Species of mammal in the Lolldaiga Hills Conservation Landscape, Laikipia County, central Kenya Table 1. Larger mammals (body weight >3 kg)¹ Order² Scientific Common Cate- Ole Loll- Ena- Ol name name² gory of Naishu daiga soit Jogi threat³ Hyracoidea Dendrohyrax Southern tree LC * * arboreus hyrax Heterohyrax Bush hyrax LC * * brucei Procavia Rock hyrax LC * * capensis Proboscidea Loxodonta Savanna VU * * africana elephant Tubulidentata Orycteropus Aardvark LC * * afer Primates Homo sapiens Modern human LC * * Colobus Guereza LC * guereza monkey Papio anubis Olive baboon LC * * Erythrocebus Patas monkey NT * patas Chlorocebus Vervet LC * * pygerythrus monkey Cercopithecus Gentle monkey LC * mitis Rodentia Hystrix North African LC * * cristata crested porcupine Lagomorpha Lepus African LC * * victoriae savanna hare Carnivora Canis adustus Side-striped LC * jackal Canis Black-backed LC * * mesomelas jackal Lycaon pictus African wild EN * * dog Otocyon Bat-eared fox LC * * megalotis Aonyx African LC * * capensis clawless otter Mellivora Ratel LC * * capensis 1 Panthera leo Lion VU * * Panthera Leopard NT * * pardus Caracal Caracal LC * * caracal Leptailurus Serval LC * * serval Acinonyx Cheetah VU * * jubatus Felis silvetris Wildcat LC * * Genetta Common genet LC * genetta Genetta Large-spotted LC * maculate genet Hyaena Striped hyaena LC * * hyaena Crocuta Spotted hyaena LC * * crocuta Proteles Aardwolf LC * * cristatus Herpestes Egyptian LC * ichneumon mongoose Ichneumia White-tailed LC * * albicauda mongoose Perissodactyla Equus grevyi Grévy’s zebra EN * * Equus quagga Plains zebra LC * * Ceratotherium White NT * simum** rhinoceros Diceros Black CR * bicornis rhinoceros Cetartiodactyla Potamochoer- Bushpig LC * * us larvatus Phacochoerus Common LC * * africanus warthog Hippopotamus Common VU * * amphibious hippopotamus Giraffa Reticulated VU * * reticulata giraffe Syncerus African LC * * caffer buffalo Tragelaphus Greater kudu LC * * strepsiceros Tragelaphus Bushbuck LC * * scriptus Tragelaphus Common eland LC * * oryx 2 Nesotragus Suni LC * moschatus Sylvicapra Common LC * * grimmia duiker Raphicerus Steenbok LC * * campestris Madoqua Günther’s dik- LC * * guentheri dik Eudorcas Thomson’s NT * * thomsonii gazelle Nanger notata Bright’s LC * * gazelle Litocranius Gerenuk NT * * walleri Redunca Mountain LC * * fulvorufula reedbuck Kobus Waterbuck LC * * ellipsiprymnus Oreotragus Klipspringer LC * * oreotragus Aepyceros Impala LC * * melampus Alcelaphus Hartebeest LC * * buselaphus Oryx beisa Beisa oryx NT * * Table 2. Threatened subspecies of larger mammal Scientific name Common name Category of threat Erythrocebus patas Eastern patas monkey VU pyrrhonotus Redunca fulvorufula chanleri Chanler’s mountain reedbuck VU Alcelaphus buselaphus lelwel Lelwel hartebeest (including Jackson’s EN hartebeest) Table 3. Smaller mammals (body weight <3 kg)4,5 Order² Scientific Common Cate- Ole Loll- Ena- Ol name name² gory of Naishu daiga Soit Jogi threat³ Macroscelididea Elephantulus Rufous LC * * rufescens sengi 3 Primates Galago Kenya lesser LC * * senegalensis galago Rodentia Paraxerus Ochre bush LC * * ochraceus squirrel Xerus Striped LC * * erythropus ground squirrel Xerus rutilus Unstriped LC * * ground squirrel Graphiurus Forest LC * murinus African dormouse Saccostomus Mearn’s LC * * mearnsi pouched mouse Dendromus Montane LC * insignis African climbing mouse Lophiomys Maned rat LC * imhausi Acomys c.f. Percival’s LC * percivali spiny mouse Acomys Wilson’s LC * wilsoni spiny mouse Gerbilliscus Fringe-tailed LC * * vicinus gerbil Taterillus Harrington’s LC * harringtoni tateril Aethomys Hind’s veld LC * hindei rat Arvicanthis Nile grass LC * * niloticus rat Grammomys Woodland LC * dolichurus thicket rat Lemniscomys Striated LC * striatus grass mouse Mus sp.? Pygmy LC * * mouse Myomyscus Brockman’s LC * brockmani meadow mouse Rattus rattus Black rat LC * Erinaceomorpha Atelerix White- LC * albiventris bellied hedgehog Soricomorpha Crocidura Savanna LC * fulvastra shrew 4 Crocidura Bicoloured LC * fuscomurina musk shrew Crocidura Hildegarde’s LC * * hildegardeae shrew Crocidura Somali LC * nana dwarf shrew Crocidura Small-footed LC * parvipes shrew Chiroptera Epomophorus Wahlberg’s LC * * wahlbergi epauletted fruit bat Rhinolophus Eloquent LC * eloquens horseshoe bat Rhinolophus Rüppell’s LC * fumigatus horseshoe bat Hipposideros Sundevall’s LC * caffer leaf-nosed bat Triaenops African LC * afer trident bat Miniopterus Long- * sp.? fingered bat Cardioderma Heart-nosed LC * cor bat Lavia frons Yellow- LC * * winged bat Nycteris Egyptian LC * * thebaica slit-faced bat Tadarida Egyptian LC * aegyptiaca free-tailed bat Tadarida Madagascan LC * fulminans free-tailed bat Tadarida cf. Big-eared LC * lobata free-tailed bat Tadarida Little free- LC * * pumila tailed bat Laephotis De Winton’s LC * * wintoni long-eared bat Pipistrellus Cape LC * * capensis pipistrelle Pipistrellus ? pipistrelle * sp.1? 5 Pipistrellus ? pipistrelle * sp. 2? Scotophilus Yellow- LC * * dinganii bellied house bat Scotophilus cf. Nut- LC * nux coloured house bat Myotis Temminck’s LC * tricolor myotis Carnivora Ictonyx Zorilla LC * * striatus Herpestes Slender LC * * sanguineus mongoose Helogale Dwarf LC * * parvula mongoose ¹ These are mammal species for which adult males attain a body weight of >3 kg (i.e., size of bush hyrax, African savanna hare, or larger). ² The taxonomy and common names applied here are taken from: Kingdon, J., Happold, D., Butynski, T., Hoffmann, M., Happold, M. & Kalina, J. (eds.). 2013. Mammals of Africa (6 vols.). Bloomsbury Publishing, London. ³ Degree of threat category and abbreviations taken from: IUCN. 2015. 2015 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Website: www.iucnredlist.org Abbreviations: CR: Critically Endangered; EN: Endangered; VU: Vulnerable; NT: Near Threatened; DD: Data Deficient; LC: Least Concern; NE: Not Evaluated. 4 These are mammal species for which adult males attain a body weight of <3 kg (i.e., smaller than a bush hyrax or African savanna hare). 5 Sources for ‘Smaller mammals’ list: Butynski, T. M., De Jong, Y. A., Roberts, M., Kerbis Peterhans, J. C., J. Mathiu, J., & McDonough, M. Personal observations. Hodge, A. C. 2014. Lolldaiga Hills mammal survey, 2014. Unpublished report to Lolldaiga Hills Ltd, Nanyuki, Kenya. Webala, P. W. 2014. Bats of Lolldaiga Hills Ltd. and Ol Jogi Conservancy. Unpublished report to Lolldaiga Hills Ltd and Ol Jogi Conservancy, Nanyuki, Kenya. * Species present at this site. ** Introduced species. 6 Some totals: • Total species of larger mammal: 57. Of these, 8 are ‘Threatened’ (1 is ‘Critically Endangered’, 2 are ‘Endangered’, 5 are ‘Vulnerable’). Five species are ‘Near Threatened’. • Total species of smaller mammal: 49. None are listed on the IUCN Red List as ‘Threatened’. • Total species of mammal: 106 • Total primates: 7 • Total carnivores: 22 • Total ungulates: 25 • Total rodents: 19 • Total bats: 20 • Total shrews: 5 A few more species of larger mammal, and a large number of smaller mammal, are expected to be added to these lists. Contact Tom Butynski ([email protected]) or Yvonne de Jong ([email protected]) if you have any additions to this list, find errors, or have comments or requests. Prepared by Thomas M. Butynski, Yvonne A. de Jong, Michael Roberts, Julius Mathiu, Lorna A. Depew, and Julian Kerbis Petershan. Updated: 16 January 2018 7 .
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