‘ SPECIALISSUE_ .- THE KENYAGAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.O.) Vol. CVIII—No.49 NAIROBI,7th July,2006 | - Price Sh. 50 GAZETTE NOTICE NO.5200 - THE TRANSPORTLICENSING ACT (Cap. 404) APPLICATIONS THE under mentioned applications will be considered by the Transport Licensing Board at St. Mary’s Pastoral Centre Hall, Nakuru on the following days: Monday, 17th July, 2006—NKU /R/06/2/01/to NKU/R/06/2/50. Tuesday, 18th July 2006—NKU/B/06/2/S t/to NKU/B/06/2/100. Wednesday, 19th July, 2006. Thursday, 20th July, 2006 to consider deferred cases and renewals for the year. Friday, Zist July, 2006. Every objection in respect of an application shall be lodged with the Licensing Authority and the DistrictCommissioner of the district in which such an application is. to be heard and a copy therefore shall be sent to the applicant not less than seven (7) days before the date at which such an application is to be heard. Objections received later will not be considered except where otherwisestated that the applications are for one vehicle. Every objector shall include the registration numberofhis/her vehicle (together with the timetables where applicable), operating on the applicants proposed route. ‘Those who submit applications in the namesofpartnership and companies must bring certificates of business registration to the Transport Licensing Board meeting. Applicants who are Kenya, Tanzania or Ugandacitizens oftnon-African origin must prodiice their certificates or any other documentary proof of their citizenship. Applicants who fail to attend the above meeting as required of this notice, without reasonable cause will have their applications refused and should therefore, not expect further communication from the Board. ROADSERVICE LICENCES NKU/R/06/2/01 Reuben Wachira Nguyo, P.O. Box 1293, Nyeri, NKU/R/06/2/04 ° Kenya Bus Services Management Limited, P.O. Route: Embakasi - Savanah — Nairobi KAR Box. 1243-00100, Nairobi. Route: Dandora - 371R, 14 passengers. : KNH - CBD - Juja Road KAG 819D, KAE NKU/R/06/2/02 Kenya Bus Services ManagementLimited, P.O. kan‘se eee sigD, KG web er - Box 1243-00100, Nairobi. Route: Kibera - : 199L, KAG 848X, KAC 021Y 62 passengers. Dandora — CBD — Juja Road, KAH 645K, KAH 686M, KAH 962B, KAG 394T, KAH 259N, NKU/R/06/2/05 Kenya Bus Services Management Limited, P.O. KAH 172L, KAH 351L, KAH 687M, KAG - Box 1243-00100, Route: Kayole - K.N.H CBD 817D 62 passengers. , ~ Jogoo Road KAE991E, KAG 291V, KAG NKU/R/06/2/03 Kenya Bus Services Management Limited, P.O. nee600KAPDOTS,KADOv, aH 2230. Box 1243-00100, Nairobi. Route: Kariobangi ~ KAM 417N 62 passengers. Ngumo - CBD — Juja Road KAE 793H, KAD 659K, KAE 977C, KAG 927D, KAG 289Y, NKU/R/06/2/06 Kenya Bus Services ManagementLimited, P.O. KAG 751D, KAG 789X, KAG 341Y, KAH. Box 1243-00100, Nairobi. Route: Huruma ~ 392D, KAD 619A, KAN 822Z 62 passengers. * Kawangware ~ CBD - Juja Road. KAD 846H, [1451 1452 THE KENYA GAZETTE 7th July, 2006 _ ROAD SERVICE LICENCES—(Conid.) . KUY279, KAE 696K, KAD 899D, KAH 184G, NKU/R/06/2/28 Jimbo Trading, P.O. Box -16593 Mombasa. KAH 097A,KAE 026D, KAD 1352, KAE ’ Route: Within Kenya. Tour van KAU 165B 8 749T, KAE 792H, KAE 0528,62 passengers. passengers. NKU/R/06/2/07 . Kenya Bus Services ManagementLimited, P.O., NKU/R/06//2/29 Shazad Limited, P.O. Box 99963-00100, P.O. Box 1243-00100, Nairobi..Route: Riruta — Nairobi Route: Ngumo - Railway and back Eastleigh Sec HJ CBD. KAD 779D, KAD 199], KAU 476F 14 passengers. KAH 835T, KAE 375Y, KAH 646P, KAE 183P. NKU/R/G6/2/30 Joseph Gatheca Kamu, P.O. Box 15637-00503, Nairobi Route: Kiserian ~ Ongata Rongai NKU/R/06/2/08 Kenya Bus Services Management Limited, P.O. Bomas KAV 538] 14 passengers. P.O. Box 1243-00100 Route: J.K.IL.A — Otiende - CBD. KAR 311P, KAR 312P, KAR 313P, NKU/R/06/2/31. Mathenge Simon Muchoki 12226-00100, . KAR 314, KAR 315P 67 passengers. Nairobi. Route: Ongata — Rongai - Bomas KAV _539 J 14 passengers. NKU/R/06/2/09 St. Mary Academy, P.O. Box 56668-00200, Nairobi. Route: Within Kenya.. School bus NKU/R/06/2/32 Jessikay Enterprises Limited, P.O. Box 40814, KAU 288D 29 passengers. Mombasa. Route: Within Kenya KAV 312C 9 passengers. NKU/R/06/2/10 St. Mary Academy, P.O. Box 56668-0200, Nairobi. Route: Within Kenya.. School bus KTS NKU/R/06/2/33 ’ Kenya Commercial. Bank, P.O. Box 48400, 137 60 passengers. Staff bus KAN 218¢ 14 passengers. NKU/R/06/2/11 St. Mary Academy, P.O. Box 56668-0200 NKU/R/06/2/34 Rusinga Investment Limited. Route: Within Nairobi Route: Within Kenya.. School bus. Kenya. Staff bus 51passengers. KAT513T 29 passengers. : » NKU/R/06/2/35 Peter Kairo Kiarie C/o Martin Nganga Mwangi, NKU/R/06/2/12 St. Philip’s High School, P.O. Box P.O. Box 267, Gatundu Route: Gatundu — 30527-00100, Nairobi. Route: Within Kenya.. Nairobi ~ Thika KAV 420C 14 passengers. ‘“KAV 861F 33 pagsengers. NKU/R/06/2/36 Sara-Lee Households and Body Care (K) NKU/R/06/2/13 Kariuki Severino K. C/o Neno Sacco, P.O. Box ” Limited, P.O. Box 30457-00100, Nairobi Staff 660, Embu. Route: Meru — Nairobi — Embu bus KAY239B 29 passengers. KAV 916G 10 passengers. NKU/R/06/2/37 Sara-Lee Hseholds and Bosycare’ (K) Limited, NKU/R/06/2/14 Jessikay Ent., P.O. Box 40814, Route: Muranga P.O. Box 30457-00100 KAV 238B 29 ~ Kiriani - Othaya KAU 185K 14passengers. passengers. NKU/R/06/2/15 Nippon Lanka (K) Limited, P.O. Box NKU/R/06/2/38 _ Francis Ndungu Mwangi Clo Joshoo K. 215618-00100,. Nairobi. Route: Staff van KAV Cheburel, P.O. Box 743 Eldama Ravine. Route: 271D, 14 passengers. Nakuru ~ Eldoret ~ Eldama Ravine. KAU 313E . 14 passengers. ~ NKU/R/06/2/16 . Patric Njuguna Ngigi, P.O. Box 931-20106 Molo.Route: Kisumu — Nairobi ~ Nakuru, KAV NKU/R/06/2/39 John Kahugu Munge, P.O. Box 611-00219 Route: ‘Banana ~ Nairobi ~ Eastlei KAV 279B 029H 14 passengers. 29 passengers. ‘ NKU/R/06/2/17 Ndakwe Peter Alfred, P.O. Box 30135-00100, Fred Uholo Amwoga, P.O. Box 81-50303 Nakuru Route: Within Kenya. School bus KAV NKU/R/06/2/40 Eregi, Route: Nairobi - Nyeri ~ Thika KAS . 154F 29 passengers. _ 159L. 14 passengers. NKU/R/06/2/18 NaganoInvestment, P.O. Box 42066, Mombasa. NKU/R/06/2/41 Divine Word Missionaries, P.O. Box Route: KAV 715C 14passengers. 30135-00100, Nairobi. Route: Schoolbus KAV NKU/R/06/2/19 St. Mary Academy, P.O. Box 56668~0200, 266B 46 passengers. ‘ Route: Within Kenya. School bus KAL 379N.22 NKU/R/06/2/42 Peter Kimunya Kirika, P.O. Box 270, Karuri passengers. Route: Kojamosque — Limuru —- Banana KAV NKU/R/06/2/20 Daniel Muli Kawinzi, P.O. Box 7808-00300 TOSR 14 passengers. Route: Nairobi ~ Kiserian - Karen ~ Ngong KAV 179H 14 passengers. NKU/R/06/2/43 Peter Kinona Masudi, P.O. Box 274, mengo Route: Mombasa - Bura Ngange KAU 505X NKU/R/06/2/21 Owira Noel O'amoth, P.O. Box 21824-00100, 14 passengers. Nairobi. Route: Railway — Kiserian ~ Rongai. George M. Marion, P.O. Box 1988-60100, KAV 485F 14’passengers, NKU/R/06/2/44 -Embu KAS 512A 14 passengers. NKU/R/O6/2/22 Bedan Ndirangu Mweru, P.O. Box 167-00900, NKU/R/06/2/45 Ngugi Kamau. Harrison, P.O. Box Nairobi. Route: Githiga — Nairobi ~ Kiambu 62344-00100, Nairobi. Route: Langata ~- ‘Town KAV 099K 14 passengers. Tom Mboya Street. KAV 192R 14 passengers. NKU/R/06/2/23 Tumaini Ministries, P.O. Box 3391-00506, _ NKR/R/06/2/46 Jessikay Enterprises, P.O. Box 40814 Mombasa. Nairobi. Route: Within Kenya. Tour van KAV 88. Route: Emba — Nairobi KAV 0477 14 passengers. _ NKU/R/06/2/24 Mark K. Sang, P.O. Box 6748, Nairobi: Route: Jessikay Enterprises Limited, P.O. Box 40814 Tour van KAV 280] 9 passengers. NKU/R/06/2/47 -Mombasa Route: Tour van KAV 584P 14 __ “” NKU/R/06/2/25 Arya Vedic School, P.O. Box 1506-00600, passengers. Nairobi. Route: Within Kenya. School bus KAQ NKU/R/06/2/48 Onttodek Kenya Limited, P.O. Box 612B 29 passengers. 2352-10140. Route: Tour van KAV 684F 7 NKU/R/06/2/26 Wothaya Elizabeth Annah, P.O. Box 870, passengers. Nairobi. KAV 177H 9 passengets. NKU/R/06/2/49 Meshack O. Sumba 30289 Nairobi Route: NKU/R/06/2/27 H. Kong Spares Clo C. Ireri, P.O. Box 476, Nairobi — Eldoret — Kisumu KAV 038Q” 62.- Kikuyu. Route: Kikuyu - Kinoo — Nairobi KAV passengers. 062C 14 passengers. 7th July, 2006 THE KENYA GAZETTE 1453 ROAD SERVICE LICENCES-——(Contd.) “B” CARRIERS LICENCES—(Contd.) NKU/R/06/2/50 Gerald Macharia M. P.O. Box 44599-00100, NKU/B/06/2/73 Caltex Oil (K) .Limited, P.O. Box Nairobi. Route: Kayole — Juja Road Eastleigh — 30061-00100, Route: Within Kenya. ZB 4221. Gikomba. KAV 832M 26passengers. trailer. “ B” CARRIERS LICENCES NKU/B/06/2/74 Express Kenya Limited, P.O. Box 40433-00100, Nairobi. Route: Within Kenya. NKU/B/06/2/51 Kauee Quarries Limited, P.O. Box 43021, ~ ZC 3704, ZC3705 trailer. Nairobi. Within Kenya. KAU 156T. NKU/B/06/2/75 George M. Amed, P.O. Box 87079, Mombasa. NKU/B/06/2/52 Fuelmax Holdings Limited, P.O. Box 43229, Route: Within Kenya. KAL 592Q Nissan.
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