quality Improvement in Secondary Education Project GLOSSARY upazila – lowest administrative unit in Bangladesh, below district NOTES (i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education ends on 30 June. FY before a calendar year denotes the year in which the fiscal year ends, e.g., FY2018 ends on 30 June 2018. (ii) In this report, “$” refers to United States dollars. Vice-President Shixin Chen, Operations 1 Director General Kenichi Yokoyama, South Asia Department (SARD) Director Sungsup Ra, Human and Social Development Division (SAHS), SARD Team leaders Unika Shrestha, Young Professional, Human and Social Development Division (SAHS), SARD Faiza Ahad, Associate Project Officer (Education), BRM, SARD Team members Kazi Akhmila, Associate Safeguards Officer (Resettlement), BRM, SARD Ma. Cristina Bardos, Operations Assistant, SAHS, SARD Farhat Jahan Chowdhury, Senior Project Officer (Environment), BRM, SARD Ruby Sarcar, Project Analyst, BRM, SARD Nasheeba Selim, Senior Social Development Officer (Gender), BRM, SARD In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. CONTENTS Page I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1 II. DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION 1 A. Project Design and Formulation 1 B. Project Outputs 3 C. Project Costs and Financing 5 D. Disbursements 6 E. Project Schedule 6 F. Implementation Arrangements 6 G. Technical Assistance 7 H. Consultant Recruitment and Procurement 7 I. Gender Equity 8 J. Safeguards 8 K. Monitoring and Reporting 9 III. EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE 9 A. Relevance 9 B. Effectiveness 10 C. Efficiency 11 D. Sustainability 11 E. Development Impact 12 F. Performance of the Borrower and the Executing Agency 13 G. Performance of the Asian Development Bank 13 H. Overall Assessment 14 IV. ISSUES, LESSONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS 14 A. Issues and Lessons 14 B. Recommendations 15 APPENDIXES 1. Design and Monitoring Framework 16 2. Project Cost at Appraisal and Actual 25 3. Project Cost by Financier 26 4. Disbursement of ABDB Loan and Grants Proceed 29 5. Contract Awards of ADB Loan and Grants Proceeds 30 6. Chronology of Main Events 31 7. Status of Compliance with Loan Covenants 35 8. Summary of Economic Reevaluation 44 9. Contribution to ADB Results Framework 49 10. Implementation Schedule 52 11. Organizational Chart for Project Implementation 55 12. Summary of TQI-II Training Activities 56 13. List of Overseas Trainings 60 14. Innovation and Development Fund 61 15. Implementation of Gender Action Plans and Achievements 63 BASIC DATA A. Loan Identification 1. Country Bangladesh 2. Loan number and financing source 2859-BAN(COL) 3. Project title Second Teaching Quality Improvement in Secondary Education Project 4. Borrower People’s Republic of Bangladesh 5. Executing agency Ministry of Education 6. Amount of loan $70,000,000 7. Financing modality Project loan B. Loan Data 1. Appraisal – Date started 5 March 2012 – Date completed 8 March 2012 2. Loan negotiations – Date started 15 February 2012 – Date completed 15 February 2012 3. Date of Board approval 30 March 2012 4. Date of loan agreement 2 October 2012 5. Date of loan effectiveness – In loan agreement 31 December 2012 – Actual 2 November 2012 – Number of extensions 6. Project completion date – Appraisal 30 June 2017 – Actual 31 December 2018 7. Loan closing date – In loan agreement 31 December 2017 – Actual 21 November 2019 – Number of extensions 1 8. Financial closing date – Actual 21 November 2019 9. Terms of loan – Interest rate 1.0% per year – Maturity (number of years) 32 years – Grace period (number of years) 8 years 10. Terms of relending (if any) Not applicable – Interest rate – Maturity (number of years) – Grace period (number of years) – Second-step borrower 11. Disbursements a. Dates Initial Disbursement Final Disbursement Time Interval 18 December 2012 3 April 2019 75 months 16 days Effective Date Actual Closing Date Time Interval 2 November 2012 21 November 2019 84 months 19 days b. Amount (SDR) Increased Canceled during during Undisbu Cat. Original Implementa Implementati Last Revised Amount rsed Nos. Category Name Allocation tion on Allocation Disbursed Balance 01 Civil Works 717,000.00 514,179.00 180,327.00 1,050,852.00 1,050,852.00 0.00 02A Equipment, Vehicles & 1,911,000.00 177,648.00 62,357.00 2,026,291.00 2,026,291.00 0.00 Furnitures (Computer & Software) 02B Equipment, Vehicles & 2,314,000.00 (531,878.00) 495,080.00 1,287,042.00 1,287,042.00 0.00 Furnitures (Vehicles) 02C Equipment, Vehicles & 52,000.00 196,954.00 104,790.00 144,164.00 144,164.00 0.00 Furnitures (Furnitures) 03 Learning Materials, 1,402,000.00 316,333.00 646,718.00 1,071,615.00 1,071,615.00 0.00 Research, Studies, Workshops, Campaign 04A Staff Development— 28,303,350.00 (752,082.00) 9,005,198.00 18,546,070.00 18,546,070.00 0.00 Local Training 04B Staff Development— 1,489,650.00 1,029,877.00 342,369.00 2,177,158.00 2,177,158.00 0.00 Foreign Training 05A Grants (Partnership 1,662,000.00 (403,584.00) 201,342.00 1,057,074.00 1,057,074.00 0.00 Grants) 05B Grants (Innovation and 128,000.00 144,675.00 141,114.00 131,561.00 131,561.00 0.00 Development Grants) 05C Grants (Teacher 763,000.00 120,058.00 193,006.00 690,052.00 690,052.00 0.00 Incentives) 06 Consulting Services 4,389,000.00 (381,850.00) 780,991.00 3,226,159.00 3,226,159.00 0.00 07 Operating Costs 229,000.00 113,998.00 187,648.00 155,350.00 155,350.00 0.00 08 Interest Charge 483,000.00 48,214.00 531,214.00 531,214.00 0.00 09 Unallocated 1,277,000.00 (592,542.00) 684,458.00 0.00 TOTAL 45,120,000.00 13,025,398.00 32,094,602.00 32,094,602.00 0.00 Note: The first cancellation of SDR9.392 million (equivalent to $13.768 million – net of increased and canceled during implementation) was processed on 20 November 2014. SDR3.633 million (equivalent to $4.998 million) was canceled during closing of the loan account (undisbursed balance) on 21 November 2019. This undisbursed balance is already reflected under the “Canceled during implementation” column. Based on the dollar–SDR exchange rate as of 20 November 2014 (SDR1.0 = $1.4658), the last revised allocation amount would have been $56.232 million. However, given the dollar–SDR exchange rate fluctuation from November 2014 (SDR1.0 = $1.4658) to November 2019 (SDR1.0 = $1.3752), the last revised allocation amount as of November 2019 equals $50.587 million (per amount on the Loan Financial Information System). C. Project Data 1. Project cost ($ million) Cost Appraisal Estimate Actual Foreign exchange cost 8.618 6.195 Local currency cost 76.382 50.206 Total 85.000 56.401 2. Financing plan ($ million) Cost Appraisal Estimate Actual Implementation cost Borrower financed 15.000 10.773 ADB financed 69.250 44.884 Total implementation cost 84.250 55.657 Interest during construction costs Cost Appraisal Estimate Actual Borrower financed 0.000 0.000 ADB financed 0.750 0.744 Total interest during construction cost 0.750 0.744 Total Cost 85.000 56.401 ADB = Asian Development Bank. 3. Cost breakdown by project component ($ million) Appraisal Actual Component Estimate A. Component-1: Strengthened teacher development and institutional and organizational capacity 1. Strengthened institutional and policy framework 0.981 0.615 2. Strengthened DSHE planning and EMIS capacity 1.918 0.788 3. Enhanced teacher classroom performance monitoring 17.562 14.586 4. Facilitate partnership arrangements 2.790 1.591 Subtotal A 23.251 17.580 B. Component-2: Enhanced teacher training programs and delivery systems 1. Modernized pre-service teacher training program 0.632 0.371 2. CPD policy and program development and delivery established 9.553 8.919 3. Strengthened in-service teacher training program 22.099 8.800 4. ICT-based teaching and learning demonstrated 1.217 2.286 5. Strengthened capacity of teacher training providers 2.899 6.945 Subtotal B 36.399 27.321 C.
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