Our Lady Of Grace Church In Colchester Village Physical Address: 784 Main Street Mailing Address: 800 Main Street • Colchester, VT 05446 Parish Office/Rectory (802) 878-5987 • Hall (802) 879-5411 • Fax (802) 871-5537 PARISH WEBSITE: HOLYCROSS-OLOG.VERMONTCATHOLIC.ORG Father William Beaudin Weekend Mass Schedule Pastor Saturday 4:00 PM 878-5987 or 863-3002 Sunday 10:30 AM Mrs. Veronica Hershberger, MA Lay Ecclesial Minister Weekday Masses 849-2878 As scheduled in the weekly bulletin Director of Religious Education 878-9280 [email protected] Holy Day Masses Parish Office As scheduled in the weekly bulletin. Monday, Thursday and Friday 9:00 AM to noon Sacrament of Reconciliation 878-5987 Any time upon request. [email protected] Baptisms Parent instruction required. Please call the Parish Office/Rectory for an appointment. Marriages Please arrange six months in advance to allow for Pre-Cana instructions. Anointing of The Sick Anyone planning to enter the hospital for sur- gery, who is experiencing a prolonged and serious illness or is weak due to illness or aging, please call the Parish Office to arrange for the celebration of the Anointing of the Sick. Parish Mission Statement That God’s pastoral plan of prayer, working together to build the Kingdom and celebrating life, be a reality at Our Lady of Grace OUR LADY OF GRACE CHURCH COLCHESTER, VERMONT Dear Friends, “Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.” (Matthew 25:13) Not today, not today, nothing will ever happen today say most of us when thinking about the Lord’s coming. It is not accidental that it is a central MASSES FOR DECEMBER 5 TO DECEMBER 13 Advent theme. John the Baptist proclaims it constantly. Jesus does likewise as seen in the above passage. SATURDAY DECEMBER 5 4:00 PM Wayne St. Peter (Birthday and 4th Anniv) by Yet we push it away. Most would say that thinking about such things is a The Family downer as we prepare for Christmas. More importantly, our heart is what All Souls Intentions requires preparation as the Christ-child comes closer. In this regard, nothing SUNDAY DECEMBER 6 is more important that being awake and ready. 10:30 AM The Parishioners of Our Lady of Grace “Without any doubt, for the Christian, everything hinges on the immi- Samuel B. Lee (Anniv) by the Family nence of Christ’s return. Every Christian must, or ought to, live every mo- MONDAY DECEMBER 7 NO MASS ment with a lively consciousness that Christ may call him the very next TUESDAY DECEMBER 8 NO MASS moment to appear before him and be judged for eternity according to what WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 9 he has done with his life up to then. 5:30 PM Janet Carey by Therese Fosher Every hour of every day the whole Church repeats: “Come, Lord Jesus! THURSDAY DECEMBER 10 NO MASS Come soon!” And she is always ready to welcome him. What does this really mean? It simply emphasizes the extreme and necessary urgency for FRIDAY DECEMBER 11 NO MASS every Christian to practice perfect charity. It means that he must constantly SATURDAY DECEMBER 12 try to live in the love which is the love shown him by God, the love which is 4:00 PM Donald Gendreau by the Family the life of God.” (Father Louis Bouyer) The Parishioners of Our Lady of Grace SUNDAY DECEMBER 13 If that is the case, a few questions might help your meditation this week. 10:30 AM William Paul Shine III (4th Anniv) by the * Do I believe Christ is coming? Hershbergers * Do I believe Christ will judge me with mercy and love? Richard Goodine (Birthday Remembrance) by * In what ways can I practice charity today, tomorrow, this week? Theresa Cressy * Who will I extend this charity toward? * Will I embrace God’s love in the process? READINGS FOR THE WEEK The correct answer would be yes. Let us pray that it be so. MONDAY: IS 35:1-10; LK 5:17-26 TUESDAY: GN 3:9-15, 20; EPH 1:3-6, 11-12; LK 1:26-38 Sincerely, WEDNESDAY: IS 40:25-31; MT 11:28-30 Fr. Beaudin THURSDAY: IS 41:13-20; MT 11; 11-15 “********************************************************** FRIDAY: IS 48:17-19; MT 11:16-19 SATURDAY: ZEC 2:14-17; LK 1;26-38 MASS SIGN-IN MANDATE FROM BISHOP COYNE SUNDAY: IS 61:1-2,10-11; 1 THES 5:16-24; JN 1:6-8, Bishop Coyne has mandated that everyone who attends Mass 19-28 must sign in in the event that “contact tracing” is necessary. ***************************************************** OFFERTORY DONATIONS: There is a sign-in sheet at the main front entrance, please NOVEMBER 22: $1,573.00 CLEARLY print your name AND phone number on the NOVEMBER 29: $1,365.00 sheet. If you or someone in your household tests positive for **************************************************** the coronavirus, you are asked to please call the parish office MASK MANDATE: UPDATE FROM BISHOP COYNE (878-5987) so that others who were at the same Mass that you With the recent sharp increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in Ver- attended can be notified of a possible exposure to the virus. mont and having learned that more people are no longer wearing masks at Mass, Bishop Coyne has re-iterated that masks are required for all at- Your name and any other information will be kept strictly tendees for the entire celebration of the Mass (excluding children 2 and confidential. Thank you for your cooperation, concern and under). This action is being taken to ensure that all our parishioners are safe Christian charity toward your fellow parishioners. at Mass and so that we can continue the public celebration of the sacra- ************************************************* ments. In the event that Bishop Coyne learns of a parish/community not abiding by this requirement, the public celebration of Mass and the sacra- CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE AT OUR LADY OF GRACE ments will be suspended in that parish. Parishioners are reminded that the obligation to attend Mass continues THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24: 4:00 PM (please note new Mass time) to be suspended at this time. and 7:30 PM ***** FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25: 10:30 AM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8 PLEASE NOTE: SEATING IS VERY LIMITED AND TICKETS THE FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ARE REQUIRED TO ENTER THE CHURCH. YOU WILL RE- CEIVE MORE INFORMATION REGARDING HOW TO OB- Mass will be at Holy Cross Church at 12:00 PM TAIN TICKETS IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS. SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 6, 2020 ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS DEADLINE: CAKE MIXES AND FROSTING - this Sunday, De- Traditions, rituals and customs are a part of most family life. They create cember 6. Please have all donations to the church or parish office by Sunday, December 6. The parish office is open on Monday, Thursday Memories and bonds among family members. These practices can also and Friday mornings between 9 AM and noon. Thank you!! be recognized at “spiritual” as they celebrate both God’s love for us and our love for each other. Often traditions may have a religious origin which ********************************************************************* has been forgotten or buried by Commercial use. ADVENT You and your family might want to reflect during this ADVENT season Something to think about….. on your Christmas preparations with a new perspective. It can be difficult TO PREPARE our lives for Christ amidst the busy THE ADVENT WREATH- The wreath, a circle of evergreen, is a preparations of a material Christmas. symbol of God/eternity– with no beginning and no end. The color The four weeks before Christmas are a time TO PREPARE ourselves green represents the hope that came into the world with the birth of and our families to celebrate Christ’s birth; TO PREPARE our minds to accept that God’s Son became a baby, lived and died for us; TO Christ. Four candles (symbolizing Christ, the Light of he World PREAPRE our hearts to accept God’s forgiveness and change our ways; and the four weeks of Advent); three purple, the color for the TO PREPARE our souls and receive God’s healing through the cele- season and one rose, which is lit on the third Sunday of Advent to bration of Mass; to take part in not only the work of PREPARATION but also the hopes and joys in the midst of our work. mark the halfway point of Advent. A prayer is said each week at the ********************************************************* candle lighting in the parish and might also be done at home at the COATS FOR KIDS CAMPAIGN: Gadue’s Dry Cleaning has begun Sunday dinner. its annual “Coats for Kids” campaign. For over 30 years, Gadue’s has ADVENT CALENDARS– Made of paper, felt or something more supplied warm winter clothing to families throughout Chittenden and permanent is a fun way to mark the passing of the days awaiting Franklin counties. This year, the need is greater than ever and donations are down. Drop off gently used coats, snow pants, hats, mittens, scarves the birth of the Christ Child. The idea has long been popular in and winter boots at any Gadue’s Dry Cleaning location (see our website Europe where a window is opened each day from the first day of for locations: www.gadhues.com). Gadue’s will clean and recondition Advent to Christmas Day. items and then distribute them through local agencies and schools to those children and families who need warm clothing to face the winter ahead. WINDOW LIGHTS—Believed to have come from an old Irish All sizes needed– adult through infant– but articles should be limited to tradition remembering the journey of Joseph and Mary.
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