LTC4053-4.2 USB Compatible Lithium-Ion Battery Charger with Thermal Regulation FEATURES DESCRIPTIO U ■ Charges Single-Cell Li-Ion Batteries Directly from The LTC®4053 is a standalone linear charger for lithium- USB Port ion batteries that can be powered directly from a USB port. ■ Thermal Regulation Maximizes Charge Rate The IC contains an on-chip power MOSFET and eliminates without Risk of Overheating* the need for an external sense resistor and blocking diode. ■ Programmable Charge Current with ±7% Accuracy Thermal regulation automatically adjusts charge current ■ Low Dropout Operation to limit die temperature during high power or high ambient ■ No External MOSFET, Sense Resistor or Blocking temperature conditions. This feature protects the end Diode Required product and the LTC4053 from thermal stress while the IC ■ Programmable Charge Termination Timer charges the battery at maximum rate without interruption. ■ Preset Charge Voltage with ±1% Accuracy The charge current and charge time can be set externally ■ C/10 Charge Current Detection Output with a single resistor and capacitor, respectively. When ■ AC Present Logic Output the input supply (wall adapter or USB supply) is removed, ■ 25µA Supply Current in Shutdown Mode the LTC4053 automatically enters a low current sleep ■ Automatic Recharge mode, dropping the battery drain current to less than 5µA. ■ Charge Current Monitor Useful for Gas Gauging ■ Thermistor Input for Temperature Qualified Charging The LTC4053 also includes NTC temperature sensing, ■ Available in 10-pin thermally enhanced MSOP and C/10 detection circuitry, AC present logic, low battery low profile (0.75mm) 3mm × 3mm DFN packages charge conditioning (trickle charging) and shutdown (25µA U supply current). APPLICATIO S The LTC4053 is available in 10-pin thermally enhanced ■ Cellular Telephones MSOP and low profile (0.75mm) DFN packages. ■ Handheld Computers , LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. ■ Charging Docks and Cradles Protected by U.S. Patents including 6522118, 6700364. ■ MP3 Players ■ Digital Cameras U TYPICAL APPLICATIO Charge Current vs Input Voltage USB Powered Standalone Li-Ion Charger 600 TA = 25°C R = 3k V = 3.95V PROG 500 BAT USB PORT 2 9 SYSTEM V BAT 4.35V TO 5.5V CC + LOAD Li-Ion 400 LTC4053-4.2 BATTERY VBAT = 4.05V (mA) 300 4 8 BAT TIMER SHDN SUSPEND I GND NTC PROG 200 4.7µF USB CONTROL 56 7 3.74k V = 4.15V µC BAT 100 100mA/ 0.1µF 15k 500mA 0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 VCC (V) 4053TA01 4053 G04 4053fa 1 LTC4053-4.2 WW U ABSOLUTE AXI UW RATI GS (Note 1) Input Supply Voltage (VCC) ....................................... 7V Junction Temperature.......................................... 125°C BAT ........................................................................... 7V Operating Temperature Range (Note 3) ...–40°C to 85°C NTC, SHDN, TIMER, PROG ............ –0.3V to VCC + 0.3V Storage Temperature Range CHRG, FAULT, ACPR .................................. –0.3V to 7V MSE.................................................. – 65°C to 150°C BAT Short-Circuit Duration .......................... Continuous DD .................................................... – 65°C to 125°C BAT Current (Note 2) ............................................. 1.3A Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) PROG Current (Note 2) ....................................... 1.3mA MSE.................................................................. 300°C W PACKAGE/ORDER IUU FOR ATIO TOP VIEW ORDER PART ORDER PART TOP VIEW CHRG 1 10 ACPR NUMBER CHRG 1 10 ACPR NUMBER V 2 9 BAT CC VCC 2 9 BAT FAULT 3 11 8 SHDN LTC4053EDD-4.2 FAULT 3 11 8 SHDN LTC4053EMSE-4.2 TIMER 4 7 PROG TIMER 4 7 PROG GND 5 6 NTC GND 5 6 NTC MSE EXPOSED PAD PACKAGE 10-LEAD PLASTIC MSOP DD PACKAGE DD PART MARKING MSE PART MARKING 10-LEAD (3mm × 3mm) PLASTIC DFN TJMAX = 125°C, θJA = 40°C/W (NOTE 4) TJMAX = 125°C, θJA = 40°C/W (NOTE 4) EXPOSED PAD (PIN 11) IS GND EXPOSED PAD (PIN 11) IS GND LBQC (MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB) LTZT (MUST BE SOLDERED TO PCB) Order Options Tape and Reel: Add #TR Lead Free: Add #PBF Lead Free Tape and Reel: Add #TRPBF Lead Free Part Marking: http://www.linear.com/leadfree/ Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The ● denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. VCC = 5V SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS VCC VCC Supply Voltage ● 4.25 6.5 V ICC VCC Supply Current Charger On; Current Mode; RPROG = 30k (Note 5) ● 12 mA Shutdown Mode; VSHDN = 0V ● 25 50 µA Sleep Mode VCC < VBAT or VCC ≤ 4V ● 25 50 µA VBAT VBAT Regulated Float Voltage ● 4.158 4.2 4.242 V IBAT Battery Pin Current RPROG = 3k; Current Mode ● 465 500 535 mA RPROG = 15k; Current Mode ● 93 100 107 mA Shutdown Mode; VSHDN = 0V ±1 ±3 µA Sleep Mode VCC < VBAT or VCC < (VUV – ∆VUV) ±1 ±3 µA ITRIKL Trickle Charge Current VBAT < 2V; RPROG = 3k ● 35 50 65 mA VTRIKL Trickle Charge Trip Threshold VBAT Rising 2.48 V ∆VTRIKL Trickle Charge Trip Hysteresis 100 mV VUV VCC Undervoltage Lockout Voltage VCC Rising ● 4 4.25 V ∆VUV VCC Undervoltage Lockout Hysteresis 200 mV VMSD Manual Shutdown Threshold Voltage SHDN Pin Voltage 0.6 1.3 V VASD Automatic Shutdown Threshold Voltage (VCC - VBAT) High to Low 35 mV (VCC - VBAT) Low to High 70 mV 4053fa 2 LTC4053-4.2 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The ● denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. VCC = 5V SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS VPROG PROG Pin Voltage RPROG = 3k, IPROG = 500µA 1.5 V ICHRG CHRG Pin Weak Pulldown Current VCHRG = 1V 15 30 50 µA VCHRG CHRG Pin Output Low Voltage ICHRG = 5mA 0.35 0.6 V VACPR ACPR Pin Output Low Voltage IACPR = 5mA 0.35 0.6 V VFAULT FAULT Pin Output Low Voltage IFAULT = 5mA 0.35 0.6 V IC/10 End of Charge Indication Current Level RPROG = 3k 44 50 56 mA tTIMER TIMER Accuracy CTIMER = 0.1µF10% VRECHRG Recharge Battery Voltage Threshold Battery Voltage Falling 4.035 V VNTC-HOT NTC Pin Hot Threshold Voltage VNTC Falling 2.5 V VHOT-HYS NTC Pin Hot Hysteresis Voltage 80 mV VNTC-COLD NTC Pin Cold Threshold Voltage VNTC Rising 4.375 V VCOLD-HYS NTC Pin Cold Hystersis Voltage 80 mV VNTC-DIS NTC Pin Disable Threshold Voltage VNTC Rising 100 mV VDIS-HYS NTC Pin Disable Hystersis Voltage 10 mV TLIM Junction Temperature in 105 °C Constant-Temperature Mode RON Power MOSFET “ON” Resistance 375 mΩ Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which the life temperature range are assured by design, characterization and correlation of a device may be impaired. with statistical process controls. Note 2: The Absolute Maximum BAT Current Rating of 1.3A is guaranteed Note 4: Failure to solder the exposed backside of the package to the PC by design and current density calculations. The Absolute Maximum PROG board will result in a thermal resistance much higher than 40°C/W. Current Rating is guaranteed to be 1/1000 of BAT current rating by design. Note 5: Supply current includes PROG pin current (approximately 50µA) Note 3: The LTC4053E is guaranteed to meet performance specifications but does not include any current delivered to the battery through the BAT from 0°C to 70°C. Specifications over the –40°C to 85°C operating pin (approximately 50mA). 4053fa 3 LTC4053-4.2 TYPICAL PERFOR A CEUW CHARACTERISTICS Battery Regulation Voltage Battery Regulation Voltage Battery Regulation Voltage vs Battery Charge Current vs Temperature vs VCC 4.22 4.24 4.210 VCC = 5V VCC = 5V TA = 25°C 4.22 4.208 RPROG = 3k 4.21 RPROG = 3k I = 10mA 4.20 4.206 BAT 4.20 4.18 4.204 4.16 4.202 (V) (V) 4.19 (V) 4.200 BAT BAT 4.14 BAT V V V 4.198 4.18 4.12 4.196 4.10 4.194 4.17 VCC = 5V 4.08 RPROG = 3k 4.192 IBAT = 10mA 4.16 4.06 4.190 050 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 –50 –25 0 2550 75 100 125 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 IBAT (mA) TEMPERATURE (°C) VCC (V) 4053 G01 4053 G02 4053 G03 Charge Current vs Ambient Temperature with Thermal Charge Current vs Input Voltage Charge Current vs Battery Voltage Regulation 600 550 1000 TA = 25°C VCC = 5V 500 RPROG = 3k TA = 25°C 900 VBAT = 3.95V 500 450 RPROG = 3k 800 400 400 700 V = 4.05V 350 BAT 600 300 THERMAL CONTROL (mA) (mA) LOOP IN OPERATION 300 (mA) 500 250 BAT BAT BAT I I 200 I 400 200 150 300 VBAT = 4.15V 200 100 100 VCC = 5V 50 100 VBAT = 3.5V RPROG = 1.5k 0 0 0 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 VCC (V) VBAT (V) TEMPERATURE (°C) 4053 G04 4053 G05 4053 G06 Undervoltage Lockout Voltage Shutdown Supply Current Manual Shutdown Threshold vs Temperature vs Temperature Voltage vs Temperature 4.05 30 1.30 VSHDN = 0V 4.04 1.25 VCC = 6.5V 25 4.03 1.20 VCC = 5.5V 4.02 1.15 VCC = 6V 20 VCC = 5.5V 4.01 1.10 A) (V) µ (V) 4.00 ( 15 VCC = 4.5V 1.05 UV MSD CC V I 3.99 V 1.00 VCC = 5V 3.98 10 0.95 VCC = 4.5V 3.97 0.90 5 3.96 0.85 3.95 0 0.80 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 –50 –25 0 2550 75 100 125 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 125 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) 4053 G07 4053 G08 4053 G09 4053fa 4 LTC4053-4.2 TYPICAL PERFOR A CEUW CHARACTERISTICS PROG Pin Voltage PROG Pin Voltage vs VCC PROG Pin Voltage vs Temperature vs Charge Current Constant Current Mode Constant Current Mode 1.6 1.515 1.515 VCC = 5V VBAT = 3.5V VCC = 5V 1.4 TA = 25°C TA = 25°C VBAT = 4V 1.510 1.510 RPROG = 3k RPROG = 3k RPROG = 3k 1.2 1.505 1.505 1.0 (V) (V) (V) 0.8 1.500 1.500 PROG PROG PROG V V V 0.6 1.495 1.495 0.4 1.490 1.490 0.2 0 1.485 1.485 0 50100 150 200 250 300350 400 450 500 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 –50 –25 0255075 100 CHARGE CURRENT (mA)
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