Public Document Pack ROCHDALE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL CABINET Monday, 3 February 2014 at 6.15 pm SUPPLEMENTARY PAPERS 4a Rochdale Borough Transport Strategy Refresh – Appendices 4b Rochdale Borough Local Flood Risk Management Strategy - Appendices ROCHDALE BOROUGH TRANSPORT STRATEGY 2014 REFRESH Mark Widdup Director of Economy and Environment Enquiries: please contact :- Strategic Planning Service Email: [email protected] Tel: (01706) – 924361 February 2014 Page 1 Vision By 2026 Rochdale Borough will have an affordable, sustainable, reliable, accessible and integrated transport network that offers travel choice for all, serves its communities, tackles air quality and climate change, enhances social inclusion, public health and supports economic growth and regeneration of the local area. Underlying Principles Support the Borough’s environment, sustainability and public health agenda, tackling climate change through reducing emissions from transport, influencing travel choice, reducing natural resource use and carbon emissions and improving air quality by offering more opportunities / choice for people to travel actively, and by sustainable means. Support the Borough’s strategic land use objectives which will better integrate with transport provision and support economic growth, access to employment opportunities, housing and other development in accessible locations where there is network capacity and connectivity is good. Address concerns from the public who experience increasing delays and congestion, reducing journey reliability into, out of and around the Borough undermining business efficiency, discouraging local economic investment and reducing ”Quality of Life” for residents. Support regeneration. Successful communities and development opportunities are dependent on high quality, reliable and affordable access to jobs, health, education and other key local amenities. Addressing this is integral to the Council’s Sustainable Communities Strategy aspirations and this Transport Strategy provides a framework to make delivery of this possible. STRATEGIC RAIL TRAVEL BETTER BUSES MORE & SAFER CYCLING WALK IN THE RIGHT SMARTER TRAVEL – TACKLE EFFECTIVE & EFFICIENT CONNECTING PEOPLE & DIRECTION CONGESTION FREIGHT PLACES Improve quality, image & Make bus travel more, Develop a culture of cycle Encourage people to take Keep people & goods Improve journey time Prioritise local connectivity, choice for rail passengers, reliable, attractive, commuting, short local trips on foot, moving to drive economic reliability to support local Public transport connecting Better stations, trains & punctual & competitive. Make cycling safer & Build walking into daily prosperity, economic growth. communities to key reliable services, Affordable fare structures. convenient, routines, Support a culture where Reduce impact of goods amenities, Improve integration with Improve service Maintain & develop a “fit Promote walking for residents can realistically vehicles on communities, Strategic Highway other modes, frequencies, operating for purpose” inclusive health & leisure, consider & plan Develop an effective connections that provide Flexible / smart ticketing on all hours & route choice to network, Improve air quality & sustainable travel, integrated freight network reliable access for business forms of public transport. match demand. Better road safety & reduce congestion, Exploit opportunities to (road, rail & water), & address bottlenecks, Affordable fare structures. Better bus interchange personal security, Develop & maintain an demonstrate “Value for Support improved vehicle Efficient transport Page 2 Direct access to a wider range with other modes, Promote cycling as an inclusive PROW & wider Money” to the customer. technology to reduce connectivity to jobs, goods LONG TERM OBJECTIVES TERM LONG of destinations, Improve door-to door active & healthy leisure walking network, Balance network demand environmental impact, & services. Improve passenger experience connection, activity, Develop a network for all with effective network Where possible locate Better integration between Greater involvement in Flexible / smart ticketing Build cyclist confidence by that is accessible & well management, minimising loading facilities enabling travel modes, investment & operational on all forms of public developing skills & connected for all.. impact in traffic sensitive quick, flexible deliveries. Ensure people get to where decisions. transport. providing information. areas. they want to go. TRAIN BUS CYCLE WALK CONGESTION FREIGHT INFRASTRUCTURE Deliver Northern Hub in full Maintain a viable bus Establish a cycle Establish an approved Pre-planning engagement Support & deliver GM Work with key partners & Support electrification, lobby network in the borough, development plan, Definitive PROW map. with developers to freight priorities, stakeholders to deliver: to include Calder Valley Line. Improved services to jobs Develop & deliver a Maintain an up to date promote sustainable travel Ensure local freight plans Rochdale TC Movement & Major improvement to & key destinations, connected cycle network, PROW Improvement Plan options that protect to commercial areas, Access Strategy, Rochdale Railway Station, & Take all opportunities to Deliver cycle networks Prioritise resources on network capacity, work & address impacts Measures to support 2026 - develop the Borough’s other improve bus priority, trip integral to Town Centre routes linking, networks, Promote sustainable travel on communities, economic growth & relieve stations as transport hubs. reliability & vehicles, developments, amenities & communities, to relieve bottlenecks, Explore demand for rail & congestion in Heywood & 2013 2013 Roll out small scale water freight , Middleton, - Lobby to improve line speeds, Continuous improvement Improve cycle parking, Ensure access for all, with service frequency & reliability, in interchange experience, with storage / changing routes including ramps, congestion relief solutions. Review, map & promote M62 J18-20 Managed Influence re-franchising, Through ticketing and facilities at key locations, seating & waiting shelters Use technology effectively freight routes with clear Motorway (HA scheme), Implement smart ticketing to interoperability for hassle- Ensure new developments Minimise barriers & trip to enhance efficient travel, signing & information, Explore fixed line extensions allow travel between forms of free trips, incorporate cycling, hazards, convey travel information Promote the borough as a to Metrolink, public transport on one ticket, Initiatives to promote a Deliver LSTF measures, Ensure new developments & reduce need to travel. choice location for freight Heywood PT interchange & KEY PROJECTS : PROJECTS KEY Equitable & affordable fares, more positive image of develop cycle training & include walking links to Release “value land” to / distribution, re-develop town centre, ELR extension to Castleton bus travel. promote commuter / key local destinations, deliver justified, affordable Review restrictions on Measures to meet access to Increase station Park & Ride, leisure cycling as a Promote / incentivise connectivity & network loading - addressing jobs, leisure, shopping & Explore tram-train opps. realistic option. walking. capacity improvements. congestion health services A TRANSPORT STRATEGY FOR ROCHDALE BOROUGH Transport Vision and Strategy – Page Summary Contents: Page 1. Introduction 1.1 Role and Purpose of the Transport Strategy, 1 1.2 The Challenge. 2 2. Strategic Context 2.1 Rochdale Borough Sustainable Communities Strategy (2011-2021) 5 2.2 Rochdale Borough Renaissance Masterplan 5 2.3 Greater Manchester Strategy 6 2.4 Greater Manchester Third Local Transport Plan (2011-2016) 7 2.5 Greater Manchester Transport Fund 9 2.6 Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) 10 2.7 Unitary Development Plan (UDP) & Local Development Framework (LDF) 11 2.8 Economic Development Strategy 13 2.9 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 14 2.10 Climate Change and Air Quality 15 2.11 Health and Well Being 16 2.12 Wider Governance Changes 16 3. The Current Situation – Movement Patterns in Rochdale Borough 18 3.1 Township Travel Patterns 20 3.2 Sustainable Transport Network 21 4. Key issues 4.1 Connecting Jobs, Education and Training Opportunities 23 4.2 Taking Advantage of Our Strategic Location to Access the Regional Centre 23 4.3 Improving Access to Town and Local centres and Transport Hubs, 25 4.4 Minimising Travel 25 4.5 Encouraging Walking and Cycling, 25 4.6 Prioritising Public Transport Improvements 26 4.7 Getting More from Heavy Rail Passenger Services 27 4.8 Maximising the Benefits of Metrolink 30 4.9 Improving Bus Service Integration, Reliability and Frequency 31 4.10 Congestion and Sustainable Improvements to the Highway Network, 32 4.11 Tackling Freight Issues, 34 4.12 Managing Travel Demand, 35 4.13 Network Management Duties, 35 4.14 Improving Local Transport Safety, 36 4.15 Maintaining the Transport Network 37 5. Linking Transport Proposals to the Strategy 38 5.1 Impact of the Action Plan on Travel in the Borough 42 6. Resourcing the Strategy 6.1 Greater Manchester Local Transport Plan 3 (LTP3) 44 6.2 Greater Manchester Transport Fund (GMTF) 44 6.3 Local Sustainability Transport Fund (LSTF) 45 6.4 Priority Investment Fund (PIF) 45 6.5 Regeneration Funding 45 6.6 GM City Deal “Earnback” 46 6.7 Private and Other Third Party Funding 47 Page 3
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