10 fllE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND," MAY 15, 1921 Lazzari, contralto; Salvi, harpist In musical talent of the college, under grammed; Kreisler, Rimsky-Korsa-kof- f, Ruth Zanders. Josephine Williamson Nocturne," which Jluncker considered joint recital, and Eva Gauthire. cos- the direction of Professor Leland A. Massenet, Wiediawski, Simon-ett- i, John Steelhammer. Loie Thayer, Vir "one of the noblest of the lot"; tne tume recital. As extras Mr. Carson Coon of. the school of music. Mr. Schubert, De Beriot, Ole Bull. ginia Dab.iey. Wilma Rinehart, Kath "F Major Prelude" and revolutionary will bring Sousa and his band and Coon is an experienced club director Boccherini, Gabriel Marie and others. erine Galbraith, Gretschan Kraus. etude. Two Englishmen. Scott and perhaps the Chicago Opera company and pays great credit to the personnel Oardner, and one American ure repro-si-ute- d again.' as well as the New York Sym- of this year's aggregation. The Carrie Jacobs Bond Musical Miss Helen Levoff, student with it. the modern group. The a" phony orchestra, with Walter Dam-rosc- h. The programme: Part I "Car-men- cl ib announces a recital at S:15 with Kathryn Crupler Street, was the programme closes with the brilliant (Wilson-Smith- ), glee club; o'clock Tuesday night at Multnomah soloist mothers' day at Fourth Pres- finale from Rubinstein's "Concerto in Aside from Tulsa, Mr. Carson con- "Concert Etude. D Flat" (Liszt). Mr. hotel ballroom. byterian church, singing "Songs My D Minor." with orchestra part played trols six other cities musically, and Engeldinger; quartet. "Mammy's Li'I Mother Taught Me" (Dvorak). Miss by Miss Whittslde. he also keeps up some of his private Pigeon" (Fearis), Misses Clancy, Zink. Miss Susie Michael will present a Levoff also appeared with'Misa Bees 9 vocal teaching. McPherson and Wells; "Forever and a selected number of students in piano Smith in Mrs. Street's annual recital The second of the series of spring Mr. Carson's student. Laura Fer- Day" (Bischoff), glee club: soprano reoital June 1 at the Lincoln high in Silverton May 8. This year Mm. recitals it the Valair Conservatoire guson, has been engaged as soprano solo, "Morning" (Speaks). Miss school auditorium. The programme street combined the two high school de Musique et Art Dramatique was soloist at the Church of the Incarna- Clancy; "Chanson Provencale will consist of solos and en sembte choruses with her students' recital, given by a few of the students from n tion, New York city, where she suc- glee club. Part II rumbers. and will be given entire- which gave an added interest and the dramatic, art. violin and piano de- ceeded Corinne Rider Kelsey. Miss "Senorita" (Dessauer-Houseley- ), glee ly by children whose ages range from variety to the programme, which was partments in the assembly hall of c.lubi "Spanish Dance" (Rehfeld), Al 7 to 15. enjoyed by a capacity 234 Ferguson has been very successful - house. the conservatory. Tenth street. musically and last August sang herta Potter: "The Dusk Witch" (Am- ' Paul Gelvin, presented in recital .May 7, and was attended by another month at Chautaqua with the New brose), "De Coppah Moon" (Shelley), An excellent piano recital was last Wednesday .night by George large i.nd Interested audience, com- S glee club; contralto solo, A Rose In given by Nellie P. Mar- Street, yV York ymphony orchestra. - Stone and Hotchklss has been appointed posed mainly of parents and friends Mr. Carson writes that, while he is tne sua (rorsier", xvtiiiu, ui6i- guerite Cook, graduates of the music tenor soloist in the quartet of Rose of the students taking part. Whil happy in Tulsa, he misses his Port- nal stunt, "When the Clock Strikes departmrtit of Willamette university, City Park Presbyterian church. only juni'jrt, and most of them In land friends and the "lovely Pacific Twelve", written by Miss Letcher; ztsisted by Virgil Anderson and their firs year, the students coast climate." Mr. and Mrs. Carson Oregon songs, glee club. Lucile Ross, in Willamette university, Salem music lovers will be sur- performed creditably. The hope to be in this city for a visit of Salem, Or., May 10, anl was quite a prised and disappointed to learn that dramatic-ar- t students proved a de- several weeks next July and August. MUSIC BRIEFS. successful pleasant affair. Mrs. Stone Mrs. Hallie Parrish Hinges, who has light with their humorous readings Noar is the name of is been the vocalist the open-ai- r con- Adelina Patti - a student with Alice Holman. of Signs of breath and voice control soprano at St. Paul's Episco- certs given by thq in mudu-lat:o- PORTLAND SOPRANO IN TEXAS. a soloist - band Willson were evidenced by theMrequent ..nmV, Awerhrnnlr. Pa.. relin- park an- . nni The choir of St. Francis" Catholic for the last four years, has renu-ired- and the discreet Katherine s. soprano lgh, St. Paul's - R a3 soloist at church will repeat the Easter music nounced that she will not sing this gertures showel them to be prompted and specialist in songs of the Amen- church in West Philadel- - morning 11 o'clock mass. summer, says the Salem (Or.) Jour- can Indian, and up to Presbyterian this at the by the thought rather than mechani- who. her hus phia, Pa. The soloists will be Miss Catherine nal. A certain amount of money Is cally acquired. The participants band's recent death, was located in Calvin. Miss Gertrude Kunz. Miss appropriated by the taxpayers every city, now makes home at were Gladys Chrlstensen. Leon l'leu. this her Francis Richter. Portland's blind Esther Hogan, Secondo Destefanis; year for these concerts, and the vo- Marie Pauline Ten Eyck. Maude Paris, Tex. composer, appear in E. Louis Fried- - calist has been recompensed from Of late Mrs. Simmons resumed pianist and will Frank Tomlinson and Virginia Moncure. Jrjule Keeney, has a' benefit concert June 3 in the White rich. Miss Elsie Meyer is organist. the remainder of the funds left after lorothy Pike. Ruth Pedcrson, Dor her musical activities 'in different Taylor streets. violinist, Cather- the musicians have been paid. An r cities in Texas, good. Temple, Twelfth and Miss Irene Sullivan othy Kramer. The next recital and has made Covach-Friedric- insufficient amount of money this The most important recent musical ine director. more Intermediate sturents from the Reynolds will present season has prevented Mrs. Hinges depart-men- u work done by Mrs. Simmons was to Miss Martha vocal, ptano and dramat rt twenty of her Junior and intermediate Vocal students coming from out- from getting new music and having will take place May 27 at the sing for the Harmony club of Fort at Lincoln side towns to study with Mrs. Rose it raised to the necessary pitch re- Worth, Tex., the, club piano students in recital con .ervatory. largest musical high auditorium, 8:15 P. M., Coursen-Ree- d are Miss Marie Fried- - quired for such concert singing. in the state. She sang for the benefit school Saturday, May 21. Anyone who is rlck, Osegon City; Mrs. Will Schultz, Blanche Williams Segernten imir of the silver national jubilee of the interested will be velcome. Forest Grove; Mrs. Joe J. Thornton, Miss Abby Whiteside will rresent National Federation of Music clubs. Ruth Orser Sanders in piano re- programme uf songs by Kntherlm Wilsonville; Miss Anna Michels, Ore solo occasion The magnitude of this club's work piano gon Copeland Burling- - cital June 23 at hotel Glen at I'orvallin. dr., the Edgar E. Coursen acted as City: Mildred Or.-co- day "book fair" for tho was demonstrated last year when accompanist Irene Pavloska in ham. Grove; Mrs. Kicharu ballroom. The programme Is due to they gave Caruso $25,000 guarantee for Forest In piano litera- benefit of a public library. The Wednes- attract all interested l concert, sound- the armory at Salem last Williams. Sherwood, and Miss Ger songs used, teve-a- still In manu- for a built him a J1000 day night, where she sang at the trude Porter, Halsey. ture. The greatest demands tech- proof, dressing-roo- and had $5000 nically and musirally are made by the script, were "Tranquillity," "Good Apollo club concert. Pavloska scored Night." "Love Can "The Blue left in their treasury. Mrs. Simmons groups Of of Mary Adele Case "Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue" of !le." also sang for the Lions' club and a big success with three These students Bird." "Mr. Kobin." "The Linnet." "I songs. Vann were presented In song recital Bach. This is followed by two short Song." two of the large churches First arias and delightful numbers by Brahms. The Heard a Ltrk Sing." "Love Broadway Presby May 7: Mrs. Amy Trannis. Mrs. Laura Presbyterian and Soloists before the Tuesday club's Scheonborn. Mrs. Dr. Benewa, Mrs. Chopin group includes the "C Minor .t terian. Of the criticisms this one - not only 1st meeting were Miss Adele Bar- Bessie Wire. Miss Dorothy Terril'.. is most significant: "It is nickel, who sang "The Sunshine of Miss Elizabeth Martin, soprano; Mrs. her singing that wins for her the a Voice McWhinney, Mrs. W. B. Green plaudits of the public; it is the Intel Your Smile" and "Somewhere Vesta lect behind Mrs. Simmons' singing.'- Is Calling" (Tate), and Mrs. Irene Mrs. Grace Wentworth, contralto; Strowbridge-Wheele- r, who sang Cad-man- 's Eert Norblatt, Fred Tooze Jr.. Lyman Fort Worth Record. At San Angelo - as- - "The Heart of Her" and "Pass- Warnock, baritone, and Homer faeig - Mrs. Simmons gave a concert, also I . 1T , V. S7f J'YecZ. Cfjosr. organizing a permanent ing nyn.
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